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Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub


+ AK BARS Bank

Joint-stock commercial bank AK BARS (public joint-stock company) is registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and has been operating in the financial market of Russia since 1993.

At the beginning of 2017, the bank has all types of banking licenses existing in the Russian Federation and provides more than 100 types of banking services for corporate and private clients.

Information technologies at AK BARS Bank

Main article: Information technologies in AK BARS Bank

History and Performance Indicators

2024: Halving profits to ₽7,3 billion

At the end of 2024, Ak Bars reduced its net profit according to international financial reporting standards (IFRS) by half - to ₽7,3 billion. At the same time, net interest income before the formation of reserves increased by 46.4% and amounted to ₽46,6 billion.

According to Interfax, net interest income after the formation of reserves increased 1.6 times to ₽34,6 billion. This shows that the main banking business continues to show growth, despite the overall decline in profits.

Net profit of Ak Bars Bank halved over the year

The bank's assets in 2024 increased by 9.3% and reached ₽946,9 billion. This allowed Ak Bars to take 17th place in terms of assets in the Interfax-100 ranking prepared by Interfax-CEA.

The bank's loan portfolio after deducting reserves grew by 23.1% to ₽456,9 billion. At the same time, the portfolio structure has changed with a noticeable advantage towards corporate lending. The corporate loan portfolio increased by 35.2% to ₽267,1 billion, while the retail portfolio showed more moderate growth - by 9.3%, reaching ₽189,8 billion.

The volume of attracted funds of customers practically did not change, showing a symbolic growth of 0.1% and amounted to ₽662,7 billion as of December 31, 2024. There were noticeable changes in the structure of funds raised: funds on term deposits of state and public organizations increased by 6.4% to ₽260,9 billion, while funds on term deposits of other legal entities decreased by 2.5% to ₽137 billion. The most significant decrease was shown by the deposits of individuals - by 8.4% to ₽88,5 billion.

The bank's equity increased by 5.5% and reached ₽112 billion, which strengthens the financial stability of the organization, despite the decline in net profit.[1]

2023: Profit growth 4 times to 6.4 billion rubles

At the end of 2023, Ak Bars Bank earned 6.4 billion in net profit, which is 4 times more than profit a year ago. Such data in accordance with Russian accounting standards, the credit institution published in early April 2024.

Interfax, citing bank documents, reports that in 2023, Ak Bars' net interest income reached 30.8 billion rubles against 15 billion rubles a year earlier. The bank's assets in 2023 increased by 3.3%, to 837.7 billion rubles, including net loan debt increased by 11.3%, to 527.7 billion rubles.

Bank "Ak Bars" at the end of 2023 earned 6.4 billion net profit

The total amount of funds raised by clients of Ak Bars Bank in 2023 decreased by 6.4%, to 661.6 billion rubles. Since January 1, 2022, the bank's capital has grown by 14%. If at the beginning of 2022 it amounted to 76.4 billion rubles, then as of July 1, 2023 - 87 billion rubles.

It follows from the bank's reporting that its costs of creating reserves for possible losses and expected credit losses in 2023 increased more than fourfold - from 2.2 billion rubles to 9.1 billion rubles.

In March 2024, the rating agency National Credit Ratings confirmed the credit rating of Ak Bars Bank at, the forecast was changed to positive. Experts noted the persistence of the credit institution's strong position over the medium-term horizon, combined with adequate business diversification and consistently high diversification of the loan portfolio, as well as a moderate risk appetite and an adequate capital reserve.[2]

2022: TAdviser interview with information security and data management director Vyacheslav Yashkin

Vyacheslav Yashkin, Director of Information Security and Data Management at Ak Bars Bank, spoke about how the corporate data warehouse was migrated to Ak Bars Bank against the background of the active implementation of the digital transformation strategy. Read more here.

2021: Opening of the "Better" office in Kazan

The office of Ak Bars Bank "Better" was opened in Kazan, a distinctive feature of which was the updated format of communication with the client with the integration of modern digital technologies. The Better office has become a continuation of the positioning of the Live Better Bank. The bank announced this on August 5, 2021.

Every detail in the office is aimed at impressing the client, provoking positive emotions and the desire to return here over and over again. Thus, Ak Bars Bank not only says to its clients: "Live better," but also tries to be better every day.

The opening of an updated "Better" office in Kazan was a continuation of the transformation of Ak Bars Bank and the development of a different development strategy. Ak Bars Bank has engaged the international consulting company Senteo (Senteo Incorporated) in this work. One of the key objectives of the strategy for the coming period will be to build trusting and long-term relationships with clients.

Customer focus and customer focus are values that underpin both the bank's current strategy and the strategy for the coming period. The big steps in this direction were the development of updated positioning and the gradual introduction of the principles of sustainable development into the bank's activities. Together with our partners Senteo, an international company with extensive experience, we plan to build a different system of interaction with clients, "said Yulia Stroganova, Director of Strategy, Innovation and Marketing at Ak Bars Bank.

Together with Senteo, the bank conducted a comprehensive analysis of its activities - from business processes to the bank's strategy and business lines.

