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2025/03/04 17:00:00

QR code

A QR code is a matrix code that special sensors or conventional cameras can recognize as a two-dimensional image. Such code, made up of many squares, allows you to quickly transmit any information. At the same time, the code capacity for numbers is limited to 7089 digits, and for the Cyrillic alphabet in Windows-1251 encoding - 2953 letters.


QR code is a common way of transmitting information. This type of familiar barcode allows the owner of the smartphone to receive additional information about the product or museum exhibit, instantly enter contact information in the address book or open a website. The latter method is not secure because the code may contain links to malicious pages.

QR codes and information security risks

2024: Motorists are massively cheated on €1,000 by pasting fake QR codes on parking meters

In mid-October 2024, police in Ireland warned motorists about a fraudulent scheme in which fake QR codes are used on parking meters. Thus, fraudsters trick people into downloading malware to smartphone software or sending confidential financial information to websites controlled by criminals. According to reports, one woman from the Wicklow area lost 1,000 euros from her bank account after reading one of these QR codes. Read more here.

2023: US authorities warn of the danger of QR codes

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has warned[1] about the dangers of QR codes that attackers can use to hide phishing links. The FTC warning says that fraudsters can use QR codes to bring users to a phishing site. As a result, the user can reveal his secrets to strangers or install a malicious program on his device.

{{quote "There are reports of scammers sealing QR codes on parking meters with their own QR code," the FTC warning says. - And some crafty scammers can send you a QR code in a text message or email and offer you a reason why you should scan it.

A fraudster's QR code can lead you to a fake site that looks real, but is not. And if you log into a fake site, scammers can steal any information you enter. Or a QR code can install malware that steals your information before you know it.}}

FTC Guidelines for QR Code Abuse Protection

The FTC proposes to adhere to the principles of digital hygiene when scanning QR codes: check the link before navigating it; update the operating system of the device; and use multifactor authentication. To these recommendations, it is worth adding a check of the QR code carrier - if the sticker with it is clearly glued on top or is not an integral part of the announcement or nameplate with instructions, for example, using a parking room. Trust suspicious ads is not worth it.

The Moscow mayor's office also seems to have a negative attitude towards QR codes - RBC published[2] a message about a sent fax from[3] Moscow media department, which prohibits distributors of outdoor advertising from using QR codes on billboards. It, signed by Ivan Shubin, head of the media and advertising department of the city of Moscow, contains the following text:

I ask all advertisers who post advertising information on advertising structures installed in the city of Moscow to exclude the use of QR codes when forming and coordinating the design layout. The placement of a QR code operating as a link to an Internet resource containing various and changeable content may contain information that violates the Federal Law of 13.03.2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising," especially taking into account the increase in hacker attacks and hacking of information systems and sites.

The problem with checking a QR code is that it usually hides several transfers (redirects) to various resources on the Internet. The first is usually a link to the URL shortening system, which then sends the user to the ad counter, and only after that, at best, the user is sent to the final site that the advertiser meant. Naturally, intermediate systems also do not work perfectly and can be hacked or modified to redirect some or all users to third-party and possibly malicious resources.

The background of the story with advertising banners in Moscow turned out to be an incident when an organization recognized as extremist posted New Year's banners in the city, which had a QR code leading to the corresponding site without proper marking and containing political slogans. As the presidential company develops, there will most likely be more such QR advertising, since it is quite easy to re-label the code itself on advertisements, for example, at a public transport stop.

In general, we can state the emergence of a new field of activity for developers of security tools: creating an application for a mobile device that not only checks the QR code for its security, but conducts the user according to a sequence of redirects in such a way that his device on the one hand is not subjected to a phishing or malicious attack, and on the other hand, a correct and secure link to the corresponding resource was obtained. If the original link was malicious, then such an application should also warn about it. Since now QR codes are beginning to be used not only for advertising, but also for paying for goods, the need for such verification tools will only increase.

QR code in Russia

2024: How money is stolen in Russia using QR codes. Schemes

In Russia, an increase in the number of cases of fraud using QR codes was recorded. Attackers are developing new schemes that allow them to steal money and personal data of citizens. Experts from the Center for Digital Expertise of Roskachestvo on June 21, 2024 spoke about the most common methods of deception.

According to Roskachestvo, one of the popular schemes is the use of QR codes from online banks. Fraudsters call victims, posing as bank employees, and report a suspicious request to withdraw money. To cancel the operation, they ask you to send a screenshot of the QR code generated to withdraw cash from the ATM. Having received this code, fraudsters withdraw money from the victim's account.

In Russia, an increase in the number of cases of fraud using QR codes was recorded

Another scheme is related to social payments through state Public services. Attackers post fake ads with QR codes leading to phishing sites masquerading as Public services. Victims, scanning the code, go to the chatbot, where they are informed about the due payments. Under the guise of processing payments, fraudsters receive personal data and information about bank accounts.

Also, fraudsters use the replacement of QR codes with fake ones. They stick their codes on top of the original ones installed to pay for goods or services. When scanning such a code, the money goes to the account of the attackers. This method is used when paying for goods in stores, bills in cafes and city transport.

Sergey Kuzmenko, head of the Center for Digital Expertise of Roskachestvo, stressed that "QR codes are widely used and entered the daily life of citizens. Scammers are constantly coming up with new schemes to seize the funds of gullible users. "

In order not to become a victim of fraudsters, Roskachestvo experts recommend observing the basic rules of digital hygiene. When paying, it is better to use dynamic QR codes that are created for a specific transaction and displayed on the cashier's device. Before scanning a paper QR code, you need to verify its authenticity by checking with the cashier or waiter.[4]


QR codes and restrictions in the field of sports and culture were canceled in Moscow

Sergei Sobyanin canceled a significant part of the restrictions due to the improvement of the situation with COVID-19. This became known on March 3, 2022.

The number of hospitalizations and cases of COVID-19 is decreasing in the city.

In the capital, QR codes and restrictions in the field of sports and culture are canceled.

The epidemiological situation in Moscow is gradually returning to normal. The number of omicron cases and hospitalizations continues to decline. This allows us to lift a significant part of the current restrictions, - said the Mayor of Moscow.

In the capital, all restrictions on visiting restaurants and cafes, theaters, museums, as well as concert, entertainment, cultural, entertainment, educational and sports events are also lifted.

In the coming days, the work of circles and sections of the Moscow Longevity program will be fully resumed, "added Sergei Sobyanin.

Earlier, due to the improvement of the epidemiological situation in the capital, the mandatory requirement to transfer 30 percent of employees to a remote mode of work was canceled. Now this is only a recommendation for employers[5] the restrictions due to[6].

In St. Petersburg, QR codes were canceled in restaurants and cultural institutions

In connection with the improvement of the sanitary and epidemiological situation and on the basis of the order of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for the city of St. Petersburg, Governor Alexander Beglov signed a decree on amending the decree of the city government No. 121 "On measures to counter the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in St. Petersburg ." The Government of St. Petersburg announced this on March 2, 2022.

From March 4, visitors will be able PCR-tests vaccination to visit all objects and events for which this requirement was previously established, namely:

  • solemn registration of marriage and solemn registration of birth;
  • holiday homes;
  • restaurants, cafes;
  • museums and exhibitions;
  • swimming pools and fitness centers;
  • theaters, circuses, concert halls and cinemas;
  • other objects intended for entertainment and leisure;
  • hotels;
  • Retail facilities
  • sports, physical education, congress and exhibition events.

The obligation to transfer workers over the age of 60 to remote work is canceled, as well as the recommendation to comply with self-isolation.

Without coordination with the executive authorities of St. Petersburg, sports, physical culture, cultural, entertainment, congress and exhibition, solemn, leisure and other events of up to 100 people (currently up to 20) will be able to be held.

At the same time, the maximum number of visitors to these events with a number of more than 100 people, held in agreement with the relevant executive authorities of St. Petersburg, cannot exceed 2000 people.

Clarification of the maximum number of visitors in 2000 people is also made to the points concerning the activities of theaters, concert halls, circuses and cinemas.

Otherwise, it may be provided for by Rospotrebnadzor or the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the city of St. Petersburg.