The Better Office is part of a large project to transform the bank's strategy with an emphasis on the bank's key values ​ ​ - customer centrism, digitalization, and the creation of a system of service solutions. It is important for us that these values ​ ​ are translated into reality. I hope that the opening of this office will be the personification of positive changes in the bank, "said Senteo founder and president Michael Ruckman.

In the office "Better" is the residence of the club for entrepreneurs Ak Bars Labs. The lecture hall of the office will host meetings, lectures, master classes and other events of the club, designed to "rock" the entrepreneurial community of Tatarstan, changing the usual format of business meetings in the republic. The club for August 2021 consists of more than 300 participants.

While waiting to receive the service, customers can spend time in a coffee shop or try on a branded merch bank using virtual a fitting room. The department has created a convenient space for informal communication - the client can attend a master class or hold a business meeting. Customer service is divided into zones depending on the speed of service delivery. The technologies presented in the office help to greatly simplify the client path. One of them is Ak Bars Bank's own system for recognizing customers by biometric to data -. Face2

You can visit the office "Better" at the address: Kazan, Pravo-Bulachnaya street, 51. Opening hours: from 8 to 22 hours.


Opening a credit line for 5.5 billion rubles. for KamAZ for the supply of automotive equipment

On December 7, 2020, Ak Bars Bank announced that it had opened a credit line for PJSC KamAZ for 5.5 billion rubles for the supply of automotive equipment. A loan at 0% was provided as part of the program to support automakers. Read more here.

Opening a credit line in the amount of 3 billion rubles. for KamAZ

On May 20, 2020, Ak Bars Bank announced the opening of a credit line of PJSC KamAZ in the amount of 3 billion rubles to replenish working capital under the program to support backbone enterprises. Read more here.


Providing Rostelecom with a face recognition algorithm for the EBS

On October 11, 2019, Ak Bars Bank announced that it would become a vendor of the Unified Biometric System, an operator and the developer of which is PJSC Rostelecom, as well as a bank where an extended set of biometrics services will be applied. Read more here.

An opportunity for SMB customers to obtain a loan on the SimplyFi platform

On September 20, 2019, Ak Bars Bank announced that it had signed a partnership agreement with the crowdfunding platform SimplyFi.

As part of the partnership, a service for lending to small and medium business. The service gives Ak Bars Bank customers the opportunity to obtain a loan for SimplyFi platform to close current business needs: replenishment working capital, purchase of goods and coverage of cash gaps. All the procedure for obtaining a loan is online, and the money comes to the account already next day.

We are interested in solving the problems of obtaining "fast" money for our clients - small companies. We offer them both our own loan programs and the products of our partners. Realizing how small and micro business is important for the speed of obtaining a loan, with a minimum number of documents, and most importantly, confidence that the need can be closed if necessary, we attract partner microfinance services, and one of the largest and modern is SimplyFi platform.

To apply for a loan, the client needs to leave an application on the site. After that, SimplyFi will contact the customer and request the required package documents. Automated site systems will conduct scoring and collect feedback from potential investors. The Borrower will only need to sign the loan documentation and the money will go to the current account in Ak Bars Bank.

SimplyFi - P2B platform for small and medium-sized businesses to attract funds directly from private investors. As part of the partnership, Ak's clients Bars of the Bank can promptly receive financing SimplyFi up to 6 million rubles for up to six months without collateral and guarantors at the minimum rate.

We are developing partnership projects with leading Russian banks, launching profitable and convenient financial products for small and medium-sized businesses. Cooperation with such a major player as Ak Bars Bank will expand our offerings for entrepreneurs. Business will be able to quickly and without unnecessary paperwork to receive the necessary funding,


Net profit of 7.48 billion rubles under IFRS

Ak Bars Bank ended 2018 with a net profit of 7.48 billion rubles against 7.28 billion rubles in 2017. Positive dynamics resulted from the growth of net interest income by 28.4% YoY, to 12 billion rubles against the background of a leading reduction in interest expenses (by 8.5%). In 2018, the bank increased net commission income by 15.7%, to 3.11 billion rubles.

According to the results of 2018, the bank's return on capital amounted to 11.6%, the return on assets amounted to 1.8%.

The bank's assets at the end of 2018 increased by 21.2% compared to the beginning of the year, amounting to 468.3 billion rubles.

Net interest margin reached 3.6% from 3.3% in 2017. The risk cost in 2018 amounted to 0.8%, having decreased by 2.8 percentage points.

The cost of creating reserves decreased by 4.6 times, to 1.5 billion rubles due to an improvement in the quality of the loan portfolio.

The bank's loan portfolio (before provisions) increased by 18.7% in 2018, amounting to 223.2 billion rubles. The portfolio of corporate loans (before reserves) increased by 18.4%, amounting to 139.8 billion rubles. The retail loan portfolio increased by 19.3%, amounting to 83.4 billion rubles. The main growth factor among the products of the retail loan portfolio was mortgage loans, which increased by 32.3% over the year, to 58.9 billion rubles.

The net aggregate loan portfolio for the year grew by 19.5% to 208.5 billion rubles.