Children's playrooms in restaurants are opening for visitors.

Also, since March 4, in connection with the approval by the 28.02.2022 Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of methodological recommendations defining the features of anti-epidemic measures in the context of the epidemic process caused by omicron, requirements are excluded that limit the maximum occupancy of restaurants, swimming pools and fitness centers, shops, ice rinks, aquariums, attractions, water parks, and a number of other requirements.

Other previously established restrictions, including the obligation to use personal respiratory protection, are extended until April 30[7].

How scammers use QR codes to steal money

ESET on February 24, 2022 announced how fraudsters use QR codes to steal money QR scanning technology appeared in the mid-90s, but only in the 21st century with the spread of smartphones it began to be massively used in all spheres of life. When the pandemic began and digital passes appeared, QR codes became especially popular. They are used in restaurants instead of menus or in a check to quickly translate tips. In trade and banking services - for contactless payments and collecting personal data of customers.

QR is a "quick response" code that can hold up to 707 characters and is easy to recognize with a smartphone camera. In QR, you can encode a URL, text, logo, as well as a certain action, for example, a call or payment.

The multifunctionality of the technology is successfully used by cybercriminals.

One of the simplest, most popular and dangerous methods of fraud is the substitution of QR codes in crowded places. Attackers print out their own codes and stick them on top of real ones on stands in shopping centers, concert venues, near banks. By scanning the fake, users get to phishing pages, risking compromising a bank card, agreeing to a paid call or SMS, as well as downloading unwanted software to the phone.

Before scanning the QR code in a public place, you need to make sure that this is not a sticker on top of the original code. After scanning the QR code, you need to check the URL - in the address bar of the browser there should be a "lock" icon indicating a secure connection. Even if the name of the site is similar to the official page, it could turn out to be a phishing fake page.

By conducting payments to unverified individual entrepreneurs and stores through a QR code, it is advisable to clarify on the Internet whether there are any complaints about this seller.

It is necessary to use proven applications for scanning and generating QR codes.

In the application settings, you need to disable the QR scanner from automatically opening sites, adding contacts, downloading files, connecting to Wi-Fi, making calls and sending messages.


Fraudsters disguised Trojans as a generator of fake QR codes about vaccination

Doctor Web warned of a dangerous site on December 10, 2021, where users are invited to download a program to generate a fake QR code about vaccination. Fraudsters warn that the service is allegedly free until December 15 - after this date you will have to pay 150 rubles for one code.

According to experts from "Dr.Web," in fact, the user will not receive any QR code after these manipulations - neither for nothing nor for money. In fact, the program downloads several Trojans to the computer. As conceived by the scammers, the victim must click on the colorful "Download" banner, which will redirect her to the MEGA file sharing service. Next, the user must download an archive containing an exe file, which is not only a "steeler" (from the English stealer), designed to steal passwords, but also downloads two additional Trojans - a miner and a clipper - from the Discrord file server to the computer.

Due to the miner, the device is likely to start working for wear, which will lead to its unexpected failure. No less dangerous are the steeler and clipper. The first is designed to steal passwords for all accounts. This concerns how social media, and online banking. Clipper, in turn, replaces the addresses of cryptocurrency wallets and payment systems in the clipboard. So, downloading malware, the user can lose not only access to accounts, but also money.

The Ministry of Digital Development has created a technical solution for printing QR codes at the MPSC

On November 17, 2021, the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia announced that, together with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, a certificate with a QR code on preventive vaccinations against COVID-19 and the illness was launched in MPSC. Read more here.

Sales of fake vaccination certificates have grown 20 times

The introduction QR codes when visiting public places - restaurants, cafes, shopping centers, as well as when traveling by train and flying by plane, can cause an increase in illegal trade QR codes in Telegram channels and on shadow forums, experts predict. Group-IB This has already happened with a surge in criminal offers to sell fake vaccination certificates. In the fall of 2021, their number was 20 times higher than the summer figures. This became famous on November 12, 2021.

According to the official TG channel Group-IB, unlike the situation in June-July, when attackers offered to buy separately a QR code, a vaccination certificate or a PCR test result, there are quite a few combo offers: a vaccination certificate is offered along with entering information on the state portal, which already implies the generation of a QR code. Group-IB specialists found more than 3,000 such ads in telegram channels, on shadow forums and on social networks.

For November 2021, QR codes are offered already with conducting through government services (information about vaccination will allegedly be displayed on the official website) - the cost of such a service is on average 4,000 rubles, - said Evgeny Egorov, leading analyst at the Digital Risk Protection Group-IB Department. - There is also a sale of QR codes that redirect inspectors to a fake website of a state service with information about the customer's vaccination, it costs 2,500 rubley̆. In general, there are significantly more offers for the sale of QR codes with the service of conducting through government services than QR codes leading to fake sites.

At the end of June, by decree of the mayor of Moscow, to visit restaurants and cafes, Muscovites needed to have a special QR code, which is generated through the state portal. The initiative did not last a month and was canceled on July 19. However, during this time, the scammers managed to earn extra money from fans of catering establishments. Offers to sell QR codes ranked third after offers to buy vaccination certificates and PCR tests.

Meanwhile, it became known that attackers who sold fake QR codes about vaccination leaked personal data of buyers to the network. According to Kommersant, a database of 500 thousand people, mainly residents of the Moscow region, is posted on shadow forums and Telegram channels. A base of 1,000 lines costs $120. It contains passport data, SNILS, phone number and place of residence, as well as information on the date of receipt of the certificate.

As experts in the field of information security suggest, the next step of cyber fraudsters will be to call users demanding to pay a ransom to stop criminal prosecution due to the purchase of a fake QR code. The second option is to delete information from the database for a fee.

Group-IB noted that the purchase of a fake vaccination certificate entails criminal liability under Part 3 of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the maximum punishment for which is up to one year in prison[8].


Night bars and clubs in Moscow will be allowed by SMS and QR code

On October 15, 2020, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that night bars and clubs in the capital will be allowed by SMS or QR code. For violation of these requirements, institutions will be fined up to 500 thousand rubles.

From October 19, 2020, access of workers and visitors to discos, nightclubs, bars and similar razvleka­telnyye establishments, open from 0 am to 6 am, will be possible only if phone numbers are registered. Entering the institution, visitors will have to scan the QR code or send an SMS to a special short number 7377, - said in a message on the website of the Moscow mayor.

If in the future it turns out that one of those present was identified, coronavirus those who were at the club on that day will be notified and sent to be tested for. COVID-19 Sergei Sobyanin noted that such a measure will identify and interrupt new chains of the spread of infection.

Moscow night bars and clubs will be allowed by SMS and QR code

The first deputy head of the Moscow mayor's office, Alexei Nemeryuk, allowed the appearance of a system for identifying visitors to night entertainment venues using QR codes in Moscow state institutions.

According to him, visitors to nightclubs and discos will not be fined for refusing to check in, introduced by the mayor's office as an experiment to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus.

If suddenly the nightclub or disco did not ensure the hanging of this QR code and the collection of these phone numbers, then, accordingly, the organization will be fined. But at the same time, visitors have nothing to do with this, visitors have nothing to do with it, "Nemeryuk explained in an interview with Echo of Moscow.

He added that Moscow catering establishments (canteens, restaurants, etc.) will not be included in the system for identifying visitors by SMS or QR codes.[9]

A new type of fraud in the Russian Federation - theft of money using fake QR codes

On August 10, 2020, it became known about a new type of bank card fraud in Russia. We are talking about a scheme using QR codes. It was told about in the plot of Channel One. Read more here.

An experiment to replace passports with QR codes is planned in Moscow

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation proposed an experiment to replace paper passports with the mobile application "Mobile Identifier." According to the draft resolution published on the portal of regulatory legal acts, the experiment should be carried out in Moscow from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021. This became known on May 26, 2020. The Mobile Identifier application will contain a QR code that citizens can present as an identity card. Read more here.

Russians consider QR codes convenient, but doubt their safety

Most Internet users in Russia know how to use QR codes, and at least once they did it in everyday life. On January 22, 2020, the Anketologist company published the results of a survey, during which it found out how convenient Russians consider this technology and in what cases it is most often used.