Customer funds on accounts in 2018 increased by 23.8% and at the end of the reporting period amounted to 360 billion rubles. This growth was mainly due to an increase in funds of legal entities (by 35.8%, to 245.8 billion rubles). In addition, the funds of individuals in the bank's accounts increased by 4% and amounted to 114.2 billion rubles.

At the end of 2018, the bank significantly increased its capital - by 21%, to 70.8 billion rubles. The capital adequacy ratio calculated in accordance with Basel 3 requirements was 19.61%, compared to 16.52% a year earlier.


In the year of celebrating its 25th anniversary, Ak Bars, the bank has updated its brand positioning.

Logo change

Brand renewal was preceded by large-scale statistical research and focus group testing. Together with the tender winner - the international branding agency Landor Associates - the bank conducted in-depth interviews with customers and partners, testing various versions of the visual concept. The new brand platform includes a communication matrix for messages to key customer segments, an updated corporate identity - logo, corporate colors, fonts and graphic elements. The chosen design meets modern requirements for digital interfaces, closer and more understandable to young customers of the bank. Almost all bank services are available online today, and the popularity of remote channels is growing every year - in 2017 the number of electronic transactions in Ak Bars Bank increased 2.3 times.

The introduction of the new corporate identity will be phased, in accordance with the planned schedule for updating signs, bank branches and launching new advertising campaigns.


The amount of equity as of January 1, 2017 is 71.6 billion rubles. Paid authorized capital is 38.0 billion rubles.

As of April 2017, AK BARS Bank serves more than 3.1 million individuals and over 67 thousand corporate clients, including the largest exporters of the Republic of Tatarstan, enterprises of the oil and gas and petrochemical complex, machine-building, telecommunications, construction, chemical, motor transport, trade and agro-industrial enterprises.

At the 05.04.2017, the AK BARS branch network of the Bank has 7 branches in the Republic of Tatarstan, 14 branches in large cities of Russia, 183 additional offices, 26 operating cash desks, 31 operating offices, 1 mobile point of cash operations, as well as a subsidiary of JSC RNKO Narat in Saratov.

2016: Opening of new format additional offices in Tatarstan

On January 21, 2016, as part of the reformatting program of the bank's branch network, which began in 2015, additional offices of a new format were opened at the following addresses: pr. Yamasheva, d.76; st. Tatarstan, d.20 and st. Sorge, d.67. In addition, the Business Development Center began its work in the office at Yamasheva 76. This is a unique format for serving corporate customers with the ability to receive a full range of banking services in one place. The office is equipped with confidential meeting rooms for legal entities, as well as Internet cafes for working in the remote banking systems "AK BARS Online" and "Internet/Client-Bank."


On April 3, 2015, at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AK BARS BANK OJSC, a decision was made to increase the authorized capital of the Bank by placing additional registered non-documentary ordinary shares in the amount of 9.8 billion rubles of the Russian Federation.

On April 23, 2015, AK BARS BANK and KAMAZ OJSC signed a strategic partnership agreement and an agreement on the implementation of the KAMAZ-finance credit program. Under the AK BARS agreement, the Bank, together with KAMAZ OJSC, with the support of Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses JSC (SME Bank JSC), BUT Guarantee Fund RT and NDKO Credit Guarantee Agency, implemented a preferential program of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in order to purchase new KAMAZ OJSC vehicles.

On May 19, 2015, AK BARS BANK took part in a meeting of the League of National Partners of the 16th FINA World Aquatics Championship 2015 in Kazan, where he acted as a National Partner and Official Bank of the Championship. In order to provide a high-quality banking service for guests and residents of the Republic of Tatarstan during the World Aquatics Championship "AK BARS" Bank assumed obligations to create a payment infrastructure, in particular, at sports facilities intended for competitions in the framework of the Championship. For the convenience of guests and residents of the capital, AK BARS Bank has developed bank cards with a unique design containing the symbols of the 16th FINA World Aquatics Championship 2015 in Kazan. In addition, in order to support the volunteer movement, the Bank issued a special product - "Volunteer Card." "Volunteer Card" is a kit that includes a prepaid replenished perforated MasterCard PayPass® card with contactless payment technology and a bracelet with an insert for the named card.

On July 29, 2015, AK BARS Bank opened offices of a new format as part of reformatting the branch network in accordance with the approved development strategy of the Bank. New offices were opened in the Savinovo shopping center (93 Yamasheva St.), MEGA shopping center (Pr. Victory, 141), as well as at the address Kremlin, 6.

On August 6, 2015, AK BARS Bank closed the deal to place three-year senior unsecured notes of participation in the loan in accordance with the RegS rule. The bank was the first among Russian financial institutions in 2015 to place Eurobonds in dollars, indicating a market benchmark. The placement took place as part of the Bank's program to issue medium-term loan participation notes totaling $ 1 500 000 000. USA The issue was organised by Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited and UBS Limited. The deal attracted significant interest from international and Russian investors. The issue was placed at par, the yield/coupon rate on Eurobonds was set at 8% per annum. The release is rated Fitch at "BB-" and Moody's at "B1."

On August 20, 2015, AK BARS Bank changed its name of organizational and legal form to a public joint-stock company (PJSC) in connection with the requirements of Federal Law No. 99-FZ of 05.05.2014 "On Amendments to Chapter 4 of the First Civil Code of the Russian Federation and on Invalidating Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation."