Can you say you definitely know about QR codes and how to use them?

According to the company, the majority of respondents (60%) know about QR codes and how to use them, 26% have heard something about them, but do not quite understand why they are needed. Another 11% know very little about QR codes, and 3% replied that they had never heard of such a coding system at all.

Can you say you definitely know about QR codes and how to use them?

The highest proportion of those who know well about QR codes is expected among young Internet users under the age of 30:70% versus 46% over 55 years old. It was also determined that the share of those who know about QR codes is higher, the larger the size of the settlement in which the respondents live. This indicator also increases linearly with the growth of the income of respondents.

Can you say you definitely know about QR codes and how to use them?

In everyday life, 97% of surveyed Internet users noticed such codes, and 78% are sure of this. Most often, QR codes came across them on store checks (87%) and on payment receipts (85%). Less often - on tickets (62%), in stores (57%), on outdoor advertising, for example, billboards (33%), in museums or at exhibitions (30%), in public transport (27%), on the facades of city buildings (20%), as well as on business cards (18%).

Can you say you definitely know about QR codes and how to use them?

The majority of respondents (62%), at least something who know about QR codes, said they used them. As a rule, they did this to pay for payment receipts (70%) and to read information on the check (63%). In addition, 49% scanned them to go to information resources, 48% to go to sites and profiles of various companies, 43% to present a ticket (to the cinema, to a concert), 24% to read contact details, for example, from a business card, and 2% to make donations.

Have you noticed codes like this anywhere in your daily life?

In general, the respondents rated the convenience of QR codes in everyday life by 8.4 points on a 10-point scale. However, 56% fear that it may be unsafe - containing a link to a malicious site or details of scammers. Only 4% of respondents absolutely exclude such a development of events.[10]

Where did you meet the QR code?
Did you follow the QR code link?
When did you use the QR code?
Do you have concerns that a QR code link may not be safe for you (for example, you can go to a malicious site or fall victim to scammers)


The deadline for launching payment using a QR code throughout the country has been announced

As it became known on November 7, 2019, payment for purchases using a QR code through the SBP is planned to be launched throughout Russia in 2020. This was announced by the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Nabiullina in the State Duma.

According to Nabiullina, as of November, the QR code payment system is being tested in several retail chains, and from next year it will be launched throughout the country, and it will be possible to pay with it for goods and services, including in stores. In particular, Bank Russian Standard, VTB, Rosbank, AK Bars Bank participate in testing technology with retail chains.

In the summer, the first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Olga Skorobogatova announced plans to launch a QR code payment service in the SBP for a wide range of users in September 2019.[11]

In Russian schools, the schedule of lessons began to be replaced with QR codes

At the end of October 2019, it became known about the beginning of the use of QR codes in Russian schools instead of the traditional stand with a lesson schedule. The innovation appeared in school No. 1861 "Zagorye" in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow. Read more here.

The date of the start of testing payment for purchases using a QR code has been announced

On May 8, 2019, it became known that testing of payment for purchases using a QR code in stores as part of the Fast Payment System will start on August 30, 2019.

QR Code Payment Testing

The duration of testing has not yet been determined, it will depend on the results of the pilot launch.

Transfers to legal entities will be carried out using two types of QR codes - static and dynamic.

This, in particular, was confirmed by Deputy Director of the Retail Products Department marketing Rosbank and Lidia Kashirina, Deputy Chairman of the Board Sovcombank Alexei Panferov and Head of the Online Sales Department Alfa-Bank Alexander Solonin.

The static QR code will contain the seller's account information. To pay for the purchase with its help, the buyer will need to scan the QR code in the bank's mobile application, indicate the amount on the phone and pay for the purchase. The dynamic QR code will include information about both the store account and the purchase amount, so the buyer will limit himself to scanning the code to pay.

The press service of the Central Bank reported that as of May 8, 2019, together with banks, a standard for the formation of both static and dynamic QR codes is being developed, which will be applied, including in the Fast Payment System.

Both types of QR codes will not require additional equipment to be installed in retail outlets. Deputy Head of Sovcombank Alexei Panferov said that it would only be necessary to update the software of the cash register. Zaur Besolov, director of payment solutions development at Evotor, clarified that a cash desk with a flexible IT infrastructure will be required that can generate a QR code or read it using a built-in camera. Also, banks will need to finalize their mobile applications[12].