On September 6, 2015, the grand opening of the restored Molodezhny Square on Dekabristov Street took place. AK BARS Bank acted as an investor in the project, construction work was carried out by AK BARS Stroy LLC. The idea of ​ ​ reconstructing the Molodezhny square was implemented within the framework of the announced year of the park and squares in Kazan. During the arrangement of the square, work was carried out on laying concrete tiles, asphalting roads and measures for integrated landscaping.

On October 15, 2015, AK BARS Bank paid the sixth coupon income and repaid interest-bearing non-convertible documentary bearer bonds of the BO-01 series with mandatory centralized storage (Issue Identification Number: 4B020102590B dated 19.10.2010). Exchange-traded bonds of AK BARS Bank with a maturity of 3 years were placed in October 2012, the amount of the loan 5 000 000 000 (five billion) rubles of the Russian Federation. The payment for the sixth coupon period amounted to 297 950 000 rubles. 00 kopecks Russian Federation (Two hundred ninety-seven million nine hundred fifty thousand rubles 00 kopecks of the Russian Federation). Coupon yield per bond amounted to 59 rubles. 59 kopecks. of the Russian Federation (Fifty-nine rubles 59 kopecks of the Russian Federation). The rate of the sixth coupon is 11.95% per annum.


On January 29, 2014, it was announced that AK BARS Bank attracted financing to the economy of Tatarstan on the principles of Sharia AK BARS BANK attracted $100 million to the economy of the region. US provided by a group of international banks. The transaction documentation was signed on December 30, 2013. The project became the second Islamic deal of AK BARS Bank in accordance with the Sharia principles after the debut in Russia and the CIS in 2011 in the amount of $60 million. UNITED STATES. This Murabaha deal was successfully received by the market. As a result, the volume of applications significantly exceeded the offer, and a syndicate of participants from 11 banks was formed. The results of the placement confirmed the Bank's reputation as a reliable borrower among investors and became evidence of a strong relationship with business partners.

On February 20, 2014 JSC "AK BARS" BANK paid coupon income on Exchange-Traded Bonds Series BO-03. JSC "AK BARS" BANK February 20, 2014 paid coupon income on the issue of interest-bearing non-convertible documentary bearer bonds of a series of BO-03 with mandatory centralized storage (Issue Identification Number: 4B020302590B dated 25.06.2013) for the first coupon period. Bondholders paid income in the amount of 44 rubles. 13 kopecks. (Forty-four rubles 13 kopecks) per bond, based on a coupon rate of 8.85%. The total amount of income paid on the first coupon amounted to 220 650 000 rubles. 00 kopecks (Two hundred twenty million six hundred fifty thousand rubles 00 kopecks). Exchange-traded bonds of the BO-03 series are included in the Lombard List of the Bank of Russia and in the Quotation List "A" of the first level of MICEX FB CJSC. Offer for Exchange-Traded Bonds Series BO-03 will be held in February 2015.

On May 8, 2014, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Tatarstan "Center for Information Technologies" of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with AK BARS BANK OJSC and the international payment system MasterCard, launched an innovative project in a number of schools in the city of Zelenodolsk - "Schoolboy Card." The project aims to form cashless payments for students at school and beyond. An important aspect is also the construction of a system for recording attendance in schools and institutions of additional education.

On June 26, 2014, AK BARS Bank participated in the European Forum on Islamic Finance organized by Islamic Finance News, a specialized agency in the field of Islamic finance. This year, IFN awarded the Bank a special prize in the context of the nomination "Best Transaction in Europe 2013" as part of the Bank's attraction of financing in 2013 on the basis of Murabakh in the amount of $100 million. UNITED STATES. AK BARS Bank acted as the Associate Sponsor of the forum held for the first time in Luxembourg. The forum covered in detail the case study * of the Bank on the second international Islamic syndication concluded on the principles of Sharia. The session was successfully received by the audience, attracting significant interest from international banks. This project was the second Islamic deal of AK BARS Bank in accordance with the principles of Sharia.

On August 18, 2014, Fitch Ratings confirmed AK BARS Bank's long-term issuer default rating (IDR) at BB-. The rating forecast is Stable. The rating reflects Fitch's opinion on the potential for support (moderate) from the regional authorities if necessary, taking into account the fact that the majority share of the Bank is owned by these authorities (non-direct), and operational control over the Bank; as well as the history of capital and liquidity support to date and the significant market volume of the Bank in the banking sector of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On September 1, 2014, students, teachers and employees of the Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism received at their disposal the "Campus Card" from AK BARS Bank - "Campus Card" of the Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, issued on the basis of the MasterCard PayPass® multiservice card from AK BARS Bank - a unique innovative product. Among the services introduced in the "Campus Card" are payment for one-touch travel in city public passenger transport in a number of cities of the Republic of Tatarstan, the function of an electronic student ticket (for students of the Academy) or an electronic certificate of an employee (for teachers and other employees of the Academy), an electronic pass in the Academy's admission control and management system and an electronic reading card, as well as discounts and bonuses when making purchases under the Friend of the Company loyalty program and the international ISIC program (for students). This bank card will be charged with salaries to employees of the Academy and a scholarship to students.

JSC "AK BARS" BANK September 17, 2014 paid coupon income on the issue of interest-bearing non-convertible documentary bearer bonds of the BO-02 series with mandatory centralized storage (Issue Identification Number: 4B020202590B dated 19.10.2010) for the third coupon period. Bondholders paid income in the amount of 48 rubles. 62 kopecks. (Forty-eight rubles 62 kopecks) per bond, based on a coupon rate of 9.75%. The total amount of income paid on the third coupon amounted to 179 311 629 rubles. 64 kopecks (One hundred seventy-nine million three hundred eleven thousand six hundred twenty-nine rubles 64 kopecks).

On October 16, 2014, AK BARS BANK OJSC paid coupon income on the issue of interest-bearing non-convertible documentary bearer bonds of the BO-01 series with mandatory centralized storage (Issue Identification Number: 4B020102590B dated 19.10.2010) for the fourth coupon period in the amount of RUB 211,900,000. 00 (Two hundred eleven million nine hundred thousand rubles 00 kopecks). Coupon yield per bond amounted to 42 rubles. 38 kopecks (Forty-two rubles 38 kopecks). The rate of the fourth coupon is 8.5%. Exchange-traded bonds of the BO-01 series are included in the Quotation List of MICEX First Level CJSC and in the Lombard List of the Bank of Russia. Redemption of Series BO-01 Exchange-Traded Bonds will take place in October 2015.

On November 18, 2014, AK BARS BANK OJSC was recognized by the decision of the Management Board of the State Corporation Deposit Insurance Agency as the winner of the tender for the selection of agent banks for the payment of insurance compensation on accounts (deposits) opened with the bank on the day of the occurrence of an insured event for entrepreneurial activity to depositors of the credit institution Gubernsky Bank Simbirsk OJSC.

December 20, 2014 at ul. Gorky, d.3 after restoration work, the grand opening of the restored building of the object of cultural heritage of municipal significance - the House of the merchant L.V. Kekin, created according to the project of architect Kh. G. Pashkovsky, in the past - the Volga Hotel. The opening was attended by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, representatives of the executive branch, heads of ministries and departments, the mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin, as well as cultural and arts figures.

Within the framework of the event, the opening of the new office of the Financial House "AK BARS Person," characterized by a number of unique features, took place. One of them is round-the-clock access to new-level safe boxes for clients of the AK BARS Person Financial House.


Creation of "Ak-Bars Business School"

On February 26, 2013, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Chairman of the Management Board of AK BARS BANK Robert Minnegaliev and Rector Ilshat Gafurov signed an agreement on cooperation and strategic partnership for the opening and implementation of the joint project "Educational and Scientific Division" Business School of AK BARS BANK. " The purpose of the Business School is to train highly qualified specialists from among the students of KFU, focused on working at AK BARS BANK OJSC.

March 27, 2013 - AK BARS Bank issued more than 25,000 cards for accredited participants of the Student Games 2013 MasterCard® "AK BARS" Bank multi-service prepaid card, developed specifically for participants of the World Student Games, combined the functions of an international bank card and an accreditation badge. The card made it possible to make non-cash payments, pay for travel transport Kazan to other cities of the republic, receive bonuses and discounts under a special loyalty program, as well as go to the Universiade facilities. In addition, the member card is equipped with the innovative MasterCard PayPass® one-touch payment technology, which allows you to pay for everyday purchases almost instantly. In total, AK BARS Bank provided 120,000 participants of the 2013 Universiade with such cards. Including 20,000 cards - for volunteers.

On May 15, 2013, AK BARS BANK OJSC issued the Kazan Guest Card. A guest card is a banking product developed from the MasterCard PayPass prepaid multiservice card. It includes the basic functionality of multi-service cards from AK BARS BANK OJSC: bonus offers under the Friend of the Company loyalty program, instant payment for purchases using a contactless payment system

Issue of prepaid MasterCard PayPass and Fan Cards

On July 5, 2013, especially for the XXVII World Summer Universiade, the official partner of AK BARS Bank, with the support of MasterCard, began issuing MasterCard PayPass prepaid cards in the watch2pay wristwatch form factor. To make a purchase, it is enough to bring the watch to the terminal with the PayPass logo installed at the checkout, in a store, cafe or at a gas station. When paying for a purchase up to 1000 rubles in the Russian Federation, entering a PIN code or signing a check is not required. The prepaid MasterCard PayPass card "AK BARS" Bank, placed in watch2pay, contains a transport application for paying for travel in the city passenger transport Kazan and a number of other cities of the Republic of Tatarstan. It also allows you to participate in the " loyalty Company Friend" program, which provides bonuses, discounts or "cash back" (return of up to 20% of the purchase price) when making purchases from more than 300 partners of the "Company Friend" program.

On September 18, 2013, for the first time in Russia, for fans of the AK BARS ice game, the Bank, together with the Ak Bars Hockey Club, released the Fan Card. The new card is simultaneously a pass for all home games of your favorite team, a payment card of the international payment system MasterCard WorldWide, with one-touch payment technology MasterCard PayPass®, a transport application and a special program of bonuses and discounts for the purchase of sports paraphernalia in the Ak Bars brand store and payment for goods and services in the TATNEFT filling station network.