2017: Russian torpedoes will be marked with QR codes

Torpedoes, missiles and other weapons used by the Russian Navy will be marked with special QR codes from this year, the Izvestia newspaper writes. Such marks will also be applied to ammunition packages and transport and launch containers. The St. Petersburg concern of sea underwater weapons "Hydropribor" and the company "Scientific Instruments" are engaged in the development of codes for weapons. QR [13][14].

On ammunition used by the Russian Navy, QR codes will be applied with the method of laser engraving. The developers believe that this method will avoid counterfeiting or changing codes, since in the first case engraving will not comply with the standard, and in the second - there will be noticeable interference.

Work on the creation of QR tags has been carried out since 2014. In addition to the tags themselves, the developers have also created special portable equipment that allows you to quickly read codes in any conditions - in a warehouse, in a field or on a ship. What exactly this equipment is is not specified; Any smartphones with a camera can read unencrypted QR codes today.

According to the military and developers, the use of QR codes will solve several problems at the same time. In particular, they will greatly simplify the storage of ammunition and control over their consumption. In addition, QR codes will become a kind of protection against fakes and illegal trafficking in ammunition.

Probably in the future, QR codes on ammunition will allow the use of systems for automatic selection and supply of ammunition in the Navy. This possibility has already been implemented in promising main battle tanks T-14 on the basis of the Armata platform and self-propelled howitzers Coalition-SV. In them, the automatic loader will read the codes from the ammunition and on the basis and select the one requested by the shooter operator.

A lot of important information, including shelf life and ballistic characteristics, will be included in the code applied to shots for tanks and self-propelled howitzers. The latter during loading will be read and transmitted to the tank fire control system, which, taking into account these data, will conduct aimed fire.


In 2014, mobile payment technologies in Russia received a "second wind" due to the very large distribution of smartphones. The penetration of mobile phones in Russia is 156%, of which more than 60% are smartphones today, and in 2015 this share will reach 80%. There is a natural substitution, since even a phone for 1,000 rubles in communication salons is already an Android smartphone. At the same time, more than 98% of all smartphones sold are accounted for by only three platforms - iOS, Android and Windows. Everyone has a phone in their pocket, so the prospects are excellent, and the fall 2014 release of Apple Pay further drew analysts' attention to mobile fintech.


J'son & Partners Consulting (Jason & Partners Consulting) presented in the summer of 2012 the results of a study of the QR code market in Russia and in the world, which was prepared in conjunction with Smartest and WapStart. According to experts, the Russian QR code market will develop 2-3 years behind the US and Western Europe markets. By the end of 2014, the number of QR code users in Russia will be about 15% of the number of smartphone owners.

As noted in a study by J'son & Partners Consulting, one of the most significant drivers for the spread of QR technology in the world in the consumer segment is the growth in the number of owners of smartphones and tablets, as they make QR codes available to end users. After scanning the code, the user is most often automatically redirected to the corresponding website, where he receives more detailed information about the product or service. A significant factor in the growth of QR penetration is also informing the population about this technology.

A survey of mobile phone owners in Russian million-plus cities conducted by J'son & Partners Consulting together with Smartest and WapStart in July 2012 showed that a third of respondents (33%) are informed about QR codes, that is, they know and understand how this technology can be used. However, 59% do not know about QR codes, and 8% of the respondents are incorrectly informed (they are mistaken in their knowledge of the technology).

Almost a quarter of the surveyed users (23%) have already scanned QR codes with their phone. Moreover, almost half of them (48%) do it constantly or carried out such manipulations many times.

Regarding the goals for which Russian users read QR codes, most of the QR code users surveyed (84%) went after reading them to the website. The third part (33%) was able to read a person's contact details and save them to the phone. 28% received advertising, and 21% received other types of content (music, pictures, presentations, and so on) and 8% received video. Only 6% indicated that QR technology helped them register for a flight, event and perform similar actions.

Note also that in the framework of the survey, 8% of respondents noted that they physically cannot use QR technology, since their phones are not equipped with a camera. It is noteworthy that the share of those mobile phone users who have a camera in their phone, but have not yet scanned the codes, is 69%.

As the main reasons that prevent respondents from using QR codes, in most cases there was indicated "no special program in the phone" (44%) and "I do not know how to do it" (44%). 25% noted that they do not need to use QR codes.

"The main expectations of Russian mobile users from QR technology in terms of services are a quick transition to the website, obtaining detailed information about a product or service, promptly saving a person's contact information on the phone, receiving discounts, using QR as a means of identification, quick check-in for an airplane or train flight," the study says J'son & Partners Consulting.

In practice, in Russia QR codes are successfully used in trade, advertising and marketing, as well as in such industries as logistics, the banking sector and transport.

So, according to J'son & Partners Consulting, QR codes in one form or another are used in 6 out of 20 examined retail chains located in Russia. QR codes are used by transport companies, in particular airlines, which offer passengers to issue a boarding pass using this technology. In outdoor advertising and in print media, QR codes are used to promote a wide variety of goods - from household and electronic equipment to the sale of cars.

According to J'son & Partners Consulting, the Russian QR code market will develop 2-3 years behind the US and Western European markets. At the same time, the main driver will be the increase in the penetration of modern smartphones with built-in cameras and the desire of the business to increase its efficiency, including through innovative advertising using QR codes.

According to J'son & Partners, in 2011 the number of smartphone users in Russia was 16 million, and the number of QR code users in our country was 1.1 million. Experts predict that by the end of 2012 the number of smartphone users in Russia will amount to 27.2 million, and the number of QR code users will increase to 2.4 million. By the end of 2013, the projected number of smartphone users will be 44 million, the number of QR code users will increase to 5.3 million. By the end of 2014, the number of QR code users in Russia will amount to about 9 million users, or about 15% of the number of smartphone owners (60.4 million).

Regarding the situation on the QR code market in the world, the study provides the following data: QR codes are most widespread in the world in the retail sector (on product packages), in advertising and in coupon services. Users most often want to use this technology to receive coupons and discounts, additional information about products, and also go through the registration procedure.

The most popular QR codes are in Japan (they are used by more than 50% of mobile users), in the USA (14 million users) and in the UK (4 million users). In terms of the number of scanned QR codes, the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Japan are in the lead (here we took into account data on scanning using one of the most popular applications - YouScan).

Citing data, the study provides information according to which among the operating systems on smartphones that were used to scan QR codes, the most popular results in 2011 were iOS (53.7%) and Android (34%), which are by a wide margin ahead of RIM (BlackBerry) with 7.4%, Windows ( 2.4%) and Symbian (Nokia) with 1.1%.

QR code in the world

2024: The volume of the global QR code payments market for the year grew by 28% to $16.81 billion

In 2024, the volume of the global QR code payment market amounted to $16.81 billion. The indicator of the previous year, when the total size of transactions was estimated at $13.13 billion, was exceeded by 28%. This is stated in a study by Market Research Future, the results of which TAdviser got acquainted with in early March 2025.

QR code payments offer a convenient and efficient way to make purchases without the need for cash or bank cards. This method provides a number of advantages over other types of contactless payments. In particular, any device with a camera can be used to scan the QR code, and the presence of an NFC controller is not required. This method is convenient for traveling trade: the courier shows the code, the user scans it and transfers money to the company. In addition, a high level of security is provided: when paying using a QR code, the fraudster has nothing to steal - he cannot find out the details of the bank card, since it is not used.

One of the main drivers of the market is the rapid development of e-commerce. As more consumers shop online, companies are rolling out different payment options. QR codes provide customers with a convenient way to transact with. smartphones The pandemic has had a stimulating effect on the industry: COVID-19 QR codes allow you to avoid unnecessary contact between the seller and the buyer. The trend towards using this type of payment is increasing due to the growing penetration of smartphones, including in developing regions, as well as the development of mobile Internet access.

The authors of the study identify five key market segments: retail, transport, the food industry health care , and entertainment. In 2023, the first of these areas accounted for about $6 billion. The food transport industries and industries provided $2.5 billion and $2 billion, respectively. In healthcare, the volume of transactions by QR codes amounted to $1.5 billion, in the entertainment sector - $1.13 billion. Significant players in the industry are named:

At the end of 2023, North America was leading geographically with an estimate of $5 billion: the dominance of the region is due to the high penetration of smartphones and the active adoption of contactless payment decisions. Europe is in second place with costs of about $3.5 billion, and the Asia-Pacific region closes the top three with $3 billion. South America secured a contribution of $1 billion, the Middle East and Africa - $0.63 billion.

In Russia, according to the Central Bank, residents in 2024 began to actively use payment through QR codes. Many sellers in the Russian Federation offer customers to pay for services in this way, since thanks to this, entrepreneurs save on acquiring. Using QR codes, you can transfer money to sellers both on the Internet and in ordinary retail outlets in different cities of the country. This payment method is available to customers of all Russian banks that work with the Fast Payment System (FPS).

Market Research Future analysts believe that in the future the industry will show steady positive dynamics. The compound percentage CAGR is expected to be 13.18%. As a result, by 2034, the volume of QR payments on a global scale may increase to $58.18 billion.[15]

2023: Technology developed for invisible QR codes. They can be scanned with any smartphone

On August 15, 2023, US researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) unveiled an invisible labeling technology called BrightMarker. This system can become an alternative to the usual bar codes and QR codes. Read more here.

2020: Brazil introduces national standard for QR codes

In mid-March 2020, the central bank of Brazil presented its standard for QR codes, which is designed to provide a universal system of instant cashless payments in the country. The new standard will become mandatory in September 2020.

The new rules should increase transparency for end users, that is, for both payers and recipients, by expanding and improving access to information and thus creating a competitive environment in Brazil's payment system, the Central Bank said in a statement.

Brazil's central bank unveils its QR code standard that aims to provide a universal system of instant cashless payments in the country

According to official statements, the purpose of the introduction of the standard, called the "BR Code," is to ensure the standardization of payments, similar in level to the system on payment terminals, which now accepts several payment formats on the same equipment, including cards, tags and devices.

Similarly, users will be able to use the same QR code for a transaction under different agreements - depending on the selected application and in accordance with their preferences, the Central Bank added.

In February 2020, the Brazilian central bank launched an instant payment platform as part of a broader innovation program aimed at revising the country's financial system. The new payment tool, called PIX, will be able to carry out transactions in several ways, based on QR codes or personal information, including by Social Security number, company registration numbers, email or mobile phone number. PIX will also be available on ATMs and online banking channels. Financial and payment institutions licensed by the central bank and with more than 500,000 active customer accounts will be required to participate in the PIX program.[16]

2017: QR payments: specification from EMVCo

EMVCo, an international organization for the development of chip card interoperability standards, released in the summer of 2017 two technical specifications for payment transactions based on QR codes for the mode of their use of pyrolysis oil[17] by consumers[18].

The definitions of payments using QR codes given in the specifications simplify the development and in the future expand the scope of using payment solutions based on QR codes in the world.

Two-dimensional machine-readable QR codes are increasingly used to make mobile payments at points of sale. The EMV QR code specification for payment systems supports two scenarios for using QR codes when making payments:

  • consumer mode - the client outputs the QR code to the display of the mobile device, and an optical scanner is used to read it in the pyrolysis oil;
  • TSP mode - the QR code is displayed in the trading enterprise on the display, and the client uses his mobile device for scanning.

Thanks to the clarity of the specifications, TSPs will be able to provide a standardized format for working with payment solutions based on QR codes from various suppliers. Consumers will also benefit from a greater degree of monotony, and therefore convenience and simplicity.

EMV QR code specifications for payment systems can coexist with their own solutions based on QR codes from various developers. All EMV specifications are provided at no cost to all stakeholders on the EMVCo website.

EMVCo is also developing a conceptual scheme for self-testing of specification modes for pyrolysis oil and consumers. This will allow specialists at the points of interaction to analyze how much the generation and interpretation of their QR codes meets the requirements of the specifications of EMV QR codes. This is expected to be possible in early 2018.

See also