On November 29, 2013, AK BARS Bank celebrated its 20th anniversary among the 20 largest credit institutions in Russia. With all types of banking licenses, AK BARS Bank provides more than 100 types of banking services. Harmony of interests - this main principle "AK BARS" Bank has been implementing for 20 years. The Bank regularly expands its product line, improves the quality of its services, and achieves mutually beneficial relations with customers and partners. Today it is difficult to imagine the banking system of the country without AK BARS Bank - a stable and effective financial institution with the potential for further growth.

On December 10, 2013, Moody's increased AK BARS BANK's long-term deposit rating in local and foreign currencies from B2 to B1. At the same time, the rating of its own financial strength was upgraded from E to E +. The outlook for both ratings is stable. A key factor that influenced the agency's positive revision of the rating was the reduction of non-core assets of the Bank, easing pressure on capital. The rating of the Bank's own financial strength is supported by a strong commercial franchise in the Republic of Tatarstan and an adequate branch network of the Bank in the region. At the same time, the rating agency Moody's Interfax upgraded AK BARS Bank's rating on a national scale from to А The rating on the national scale does not have forecasts.


In 2012, AK BARS Bank serves more than 2 million individuals and over 48 thousand corporate clients, including the largest exporters of the Republic of Tatarstan, enterprises of the oil and gas and petrochemical complex, machine-building, telecommunications, construction, chemical, motor transport, trade and agro-industrial enterprises.

The paid authorized capital of the bank at this time is 28.2 billion rubles. Equity as of January 1, 2012 amounts to RUB 35.6 bln.

The territorial network of AK BARS Bank at that time consisted of: 43 branches, 162 additional offices, 9 operating offices, 147 operating cash desks, as well as a subsidiary of Naratbank in Saratov.

AK BARS Bank is present in 31 regions of Russia.

23 branches and 62 additional offices of AK BARS Bank operate in the Russian Federation outside Tatarstan.

In addition, the Bank serves more than 600 ATMs in almost 90 settlements of the country.

According to the analytical center for mortgage lending and securitization "Rusipotek" OJSC "AK BARS" BANK entered the top 10 banks based on the results of issuing mortgage loans in 2012. An increase in mortgage loans issued by 101.8% compared to 2011 allowed the bank to take 8th place in terms of the number of loans and 9th place in terms of the volume of mortgage loans issued in 2012. The data were published on February 28, 2013.

Among other organizations, AK BARS Bank at that time was also a member:

  • Association of promissory note market participants (AUeR),
  • Russian Trading System (RTS).

2 march 2012 In Dubai, the UAE hosted the "Deal of the Year 2011" awards ceremony, in which the Islamic deal "AK BARS" Bank was recognized as the best in Europe according to the leading online publication in the field of the Islamic Finance Market Islamic Finance news. The AK BARS deal was the first in the CIS and opened access to the Islamic finance market for borrowers from Russia.

22 May 2012 According to the results of 2011, AK BARS BANK entered the top 10 best retail banks in Russia. When compiling the rating, the number of bank cards of the Bank in circulation, the number of own ATMs in Russia, the volume of mortgage, unsecured and car loans issued were taken into account.

On June 6, 2012, AK BARS Bank issued a Multiservice Card. AK BARS BANK multi-service cards with MasterCard PayPass technology combine the capabilities of a transport card and use the Friend of the Company loyalty program. One of the most interesting services of the new card product is the ability to record tickets for the Universiade competitions on the Multiservice Card.

July 13, 2012 "AK BARS" Bank successfully closed the deal on the placement of Eurobonds. AK BARS Luxemburg S.A. ("Issuer") issued Eurobonds in the amount of 600 000 000 dollars USA at a rate of 8 percent per annum and maturing in 2022 ("Eurobonds"). Eurobonds were issued to finance a subordinated loan to AK BARS BANK (Bank). The organizer of the issue of Eurobonds was Credit Suisse. Eurobonds were issued as part of the Issuer's loan participation bond program for a total amount of US $ 1 500 000 000 with limited recourse for the purpose of financing loans to the Bank.

On July 22, 2012 AK BARS BANK OJSC in the 2012-2013 season acted as the general financial partner of Kazan Football Club Rubin. The AK BARS multiservice card of the Bank with a subscription application for the matches of FC Rubin or Fan Card was the first stage of cooperation between AK BARS BANK and FC Rubin. A unique high-tech product combines a pass card for the 2012-2013 Premier League matches, a payment card with the PayPass contactless payment function and the Friend of the Company loyalty program, as well as a transport application.

August 16, 2012 "AK BARS" Bank was recognized as the winner of the tender of the Deposit Insurance Agency for the selection of agent banks for the payment of insurance compensation to depositors of the Open Joint-Stock Company "Mobilbank" (g Izhevsk.).

17 August 2012 According to the rating of leading mortgage banks based on the results of work in the first half of 2012, compiled by the Analytical Center of RUSIPOTEK companies, AK BARS Bank ranked eighth in terms of mortgage loans issued.

16 October 2012 JSC AK BARS BANK 16 October 2012 paid coupon income on the issue of interest-bearing non-convertible documentary bearer bonds of series 04 with mandatory centralized storage (state registration number 40402590V) for the eighth coupon period in the amount of 191 688 538 rubles. 80 kopecks. (One hundred ninety-one million six hundred eighty-eight thousand five hundred thirty-eight rubles 80 kopecks). Coupon income per bond amounted to 44 rubles. 88 kopecks (Forty-four rubles 88 kopecks).

26 october 2012 A volunteer card from AK BARS Bank was presented in Kazan. Bank card with one-touch payment technology MasterCard PayPass from JSC "AK BARS" BANK is a payment instrument, with the help of which volunteers of the Universiade 2013 can pay for purchases in trade and service enterprises or travel in city passenger transport, enjoy discounts, bonuses and various privileges from partner companies. In addition, the card has the possibility of recording electronic tickets for the games of the Universiade 2013.

On November 19, 2012, AK BARS Bank issued Eurobonds in the amount of US $ 500 000 000 at a rate of 8.75 percent per annum and maturing in 2015 in the form of loan participation bonds, issued without recourse in respect of AK Bars Luxembourg S.A., for the sole purpose of financing the AK BARS loan to the Bank under the Loan Participation Bond Issue Program totaling $ 1 500 000 000. UNITED STATES. Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited and VTB Capital plc acted as the leading organizers of the issue.

On December 4, 2012 AK BARS BANK repaid its Eurobonds and paid the last coupon on the loan. Eurobonds of $280 million were placed in December 2009 with a coupon of 10.25% per annum, part of the bonds - $205 million - was bought out by new investors, the second part - in the amount of $75 million - was placed as part of the LPN exchange transaction with repayment in 2010. The organizer of the placement and exchange was Credit Suisse.


AK BARS The Bank has been awarded the status of Principal Member in the international payment system Visa International.

AK BARS BANK repaid its Eurobonds and paid the last coupon on the loan. Eurobonds of 250 million dollars USA were placed in June 2007 with a coupon of 8.25% per annum. The issue was organized by Citigroup and Deutsche Bank.

The project "AK BARS" of the Bank - "Transport Card" was awarded the diploma of the National Prize of the Transport Industry of Russia "Golden Chariot."

In 2010, AK BARS Bank and UBS AG signed a framework loan agreement, according to which contracts of Russian enterprises for the purchase of equipment from Switzerland, as well as other countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, will be financed under the guarantees of state export credit agencies of these countries.

AK BARS Bank became one of the founders of Universal Electronic Card OJSC, authorized to issue and service a single electronic card of a citizen.


In 2009, AK BARS Bank increased its authorized capital by 47% to 28 215 396 326 rubles.

The BANK paid the sixth coupon and repaid the interest-bearing non-convertible Series 02 bearer documentary bonds with mandatory centralized custody. The total amount of payment on coupon income and repayment amounted to 1 559 835 000 rubles. Bonds of AK BARS BANK OJSC with a maturity of 3 years were placed in January 2006, the loan volume was 1 500 000 000 rubles. The rate of the 6th coupon was 8% per annum.

Also in 2009, AK BARS Bank promptly and fully repaid a syndicated loan in the amount of $200 million raised in 2008 and organized by banks Banco Finantia, S.A., Commerzbank AG, ICICI Bank UK PLC, Landesbank Berlin AG, WestLB AG (London branch).


The Bank's branch network reached 46 branches, 26 of which are located in the largest cities of the Russian Federation.

The total volume of loans to individuals as of January 1, 2008 amounted to 19,458 million rubles. The amount of funds raised by individuals amounted to 24,909 million rubles.

The Joint Venture Agreement between JSC AK BARS BANK and Korean company KP Chemical was solemnly signed. The bank raised a syndicated loan of $75 million. AK BARS Bank has received a license from the international payment system MasterCard Worldwide for trading acquiring.

AK BARS Bank placed three-year Eurobonds worth $300 million. During the placement process, over 75 applications were submitted for a total amount of about $530 million, as a result of which the application book was closed at the lower limit of the previously announced price range.

2007: $100 million syndicated loan

On September 10, AK BARS BANK completed the attraction of a syndicated loan in the amount of $100 million, announced in mid-July. The loan was organized by The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, LTD and Calyon. AK BARS BANK begins issuing premium Visa Platinum bank cards.

The retail loan portfolio of AK BARS Bank grew by 77% and as of 1.10.2007 amounted to 17,312 million rubles.

2006: Entry into the top 30 banks of Russia according to the Central Bank

AK BARS Bank became one of the 30 largest Russian banks. This is evidenced by the list of credit institutions compiled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of December 1, 2005. AK BARS Bank ranks 1st in the ranking of financial and credit institutions of the Russian Federation in terms of loans issued to small businesses, 14th in terms of equity, 18th in terms of net assets and 21st in terms of profit.

According to the results of the additional issue of shares, the amount of the authorized capital of AK BARS BANK OJSC amounted to over 19 billion rubles.

2005: Volume of private deposits - 10 billion rubles

The volume of private deposits placed in AK BARS BANK OJSC exceeded 10 billion rubles.

AK BARS Bank became a member of the founders of the National Bureau of Credit Histories.

AK BARS "Bank received the status of Associate Member of the international payment system VISA, which gave the Bank the right to issue all types of VISA cards.

The Bank's Call Processing Center began work.

The Bank's territorial network reached 33 branches, 61 additional offices, 1 representative office and 100 operating cash desks.

2004: Growth of the authorized capital to 8 billion rubles

Taking into account the placement of an additional issue of shares, the amount of the authorized capital of AK BARS BANK OJSC amounted to 8 billion rubles.

4 Russian branches were registered in Cheboksary, Mari-El, Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk.

An interbank loan agreement was signed between AK BARS BANK and Comercni Bank (Czech Republic) in the amount of 11.9 million. Euro, for a period of 5 years.

The first stage of the processing center of AK BARS OJSC was put into operation.

2003: Start of its own mortgage program

In 2003, the Bank began to actively implement its own mortgage program in Tatarstan. AK BARS Bank is admitted to the Russian Trading System.

AK BARS Bank entered into an agreement with the Pension Fund Branch of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan on the payment of pensions through branches and additional offices of the Bank.

A new technology for receiving housing and communal payments has been implemented.

On November 29, 2003, AK BARS Bank celebrated its 10th anniversary.

2002: Loans from German and Spanish banks

Signing of a loan agreement between AK BARS Bank and Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG (RSC-Austria) and ZAO Raiffeisen Bank Austria in the amount of $15 million.

A loan agreement was signed with the first largest Spanish bank - Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, in the amount of 25 million euros.

The Bank's loan portfolio amounted to more than 5.2 billion rubles.

The number of depositors of AK BARS Bank exceeded half a million.

2001: First batch of 36kg gold received

The Project Financing Agreement was signed between AK BARS Bank and Bayerische Hypo-und Vereinsbank AG (Germany) in the amount of up to 5 million euros.

The bank received the first batch of gold with a total weight of 36 kg.

AK BARS Bank has begun active lending to small and medium-sized businesses of the Republic of Tatarstan.


The beginning of lending to the population for the purchase of goods

The beginning of a program of lending to the population for the purchase of consumer goods.

The start of the issue of American plastic cards

The number of plastic cards issued by the Bank systems "Golden Crown," "Union Card," "Europay," "Fanchip Payment" exceeded 55 thousand units. AK BARS Bank began issuing American plastic cards Eurocard/MasterCard, Cirrus/Maestro and Union Card.

The total number of clients of the Bank - legal entities exceeded 14 thousand people.

1999: Interkamabank Accession

AK BARS Bank joined the international payment system Western Union Money Transfers and the Association of Russian Banks. It was decided to join Interkamabank to AK BARS Bank.

It is planned to release international plastic cards in the 1st quarter of 2000.

The Bank joined the Association of Promissory Market Participants (AUVER).

1998: SWIFT Membership

The bank has been transformed into an open joint stock company.

AK BARS Bank became a member of the World Banking Telecommunications Community (SWIFT).

The authorized capital of the Bank increased by 1.5 billion rubles. and amounted to 2 billion rubles.


Tatarstan Gold Reserve Storage Bank

The Bank received the status of an authorized body for storing the gold reserve of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Paid authorized capital of the Bank amounted to 537.6 billion rubles.

Joining Tatinfrobank

Tatinfrobank was merged and reorganized into the Kazan branch of AK BARS Bank.

The first two full-fledged branches were opened in Mamadysh and Bugulma.

Corporate Identity and Logo Development

The corporate identity and logo of Ak Bars Bank was developed in 1997 by the Kazan design studio Mian.

1996: Currency Transaction License

AK BARS Bank received a license to conduct banking operations in foreign currency. This allowed the bank to make a qualitative leap forward in working with individuals.

The Bank's promissory note program enters an active phase.

1995: First 22 branches opened in Tatarstan

This year can be considered the beginning of the formation of the branch system of the Bank, since 22 representative offices of AK BARS Bank were created in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Central Bank of Russia registered 2 issues of shares. As a result of the issue, the authorized capital of the Bank amounted to 20 million denominated rubles.

1994: Bank for servicing the accounts of the Government of Tatarstan

July - AK BARS Bank has been determined by the authorized bank of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan to serve the accounts of the government of the republic.

A promissory note program was launched, the results of which allowed the Bank to reach a new level of corporate customer service.

1993: Bank Registration

November 29 - Date of registration of AK BARS Bank joint-stock commercial bank.

The bank acquires a new house - in the building of the former hotel at Dekabristov, 2.

Participation in organizations and correspondent banks

As of April 2017, AK BARS Bank is a member of:

  • World Banking Telecommunications Community "SWIFT" (S . W. I. F.T.)
  • PJSC "Moscow Exchange"
  • Association of Promissory Market Participants (AUeR)
  • Association of Russian Banks
  • Bank Association of Tatarstan
  • Self-regulatory organization "National Association of Stock Market Participants" (SRO "NAUFOR")

The bank is a subscriber of the Reuters Dealing information and dealing system (Reuters Dealing)

Key foreign correspondent banks of AK BARS Bank: