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Unified Biometric System (UBS)

Developers: Rostelecom, RTK Soft Labs
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018/02/19
Last Release Date: 2023/12/26
Branches: Government and Social Services,  Financial Services, Investments and Auditing
Technology: Information Security - Biometric Identification



The main articles are:

The Unified biometric System (EBS) is a digital platform developed by the company "" Rostelecom on the initiative Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Central Bank of the Russian Federation and identification by voice and face image. From July 1, by registering in the system biometric and passing samples, citizens Russia will be able to remotely open accounts in Russian. banks The addition over time of remote authentications and in other areas is considered:,, etc. distance learning telemedicine

The use of remote identification of clients in the financial sphere is regulated by Federal Law No. 482-FZ of December 31, 2017, which amends the Federal Law of 07.08.2001 No. 115-FZ "On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism" and 27.07.2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection."

Commercial biometric systems in Russia

Main article: Commercial biometric systems in Russia

Mobile application "Biometrics"

Main article: Mobile application "Biometrics"

The Biometrics mobile application is designed to remotely identify customers using the Unified Biometric System.


Growth of registrations to 3 million people

About 3 million people registered in the Unified Biometric System, with 80% of new users joining the platform in 2024. According to the Center for Biometric Technologies, which is the system operator, the active increase in the number of registrations is associated with the modernization of the platform and the expansion of functionality. This was announced at the end of January 2025 by the general director of the Center Vladislav Povolotsky.

According to TASS, in 2024, together with the Russian government, the Ministry of Digital Development and the Bank of Russia, a large-scale reboot of the Unified Biometric System was carried out. A significant part of the effort was aimed at launching new services that were in demand among users.

3 million people registered in the Unified Biometric System, 80% of new users fell on 2024

We focused on what is really important for people and received a positive response, - said Vladislav Povolotsky.

According to the publication, along with the expansion of the functionality of the system, there is a positive trend in the attitude of citizens towards biometric technologies. According to VTsIOM, if in 2023 only 27% of respondents spoke positively about the use of biometrics, then in 2024 this figure increased to 41%. According to Povolotsky, such a result was possible thanks to a constructive dialogue between regulators, legislators and market representatives, which made it possible to find a balance between data security and the availability of services.

A single biometric system is a digital platform on the basis of which various government and commercial services are provided. These include contactless payment for purchases, the use of biometrics for travel to, transport remote business opening, service in, MPSC electronic signature, registration of an electronic SIM card and a number of other services.[1]

Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation wants to use biometrics to confirm that citizens are alive

On November 2, 2024, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced a draft resolution that provides for the expansion of the set of services for users of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) who have registered their data in the Public services Biometrics mobile application. Innovations, in particular, will allow Russians living abroad to confirm the right to pay pensions using biometrics. Read more here.

The decree on the creation of the Moscow segment of the unified biometric system came into force. What it will give citizens

On September 1, Decree[2] of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1151 "On the Formation of a Regional Segment of the Unified Biometric System in Moscow," which prescribes the formation of a regional segment of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) in Moscow, came into force. He approved, among other things, cases of using the regional segment of the EBS. The decree entered into force on September 1, 2024.

The resolution approved "Cases of using the regional segment of the EBS in Moscow, providing EBS vectors, as well as using the EBS using biometric personal data posted using the regional mobile application EBS." The very name of this application, as it were, hints that in addition to creating a regional segment, it is also planned to develop a mobile application that will implement the capabilities to use data from the Moscow segment of the EBS to solve various problems.

In particular, the document allows the use of the regional segment of the EBS for:

  • Payment with the help of a person when passing into the metro, buses and electric trains;
  • Passes to the territory of state bodies and organizations of Moscow;
  • Performing additional face-to-face authentication in information systems and on sites owned by Moscow;
  • Passages to apartment buildings, educational and medical institutions, parking lots, cultural and leisure facilities, as well as sports events and facilities.

Moscow, it will be possible to use the EBS to pay by face and access to public transport

As can be seen from the decree, the cases of using the EBS have greatly expanded - initially the system was developed for the remote provision of financial services. Now the scope includes a pass to public transport, a pass to various territories, and authentication on social networks.

At the same time, there are no guarantees that in any apartment buildings or parking lots they will not be required to hand over biometrics, necessarily under the threat of being prevented from entering the territory, although now Law No. 572-FZ "On the Implementation of Identification and (or) Authentication of Individuals"... implies an unlimited refusal to use biometrics. The same requirement is duplicated in the adopted resolution - an individual can provide a refusal to collect biometrics. Perhaps in this case, a person will lose the right to access some sports events or parking.

The EBS system was conceived as a system for providing remote services (for example, for financial structures, managing open accounts), - explained to TAdviser Andrei Popov, head of the information security analytics and audit department at SecWare. - In this case, it will be provided for residents of Moscow. A company that wants to expand its presence in the service market can use this solution. But you need to understand that before that, the company must integrate with the Moscow segment of the EBS. Currently, two types of biometrics are used: face image and voice.

At the same time, the question remains how burdensome such integration will be. However, since the law only allows this method of biometric identification, companies will have to perform this integration. But the creation of a regional segment of the EBS has advantages.

Moscow quickly solves many issues related to regulatory regulation, - said TAdviser Ilya Verigin, director of work with state authorities "Biorg." "The city is good at developing the technologies it needs. Its EBS segment for the capital is a strategic direction, so the number of users here will expand naturally. Data collection technology, identification is key in terms of urban governance and security. There is no need to go far for examples: many are already using biometrics, which should be stored in the EBS, when entering the metro, as well as in other areas where quick user identification is needed. For example, to register new users of sharing platforms and services.

Ilya Verigin also believes that now in Moscow biometric identification and video analytics are in demand in many areas of business, from standard financial services and registration in personal accounts, ending, for example, with construction projects, where it is necessary to confirm that a person has the right to access the site and complies with safety standards. He is confident that the capital will become the leader in the direction of biometric identification and video analytics, and the Moscow segment of the EBS will grow faster than others.

At the same time, Andrei Popov noted that there will be no difference in the speed of "penetration" of the EBS in the implementation of the Moscow segment. He believes that the allocation of Moscow users to a separate segment is good for others - the security of personal data, since they will be separated from the all-Russian database of biometric data. However, since both security requirements and the operation of the base will still be carried out by the "Center for Biometric Technologies" (this is determined by law No. 572-FZ), there will most likely be no difference in the quality of protection of the EBS and in the expansion of use.

2.2 million Russians independently passed biometrics

As of the beginning of September 2024, about 2.2 million Russians independently registered data in the Unified Biometric System (EBS). For comparison, in November 2023, this figure was less than 0.5 million. Thus, the popularity of the platform is growing, as it became known on September 4, 2024.

Identification of a user in the EBS takes place according to two parameters - voice and face, the simultaneous analysis of which allows you to distinguish a living person from imitation of his biometric data in a digital channel. To register in the system, a citizen needs to come to the bank only once and hand over biometrics.

More than 2 million Russians independently passed biometrics

As the Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT), which is the operator of the platform, notes, the increase in the number of user registrations in the EBS indicates "the high interest of people in innovative services and modern technologies that make everyday life easier." In particular, thanks to this, citizens can become bank customers without visiting the office - by remote identification. In addition, biometrics can be used to combat fraudulent money transfers. Another direction of development of the technology is bioequiring: with its help you can pay for purchases by scanning your face simply by looking at the camera (biometrics are tied to a card or account). The EBS, as noted, expands the possibilities of access to digital services for those who live in hard-to-reach areas and people with limited mobility, reduces their cost, and also improves the quality of service to citizens.

We are convinced that citizens' interest in the system will continue to grow due to the constant expansion of the list of services and improvement of registration methods. All these measures are provided for by a priority project supervised by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, - notes the CBT.

Mishustin identified the "Center for Biometric Technologies" as the operator of the Unified Biometric System

In June 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree that determined the Center for Biometric Technologies JSC (CBT; created in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 693 dated 30.09.2022) by the operator of the Unified Biometric System (EBS). Read more here

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation will check the security of work with biometrics in companies

In mid-June 2024, it became known that the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Media) will check the security of work with biometric data in companies. This step is aimed at strengthening control over the protection of biometric data of citizens, which is confirmed by the corresponding draft order of the department.

Organizations using biometric identification of people will be checked for proper protection of this information. If it is revealed that the company does not protect biometric data enough, it may be prohibited from working with biometrics. This approach is due to the need to ensure the security of the Unified Biometric System (EBS), where from 2023 all biometric data of Russians are stored.

The Ministry of Digital Development will check the security of working with biometric data

The Ministry of Digital Development plans to tighten control over organizations working with biometrics. The draft order indicates the expansion of the list of risk indicators that serve as the basis for unscheduled inspections. For example, the repeated names of information security specialists in company accreditation applications will become a new indicator for verification. If it turns out that information security employees are actually absent from the organization, accreditation will be suspended, and if the requirements are not met, they will be stopped.

As noted by Parlamentskaya Gazeta, the use of biometrics is voluntary. Citizens can submit their biometric data to the EBS for the convenience of obtaining state and commercial services, such as entering the public services portal, obtaining a loan or concluding an agreement with a mobile operator. It is important that the data in the EBS is stored in encrypted form and does not contain other personal data, which excludes their use by attackers.[3]

Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation: The search for people through the Unified Biometric System is prohibited by law

On May 15, 2024, the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced that the Unified Biometric System (EBS) could not be used to search for people. So the department responded to the appearance in the media of information about the government's plans to use the EBS to search for small offenders.

It is impossible to track criminals using the EBS. This is prohibited by law. The information disseminated by the media about this is unreliable. In the Ministry of Digital Development, such a issue is not being worked out and is not being discussed, the ministry said.

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation said that the Unified Biometric System cannot be used to search for people

The department added that the system was developed to increase the availability of services, the voluntary use of which is enshrined in law No. 572 on biometrics. EBS is not related to urban video surveillance systems and cannot be used in operational-search activities.

No one can force a citizen to use the EBS or refuse to provide services to him if he does not want to register in the system, the press service of the Ministry of Digital Development added.

On May 15, 2024, the Izvestia newspaper, citing decisions made following a meeting of the Commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation, wrote that the Ministry of Digital Development, together with relevant departments, allegedly recommended working out the issue of identifying violators in photo and video materials using the Unified Biometric System. " We are talking about the automatic imposition of fines for crossing the street, smoking, the use of barbecues in unspecified locations for this, the creation of spontaneous landfills and drinking alcohol in the wrong places, for which it is proposed to use cameras with artificial intelligence.

Data on the number of biometric samples stored in the EBS are published monthly on the portal of the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (UIISS). As of March 2024, there are about 73.5 million records there.[4]

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin allowed to check into hotels on biometrics

In March 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree that allows Russians to check into hotels using biometrics. Read more here.

Artificial intelligence will not be able to deceive the Unified Biometric System

The algorithms of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) are able to distinguish a living person from an imitation, the press service of the State Duma deputy RFAnton Nemkin said on March 20, 2024, citing RIA Novosti and the words of the Director General of the Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT) Vladislav Povolotsky.

{{quote 'You will not be able to deceive the Unified Biometric System using photos or videos from social networks generated by the neural network of images or videos. The algorithms that we use have long learned to distinguish a living person from an imitation and block suspicious operations, "Povolotsky said. }}

According to him, the protection is provided by a combination of several biometric modalities, the connection of additional protection factors, as well as the introduction of the "lively" technology.

Povolotsky also noted that biometrics for reading the palm pattern can be introduced in Russia. It can be used, for example, in contactless payments. However, the project can be implemented subject to confirmation of the accuracy of human identification at the level of 99.99%.

Especially given the fact that a number of banks have begun to use biometrics to confirm user operations: for example, transferring a large amount of money. Therefore, all concerns related to data security in the EBS must be consistently dispelled. This is especially important against the background of the fact that citizens still have not developed a consensus regarding biometric data. So, only a third of the respondents, according to VTsIOM, have a positive attitude towards biometrics. Therefore, educational work in this direction is extremely important, - said the deputy.

Including the technology "Livness," which involves performing actions in real time. An example is the need to name the numbers generated by the system. In fact, this is CAPTCHA (a computer test used to determine who the user of the system is: a person or a computer - approx.), Which is extremely difficult to bypass both automated systems and AI. In addition, the most high-risk operations involve several levels of protection at once: in addition to biometrics, confirmation can be used through two-factor identification or by phone, the parliamentarian explained.

Banks began to complain about delays in receiving data from the EBS

In early February 2024, it became known that Russian banks were faced with the problem of promptly obtaining biometric vectors from the Unified Biometric System (EBS). This can negatively affect the quality of the services provided.

Vector is personal data obtained as a result of mathematical transformation of biometric information of clients. When servicing a client for biometrics, the bank applies to the EBS system for a vector, and the specialized Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT) provides identification and authentication services.

Russian banks face the problem of promptly obtaining biometric vectors from the Unified Biometric System

According to the Kommersant newspaper, vectors at the request of banks come with a significant delay - sometimes a day or two. As the deputy head of the National Council of the Financial Market (NSFR) Alexander Naumov notes, "the provision of a vector with a lag of three hours does not correspond to the purpose of the law - the availability of financial services, for which time is the main factor affecting demand and cost."

The current situation can be explained by a performance problem in terms of cryptographic data protection. In this case, it may be necessary to finalize regulatory documents. On the other hand, the NSFR claims that in the offer, which is posted on the EBS website, the service for providing the vector is not regulated in terms of time. Technical support states that the service is "no more than one day from the moment of request."

The NSFR organization sent a letter about the delays to the general director of the Center for Biometric Technologies Vladislav Povolotsky. The document notes that the use of the EBS is necessary not only to open accounts, deposits, issue loans, but also to prevent fraud. The organization raises the issue of normatively fixing the deadline for the provision of vectors from the EBS "no more than a minute" from the moment of receipt of the request and setting the deadlines in the CBT offer.[5]

A mobile operator with state accreditation for working with biometrics has appeared in Russia

In January 2024, MTS became the first mobile operator in Russia to receive state accreditation to work with customer biometric data. Read more here.

The data of doorphone users must be submitted to the Unified Biometric System. Clarification of the Ministry of Digital Development

At the end of 2023, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media sent out a letter No. P24 - 2 04 - 070-257558, in which it explained the procedure for organizing the processing of biometric personal data - images of a person's face - when using intercoms to identify and authenticate people.

The TAdviser Ministry of Digital Development clarified that they sent such a letter after the appeals of citizens. It was intended to inform operators about the norms of Law No. 572-FZ "On the Implementation of Identification and (or) Authentication...," which is called the Law "On Biometrics."

Cap of the letter of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development

In particular, the letter states that if an image of a person and his personal data (full name) are used during identification or authentication using a doorphone, then the process of processing data when providing doorphony services falls under the law "On Biometrics."

In this case, the intercom operator must either accredit its information system to work with biometrics, or directly connect to the Unified Biometric System (EBS), or use the services of an already accredited organization.

Whatever the choice of operator, doorphone users will have to submit biometrics to the EBS, since even when using their own identification/authentication system, biometric vectors must be taken from the Unified Biometric System. You can pass biometrics to the EBS, for example, using the application "Public services Biometrics."

However, the use of biometrics can be exclusively voluntary, so citizens should remain able to enter the building without the use of biometrics. In addition, the letter noted that for non-compliance with the requirements, the law provides for administrative, civil and even criminal liability.

If personal data is not used or the identification and authentication of visitors is carried out using biometric data, the work with which is not provided for in the EBS, for example fingerprints, then the activities of the organization do not fall under the requirements of the Law "On Biometrics."

Plan to launch payment for biometrics in six regional subways

By the end of 2025, it is planned to launch payment for biometrics in six regional subways, Kommersant reports on January 15, 2024.

According to the newspaper, the road maps of the project to launch biometric fare payment systems in regional subways were approved back in December 2023. According to the document, in the subways,, and Nizhny Novgorod Yekaterinburg Kazan Samara the service for paying for travel by face will be introduced in 2024. Biometrics to be launched in 2025 in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

According to the Center for Biometric Technologies, road maps were developed on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko. At the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister's office noted that in the future it is planned to introduce not only a system of payment by sight, but also to ensure the possibility of linking social cards and travel cards to the user's biometric data.

According to expert estimates of the publication, the cost of installing terminals and the necessary equipment for payment for biometrics in St. Petersburg may amount to about 144 million rubles., in Nizhny Novgorod - about 30 million rubles, in Yekaterinburg - about 18 million rubles, in Novosibirsk - about 26 million rubles, in Kazan - about 22 million rubles, and in Samara - about 20 million rubles.

The development of payment through biometrics is a fairly large-scale, but quite feasible project on time, said a member of the [[State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications "State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and connections]] Anton Nemkin.

The scale is due to the need to develop a separate infrastructure in each region of the project. First of all, we are talking about the formation of separate territorial segments of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) and significant investments in ensuring the information security of such regional registries. In addition, there may be a need to modernize the infrastructure of the metro itself. Of course, we are talking about ensuring sustainable Internet and modernization of turnstiles, but in some cases not always obvious changes may be required: for example, changing lighting in the metro to ensure optimal system operation, the deputy explained.

First of all, this applies to the regional segments of the EBS, which in the future can be used to implement other projects related to biometrics: the same idea of ​ ​ linking a resident's social cards to biometric indicators, which is now being worked out by the government, or the introduction of biometrics to pay for services in various social institutions of the regions, - said Anton Nemkin.

Russians can now give and withdraw consent to data processing in the EBS with the help of State Public services

From January 1, 2024, Russians were able to give and withdraw consent to data processing in the Unified Biometric System (EBS) with the help of Public services. The innovation is associated with the entry into force of the relevant provision of federal law No. 572-FZ "On the implementation of identification and (or) authentication of individuals using biometric personal data ."

The combination of a person's face and voice helps to establish their identity in order to contactless receive commercial and public services. In the personal account on the State Public services portal, all consents to the placement and processing of biometric data that they have ever given to different organizations are now available. To find consent to the processing of biometrics, you need to log into your account on Public services and select the "Consent and Power of Attorney" section in your personal profile. On the portal, see the validity period of the consent and the name of the organization to which it was given.

It will be possible to revoke consent to the processing of biometrics on public services

As explained to RIA Novosti in the press service of the Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT), which is the operator of the EBS, if a citizen has no plans to use the services of the organization, consent can be withdrawn by selecting it from the list and opening the card.  You can completely delete your biometric data from the system at any time in the "Biometrics" section of the personal account of the Public services, the EBS said.

Russians can also refuse to register biometric data in the information system through multifunctional centers (MPSC) by filling out an application.

Consent is a mandatory element of the provision of services using biometrics. Without the citizen's consent, companies have no right to process his data, the Biometric Technologists Center added[6]


The transfer of biometric data of Russians from banks to the EBS is 80% complete

The data of tens of millions of Russians who gave their consent to this have already been transferred to the Unified Biometric System (EBS). As a result, as of the end of 2023, the process of importing data from banks was completed by more than 80%, Vladislav Povolotsky, Director General of the Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT), told Izvestia. At the same time, biometrics have a validity period of two years, after which biometric data will be automatically deleted from the EBS. Subsequently, Russians will be able to remotely extend the validity of such data. This issue is already being discussed, the head of the CBT specified.

Since autumn, Russians have become much more active in registering in the EBS: for example, several thousand samples enter the system a day. Most often, confirmed biometrics are handed over, for registration of which you need to go to the bank, as well as simplified, which can be handed over to, the application "Public services Biometrics" TAdviser press service of the deputy said on December 26, 2023 State Duma of the Russian Federation Anton Nemkin , citing the words of Vladislav Povolotsky. In 2024, it is those Russians who transferred samples of the face and under voices protection who states will be the first to test new technologies based on biometrics.

The use of biometrics for various kinds of operations is the future, which will soon become our reality, said Anton Nemkin, a member of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, deputy of the United Russia faction.

"It is encouraging to see that our citizens understand this and trust the new technology - this is evidenced, in particular, by the percentage of data failures to the EBS - there were only less than 1% of them. Already in the coming year, new technologies using biometrics will be actively developed - for example, next year it is planned to launch a pilot project on bioequiring. Those who have already agreed to transfer their data to the EBS will be the first to be able to familiarize themselves with this useful technology, "the deputy said.

Moscow is the first in Russia to create a regional segment of the Unified Biometric System

On December 5, 2023, it became known about the plans of the mayor's office Moscow to create the first Russia Unified Biometric System in the regional segment. The appeal with such a proposal was sent to Sergey Sobyanin. city government The news was also confirmed by a representative of the office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Dmitry Grigorenko who oversees the project from the biometrics government.

According to RBC in the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow, if a regional center is created, Moscow will be able to create its own city biometric authentication services. As stated in the department, for many residents of the city, such services are no longer an innovation, since many Muscovites use biometrics to pay for purchases or authorization in various services. They do not plan to provide the function of identifying citizens to the regional center.

Moscow plans to build a regional segment of the EBS

If the city government decides to build the center, the regional segment will be created on the existing IT base of the city, therefore, the implementation of the project will not require additional budget expenditures.

The Ministry of Digital Development clarified that since the regional segment is part of the EBS, the same security requirements apply to it as to the federal system.

The creation of a regional segment is relevant when there is already a developed infrastructure of biometric services. This allows you to save budget funds by reusing the existing infrastructure. Biometric projects have been successfully developing in Moscow for many years, including face pay in transport, "Dmitry Markov, CEO of Vision Labs, commented on the news.

In addition to the infrastructure of services that require biometrics, the number of residents may also advocate the construction of a regional segment in Moscow. According to Dmitry Parshin, director of the Artezio development center (part of the Lanit group), the creation of a segment in Moscow will help optimize a large amount of personal data.

Given the large amount of regional data for Moscow, we can talk about allocating them into a separate segment. This will simplify information management, storage and potentially minimize maintenance costs, Parshin said.[7]

Half a million citizens registered with the EBS

Almost 500 thousand Russians are registered in the Unified Biometric System (EBS). About this in the Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT; platform operator) reported at the end of November 2023. They stressed that the announced figures indicate a high interest of people in innovative services and modern technologies that make everyday life easier.

According to the CBT, by the end of November 2023, about 1.2 thousand people register simplified biometrics every day, and about 2 thousand confirmed biometrics. By the end of 2023, a number of services will be available to users who have registered the data in a simplified way, including purchases in stores and the Internet in the amount of up to 2.5 thousand rubles, payment for travel in public transport, and passage to the office. The list of services available after registration of biometrics is simplified will expand.

Almost 500 thousand Russians are registered in the Unified Biometric System (EBS)
The high demand for confirmed biometrics is primarily due to the fact that it opens up access to all biometric services. "Simplified," in turn, attracts people with the most comfortable registration process, - noted in the press service of the center (quoted by TASS).

They also added that in January-November 2023, more users registered with the EBS than in all previous years since the creation of the system.

We are convinced that citizens' interest in the system will continue to grow due to the constant expansion of the list of services and improvement of registration methods. All these measures are provided for by a priority project supervised by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, the Center for Biometric Technologies added.

In 2023, the EBS includes all available personal data from operators who previously collected biometrics. At the same time, the system does not have personal data of users - information about passports, accounts, addresses, names and surnames.[8]

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation postpones part of the requirements for biometrics systems due to Chinese terminals

On November 24, 2023, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced a draft order to suspend certain requirements for biometric systems. The document covers access control and control tools that are used in banks, in industries, in commercial companies and at other facilities.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, it is proposed to amend the orders of the ministry No. 445 and No. 446 of May 5, 2023. They determine the list of security threats relevant to the processing of personal data in the Unified Biometric System and commercial biometric systems. This can include falsification or deletion of information, unauthorized access, violation of privacy, etc.

The Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development has suspended certain requirements for biometric systems

In accordance with the new document Ministry of Digital Development the requirements regarding "endpoints of information systems that ensure the functioning of checkpoints (checkpoints)" are temporarily excluded from the list of threats. The fact is that such systems often use Chinese biometric terminals that do not support Russian cryptography standards (crypto protection of class KS1). For some Chinese terminals based on Linux, there is no ready-made software modification with the ability to install domestic cryptographic information protection tools. And implementing alternative solutions requires high financial costs, as well as testing and integration time.

Organizations providing services using biometric personal data will need to ensure a complete transition to the use of other equipment. At the same time, in connection with the need for continuous provision of services to citizens and the appeal of the business community, a decision was made on the need for phased entry of requirements, the Ministry of Digital Development document says.

In this regard, the start date of the provisions of orders No. 445 and No. 446 regarding the introduction of new funds is postponed for eight months - until July 1, 2024. The delay will help businesses prepare to meet the requirements without the need to stop their[9] control and control systems[10]

A simplified system for passing biometrics has been introduced in Russia - only a smartphone is needed

On October 20, 2023, a simplified scheme for submitting biometrics to the Unified Biometric System (EBS) was launched in Russia. To go through the procedure, it is enough to have a smartphone or tablet with the mobile application "Public services Biometrics" installed. At the same time, the use of a new generation passport is not required. Read more here.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has developed a payment system for biometrics using the EBS

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the National Payment Card System (NSPK) and the Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT) have developed a bioequiring technology using the Unified Biometric System (EBS). The first pilot pilot operations have already been successfully carried out, the regulator said in October 2023. Read more here.

Tinkoff requested the consent of 30 million customers to process their photos and transfer them to the Unified Biometric System

Tinkoff requested the consent of 30 million customers to process their photos and transfer them to the Unified Biometric System (EBS). This became known on October 9, 2023. Read more here.

Testing of face fare began in the Moscow metro

On October 2, 2023, the Moscow Department of Transport announced the start of testing the binding of a Muscovite card to biometrics. The scheme of passage to the metro for beneficiaries described by the head of the Moscow Department of Transport Maxim Liksutov allows you to do without the physical use of a Muscovite card - turnstiles specially equipped with video cameras will let them through the video. To do this, it is enough to register your biometric data with the EBS, tie your Muscovite card to the Moscow Metro application and carry a special sticker with you. Turnstiles will let the beneficiary through if they recognize his face and a sticker attached to his clothes.

Testing of face fare began in the Moscow metro
100 passengers help us in testing, - said Maxim Lexutov. - Anyone can use the new function. Whether to use biometrics or not is decided only by the passenger himself. It is important that the system is a completely Russian development. It has a banking level of protection, and all data is encrypted. We will continue to introduce Russian digital services on the task of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin

Now biometric the identification service operates at all metro and MCC stations, as well as in the Southern and Northern railway terminals "Aeroexpress" at Sheremetyevo airport. The plans include a launch in the ground, river transport and MCD.

According to the Moscow Department of Transport, over 300 thousand users have already registered in the biometric system, and 88% of them prefer contactless passage at the metro station to other payment methods. For beneficiaries who get the opportunity to use their card contactlessly, the new biometrics identification method may be more convenient than attaching the card to terminals.

It should be noted that on September 30, the process of consolidating all biometric data in the EBS was to be completed - all commercial banks that created their own biometric identification systems were obliged by this time to transfer the data accumulated in them to the EBS. Now, in order to work with biometrics, banks need to obtain accreditation from the Ministry of Digital Development. Alfa-Bank and Rosselkhozbank were the first to receive it at the end of August, and Sberbank is also accredited. It is clear that only after the consolidation of the biometric system will it be convenient to connect to services based on it, such as a contactless passage in the metro, since there will be enough places where beneficiaries can pass their biometric data.

In the metropolitan metro and shops it will be possible to pay face and voice

Fares using biometrics in the Moscow metro, as well as payment for goods in online and offline stores, will be available to a wide range of citizens from December 1, 2023. Russians will be able to use this method of payment if their face and voice casts are in the Unified Biometric System (EBS). Such a period was approved at a meeting with the head of the government apparatus, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Grigorenko, his representative told Vedomosti.

The meeting was attended by Dmitry Dubynin, Director of the Department for the Development of Digital Identification Technologies of the Ministry of Digital Identification, Daniil Egorov, Head of the Federal Tax Ministry of Digital Development, Olga Skorobogatova, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank, Vladislav Povolotsky, General Director of the Central Bank, Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank, as well as employees of the NSPK K, the Ministry of Transport and the FSB.

All biometric data of Russians will be included in the Unified Biometric System

In early September 2023, it became known that all biometric data of Russians will be entered into the state Unified Biometric System (EBS). On the basis of this information, citizens will be provided with new services.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, organizations are obliged to transfer the biometrics of their clients to the EBS by September 30, 2023. We are talking about the image of the face and samples of the voice. However, those who wish can refuse the state to store such information - you can issue a corresponding application at any time.

All biometric data of Russians will be entered into the state Unified Biometric System

As of September 2023, with the help of biometric data in Russia, you can enter the portal of public services, get a virtual SIM card (eSIM), issue a certificate of electronic signature of an individual, remotely issue a fan card and enter the territory of state organizations. In addition, some online services are available that require identity confirmation: Russians, for example, can take a loan from a bank or open a deposit.

It is reported that at the end of 2023 - at the beginning of 2024, it is planned to launch the Open Business Online super service, which will allow you to remotely register a company, open an account and receive an electronic signature. In addition, it is planned to launch the project "payment by face" (bioequiring) of goods and services no more than 2.5 thousand rubles. An electronic signature service for entrepreneurs and civil servants will appear: biometrics will allow you to remotely receive the necessary certificate of enhanced qualified electronic signature. At the end of 2023, it is planned to launch payment for travel on biometrics in the Moscow metro, and in 2024, confirmation of the identity of the passenger on the basis of the EBS will be introduced when boarding long-distance trains.

By September 2023, more than 74 million biometric profiles were formed in Russia. In particular, Sberbank has accumulated data of approximately 30 million people.[11]

The Central Bank will divide biometrics in Russia into groups by data compliance levels

In early September 2023, it became known that the Bank of Russia intends to divide into several groups casts of biometric data, which financial institutions transfer to the Unified Biometric System (EBS).

According to Interfax, depending on the degree of compliance of the available sets of information with the established requirements, the range of permitted operations will be determined. According to the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank Olga Skorobogatova, it is planned to introduce several levels of classification of biometric data. Depending on their completeness and quality, certain operations will be available.

The Central Bank will divide into several groups casts of biometric data entering the EBS

As in Public services"," we will have several levels of operations. That is, those samples biometric that correspond, it will be possible to make all types of transactions with them - financial, and opening an account and others, which are provided for by law. There will be a limited circle for the second species, and for the third, for example, there will be only identification or authentication, "Skorobogatova said.

As of early September 2023, the project is under development. The Kommersant newspaper notes that the centers of public services are faced with a rush demand for the service of refusing to collect and store biometric data. Tens of thousands of citizens across Russia line up to write relevant statements. This is due to the spread of messages in messengers that the refusal to collect biometrics can only be issued until August 31, 2023. After that, citizens will allegedly begin to forcibly photograph through ATM cameras and record their voice by phone. However, officials refute this information.

Skorobogatova says that biometric data will increase the convenience of citizens' access to various services. According to her, the more services are offered using biometrics, the more the population will want to submit such data for the use of certain services.[12][13]

The Ministry of Digital Development and the Central Bank refused banks benefits for posting data in the Unified Biometric System

The Ministry of Digital Development and the Central Bank refused banks benefits for posting data in the Unified Biometric System (EBS). This became known at the end of August 2023.

According to the already approved rules and current legislation, the abolition of fees for the use of EBS for players who transferred customer data to it is not provided, - says the responses of the Ministry of Digital Development, the operator of the Center for Biometric Technologies (CBT) and the Bank of Russia to the appeal of the National Council of the Financial Market (NSFR) on changing tariffs for the use of EBS for banks (quoted by Kommersant).

Banks denied benefits for posting data in the Unified Biometric System

In July 2023, the NSFR proposed to cancel the fee for receiving information from the EBS for donor banks, which transfer independently collected biometric data of private clients to the state system. The fee for receiving biometric vectors from the system at current tariffs would range from 3 rubles. when sending single requests up to 2.5 rubles. in case of sending more than 1 million requests per year. And for "importers" of biometrics in the EBS, they propose not to charge fees for the initial receipt of data. Then they can work on general terms.

The Central Bank and the Ministry of Digital Development recalled that the law concerns only the gratuitous placement of data in the EBS, but does not allow the use of zero or unlimited tariffs or lowering coefficients to obtain vectors. Therefore, there are no grounds for exempting financial organizations from payment for the use of the EBS, the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development summed up. The Central Bank also proposed to be guided by the current methodology.

Deputy Head of the NSFR Alexander Naumov believes that the current tariffs do not fully take into account the specifics of the work of commercial companies - donors of the EBS. And since the bank cannot store biometrics, it is obliged to remove it. Naumov admitted that it would be more profitable for small financial organizations to remove biometrics collected for their needs before transferring to the EBS if transmission costs exceed revenues from the use of vectors.[14]

How the process of using biometrics to receive services is developing in Russia

More than 50 million times, Russians handed over their biometric samples to use the services through various domestic biometric systems. Yuri Shabanov, deputy head of the department for the development of digital identification technologies Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation, announced this in early July 2023.

At the same time, the deputy chairman of the board Sberbank Stanislav Kuznetsov said that the company has collected about 30 million biometric casts, and has the highest level of personal data protection. According to him, every month 7-8, or even up to 10 million customers use services related to biometrics.

How the process of using biometrics to receive services is developing in Russia
We are actively working in this area together with departments, including the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, in order to develop technologies according to a single approved plan. The state is also interested in the development of biometric technologies, - said Kuznetsov.

As indicated on the website of the Unified Biometric System, having handed over biometrics, Russians can use the following services (by July 2023):

  • protection of the account on Public services using biometrics;
  • remote registration of a fan card without graying the MPSC;
  • remote opening of accounts and deposits in banks, as well as registration of loans;
  • obtaining a certificate of the electronic signature verification key without going to the certification center;
  • conclusion of contracts for communication services and registration of eSIM;
  • passing exams and tests remotely;
  • fast passage to offices and sporting events using a facial recognition system.

According to a survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), by July 2023, more than half of Russians are familiar with the concept of "biometrics" - 55%. 39% of Russians have no idea about biometrics.

The use of biometric data is not limited to the banking sector - in addition to bank branches, they can be handed over through a special mobile application. And although some experts note that biometric data will soon replace paper passports, there is no need to talk about the widespread use of the latter. According to the results of the survey, a total of 42% of Russians faced a proposal to pass biometrics, including 29% agreed to the collection and processing of such data, did not agree - 13%, the VTsIOM report says.

According to the SuperJob portal, 8 out of 10 Russians said they were not ready to pay in stores using the biometric payment system, only 7% of Russians want to use this method.[15]

Banks asked the Ministry of Digital Development not to take money from them for the use of biometrics

At the end of June 2023, the National Council of the Financial Market (NSFR) sent a letter to the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development with a request to adjust the tariffs for authentication using vectors in the Unified Biometric System (EBS). Bankers are asking the agency to abolish fees for using biometrics collected for their databases.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, credit organizations transfer their own biometrics to the EBS for free. According to NSFR estimates, the current charging model assumes costs of more than 500 million rubles per year for a base of about 20 million samples. In particular, banks must pay even for vectors on customers whose casts themselves were transferred to the system: from 3 rubles with single requests per year to 2.55 rubles with a number of requests of more than 1 million per year. This, according to financial market participants, "makes proactive sample collection inappropriate and will lead to the opposite result - a significant reduction in the EBS base."

NSFR asked to adjust tariffs for authentication using vectors in the Unified Biometric System

The letter addressed to the head of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev proposes to cancel the fee for banks for receiving vectors for those clients whose images they transferred to the EBS from their own biometric systems or collected specifically for this platform. If the fee is saved, the commission fee for citizens for the services of banks using EBS may increase.

In addition, the authors of the letter emphasize that EBS vectors can be used in conducting anti-fraud events. We are talking about reducing cases of fraud with funds, "including when checking for the presence or absence of signs of a transfer of funds without the consent of the client, under the influence of deception or breach of trust." In this case, it is proposed to provide reduction factors for paying for vectors. Plus, the NSFR speaks of the need to introduce "unlimited subscription for the right to obtain vectors."[16]

Russian banks transfer the collected biometrics of customers to a single GIS

Russian banks transfer the collected biometrics of customers to the state Unified Biometric System (GIS EBS). This became known at the end of June 2023.

According to Kommersant, Sberbank began notifying customers about the transfer of data to the GIS EBS on June 22, 2023. The credit institution assured that this migration will not affect service at the bank, and access to government services will be simplified.

Banks in the Russian Federation transfer the collected biometrics of customers to a single GIS
Clients are sent SMS or push notifications informing about the transfer of data to the EBS, and if the client does not mind, in 30 days the data will be transferred to the EBS via a secure channel in automatic mode, - explained in Sberbank.

The head of the CBT Vladislav Povolotsky noted in a conversation with the publication that biometrics a schedule has already been drawn up for each exporter, and interested organizations have already connected or are in the process of connecting to the EBS test environment.

They conduct tests of the functionality and technical capability of sample transfer. As part of the tests, real customer data is not processed and transmitted, - he said in a conversation with the publication (the article was published on June 26, 2023).

In CENTRAL BANK OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION turn, they said that banks are "finalizing their own information systems" for transferring data to the EBS. RSHB In and others banks , they told the newspaper that they would launch an alert about the transfer of biometrics after testing is completed.

Positive Technologies information security consultant Alexei Lukatsky, in an interview with Kommersant, noted that the only convenience of a single state system is that all data will now be stored in one place, but this is "the weak link of this whole scheme."

Everyone refers to the fact that no one hacked the EBS. But there were few customers inside the EBS - hundreds of thousands. When there are tens of millions of data in the EBS, the situation may change dramatically, the expert warned.[17]

Russians can now permanently refuse to collect their biometrics

On June 1, 2023, a government decree came into force, according to which Russians were able to submit to the MPSC an application to refuse to permanently collect and post biometric personal data. A statement in which passport data and SNILS must be indicated will be forwarded to the operator of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) within one day.

The new procedure also provides for the procedure for revoking a previously submitted refusal. Previously, Russians could withdraw their data only from the organization to which they personally transferred them.

Russians got the opportunity to submit an application to the MPSC to permanently refuse to collect and post biometric personal data

As the head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy said earlier, Alexander Hinstein"all this is being done in order to streamline the processes related to implementation, biometric authentications which are now absolutely haphazard. As long as millions of biometric personal data are in the hands of commercial structures, the state will not be able to guarantee their security. "

Also, from June 1, 2023, biometric and personal data will be processed only within the Unified Biometric System (EBS). Organizations that already work with biometrics must be accredited by December 1, 2023 - this way they will be able to keep the work of existing biometric services.

Accredited companies will transfer customer biometric data to the EBS for storage, and from there receive a vector - a mathematically transformed data model, which will be enough to provide services in the organization.

Accreditation is carried out without a term limit. Organizations in respect of which accreditation has been terminated are obliged to destroy EBS vectors from their information systems within 7 working days after the date of termination of accreditation.

Government of the Russian Federation Resolution of March 17, 2023 No. 405

Mishustin expanded the powers of the Ministry of Digital Development in relation to the Unified Biometric System

In March 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree that expanded the powers of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation related to work with the Unified Biometric System (EBS). In particular, the department received the following powers:

  • on the publication of a list of certified information technologies and technical means intended for the processing of biometric personal data and EBS vectors;
  • distribution of a certified encryption (cryptographic) means for transmitting biometric personal data via communication channels.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin

In addition, the wording was changed when describing the powers of accreditation of government agencies, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and organizations that authenticate based on biometric personal data.

Separate items list all regulatory legal acts in the field of biometric identification and (or) authentication, which the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development must adopt in pursuance of the federal law on biometric personal data No. 572-FZ. Among them - the procedure for posting and updating biometric personal data in the EBS; cases and terms of use of biometric personal data when they are placed in a single biometric system; procedure for creating and transmitting EBS vectors for authentication purposes, etc.

In early March 2023, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation announced the development of options for remote identification of customers of Russian banks abroad, including by creating a separate segment in the EBS for non-residents. It is assumed that the system can be used to remotely identify customers of Russian banks in cross-border settlements.

Government of the Russian Federation Resolution of March 9, 2023 No. 367

The Ministry of Digital Development will tighten requirements for companies collecting biometrics of Russians

At the end of January 2023, it became known about the decision of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation to tighten the requirements for companies collecting and processing biometric data of Russians. One of the changes is an increase in the required equity of the company by 10 times, from 50 million to 500 million rubles. In addition, the amount of financial support for losses in case of incorrect authentication will increase by 2 times - from 50 million to 100 million rubles.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to the corresponding draft government decree developed by the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, the new requirements apply to both private and state-owned companies.

The Ministry of Digital Development will introduce a new package of rules for companies collecting biometrics of Russians

The publication notes that the document is designed to bring into line with the previously adopted law the requirements for organizations planning to authenticate on the basis of biometric personal data of individuals. The main provisions governing the procedure for collecting biometrics, as well as the termination of its storage and processing, are established by government decree No. 1799 of October 20, 2021. But in connection with the adoption of law No. 572, prohibiting the compulsory collection of biometrics (adopted on December 29, 2022), the requirements need to be updated, according to the consolidated report of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, which the newspaper refers to.

Kirill Lyakhmanov, general legal adviser to the intellectual property practice of the EBR law firm, told Vedomosti that the government hopes to provide the necessary level of security for biometric personal data (PD) by raising the minimum capital level. Grigory Dubrovsky, partner and head of the group for work with telecommunications, media and technology companies of the DRT, also believes that the new capital requirement should weed out organizations that cannot afford to protect PD at the proper level.

However, as Lyakhmanov notes, examples of past leaks indicate that a larger amount of equity does not guarantee the safety of data. At the same time, the new requirements will be impossible for small players and "will lead to further consolidation of such data from the largest banks from the top 4," he said.[18]

From February 1, access to Public services will be available via biometrics

From February 1, 2023, access to Public services will be available through biometrics. Citizens will be able to use this method of their own free will. This was reported on January 24, 2023 by RIA Novosti. Read more here.


Russia adopted a law prohibiting the collection of biometrics of citizens without their consent

On December 21, 2022, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the third (final) reading a law on the protection of biometric data, it will prohibit discrimination against citizens who refused to transfer them. The document establishes the rules for processing information using a single biometric system (EBS) or other IT systems.

The law introduces a ban on coercion to submit biometrics and storage of genomic information. The list of collected biometrics is limited - it includes the person and voice of a citizen, and also provides for the possibility of simplified deletion of data from the system and control over their use through the State Public services portal. In addition, it is prohibited to use the biometrics of children without the consent of their parents, and the use of data is allowed only in Russian databases.

Russia adopted a law prohibiting the collection of biometrics of citizens

In an updated form, this law is not on the collection of biometric data, but on the prohibition of their uncontrolled circulation, stressed the head of the profile committee on information policy Alexander Khinshtein.

We rewrote the submitted project, removing from it everything that aroused the fears of people - often justified, - said the deputy. According to him, as a result of a dialogue with the public on the project, all her proposals were taken into account - including the comments of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The deputy stressed that each person will have the right to refuse to hand over biometrics - in simple writing, through any MPSC. Previously submitted biometrics can be recalled, and the data must be destroyed.

According to Khinshtein, commercial organizations (banks, mobile operators and others) have collected biometrics of about 70 million people. And the state, he believes, is unable to protect the disparate data that is in the hands of businessmen. Therefore, it is necessary to assemble them into a single tested system.[19]

Mishustin approved the use of biometrics to enter the State Public services portal

At the end of October 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the possibility of using authorization biometrics in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA). We are talking about the use of the Unified Biometric System (EBS), the new function will begin to operate in February 2023. Read more here.

The Ministry of Digital Development will use the Unified Biometric System in all student exams

On August 25, 2022, it became known about the decision of the Ministry of Digital Development to use the Unified Biometric System in all student exams on an ongoing basis. The department noted the positive results of the experiment.

To approve the attached amendments, which are made to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 2, 2021 No. 301 "On approval of the provision on the specifics of intermediate and final certification in the 2021/2022 academic year for educational programs of higher education,... providing for the use of remote educational technologies that ensure identity identification through a unified personal data information system... In the name and paragraph 1, the words "in the 2021/2022 academic year" are excluded, - says the government decree developed Ministry of Digital Development of the draft, excerpts from which are quoted by RIA Novosti.

The Ministry of Digital Development will use the Unified Biometric System in exams

The experiment on the use of the Unified biometric System for identifying students studying under educational programs of higher education, providing for the use of distance learning technologies, during the intermediate and final certification was carried out in the 2021/2022 academic year. Seven universities participated in it, in which, during the summer session of 2021, students passed exams with the help of the EBS in 12 disciplines, the Ministry of To Interfax Ministry of Digital Development specified.

According to the ministry, universities themselves chose these faculties and disciplines, and students could choose the format for passing the exam. The exam was passed using a bioproctoring service, which includes identifying the student's identity using the EBS, as well as monitoring violations in the exam process. To pass the certification, the student must have a confirmed account on the Public services[20]

Collect biometrics without consent will not

In connection with those who appeared MEDIA in the messages Ministry of Digital Development on August 9, 2022, he clarified that the prepared project order does not imply the cancellation of the receipt of citizens' consent to the collection of their biometric ones. data The draft order is supposed to regulate the processes of importing previously collected biometric data stored in commercial systems, mainly in, into banks a single state system. biometric The draft order is aimed at discussion in working groups with representatives of the expert community, including to assess the regulatory impact on citizens and business.

Key provisions of the draft order:

1. Without the consent of citizens, the collection of any biometric data is impossible
. It is possible to collect and submit biometrics only on a voluntary basis and only with the consent of a citizen:

  • through the bank
  • independently through a mobile application (from September 30, 2022)
  • in the future - through the MPSC

Unable to collect biometrics:

  • from surveillance cameras
  • from other sources that do not provide for prior consent

2. Mandatory loading of biometrics from commercial systems into the EBS is provided for by federal law No. 325-FZ

At the same time, only those biometric data that are collected in accordance with federal laws, that is, with the consent of a citizen, can be imported into the EBS. A citizen whose data is transferred to the EBS must be notified about this by the owner of the commercial system (bank) with mandatory information about the procedure for recalling the storage of data in the EBS and their destruction.
The citizen will also be informed about the transfer of his data to the EBS in his personal account at the Public services. There he will be able to apply for the removal of his biometric data from the EBS. The draft order is aimed at clarifying the relevant procedures.

The Ministry of Digital Development will carefully ensure that when transferring data from commercial systems to the EBS, citizens:

  • be sure to receive notifications
  • could at will send a request to stop storing data in the EBS and delete the relevant data.

3. Information from multiple commercial systems will not be "mixed"

If a citizen's biometric data is contained in several commercial systems, when imported into the EBS, only the most up-to-date data meeting the necessary quality standards will be stored. All other transmitted data will be deleted.

4. Data storage in the EBS is more reliable than in commercial systems

The EBS complies with all information security regulatory requirements, its level of security and the reliability of data storage are constantly checked and monitored. Storing biometric data in the EBS will ensure their reliable protection.

5. Biometrics do not have to be taken

Passing biometrics is a citizen's right, which, thanks to remote identity identification, can increase the availability of a number of services. For example, thanks to biometrics, you can remotely pass exams or pay for travel in transport without travel documents.

The Ministry of Digital Development has returned a fee for business for the use of the Unified Biometric System

On August 9, 2022, it became known about the return of Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation of fees for the use of the Unified Biometric System (EBS). This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the corresponding order of the department.

I order: cancel the order... dated June 6, 2022 No. 455 "On Amending the Order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2021 No. 474"On the approval of the methodology for calculating the collection of fees for the use of a unified personal data information system that provides processing, including the collection and storage of biometric personal data, their verification and transmission of information about the degree of their compliance with the submitted biometric personal data of an individual, - said in the document, excerpts from which the agency provides.

Biometric data collection.

By the end of 2022, the June order canceled the collection of fees for the use of the EBS. The fee during this period should not have been charged in connection with the transformation of the EBS into a state information system, it clarifies. TASS Prior to that, it was envisaged to charge fees from those who identify citizens with the help of: biometrics from authorities, financial and other organizations, individual entrepreneurs, notaries. The reasons for the cancellation by August 10, 2022 are not reported.

By this time, remote biometric identification is used to obtain banking services, it is possible for citizens and businesses to receive an electronic signature in certification centers using EBS and ESIA. The possibility of providing notarial services using the e-government infrastructure and a unified biometric system has been implemented.[21]

The data of Russians will be transferred to the Unified Biometric System without their consent. The Ministry of Digital Development denies

The data of Russians will be transferred to the Unified Biometric System without their consent. The corresponding amendments were developed by the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation.

The document, excerpts from which Kommersant cites, clarifies that the consent of the data subject to collect and update biometrics in the EBS and "other information systems that provide identification and/or authentication using biometric personal data" is not required, since their placement without consent is enshrined in the amendments to the Law "On Information," adopted on July 6, 2022.

There was information that the data of the Russians will be transferred to the EBS without their consent, but the Ministry of Digital Development denies this

According to the document, the new rules will greatly simplify the process of placing biometrics in the EBS. In particular, if earlier it was required that biometric data contain a cast of a person's face and voice, now the presence of either an image or a record will be a sufficient basis. Thanks to this, any information system will be able to place biometric data in the EBS, but only the structure that downloaded them can use them.

Data operators are obliged to notify Russians about the transfer of their biometrics to the EBS, and they have the right to contact the EBS and demand to destroy their data, Kommersant the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development assured. The transfer of information from commercial biometric systems (BCS) to the EBS, according to the department, will increase the security of processing and storing biometric personal data.

To oblige the BSC to transfer data to the EBS, only one thing is required - the presence of a voice or a face image, samples will no longer require compliance with all EBS quality standards, said DRC lawyer Nikita Istomin. Kirill Lyakhmanov, General Legal Adviser to the Intellectual Property Practice of EBR, noted that the refusal to obtain the citizen's consent to collect and update biometrics in the EBS may lead to the fact that biometrics will be collected continuously from any possible sources.[22]

The Ministry of Digital Development denies plans to collect biometric data of Russians without their consent.

In connection with the reports that appeared in the media, Ministry of Digital Development clarifies that the prepared draft order of the ministry does not imply the cancellation of the receipt of citizens' consent to the collection of their biometric data. The draft order is supposed to regulate the import processes of previously collected biometric data stored in commercial systems, mainly in banks, to the state EBS, the ministry said.

Mishustin allowed Russians to independently enter their data into the Unified Biometric System

In mid-July 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed Decree No. 1237 "On Amending the Information Posted in the Unified Personal Data Information System, which Provides Processing, including Collection and Storage, of Biometric Personal Data, Their Verification and Transmission of Information on the Degree of Their Compliance with the Provided Biometric Personal Data of an Individual, including the Type of Biometric Personal Data."

In accordance with this document, citizens of the Russian Federation can independently enter their data into the Unified Biometric System. Data entry is carried out by "an individual using Russian software designed to process biometric personal data, which is part of a single biometric system," the decree said.

Mikhail Mishustin

As noted by the publication D-Russia, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation twice proposed this norm (in September 2021 and January 2022) and explained its initiative by the need to "maximize the number of entities that can receive services remotely."

Earlier in July 2022, the president Russia Vladimir Putin signed a law according to which, if there are state information systems of state bodies, in information systems of financial market organizations, other biometric personal data organizations, corresponding to all types or only one of the types of biometric personal data, placed in the EBS, such data shall be placed in a single biometric system without obtaining the consent of the relevant subject of the personal data to be placed, as well as for the processing of these data by the operator of a single biometric system.[23]

The State Duma allowed the transfer of biometrics of Russians to a single system without the consent of citizens

State Duma passed a law according to which it is allowed to transfer to biometric data Russians the Unified biometric System (EBS) without obtaining their consent to this. However, it is necessary to notify about this. This became known on July 7, 2022.

The chamber's committee on information policy explained that the mechanism will contribute to the expansion of the use of biometric acquiring technology - cashless payment. Since the ability to pay, for example, through Apple Pay and Google Pay was limited, therefore citizens must carry plastic cards to pay for goods and services, which creates certain inconveniences for consumers.

The measures are also aimed at the speedy filling of the EBS with biometric samples necessary for the widespread use of biometric technologies[24].

EBS in Russia will begin work from March 1, 2023

The State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications recommended Bill No. 946012-7, which provides, among other things, the launch of the Unified Biometric System (EBS), for consideration in the second and third readings at the plenary session of the Duma, the press service of which announced this on July 4, 2022. The deputy head of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the RFOleg Pak appealed to the committee members with a proposal to postpone the start date of the project from September 1, 2022 to March 1, 2023, as it is required to make a number of serious changes in the technological model of the unified biometric system (EBS). The committee supported the ministry's appeal with the condition that there would be no more delays in the launch.

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Sergei Boyarsky recalled that in the first reading the bill was adopted in the summer of 2020. 6 amendments were prepared for the second and third readings of draft federal law No. 946012-7 "On Amendments to Articles 14 and 141 of the Federal Law" On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection "and Article 5 of the Federal Law" On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation. "

Four relate to the establishment of a data circulation regime in state information systems, if their operators are private organizations within the framework of public-private partnerships or concession agreements. The updated edition clarifies the features of the access of the operator of the private partner system to information contained in state information systems. In addition, the bill is supplemented with norms for regulating the sphere of biometric personal data, which are the subject of processing of system data.

Taking into account a number of instructions from the president and the government, the EBS becomes the main system for processing the biometrics of our citizens, in fact, this is a single state base. And it is important for us that the data of our citizens are transferred there, and we can provide the services that they need already with the use of a single biometric system, mister Pak said.

Due to very serious changes in the technological model of the unified biometric system, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development Russia asked to postpone the start of work on to the project and postpone it from September 2022 to March 2023. Both authorities and commercial organizations need to be prepared for the entry of these norms, the deputy minister said.

The head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, Alexander Khinshtein, said that parliamentarians are going to meet with the Ministry of Digital Science and the government, realizing that the deadline for the entry into force of the draft law (September 1, 2022) established for July 2022 will not be fulfilled for both objective and subjective reasons. The established launch date - March 1, 2023 - was agreed and supported taking into account the obligation to execute on this date.

The committee with colleagues from Ministry of Digital Development is deeply working on the protection of personal data, and in the fall of 2022 we will have to work on a law on the protection of biometric data of Russian citizens. Here we will take into account all the necessary protection measures, - said the parliamentarian.

The Ministry of Digital Development has canceled the fee for the use of the Unified Biometric System

On June 7, 2022, an order was issued by the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation to abolish the collection of fees for the use of the Unified Biometric System (EBS). This measure is temporary and will be valid until December 31, 2022.

According to Interfax, citing the press services of the Ministry of Digital Development, until December 30, 2021, the EBS was not a state information system and completely belonged to the operator, PJSC Rostelecom.

The Ministry of Digital Development has canceled the fee for the use of the Unified Biometric System

In the status of the state information system, the EBS continued to work from December 30, 2021 after the adoption of the relevant law.

Companies connected to the system paid for transactions (reconciliation of citizen biometric data with data stored in the EBS). Since the EBS is now a state information system, payment for use is not required until the end of 2022. After the expiration of this period, the issue will be worked out additionally, the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development said.

The fee for using the system, according to the order of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, which was amended in June 2022, is charged to those who identify citizens using biometrics. These can be authorities, financial and other organizations, individual entrepreneurs, notaries. The fee is provided for two types of services - identification, which implies confirmation of the identity of a new client of the organization, and authentication-confirmation by biometrics of the client's identity.

At the tariff, a one-time fee for the volume of up to 10 thousand successful comparisons during one calendar month for users obliged by law to use EBS (for example, banks, notaries, etc.) is no more than 475 thousand rubles, up to 20 thousand successful comparisons - no more than 900 thousand rubles.

The EBS is part of the e-government infrastructure, providing information interaction between various systems as part of the provision of public services.[25]

Ministry of Digital Development Science proposes to jail for cheating with biometric data

In early June 2022, it became known about the amendments to the Administrative and Criminal Codes developed by the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, which tighten liability for violating the procedure for collecting, storing and using biometric data.

The agency proposes to supplement the Code of Administrative Offenses with an article according to which a violation of the procedure for processing, posting and updating biometric personal data in a single information system will entail a fine on officials in the amount of 100 to 300 thousand rubles, on legal ones - from 300 to 500 thousand rubles.

Ministry of Digital Development Science proposes to jail for cheating with biometric data

For processing biometric data in information systems without accreditation, the ministry proposes to fine officials in the amount of 300 to 600 thousand rubles, legal - from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles.

From the amendments to the Criminal Code, it follows that for the deliberate introduction of "deliberately inaccurate information" into the Unified Biometric System (EBS), they will face a fine of up to 300,000 rubles, forced or compulsory work, a temporary ban on holding certain positions or imprisonment for up to five years, and with grave consequences - up to 10 years.

Amendments to the Criminal Code equate the introduction of inaccurate information into the EBS with forgery of documents, said Karen Ghazaryan, general director of the Institute for Internet Research, whose opinion is quoted by Kommersant. According to him, the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses are intended to force businesses to receive state accreditation. This can lead to a decrease in the desire of businesses in Russia to work with biometric data, he said.

{{quote 'Biometric data needs to be protected much more carefully than personal data. After all, they give much more information about a person, to hide or change which later will not work, - said Oleg Matveychev, deputy chairman of the Duma committee on information policy, technology and communications. }} He noted that the committee will carefully study the initiative when it is introduced, but conceptually, the deputy supports the introduction of responsibility for violations when handling biometrics.[26]

State banks obliged to transfer biometric data of customers to the EBS

State banks will be required to transfer customer biometric data to the Unified Biometric System, which has the status of a state information system. The authorities sent a directive to several large state-owned banks in May 2022.

Entry into the personal account of the portal of public services will be possible using the data of the EBS

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko announced the development of a new user authentication factor for the Public services portal. Entry into the personal account will be carried out using data from a unified biometric system, the Russian Ministry of Digital Development reported on January 18, 2022. Read more here.

The Russian government refused to involve banks in the project for the development of the EBS

As it became known on January 13, 2022 Government of the Russian Federation , refused to involve banks in the project for the development of the state system. biometrics Earlier, the project partners announced the largest credit organizations, including those named,,,, etc VTB Gazprombank. Alfa-Bank Tinkoff-bank

According to RBC, for the further development of the Unified Biometric System, it is planned to create a joint venture (JV) with the participation of Rostelecom, the government and the Bank of Russia. The decision on such a composition has been made, the formation of the joint venture may be completed by the summer of 2022. The representative of the office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, who oversees the project for creating a joint venture for the EBS, told the publication that the project by mid-January 2022 "is under development."

The authorities will refuse to attract banks to participate in the creation of the Unified Biometric System

Officially, no one gave banks the reasons for refusing their participation. Ministry of Digital Development and Rostelecom simply stopped inviting them to discuss the project. Sources of the publication associate the changes in the composition of the participants of the enterprise with the fact that the previous formats of the joint venture were dissatisfied with the FSB.

Yegor Krivoshey, head of research at the Skolkovo-NES center, in a conversation with RBC expressed the opinion that the participation of large government agencies and Rostelecom in the development of the system is "a fairly understandable step," while "the appearance of banks in the project could send the wrong signal that the EBS is used only for financial services, although this system can be used much more broadly." The second reason banks abandoned the project, in his opinion, is that credit institutions themselves have their own biometrics identification systems, and participation in this project could force them to disclose information about their biometric technologies that they would not want to share.[27]


Banks will be obliged to transfer biometrics of customers to the state

The authorities plan to develop by the fall of 2022 a new procedure for the transfer of personal data from commercial biometric systems. This became known on December 30, 2021 from the words of the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Alexander Khinshtein.

The deputy noted that data transfer will take place in 2022. This task will fall on the Ministry of Digital Development, which will develop a mechanism for transferring data from banks to the EBS. Separately, it is noted that the Ministry will not need to develop a new platform. The seizure and transfer of biometric data can be carried out on the existing EBS system, created several years ago.

The operator of the Unified Biometric System is Rostelecom. The representative of the organization clarified that the updated legislation will enable commercial companies to collect biometrics in compliance with the requirements that will be determined by the government.

Over the past three years, the company has collected biometric data of less than 200 thousand people across the country. By 2023, Ministry of Digital Development, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and RTK are going to increase this figure to 50-70 million. Including due to the fact that some public services will be remotely unavailable without passing the EBS[28].

The Ministry of Digital Development will not be an EBS operator after it is included in the e-government infrastructure

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation will not be the operator of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) after its inclusion in the e-government infrastructure. This is stated in the resolution of 24.12.2021 No. 2459 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 8, 2011 No. 451." The document in December 2021 was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

According to the document developed by the Ministry of Digital Development, the department is an operator of GIS, which are part of the interaction infrastructure, with the exception of a single biometric system. The functions of the EBS operator are assigned to Rostelecom. The decree will enter into force on December 30, 2021.

The Ministry of Digital Development will not be an EBS operator after it is included in the e-government infrastructure

The infrastructure of electronic government is expanding, two information elements have been added to it by a signed decree: the EBS and a single digital platform for signing and storing documents.

As the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Alexander Khinshtein told Vedomosti at the end of December 2021, by the fall of 2022 it is planned to develop a mechanism for transferring biometric data of citizens from banks to the EBS. At the same time, the banks themselves and other commercial organizations will not be able to keep copies of this data.

According to Hinstein, by the end of 2021, the possibility is being discussed that commercial structures will have access to "light" biometrics, which will provide an opportunity to confirm the identity of a person, but at the same time this data will not allow him to be identified outside. For example, in the databases of organizations for letting employees into the building on biometrics, instead of full-fledged 3D portraits, so-called vectors will be stored - sets of some points taken from the face that will identify the passing person. But the system will not be able to collect these points into a portrait, he explained. [29]

Russia adopted a law on the creation of a unified GIS biometric data

On December 22, 2021, the State Duma adopted a law on the creation of a unified state biometric data system in Russia. In accordance with the document, the Unified Biometric System (EBS), created in 2018 at the initiative of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, will receive the status of GIS.

The procedure for the functioning of the EBS and its interaction with other Russian information systems will be determined by the government together with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In addition, government agencies using other state information systems for identification and authentication through biometrics will have to undergo special accreditation.

Russia adopted a law on the creation of a unified GIS biometric data

State information systems, in addition to passing mandatory accreditation, will be obliged to use only vectors obtained from the unified biometric system as a result of the transformation of posted personal data. This will make it impossible to restore the original data of the citizen.

Also, according to the amendment adopted by the State Duma, citizens will be able to independently, without visiting state bodies or authorized organizations, place biometric samples in this system using trusted software, as well as using a confirmed account in a unified identification and authentication system and data from a chip on a Russian passport. This opportunity will also appear among citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad.

When processing data, it is charged with the obligation to ensure their safety from various threats, the law says.

The document postpones from January 1 to September 1, 2022 the entry into force of the norm on the provision of services by participants in the financial market after a person passes identification and authentication by biometrics.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke in favor of keeping the biometric data of Russians in a single and secure state data system.[30]

The unified state biometric system started working Russia on December 30, 2021.

"The unified biometric system will expand the number of services and increase the availability of services for Russian citizens. They, in turn, will receive a high quality of service provision, and in a more convenient and operational format. I note that the state unified biometric system involves voluntary participation on the part of each Russian, "commented Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko[31]

Shadayev: the president's decision will reformat the entire industry of working with biometric data

The president's decision will reformat the entire industry of work with biometric data and biometric services, said Minister of Digital Development Maksut Shadayev, answering questions from the IT industry during TAdviser SummIT on November 23, 2021.

Now biometrics are collected by Sberbank, Tinkoff and other organizations. The president said there should be one government system that will store primary biometric data.

"Of course, we understand that the business is now actively using and will continue to use biometric identification when working with call centers, at ATMs and even when buying coffee. For example, in our ministry you can buy coffee using the biometric identification of Sberbank. And it is clear that we cannot disrupt these processes. But the general architecture will look like a user or citizen surrenders his biometrics into a single state system, after which he gives the consent of a commercial organization to use the vector of this biometrics, "Shadayev explained. - And all commercial operators will work not with primary biometric data, but with vectors. In this sense, additional security will be provided. At the same time, the user will always have the opportunity to withdraw his consent to access his biometrics to commercial operators. "

The full text and video of Maksut Shadayev's speech on TAdviser SummIT - here.

Transfer to e-government infrastructure

In early November 2021, it became known that Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation was transferring the Unified Biometric System to the e-government infrastructure. The platform will receive GIS status.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 29.12.2020 of 479-FZ "On amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation," the unified personal data information system, which provides for the processing, including the collection and storage of biometric personal data, their verification and transmission of information about the degree of their compliance with the provided biometric personal data of an individual, from December 30, 2021 acquires the status of a state information system, - TASS reports with reference to a government decree developed by the Ministry of Digital Development.

The Ministry of Digital Development is transferring the Unified Biometric System to the e-government infrastructure

In connection with the change in status, the EBS will be finalized, will receive increased control from the state and will introduce all the necessary tools to protect against leaks and comply with information security requirements.

The EBS will be part of the infrastructure elements that ensure information technology interaction of InformSystems, which are used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form. This innovation in the Ministry of Digital Development was explained by the need to comply with information security requirements, ensure state control, comply with the principles of equidistance of the EBS from all market participants, non-discriminatory access to services, as well as reliable protection of biometric personal data of individuals.

According to the Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" of July 1, 2021, the functions of the EBS operator are assigned by the Government of the Russian Federation to a certain organization. To comply with this norm, the project provides for an exception from the general provision that from December 30, 2021, the operator of the GIS, which is part of the interaction infrastructure, is Ministry of Digital Development.[32]

Natalya Kasperskaya urged not to hand over biometrics due to the risks of leaks

In early October 2021, Natalya Kasperskaya, president of the InfoWatch group of companies, warned Russians against passing biometric data due to the high risk of their leaks.

My personal recommendation: in no case should you hand over biometric data, not be carried out on convenience. They will be stolen almost with a guarantee, sold, merged, "she said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

She suggested first waiting for an explanation "how these data are planned to be protected, including from their employees." According to Kasperskaya, she, in principle, does not understand why to use biometrics.

Natalya Kasperskaya urged not to hand over biometrics due to the risks of leaks

As an example, Natalya Kasperskaya cited a high probability of forgery of electronic documents due to targeted hacking. She stressed that forging electronic documents is easier than paper documents, as it is easier for hackers to hide traces of their crime.

If documents are forged by an IT specialist with high access rights, then he also fakes the logs of his access, - said the president of InfoWatch.

In her opinion, the main danger when introducing biometrics is that by October 2021 there is no 100% opportunity to protect and verify such data. Russians can pass fingerprints and their photos, people are filmed without their knowledge in public places, and then this information can be leaked, stolen and used, for example, in large real estate transactions, managing a bank account, etc.

By the beginning of October 2021, Russian banks continue to collect biometric data through the Unified Biometric System (EBS), which allows you to get a service via the Internet and improve customer experience when providing services without personal visits to government and commercial institutions. Russians are reluctant to hand over their biometrics: by May 2021, only 164 thousand casts were registered in the system.[33]

Mishustin allowed biometric identification of students at the final certification in universities

In September 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a government decree that allowed the use of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) when conducting final certification at universities in the 2021/2022 academic year. The innovation will be available to students who study in undergraduate, specialty and master's programs.

Previously, universities could use EBS only for intermediate certification in a remote format. The system ensures the processing, collection and storage of biometric personal data, their verification and transfer to the university. Students need to register in the system, and just before the start of the exam, go through the proctoring procedure - pronounce a random numerical sequence in front of the camera.

Mikhail Mishustin allowed biometric identification of students at the final certification in universities

The system evaluates and remembers a user's behavior and identifies them as human. Further, information on protected channels is transferred to the university. When confirming the identity, the student is allowed before the exam.

Previously, a student during remote certification was identified by a passport: during a videoconference, he should be deployed and demonstrated on camera instead of with a face. Video recording shall be attached to the certification protocol.

Earlier in Russia, an experiment was conducted in which biometrics was used during the summer student session. Students were able to take exams remotely, while their data was protected. Seven universities took part in the experiment: MSTU named after Bauman, MIREA, NITU MISIS, RUDN, MIIGAiK, GUU and REU named after Plekhanov.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko believes that the digital format for passing exams using biometrics will be introduced in other universities, this will allow students from remote regions, or with disabilities, to take exams remotely.[34][35]

Transport Secretary urged not to be afraid or resist biometrics: 'this is the new world reality'

On August 24, 2021, in an interview on the Russia 24 channel, Transport Minister Vitaly Savelyev urged not to be afraid to use biometrics in transport, answering the question whether these technologies scare people away Vitaly [36].

This is a new trend, a new world reality. You don't need to fight it, but just perceive it normally, "Savelyev said.

The minister compared biometrics with the use of a mobile phone, where "everything is visible - where you are, when you are, in what place," as well as with the use of the public services portal, on which many are registered, and where "everything is also visible."

Vitaly Savelyev hopes that by 2024 Russia will introduce biometrics on all types of transport "(photo - Alexander Kazakov/Kommersant)"

Vitaly Savelyev also expressed the hope that by 2024 everyone will travel on biometrics, and that everyone will have a digital profile: "I really hope that it will be so."

This, in particular, the minister mentions for the first time. In June 2021, Savelyev also expressed the hope that by 2024 Russia will introduce biometrics on all types of transport, and the passenger's face will become a document according to which he will go to buses, airplanes, railway transport[37].

We must not just digitize something in the Ministry of Transport, but we are following the path of digitizing the entire transport complex, - Vitaly Savelyev said then.

In an interview on the Russia 24 channel, the Minister of Transport recalled that in the summer of 2021, after reconstruction, Terminal C was opened at Sheremetyevo Airport. What the owners of the airport and management have done is worthy of respect and pride for the country, Savelyev is convinced. There you can already go through the face, according to your biometrics, even passport border control.

This is the first time such an opportunity has appeared in Russia. For this, new passport control cabins were installed in terminal "C," where passenger identification is carried out in 30-45 seconds by comparing data from the Unified Biometric System GIS with those indicated in the passport.

These are normal things, and I think that soon we will get used to this, "the minister said in an interview.

200 students of seven Russian universities remotely passed tests and intermediate exams in 12 disciplines using bioproctoring

Rostelecom on August 17, 2021 shared the results of testing bioproctoring - digital technology for remote examination. It includes two services: legally significant identification of the student's identity using the Unified Biometric System and monitoring violations in the exam process using online proctoring technology. The system monitors the removal of gaze from the monitor, the presence of extraneous voices on records, the change of the student's working window and other violations.

During the summer session of 2021, more than 200 students of seven Russian universities remotely passed tests and intermediate exams in 12 disciplines using bioproctoring. The service was tested by students of Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, Russian Technological University (MIREA), National Research Technological University (MISIS), Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), State University of Management (GUU) and Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov.

The results of the experiment on the use of a single biometric system as part of student exams at the summer session have been summed up. Technology made it possible to organize the certification process in such a way that students were able to remotely pass exams and at the same time their data were protected. We expect that the use and scaling of the biometrics system will expand the possibilities of higher education for students with disabilities or living in remote territories, "said Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Technology made it possible to organize the certification process in such a way that students were able to remotely pass exams and at the same time their data were protected. The unified biometric system is protected in accordance with the requirements of regulators in the field of information security, information is transmitted through secure communication channels, biometric and personal data are stored separately - in the Unified Biometric System and ESIA, respectively. In the future, other universities will be able to use this digital format for passing exams. Thus, thanks to distance learning technologies, all Russian students will have equal access to the possibilities of current education, "said Yuri Parfenov, director of the department for the development of digital identification technologies at the Ministry of Digital Identification of Russia.

{{quote 'The experiment on remote passing of intermediate exams using identity identification through the Unified Biometric System was successfully completed. We received a large number of positive responses: representatives of universities note the advantages of the Rostelecom service before the traditional full-time method of passing exams and other existing remote services. We expect that bioproctoring will speed up the digital transformation of the educational process and expand the possibilities of intermediate certification for students with disabilities or living in remote settlements, - said Ivan Berov, director of digital identity at Rostelecom. }}

In order to remotely pass exams using bioproctoring, the student must have citizenship, RUSSIAN FEDERATION a confirmed ESIA account and be registered in the Unified Biometric System. Immediately before the start of the exam, the student needs to go to his personal account on the university platform, go to the bioproctoring service and choose the desired exam or test. After that, he must be authorized for public services portal and confirm his identity by biometrics. The student then proceeds to take the exam or credit. At the same time, you do not need to install an additional one on software your home - computers access to at Internet least 5 Mbps, a webcam with a resolution of at least 640x480 px and a microphone are enough.

The technology partner of online proctoring was Examus. In the future, the list of systems for monitoring violations can be expanded by other proctoring systems included in the unified register of domestic software.

Russian universities began to accept online exams with identification through the EBS

On July 8, 2021, it became known about the use of biometrics to identify university students passing exams. Seven universities are involved in this experiment:

Russian universities began to accept online exams with identification through the EBS

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko told reporters about this. According to him, students who wanted to participate in the experiment had to first create an account on the public services portal and provide biometric data - voice and face image - to the Unified Biometric System (EBS). Identification through it allows you to take exams via the Internet.

Now this is in demand due to the peculiarities of the epidemiological situation, but in the future a new, digital, exam format will be used by more and more universities... Thanks to distance learning technologies, all Russian students will have equal access to the possibilities of modern education, - said the deputy chairman of the government.

Rector of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov Ivan Lobanov believes that the system will become a real assistant for students and applicants, will make it possible to remotely identify when submitting documents to the university, register for online lectures, pay for training, pass final exams.

Government Decree No. 301, providing for the use of remote educational technologies during intermediate certification in the 2021/2022 academic year, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed on March 2, 2021[38]

The Ministry of Digital Development and the Central Bank agreed on the cost of requesting data from the Unified Biometric System

In June 2021, it became known about the initiative of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation regarding the cost of data requests stored in the Unified Biometric System.

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes with reference to the draft order of the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, the department proposes to establish the maximum amount of payment for client identification on biometrics at 200 rubles (including VAT). Half of this fee will be received by a bank or other organization that has posted biometric and personal data of this client in the Unified Biometric System. Such a measure to stimulate the replenishment of the database.

Banks and government agencies will pay 200 rubles each for requesting citizen biometrics

According to the document, the minimum amount of fees for the use, verification and transfer of data from the EBS is introduced both for banks and for "other organizations, individual entrepreneurs and notaries."

As explained in the Ministry of Digital Development Science, the document was developed "in order to create conditions for financial support of the functioning" of the EBS. The rate for banks and other organizations wishing to use the system is approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

For customers, biometrics identification will remain free and voluntary. To do this, you need to pass biometric parameters (photo and voice recording) in one of the authorized banks, whose list is indicated on the website of Rostelecom, the operator of the Unified Biometric System.[39]

Commercial organizations do not see understandable advantages for their business in connecting to the EBS, but they see serious financial costs and risks associated with data protection, the general director of the Institute for Research told Vedomosti. Internet Karen Ghazaryan At the same time, judging by the development of regulatory policy states in recent years, the transfer of data to the EBS may become mandatory by law, the general director believes: " ANO Infoculture Ivan Begtin This will be beneficial primarily for". "Rostelecom

In Russia, you can now issue electronic SIM cards through face and voice recognition

From June 1, 2021, it became possible in Russia to issue electronic SIM cards through face and voice recognition. We are talking about connecting eSIM with identification through the Unified Biometric System. The first such service was offered by the mobile operator Tele2. Read more here.

Restart of the EBS for 6.6 billion rubles

On April 15, 2021, it became known about the plans of the Government of the Russian Federation to restart the Unified Biometric System. It is assumed that Rostelecom, as a concessionaire, will invest 6.6 billion rubles until 2030 in collecting biometric casts (face and voice) of about 50 million citizens for transfer to the EBS.

A large-scale update of the system was reported by the Kommersant newspaper with reference to the passport of the Digital Profile of the Citizen project, for the development of which the National Innovation System working group under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko is responsible. The office of the Deputy Prime Minister explained to the publication that the transfer of data will be free for citizens, and the concession mechanism is implemented at the expense of organizations - banks, notaries, authorities.

The unified biometric system will be restarted for 6.6 billion rubles

The EBS plan to assign the status of a state information system (GIS). In this case, the EBS will no longer be disposed of by the company, but by the state itself, says the source of the publication. According to him, by mid-April 2021, the possibility of making the Center for Identification Technologies LLC a technical operator of the project is being discussed.

The head of the Deloitte Digital group in the CIS, Maxim Shapirovsky, in a conversation with Kommersant, noted the passivity of banks in the development of the EBS and linked it with customers' distrust of the system.

Banks realized that this could negatively affect their sales funnel and did not insist on passing the data, "he said, recalling that large ones are developing their own biometrics collection systems.

Karen Ghazaryan, an analyst at the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC), noted that Rostelecom's revenues from the EBS will depend on the number of citizens who passed biometrics and joined the company system. Ghazaryan added that retail may become the most promising direction for the development of the EBS, but banks are already introducing biometric technologies in this area.[40]

Sberbank and Rostelecom created a joint venture for the development of the EBS

At the end of March 2021, it became known that the Biometrics application will receive the function of remote delivery of biometric casts (face image and voice sample). Previously, this could only be done at a bank or MPSC. Read more here.

Ministry of Digital Development has developed a biometrics accuracy standard

On March 18, 2021, it became known about the developed Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation standards biometric for system accuracy. The agency has prepared a draft order regulating the likelihood of false recognition.

As they write Sheets"" with reference to this document, published on the portal of regulatory legal acts, it approves two methods by which biometric data can now be checked. The authenticity of the provided biometric personal data of an individual can be confirmed by:

  • by comparing one-to-one, that is, when a person's biometric data is checked against their own data stored in the system;
  • when searching for "one to many," when a person's biometrics is checked with a lot of data available in the database.

Ministry of Digital Development introduced the biometrics accuracy standard

At the same time, the degree of mutual compliance of the provided human data with his biometric personal data, sufficient for identification, should be at least 0.9999, indicated in the document.

The principle of operation of each of the biometric algorithms has two parameters: how many false recognition will be for a certain number of positives and how many people will be recognized correctly, explains a source close to one of the large banks.

These parameters do not make sense individually. If 0.9999 means accuracy, then the proportion of false positives - when the system "recognizes" a person by mistake - turns out to be 0.0001, or 1 error per 10,000 comparisons, he said.

The accuracy level of modern face recognition systems for false negative response (when the system "does not recognize" a person) reaches 0.003, and for false positive response (when it "recognizes" it by mistake) - 0.000001, a representative of one of the companies developing facial recognition systems said.

That is, the probability that the system "does not recognize" a person above the parameters set by the Ministry of Digital Development, and the probability that it "recognizes" someone by mistake is lower. However, it remains unclear from the draft order which of the parameters is in question and what criteria the second of them should meet, the source said.[41]

Ministry of Digital Development will apply "administrative measures" to replenish the EBS with data from Russians

On March 10, 2021, it became known about plans to Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation stimulate Russians to submit biometric data for the Unified Biometric System (EBS). The relevant measures were discussed at a meeting in the department at the end of February.

According to Kommersant, the Ministry of Digital Development recognized the extremely low rate of filling the EBS, and promised to "resolve the issue with administrative measures." Among other things, we are talking about encouraging citizens to take biometrics in multifunctional centers for the provision of public services (MPSC) and through a special mobile application.

Without passing biometrics, some public services may become inaccessible remotely, "one of the sources told the publication.

Ministry of Digital Development intends to apply "administrative measures" to replenish the EBS with data from Russians

According to the newspaper's other interlocutor, as a result of such an incentive, the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development wants to increase the number of entries in the EBS to 70 million in two years, which corresponds to the number of confirmed profiles on the public services portal.

According to Mobile Research Group analyst Eldar Murtazin, the expansion of the register will allow its holder, Rostelecom, to earn money and help the authorities stimulate Russians to switch to domestic payment systems.

The authorities may need an increase in the number of casts in the EBS to spy on citizens, believes Artem Kozlyuk, co-founder of the Center for Digital Rights. According to him, biometric data is collected and processed by facial recognition systems using CCTV cameras, and if they are compared with data in the EBS and other personal information, a complete portrait of a person and his movements can be compiled. Both criminal structures will show interest in such data, especially since both state and corporate bases "regularly leak into the network," Kozlyuk added.[42]

"The use of technologies biometric identification will significantly simplify the use of various online services and the receipt of public services provided in electronic form. In many cases, this will allow you to refuse to use electronic signature when submitting electronic documents. The need to acquire an electronic signature and the impossibility of using it on mobile devices are the main barriers to mass involvement of citizens in full-fledged electronic interaction. At the same time, the use of technologies will not biometric identifications be mandatory to obtain public services, - said the Yuri Parfenov director of the department for the implementation of strategic projects. Ministry of Digital Development of Russia

According to Yuri Parfenov, as of March 2021, the necessary measures are already being taken to transfer the unified biometric system (EBS), created to organize the remote receipt of financial services, to the status of a state information system. This status of the system will allow it to be used to prove the identity of citizens both in electronic communication channels and in person. For example, it can be used to remotely pass exams, to pass transport control at airports, to confirm the right to free travel by public transport or pay for travel. At the same time, biometric identification based on the EBS will be built into the user authorization system on the Public services portal to ensure convenient and safe access of citizens to their personal data. At the same time, all these opportunities will be available only at the request of the citizen and with his consent, concluded the director of the department for the implementation of strategic projects of the Ministry of Digital Development.

Students were allowed to take exams remotely using the EBS

Students in Russia will be able to take exams remotely with face identification. This was announced on March 7, 2021 by the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The head of the Government of the RFMikhail Mishustin signed a decree according to which in the 2021/2022 academic year universities will be able to conduct intermediate certification in a remote format using the Unified Biometric System (EBS). This format will be available to students who study in undergraduate, specialty and master's programs.

It is noted that the decision to conduct exams remotely will be made by the leadership of universities, and the consent of the student himself will also be required.

Students were allowed to take exams remotely with face identification

The EBS will ensure the processing, collection and storage of biometric personal data, their verification and transfer to the university. Students will need to register in the system, and just before the start of the exam, go through the proctoring procedure - pronounce a random numerical sequence in front of the camera.

The system will evaluate and remember the user's behavior and identify him as human. Further, information on protected channels will be transferred to the university. When confirming the identity, the student is allowed before the exam, according to the website of the Government of the Russian Federation.

It is emphasized that such a testing format will help students from remote cities in passing exams - they will have the opportunity not to come to the university to pass exams.

The general director of the CRTD group of companies Dyrmovsky, in a conversation with Vedomosti, said that in order to implement remote exam passing, a combination of technologies and human supervision should be used: an educator who has experience in behavioral analytics understands how quickly a student begins to answer, how quickly responds to additional questions, how he orients himself in the material as a whole, how pauses are caused - and AI solutions, voice and facial biometrics, should be used as an adequate support system.[43]


Results of the Unified Biometric System

On December 28, "Rostelecom" presented the results of the work of the Unified Biometric System in the outgoing 2020. According to the company (system operator), data in the EBS can be submitted to 13,300 branches of 231 banks located in 95% of Russian settlements.

By the end of 2020, the total number of downloads of the Biometrics application from Rostelecom, with which remote identification is carried out, exceeded 250 thousand.

In 2020, Rostelecom was engaged in the expansion of client services based on biometrics, active technical and regulatory preparations were carried out for the launch of new mass biometric projects. So, in February 2020, a pilot project on biometric payment was launched in the Coffee Bean coffee chain . In the spring of 2020, Rostelecom organized on the basis of the Ural Federal University (UrFU) named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin a test show of a digital platform for conducting exams in a remote format using the EBS and a proctoring system.

"Rostelecom" summed up the results of 2020 for the Unified Biometric System

In July 2020, the possibility of passing through biometric identification to the building of the government complex "IQ-quarter" in Moscow City was implemented . In October 2020, a cloud standard information security solution was launched for companies and banks connecting to the EBS.

By the end of 2020, projects are underway to remotely sign contracts with mobile operators, biometric passage to stadiums, and services are being tested for remote channels for servicing Ak Bars Bank customers, payment in vending machines, and in transport. We are preparing to launch a joint project with VTB Bank on bioequiring in the Lenta hypermarket network, services for notaries and legal proceedings, etc.

Rostelecom noted that from January 1, 2021, the scope of the EBS will expand. Thus, citizens will be able to remotely conclude communication agreements using the ESIA and the Unified Biometric System, perform various operations and transactions in the financial sector, and receive government services in the MPSC through biometrics. Without visiting the certification center, it will be possible to obtain a qualified electronic signature.

Also, together with the Federal Notary Chamber, a mechanism for identifying clients using EBS in personal presence is being worked out. A pilot project has been implemented to identify citizens for remote participation in court hearings via video link.[44]

Launch in PSB mobile application

PSB started remote biometric identification via. mobile application This was announced on December 22, 2020 by "." Rostelecom More. here

Banks in Russia were allowed to use biometrics for online identification of customers

Russia Banks in were allowed to use biometrics for online identification of customers. The corresponding bill was adopted State Duma in the third, final reading on December 23, 2020. It was developed by a group of State Duma deputies headed by the chairman of the financial market committee Anatoly Aksakov and significantly finalized for the second reading.

As explained, TASS the new law gives banks with a basic license the right to collect biometric data in the Unified biometric System (now the law obliges them to do this), and introduces such an obligation for banks with a universal license. Banks with a universal license, they will be obliged to provide an opportunity for customers - individuals to open accounts (deposits) in, as well rubles as receive loans in rubles without personal presence after identification of the client - individuals in the manner prescribed by law. Such an opportunity is provided by the bank through its official website on the Internet, as well as a mobile application that meets the criteria established. CENTRAL BANK

Russian banks were allowed to use biometrics for online identification of customers

The bill also gives the right to MPSC collect biometric data of Russians, as well as provide services using this information. At the same time, it is possible to use the EBS within the framework of civil law relations for authentication of individuals.

In addition, the law contains a norm that allows the use of commercial biometric systems (BCS) for identification, previously the Central Bank opposed such a norm. To ensure the safety of the use of such systems, the bill provides for a BSC accreditation mechanism.

The Bank of Russia, the FSB and the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control are vested with control and supervisory powers to ensure the security of biometric data, and Roskomnadzor is vested with the processing of personal data in the EBS, as well as in GIS.[45]

Plans to use EBS in taking online exams

In mid-December 2020, it became known about the draft government decree developed by the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development, involving the use of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) when accepting online exams. Students will have to say a numerical sequence on camera before the exam, and the system will compare their face and voice.

As Vedomosti writes with reference to the document of the Ministry of Digital Development, if the system confirms the identity with a probability of more than 99.99%, the student will be admitted to the exam.

Considering that the EBS is protected according to high information security requirements, and its functioning is technologically related to the functioning of the system, the provision of remote services using the Unified Biometric System will ensure reliable identification of individuals, reliable protection of biometric personal data, as well as the suppression of fraudulent actions in the provision of remote services, the department reports.

The Ministry of Digital Development spoke about the upcoming use of biometrics when accepting online exams from students

This initiative is designed to use identity identification using a unified personal data information system in remote educational processes. The system is planned to be used for intermediate certification in the 2020/21 academic year for master's, bachelor's and specialty programs.

The Ministry of Education and Science noted that biometric identification is not the only technology for confirming the identity of a student. Surveillance cameras or an eye pupil tracking system can be used for the same purposes.

The draft resolution states that universities will make a decision on the use of the EBS on a voluntary basis. If such a decision is made, then students will have to go to a bank branch equipped with a collection system, biometrics take a picture and leave a sample of the voice. At the same time, such protection is proposed to be applied only for citizens. Russia[46][47]"

Implementation of monitoring for the Unified Biometric System

BIS Platform Implementation

As part of the development of the Unified Biometric System, Rostelecom has introduced a platform for detecting attacks on biometric presentation - BIS Platform. The company announced this on November 27, 2020. A multi-level information protection system allows you to repel an attack at the moment when, when receiving a banking service or buying goods and services, the user confirms his identity - records video and pronounces a sequence of numbers. The solution developed by Bi Ai Solutions, a Russian developer of solutions in the field of information protection and biometric technologies, allows you to simultaneously use the technologies of various developers.

We regularly add various protection mechanisms to the Unified Biometric System. To detect attacks, the system can ask a person to pronounce a sequence of five random digits, or it can work without any special actions on the part of the user. To do this, several attack detection technologies are used at once, and BIS Platform provides access to a number of them. BIS Platform has reduced the time for integration with various technologies through a unified software interface, "said Ivan Berov, director of digital identity at Rostelecom.

Using the BIS Platform, the Unified Biometric System provides access to attack detection modules by face, face and voice. Face and voice biometric authentication technologies can also be accessed through the platform.

Once integrated with a multi-algorithm platform, the client gets access to all technologies of different developers connected to it through a single interface. All the work on integration with developers of biometric technologies lies with us - the platform operator. This saves the client's resources, while allowing you to receive services of the same quality as with direct integration with developers. The platform is both a tool for the work of an integrator of biometric technologies and a means of promoting their own products in this area, such as BIS Liveness - a module for passive detection of attacks on biometric presentation by face image, - said Sergey Egorov, director of biometric technologies at Bi Ai Solutions.

Banks in Russia launched facial recognition system at the entrance to branches

On November 23, 2020, it became known about the appearance of facial recognition systems at the entrance to Russian bank branches. One of the first such technology was introduced by Alfa-Bank - he installed it in four offices. In the coming years, the credit institution intends to launch the system in more than 300 branches. Read more here.

Availability of registration statistics in the organization's personal account

Rostelecom"" On September 28, 2020, he announced the update of the organization's personal account credit on the Unified biometric System portal. Now it is bank biometric data easier for representatives who collect citizens in the system to track registration statistics, use reference materials, and communicate with technical support. The design of the personal account has also changed.

An important innovation was the Statistics section, which displays all registration data biometrics with the bank. Employees of a credit institution can see the number of registration attempts (with a success rate), citizens who registered from the first or several attempts, or unregistered, as well as aggregated errors. A table with a list of all transactions, the time and result of their execution, errors and responses of the Unified Biometric System for each transaction is available to users. All information are displayed for a specific period and by day. Registration statistics are displayed in the personal account in the form of visual panels. In addition, if necessary, Rostelecom can prepare an individual report with the indicators necessary for the bank. Detailed statistics allow the credit institution to see the full picture of biometrics registration and improve the process of collecting data in the bank.

The information structure of the personal account has been changed - now all tasks for registering biometric data have been formalized using a special visual organizer (task manager). This will improve the user experience and make it more convenient to access sections of your personal account. Rostelecom implemented this format of information presentation based on the results of interviews with bank representatives. The "Technical Support" section has also been updated, a special section has been created that introduces users to the work of the updated personal account. In addition, a search bar has appeared in your personal account that helps the user quickly find the information they need.

Russian banks will issue loans at ATMs using biometrics

On August 13, 2020, it became known that banks in Russia will issue loans at ATMs using biometrics. Such a service for credit institutions should expand the client base, and for Russians - simplify and speed up the registration of loans.

It is proposed that facial recognition technology in ATMs can be used to provide financial services without identifying customers in the office. The registration of loans and deposits for biometrics in ATM is being studied at Promsvyazbank, the credit institution told Izvestia (the material was published on August 13, 2020). They also intend to issue loans through ATMs to MKB, VTB, UBRD and Дом.РФ.

Citizens of the Russian Federation will be able to get loans from ATMs on biometrics

According to the director of the payment card department of PSBAlexander Petrov, face recognition technologies in ATMs tested by the bank can be used to issue credit and deposit products through self-service devices. Not only existing bank clients who have already opened an account according to the standard procedure at the branch, but also people who were not previously served in the bank will be able to get them - after passing remote identification through the Unified Biometric System (EBS).

The director of retail products "Дом.РФ" Evgeny Shitikov told the publication that the organization plans to allow citizens to apply for a loan through an ATM with the issuance of money in the office, mobile application or through a courier. In 2021, the share of loans that will be issued through ATMs or applications for which will be submitted to ATM may amount to 5-10% of the total, he said.

Gleb Zabelin, head of the ICD payment services development department, told the newspaper that by August 2020, the option of issuing a loan to citizens who had previously been served by the bank is being considered. The loan offer will take into account data on a citizen from the internal system of the organization. The client will be able to immediately receive the approved loan at ATM, he said.[1]

Russians will be able to enter biometric data through a smartphone

On August 4, 2020, it became known that at one of the plenary sessions of the State Duma in the autumn session, it is proposed to consider a bill that allows individuals to independently register biometric and personal data in a single biometric system.

State Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council on April 22, 2020 amended the law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection." According to the text of the bill, Russians will be able to enter their biometric data into the system using a mobile phone, smartphone, tablet or personal computer. Data placement will be carried out using special software provided by the operator of a single biometric system.

The use of a unified biometric system by government agencies, banks, local governments, individual entrepreneurs, notaries and other organizations will be allowed in cases determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Bank of Russia, as well as on the basis of an agreement with the operator of a unified biometric system[2].

Operators will be able to identify subscribers themselves by biometrics bypassing the EBS

On June 23, 2020, it became known about the draft law developed by the Ministry of Economic Development, which allows a telecommunications operator to independently identify subscribers using biometric technologies. This method can become an alternative to the Unified Biometric System (EBS).

The bill, which gives operators the opportunity to use their own biometric systems for remote connection of subscribers when selling SIM-cards via the Internet, is published on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts.

Mobile operators are confident that they will be able to use their own biometric technologies to remotely connect subscribers when selling SIM cards via the Internet
[Законопроектом] закрепляется the possibility of carrying out simplified identification (without personal appearance) when accepting a client - an individual by a telecom operator who has the right to independently provide mobile radiotelephone services, - says the summary report to the bill. - In order to exclude the need for a personal appearance of a citizen, it is possible to update the information about the client by the telecom operator through a unified identification and authentication system with the consent of such a client (by analogy with the mechanism provided for banks).]

As Kommersant the head of legal interaction with the executive authorities "" said, MegaFon the Nikita Danilov initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development assumes that the subscriber does not need to first give written consent to the processing of data - it will be received by the operator simultaneously with the beginning of identification. This will make it easier to interact with subscribers.

Lawyers interviewed by the newspaper support the project, but they propose to provide citizens with effective ways to protect their rights in order to avoid leaks of biometric data.

Irina Levova, director of strategic projects at the Institute for Internet Research, believes that expanding the number of possible methods of identification using biometrics, which provides for the project of the Ministry of Economic Development, is good not only in terms of operators' ability to expand the range of services, but also for the security of user data.[3]

SKB-Bank launched remote account opening using identification in the EBS

SKB-bank started remote identification and opening an account Unified biometric system mobile application with. "" SKB Online The application integrated is in the Biometrics company program and Rostelecom is available to owners of devices based on. This was announced AndroidRostelecom South by "" on June 22, 2020. More. here

The State Duma froze the bill to collect biometrics in banks

On January 14, 2020, it became known that State Duma it had suspended the adoption of a bill to collect biometric data Russians bank clients. He stated this. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market Anatoly Aksakov

According to him, in 2020 the authorities will not make cardinal decisions on the use of biometrics. He also stressed that the Bank of Russia insisted on the early adoption of this bill.

At the same time, according to Vedomosti, Aksakov said that the deputies expect to adopt a bill on biometrics in February 2020. He also noted that when preparing the document for the second reading, he raised a number of questions from law enforcement agencies and businesses, in particular, from banks that are obliged to use biometrics to provide services and bear the costs of purchasing equipment.

"We have suspended the bill due to the fact that we are carefully trying to treat the adoption of digital laws. It is known that funding for the digital direction in national projects is slower than in other directions, and many bills are slower to pass. This is due to the fact that the topic is not easy, primarily related to the protection of the rights of citizens, the protection of personal data, and the protection of business too, "

noted Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market

The document, the adoption of which was postponed indefinitely, is an amendment to the law "On countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism." Its authors are a group of deputies and members of the Federation Council, and they include Anatoly Aksakov himself. The bill was adopted by the State Duma in the first reading on July 16, 2019, and at the time of publication of the material, its consideration stopped at this stage.

The proposed amendments to the law provide for the collection of biometrics directly when opening accounts and deposits in banks and their branches. The bill also refers to the need to specify the internal divisions of the bank, in which banks will be obliged to ensure the collection of biometrics. In addition to this, the bill provides banks with the right to use information about biometric data of customers obtained from the unified biometric system (EBS) for conducting any banking operations and transactions with individual clients.

According to Anatoly Aksakov, in Russia as of January 2020, the collection of biometrics cannot be called massive. Among Russian customers of banks, this service is not very in demand, which is confirmed by the statistics of the collection of such data. According to the Central Bank, as of December 1, 2019, biometric data was collected in less than 40% of branches of credit institutions.

According to statistics Rostelecom"," at the beginning of January 2020, about 110 thousand people were registered in the EBS.

Aksakov stressed that the mandatory collection of biometrics may be expensive for banks. In his opinion, banks with a basic license should be exempted from this obligation, as well as backbone banks, "if this does not lead to a good for citizens who will use this service."

CNews noted that banks cannot always provide reliable protection against biometric data leakage. So, at the end of October 2019, an archive was discovered on the Internet containing, in addition to other personal information, also records of conversations between Sberbank clients with the bank's technical support, and these are, in fact, samples of their voice. Sberbank denied the fact of the leak, but the authenticity of part of the information contained in the archive was confirmed by RBC employees.[4]

Mobile application "Biometrics" received a light information design

On January 10, 2020, the company Rostelecom"" announced the launch of an updated version applications of "" Biometrics for mobile devices running on operating systems Android and, iOS which allows you to open an account, deposit or get a loan without visiting the bank. The updated version has a light information design and an understandable structure. More. here


The number of users of the Unified Biometric System has grown 47 times

The number of users of the Unified Biometric System in 2019 increased 47 times - to 109,987 people from 2317 a year earlier. This was reported in the annual report of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

As of the end of 2019, registration with the EBS is available in more than 11 thousand banking points in 228 banks (an increase of more than 3.7 times since the beginning of the year ) and outside bank offices in all regions (courier model).

The number of users of the Unified Biometric System by the end of 2019 amounted to almost 110 thousand people

The regulator in its report also recalled that in 2019 the Federal Law No. 476-FZ3, developed within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy," was adopted, providing for the possibility of using the Unified Biometric System for obtaining and using a "cloud" electronic signature, as well as Federal Law No. 480-FZ4, providing for the use of the Unified Biometric System by notaries to establish the identity of a citizen who applied for notarial action.

President Vladimir Putin on May 11 instructed the government and the Central Bank by June 1, 2020 to prepare a plan for transferring part of banking services to a remote format, including client identification.

The State Duma plans to adopt in June 2020 a law on the use of biometric data in the provision of financial services. The bill gives banks the right to carry out any banking operations and transactions with individuals without their personal presence in the event of remote identification of a client using the EBS.

Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the Financial Markets Committee, said that ensuring the collection of biometric personal data will require changing the infrastructure of banks in order to ensure their security, reliability of collection and storage. However, according to him, credit institutions with a basic license do not have enough financial and technological resources to quickly change the infrastructure.[5]

Russian banks did not fulfill the Central Bank's plan to collect biometrics

On January 10, 2020, it became known that Russian banks are not fulfilling the Central Bank's plan to collect biometrics. Registration in the Unified Biometric System (EBS) by December 1, 2019 is carried out in 11,270 bank branches or less than 40% of the total number of offices, Vedomosti writes, citing data from the EBS operator Rostelecom.

According to a Bank of Russia information letter published on the regulator's website, by December 31, 2019, banks were to ensure the collection of biometrics in 100% of branches working with retail customers. At the same time, the Central Bank is calm about lagging behind the schedule.

Less than 40% of branches collect data into the Unified Biometric System
The phased equipment of bank branches, which we are now observing, is associated with the implementation of information security requirements, which takes a certain time, - a representative of the Central Bank told the publication.

In the future, the Central Bank expects to receive the right to establish criteria for departments that must be equipped with equipment for collecting biometrics - this norm is planned to be introduced by the second reading of amendments to the anti-money laundering law. The regulator also plans to collect biometrics from operating cash desks outside the cash center and mini-offices of banks with one employee, since two people are needed to collect data.

According to Rostelecom, by the beginning of January 2020, more than 110 thousand people were registered in the EBS. The company noted that the number of branches where biometric data is collected may be more than 11,270 , since this number includes only those offices where biometrics was registered successfully.

As the beginning of 2020, Sberbank equipped 6,724 structural units of mass service (with the exception of offices with restrictions, for example, mini-offices of a bank where one employee works) and 148 VIP offices for collecting EBS, the bank's press service told Vedomosti.[6]

Announcement of the mobile application "Biometrics" for iOS

On December 23, 2019, Rostelecom introduced the Biometrics mobile application for devices running on the iOS operating system (OS). The application is designed for remote identification of clients using the Unified Biometric System. Previously, a similar application was launched for owners of smartphones based on Android OS . Post Bank became the first financial institution to implement remote identification through Rostelecom's mobile application. Read more here.

Registration of 100 thousand Russians

By the beginning of December 2019, about 100 thousand Russians were registered in the Unified Biometric System. This was announced by the First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Sergei Shvetsov, speaking at the forum of the National Financial Association.

I hope that the number of financial organizations that will offer their services on the basis of biometrics will grow, "he said.

Russians are actively participating in the Unified Identification System program

According to Shvetsov, a remote identification mechanism was launched, which should help the EBS develop.

More than 180 banks with more than 10 thousand branches (by the beginning of December 2019) are connected to the Unified Biometric System.

To stimulate the project, the Central Bank plans to provide banks with special benefits. So. they will be able to form reserves for unsecured loans in a smaller volume, using biometrics.

Face Recognition System

In addition, the possibility of introducing remote identification into the fast payment system is being worked out. The MPSC and the Russian Post offices will also be connected to the data collection. In the latter, Post Bank will work with clients. Some banks are considering lowering interest rates on loans for customers using remote identification.[7]

How the remote authentication mechanism works

Integration with IVA CV Facial Recognition System

On November 8, 2019 IVA Technologies , it announced that face recognition IVA CV Russian the solution developer system based on artificial intelligence and (neural networks IVA Cognitive part of the GC "") Hi-Tech has passed, integration testing PJSC "" and Rostelecom is used as part of the Unified biometric System (EBS). More. here

Rostelecom launches facial recognition system at ATMs

On November 8, 2019, it became known that ATMs with face recognition function will appear in Russia. The corresponding technology is created by Rostelecom, which is the operator of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) and intends to use it in a new project.

As Ivan Berov, Rostelecom's digital identity director, told Izvestia, for identification in an ATM, the client will not need to carry either a card or a mobile phone: the camera will be built into banking equipment and recognize a person only by a cast of his face, which is stored in the EBS.

ATMs will learn to recognize Russians by face

It is expected that banks will be able to both purchase new ATMs with face recognition function and re-equip existing ones. The cost of conversion can be about a thousand dollars, or 15-20% of the price of an ATM. At the same time, some credit organizations plan to use only their own databases without referring to the EBS.

Tinkoff Bank told the publication that they are already testing such ATMs on employees, and in the future they will use their database of customer photos, which stores more than 10 million casts of faces. Also, the possibility of introducing the technology was confirmed by Promsvyazbank and Ak Bars Bank.

The use of biometric methods of identification and authentication is primarily more convenient and easier for customers themselves, said Alexander Petrov, director of the payment card department of Promsvyazbank.

According to Vasily Zablotsky, President of the National Financial Association (NFA), by November 2019, biometric technologies were not widely used in Russia, since bank customers are reluctant to hand over their face and voice casts. EBS will become popular when the number of services using the system expands, and ATMs are able to make a certain contribution to the distribution of the biometric platform, the expert said.[1]

Rostelecom: The word "yes" does not open access to financial services through the EBS

In connection with the increasing cases of telephone fraud, Rostelecom explained: it is impossible to withdraw money from an account or use any other financial service for one word through the Unified Biometric System. Such information is contained in the message of Rostelecom dated November 5, 2019.

As reported, to identify a citizen and receive banking services using the Unified Biometric System, it is not enough to pronounce any separate word, for example, "yes" or "I confirm." Identification in the Unified Biometric System is based on a combination of voice and face of the client. When receiving a banking service, the user confirms his identity by biometrics - looking at the camera, he pronounces a randomly generated sequence of numbers. This sequence cannot be written in advance, it differs with each request.

The Unified Biometric System includes increased requirements for information security and comfort of citizens when receiving services remotely. It is impossible to deceive biometric algorithms and get data from the database where biometric control patterns of citizens are stored. I want to reassure active users of banking services: according to the words "confirm" or "yes" when answering a phone call, about which so much in November 2019 is written in the media, it is impossible to obtain data for remote biometric identification or withdraw money from the account. I emphasize that we are talking about the Unified Biometric System, and not about the local biometric systems of banks. The unified biometric system works only with a combination of voice and face of the client.

told Ivan Berov, Director of Digital Identity of Rostelecom

To identify a client, the Unified Biometric System must not only hear a person pronounce a certain set of numbers, but also see how he does it. Rostelecom uses a special algorithm for detecting a fake, which allows you to determine that there is a living person in front of the camera, and not a photo or voice recording, checks it for compliance with the microimics of the face and the naturalness of behavior.

VTB creates an analogue of the EBS

In early November 2019, it became known that VTB was creating its own biometric system. Read more here.

Aeroflot: airports need to use customer biometrics

At the end of October 2019, it became known that Aeroflot was interested in using biometric data by Russian airports to use them when registering passengers. This was reported by TASS with reference to the Deputy General Director of the air carrier for ITKirill Bogdanov.

According to him, Russian airports need to apply for biometrics to Sberbank or Rostelecom, which is authorized by the state to collect such information.

It became known that Aeroflot is interested in using biometric data by Russian airports to use them when registering passengers
There are two trends, the first is to collect biometrics from the bank, in this case the largest collector of biometrics is Sberbank, it is interested in selling access to the biometric data that they collected from their clients. And the second is the state represented by Rostelecom. In my opinion, it is more correct to have a relationship with the state, - said Bogdanov at the Wings of the Future forum, speaking about which company can become the operator of the IT system of personal data to launch the passage of control services at the airport using biometrics.

An Aeroflot spokesman also said that the issue of using biometric data collected by Rostelecom was discussed with Sheremetyevo Airport.

Eduard Segal, head of the Digital Identity project office at Rostelecom, at a conference in the Moscow Technopark Skolkovo Russian Tech Week 2019, said that the operator is testing new types of services and services using the biometric system. In particular, the company wants to use biometrics to safely enter airport buildings so that passengers can then freely pass to the plane ramp.

On October 29, 2019, the Prime Minister Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed to expand the number of services provided using a single biometric system by July 1, 2021.[2]

FSB approved a platform for data protection in the Unified Biometric System

On October 13, 2019, it became known about the development by Rostelecom of a system for encrypting face casts and the voices of its users, which will be transmitted to the Unified Biometric System (EBS).

As told Izvestia in Rostelecom, FSB approved a platform that can be used by more than 30 banks, including. VTB

30 Russian banks will begin to use the system of encryption of face casts and voices of their users when transferring to a single biometric system

 In turn, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation postponed the introduction of changes in the security system of biometrics of bank customers, thanks to which they were able to install either an proprietary encryption system, or the development of Rostelecom, or a "cloud" option.

A representative of Rostelecom says that all market participants need to switch to one of the solutions that meets the encryption requirements as soon as possible: their own, cloud or typical, which the company developed. A typical solution will cost about 3-5 times cheaper than developing your own, the publication says.

According to Home Credit Bank, biometric identification avoids a number of frauds, since not only documents and passwords that can be spied up or stolen are used to confirm identity, but also individual physiological data that is much more difficult to forge.

Even if we assume that face casts and voices will fall into the wrong hands, the likelihood of suffering from the actions of fraudsters is much lower than the risk of social engineering, says Ivan Mazov, head of the BCS Premier project and innovation center.

Nevertheless, the main reason for the reluctant surrender of biometric data by Russians is a lack of understanding of the new system and the lack of advantages in its use, he said.

Rostelecom noted that the first organizations will connect to the EBS after installing new security systems no later than early November 2019.[3]

Provision of face recognition algorithm for EBS to Ak Bars Bank

On October 11, 2019, Ak Bars Bank announced that it would become a vendor of the Unified Biometric System, an operator and the developer of which is PJSC Rostelecom, as well as a bank where an extended set of biometrics services will be applied. Corresponding cooperation agreement signed by Digital Identity Director Rostelecom Ivan Berov and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ak Bars Bank Merab Gogichaty.

Provision of face recognition algorithm to Ak Bars Bank

Rostelecom and Ak Bars Bank intend to implement joint projects on biometrics: customer service at bank branch using algorithmic recognition of persons, bank payments with biometric confirmation of operations, initial identification of the client in online channels and other projects aimed at support and development Unified biometric system.

{{quote 'author=noted the director of digital identity of Rostelecom Ivan Berov' The unified biometric system is actively developing. Recognition algorithm persons of the Face2Action, which was developed by Ak Bars Bank, allows us to strengthen capabilities of the Unified Biometric System. It can also be used in different biometrics scenarios, as for remote identification bank customers, and to pay for goods at the checkout without presentation credit card, bank payments, confirmation suspicious transactions during remote banking, passing to the building,}}

{{quote 'author=said Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ak Bars Bank Merab Gogichaty' We are ready to scale biometric solutions, implement them in day-to-day cases and business activities. Use of biometric technologies in business processes will simplify the user path customer and optimize costs. Thus, they can appear completely other ways of bank interaction with clients and partners, }}

The ability to pay for purchases in the Fast Payment System using data from the EBS

On October 10, 2019, Rostelecom and Bank Russian Standard announced the introduction of a service for paying for purchases in stores using face recognition technology. For the first time, a cup of coffee was purchased using the Fast Payment System. To confirm payment for the purchase using the prepaid Mir card of Bank Russian Standard, an image of the client's face obtained from the Unified Biometric System was used. Read more here.

Rostelecom, Norvix Technologies and IDM Lab have agreed to expand the use of EBS

On October 11, 2019, Rostelecom, together with Norvix-Technologies and IDM Lab, agreed to expand the applications of the Unified Biometric System. The corresponding trilateral agreement was signed by Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky, Norvix Technology General Director Dmitry Yakushin and IDM Lab General Director Alexander Bogatkin.

Rostelecom, Norvix Technologies and IDM Lab have agreed to expand the applications of the Unified Biometric System

The main area of ​ ​ cooperation between companies is support for projects and initiatives to develop domestic technologies in the field of the Unified Biometric System, such as: organization of access control, automated recording of working hours, access to objects using biometrics.

Over the year of the existence of the Unified Biometric System, we have fully debugged the registration procedure, together with banks we have launched remote identification services, and now we are starting to scale the system in other industries. We expect that the Unified Biometric System will gradually become a conduit for convenient and secure digital urban services. Fast passage at airports without documents and tickets is just one of the possible scenarios, the basis of which we laid with Norvix Technologies,
said Rostelecom Digital Identity Director Ivan Berov

Шаблон:The tsitata'avtor=was noted by the CEO of Norvix-Technology Dmitry Yakushin

Conclusion of the FSB on compliance of the standard solution with information security requirements

On October 2, 2019, Rostelecom"" reported that it received a positive opinion FSB Russia on a typical safety solution during processing. biometric data The corresponding letter No. 149/3/2/2-2110 dated September 30, 2019 was sent to the licensed laboratory of the company. " Crypto-Pro A typical solution allows you to fulfill the requirements of the regulator when working with biometrics at the stages of registration of biometric data and remote. identifications The FSB's decision was the result of case studies that Rostelecom and CryptoPro completed in August.

The unified biometric system is one of the first digital infrastructure platforms that requires all participants in the interaction to implement complex technical solutions, including information security. The standard information security solution will allow banks to reduce costs and significantly reduce the time to fulfill information security requirements when working with the Unified Biometric System,
noted Director of the Financial Technologies Department of the Bank of Russia Ivan Zimin

We ensure that banks are able to fulfill the requirements of the regulator within the deadlines established by law. Rostelecom's standard solution can be used in the infrastructure of banks and allows financial institutions to interact with the Unified Biometric System in full compliance with security requirements.
emphasized Rostelecom Digital Identity Director Ivan Berov

{{quote 'author=said Deputy General Director of KryptoPro Stanislav Smyshlyaev' The FSB opinion received on the standard solution of Rostelecom is an important milestone for the development of the Unified Biometric System. This solution allows both the registration of biometric data and remote identification and authentication in full compliance with the requirements of the system project previously agreed with the FSB of Russia and the guidelines of the Bank of Russia. During its development and research, the tasks were solved, which made it possible to fully fulfill the requirements of the regulator, }}

The unified biometric system gives banks the opportunity to accept customers for service remotely. Remote identification takes place using biometric data, login and password portal of public services. For the security of data collection, banks that register citizens are responsible for the security of data storage - Rostelecom, the system operator. The company "CryptoPro" provides cryptographic means of information protection and security analysis of the created solution. The implementation of a standard solution is carried out by authorized integrators who embed it in the infrastructure of banks.

Central Bank gave banks benefits for collecting biometric data of Russians

On September 18, 2019, it became known about the decision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to provide banks with benefits in exchange for collecting biometric data from Russians. The corresponding draft amendments are published on the regulator's website.

According to reports, RBC subject to collection biometrics banks , they will be able to reserve unsecured loans to individuals issued since 2014 at a lower rate. For loans for which there are no overdue payments, the rate will decrease from 3% to 2%, for loans with delay of no more than 30 days - from 8% to 7%.

In addition, the Russian Central Bank intends to allocate loans issued using biometric identification to individual entrepreneurs in a separate category. For them, reserves will be 1.5%.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation will provide banks with benefits in exchange for collecting biometric data of Russians

Experts interviewed by the publication believe that reservation benefits are not enough for more active collection of biometrics. The problem lies not in the number of biometric samples or the size of the discount on reserves, according to Alfa-Bank.

Biometric identification takes only a small part of the credit process. The main risks of banks are not related to fraud, but to non-repayment of loans. In other words, the key risks lie in the area of ​ ​ assessing creditworthiness - this initiative does not affect this problem, - said the press service of the bank.

I agree with the negative assessment of the amendments of the Central Bank and Deputy Director of the Group of Ratings of Financial Institutions ACRE Mikhail Polukhin. According to him, the amendments will not provide large banks with enough incentives to more actively collect biometrics.

The reserve rate does not decrease very significantly, and the volume of portfolios should be large enough for the effect of reducing reserves to be noticeable, he notes.

According to Svyatoslav Emelyanov, Director of Risk Management at Post Bank, reducing reservation requirements will stimulate banks to offer loans using the EBS. [4]

Inclusion of phones and e-mail of Russians in the EBS

In mid-September 2019, it became known that the Unified Biometric System (EBS) included the phones and email addresses of Russians. The corresponding decree was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Supplement the composition of the information posted in the unified personal data information system, which provides processing, including collection and storage, of biometric personal data... paragraph "d" of the following content: control data of an individual (subscriber number of a mobile radiotelephone communication, email address ), - said in a resolution published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Unified Biometric System includes phones and email addresses of Russians

According to RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of Rostelecom (EBS operator), the inclusion of phone numbers and e-mail addresses will inform citizens about registration in the system, operations carried out using its data, as well as about the deletion of biometric data. At the same time, the adoption of the document will not require the allocation of additional funds from the federal budget, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications clarifies.

This department has developed a draft resolution on supplementing the EBS with subscriber numbers and email addresses. The ministry believes that the innovations will improve the interaction between interested bodies and organizations and individuals, information about which is contained in a single information system.

Along with phones and email addresses, the following data are posted in the Unified Biometric System:

  • a face image obtained using photo-video devices;
  • human voice data obtained from recording devices;
  • insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the personalized accounting system; RPF
  • ID of the account in the unified identification  and authentication system;
  • the main state registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity.[5]

Rostelecom will launch a system for paying for goods based on face images based on the EBS

On September 5, 2019, it became known about Rostelecom's plans to launch a technology for paying for goods based on face images. This is a joint project with the Russian Standard based on the Unified Biometric System (EBS). Read more here.

Alfa-Bank spent $1.5 million on biometric technologies that customers did not need

From January to August 2019, Alfa-Bank spent about $1.5 million on the development of the infrastructure of the unified biometric system, but these investments did not materialize. Read more here.

Renaissance Credit has early implemented EBS in all its offices

On August 2, 2019, it became known that Renaissance Credit ahead of schedule completed a project to introduce the Unified Biometric System (EBS) in branches. The service is now available in all 133 offices of the bank located in 62 regions of Russia. Read more here.

Catalogue of available services for individuals and register of products for business

On July 15, 2019, Rostelecom announced the optimization of the portal of the Unified Biometric System, adding functions for both citizens and bank representatives. The updated version of the portal has a catalog of available services for individuals and a register of business products.


Now citizens can issue a number of financial services without visiting the bank. On the portal you can familiarize yourself with the available services and go to the bank's website to receive them. In the future, users will be able to receive the offered services online on the portal itself. Through the portal catalog, you can open a debit card Tinkoff Bank"," a savings account in Post Bank"," credit card Sovcombank"," and also issue a loan for the purchase of equipment. In the future, the catalog will be replenished with a wider list of services.

Updates have also occurred in the "For Business" section. Bank representatives can familiarize themselves with the ecosystem of Rostelecom products for working with the Unified Biometric System, select the necessary product parameters and send a request for a commercial offer directly on the portal. The use of this ecosystem will make it possible to launch biometrics registration services and remote identification of bank customers in the shortest possible time.

The portal content was also structured. Now users of the Unified Biometric System will only see the information that is relevant for their tasks. Moreover, the pages for citizens are now adapted according to the status of biometrics, which is reflected on the main screen. This allows the user to quickly receive instructions for further actions.

We are updating the portal of the Unified Biometric System in order to provide our customers with the best user experience with the help of modern design solutions. The portal should become a convenient guide for citizens and businesses, provide all the necessary tools for working with the Unified Biometric System. In the future, we plan to update the personal account of the credit institution and the mobile application for users in accordance with the design system, as well as create modern services,

The unified biometric system in Russia began to work on June 30, 2018. It is one of the elements of the remote identification mechanism, which allows citizens to remotely receive financial services. As of July 2019, remote identification can be passed in 156 banks located in 450 cities of Russia.

OTP Bank has connected all its offices to the EBS

Since July 1, 2019, OTP Bank"" has connected biometric 100% of the bank's offices (134 points of presence) to the Unified System (EBS). Now anyone can create an account for, Public Services Portal confirm, restore access or update data for an existing account and hand over their own at biometric data all bank offices throughout, OTP Russia Bank reported on July 3, 2019. More. here

Large number of marriages

At the end of May 2019, it became known about a large number of errors in the Unified Biometric System (EBS). To improve the quality of the collected data, the Ministry of Communications has introduced new requirements for checking the quality of the collected biometrics.

The agency proposes to control the collected samples in an automated mode using Rostelecom equipment and check the "proper functioning" of collection systems at least once a week. 

The hasty scaling of biometrics collection across the country has led to a large number of rejection of face images and voice recordings

Innovations should solve the problem of rejecting poorly filmed facial images and voice recordings. As the director of biometric technologies of Post Bank Andrei Shurygin told Kommersant, when photographing, it is very important to comply with the requirement for the size and position of the face in the frame, they are described in the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, in case of violations, samples can be rejected by the EBS.

According to a VTB representative, frequent deviations of the biometric image may indicate an incorrect data collection scheme in the bank itself. This may be due to objects accidentally falling into the frame.

Rostelecom confirmed that failures often occur in the process of collecting biometrics in bank branches - the resulting photographs and voice samples do not meet regulatory requirements, and they have to be redone, as a result of which the process of performing the service is delayed up to 30-40 minutes.

The operator associates these problems, among other things, with incorrect equipment settings and the lack of sample quality control on the bank side. Rostelecom assured that defective biometric materials do not enter the system, so users do not have to retake data.

By the end of May 2019, 146 Russian banks collect biometric data from customers in 5.2 thousand branches. By the end of the year, the possibility of collecting biometrics should be introduced by all Russian banks.[6]

Partnership with Infosecuriti and CryptoPro

Infosekuriti and CryptoPro announced in March 2019 a strategic partnership to ensure information security when working with the unified biometric system of the Russian Federation

PJSC Rostelecom chose Infosekuriti and CryptoPro as authorized partners in ensuring information security of the unified biometric system of the Russian Federation.

On June 30, 2018, law No. 482-FZ came into force in Russia, which amended a number of legislative acts on biometric identification of citizens, providing for the creation of a unified database of biometric data of Russians. The development of the Unified Biometric System (EBS) was entrusted to PJSC Rostelecom.

On February 15, 2019, Rostelecom announced the approval by the FSB of Russia of a system draft of a standard information security solution when working with the EBS. The system project includes requirements for the architecture of the firmware complex, a list of hardware and special software approved for use, diagrams of their interaction with each other, as well as basic principles for integrating a standard solution into the bank's information systems. The company "CryptoPro" within the framework of the project acts as a developer of cryptographic information protection tools and a testing laboratory, and the company "Infosecuriti" as an authorized integrator is responsible for the supply, implementation and maintenance of a software and hardware complex designed to protect biometric data of citizens.

The introduction of a biometric system will significantly simplify interaction with banks: it will be enough for an individual to go through the registration procedure once, after which you can remotely receive services from any bank using the EBS. When registering, a reference sample of biometric data is created, and in the process of remote identification, the biometric data provided by the client is compared with this reference sample. Banking services will become more accessible to people with limited mobility, as well as to residents of remote regions where the choice of banks is limited or completely absent.

Connecting banks to the EBS will reduce costs by reducing the cost of developing a branch network, as well as provide an additional flow of customers from remote regions. At the same time, the introduction of a standard solution will help fulfill the requirements of the law in terms of the security of transmitted and received data from the Unified Biometric System. Eight PAC delivery packages have been developed, differing in functionality and cost.

Biometric data collection organized in 270 branches of VTB Bank

On March 18, 209, VTB announced the provision of customer data collection within the framework of the Unified Biometric System in 270 branches in all regions of the bank's presence in Russia. By the end of 2019, the entire VTB network will be equipped with the necessary equipment. Read more here.

Central Bank issued recommendations for registration in the Unified Biometric System

The Bank of Russia has issued recommendations for banks to improve and optimize their operational processes for registering citizens in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA), as well as in the Unified Biometric System (EBS).

Thus, banks are recommended in the absence of SNILS from the client to search for his account in the ESIA according to passport data, as well as to update them in the ESIA if necessary. In addition, banks are recommended to regularly check the readiness of equipment before the start of each working day. This will generally reduce the time to register customers while maintaining its proper quality.

In addition, it is proposed to inform the client about the fact of registration of his biometric data in the EBS immediately after the completion of such a procedure.

The information letter also contains recommendations on the need to clearly explain to customers which biometric system their data is transferred to: the EBS or the bank's own system. This will avoid cases of misleading individuals.

Recall that the remote identification mechanism allows citizens to receive financial services remotely. To do this, you need to undergo primary identification with an authorized bank, which will register the client with the ESIA and the EBS, removing biometric data (face image and voice recording). In the future, in order to remotely receive services in a new bank, a citizen will need to be authorized by the ESIA and confirm his biometric data using a smartphone, tablet or computer using a camera and microphone.

A map of banking service points where everyone can submit biometric data is posted on the Bank of Russia website and is constantly updated.


Biometric data collection is provided in 20% of Sberbank branches

On January 11, 2019, Sberbank announced the completion of the replication of the collection of biometric data into the Unified Biometric System (EBS) and personal data into the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA) for remote identification of citizens in 20% of its branches serving individuals. Read more here.

Sberbank began collecting biometric data of Russians for the EBS

December 13, 2018 Sberbank announced TAdviser support for the initiative on Central Bank Russia remote identifications clients and the launch biometric of data collection for "" - Key Rostelecom the Unified biometric System (EBS) of the Unified Identification System and (). authentications UIAS Read more here. [1]

Tinkoff Development Center became one of the vendors of the EBS

On October 19, 2018, Tinkoff Bank announced that it had signed a cooperation agreement with Rostelecom within the framework of the Unified Biometric System. The document was signed by Ivan Berov, Di⁠rektor for Digital Identity of PJSC Rostelecom and Alexander Emeshev, Vice President, Product Development di⁠rektor of Tinkoff Bank.

According to the document, Tinkoff Development Center will become one of the vendors biometric data in the Unified Biometric System, the developer and operator of which is Rostelecom. Tinkoff will be responsible for recognizing voice samples of clients when remote. identifications

Before becoming a vendor of the Unified Biometric System, the biometric algorithm must pass testing and confirm its performance characteristics in recognition accuracy and data processing speed. Rostelecom has been interacting with Tinkoff Development Center for several months: the algorithm was being finalized in terms of speed and accuracy of recognition. As of October 2018, the Tinkoff Development Center algorithm has been tested and is ready to use it to process voice biometric data in the Unified Biometric System. The Tinkoff Development Center voice recognition algorithm will be included in the Unified Biometric System in the near future.

Rostelecom initially developed the Unified Biometric System as a multi-tender platform, which can be joined by any biometrics vendors at any stage, if the quality of their algorithms meets the specified criteria. Rostelecom, as the operator of the Unified Biometric System, constantly tests vendor solutions and selects the best of them.

We have been using our own voice biometrics in our call center since 2017, as a result of which we reduced the time for confirming the identity of the client through the contact center from 60 to 15 seconds, that is, 4 times. Especially for integration with the EBS, we have additionally retrained the biometric algorithm in order to further increase its effectiveness.

Testing of the Tinkoff Development Center solution was successful, the solution is ready for implementation in the Unified Biometric System.

Banking services using biometrics are not yet available to Russians

At the end of September 2018, it became known that Russians cannot use bank services using biometrics due to problems with creating applications.

According to the report, the Kommersant Rostelecom mobile application being developed for verification banks of customers and remote provision of services to them was planned to be released by mid-October 2018. However Google Play , there are App Store problems with placing programs in.

At the end of September 2018, it became known that Russians cannot use bank services using biometrics due to problems with creating applications

The application is protected by cryptography, that is, Apple and Google must agree to the introduction of a black box into their application stores, an expert close to Rostelecom explained to the publication. 

The fact of negotiations with Apple was confirmed to the newspaper by the deputy head of the department. information security Central Bank Artem Sychev

If negotiations with Apple's app store are unsuccessful, iPhone owners will not be able to verify through mobile devices to receive banking services that require biometric data from their smartphone.

Cisco Internet security consultant Alexei Lukatsky noted that now certification of encryption tools in the FSB takes at least a year. This can create problems, he believes: either applications will use the latest but uncertified version of the software, or outdated software with an FSB certificate.

Problems are also caused by discrepancies in regulatory documents. According to Alexei Lukatsky, there are FSB requirements for cryptographic protection tools (CIPF) established by regulatory documents, which are not easy to fulfill on Macbook, iOS platforms, etc .

In accordance with the current documents of the FSB, if the violator has access to the source codes of the operating system (and there is such an opportunity for Linux and Android), on which biometric software will be launched, certification is possible only by spacecraft class, which cannot be completed, - said Lukatsky.[7]

Named the costs of banks for connecting to a single biometric system

In early September 2018, the costs of banks for connecting to a single biometric system (EBS) became known. The costs were determined following a closed meeting held at Rostelecom on the implementation of information security requirements when collecting biometric data and sending them to the EBS.

According to the head of Aytubi Ilya Tarasov, referred to by Kommersant, the price of connecting a bank with one branch begins at 3 million rubles, where cyber defense accounts for half of the costs (one HSM module costs 1.5 million rubles). The remaining costs are related to the purchase of equipment for collecting data and sending them to the EBS. For each next department, you will have to pay 130 thousand rubles, of which 30 thousand rubles are protective equipment, 60 thousand rubles are equipment for removing biometrics per workplace, 40 thousand rubles are an employee's computer.

The minimum costs of banks for connecting to the Unified Biometric System will be about 4 million rubles per bank with one branch and another 130,000 rubles. for each new branch

In addition, when connecting for work on setting up equipment, certification of the EBS system, the development of a threat model and a violation model, as well as for annual maintenance, you will need to pay about 1.2 million rubles more. Most (about 800 thousand rubles) is the cost of annual service.

The meeting participants (among them - representatives of the 20 largest banks, the Central Bank, Rostelecom and the FSB) were presented with a list of basic elements necessary for banks to collect biometric data. We are talking about the server (HSM module), the operating system and the means of signing the removed biometrics. Banks also need an antivirus, firewall and threat detection system. A well-defined list of basic elements made it possible to calculate the minimum costs. 

According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, out of 476 Russian banks, only 50 collect and transmit biometrics. According to Rostelecom, 1200 people have been uploaded to the system.[8]

The list of data on citizens who will be stored in the EBS has been approved

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the requirements for the placement of information about citizens of the country in a single identification and authentication system and a single biometric system. The corresponding decree of July 14, 2018 was published on July 24, 2018 on the official Internet portal of legal information.

According to the law of 31.12.2017 N 482-FZ, state bodies, banks and other organizations in cases determined by federal laws, after identification with the personal presence of a citizen of the Russian Federation, with his consent, can place the following data in electronic form:

  • information required for registration of a citizen of the Russian Federation in a unified identification and authentication system, and other information, if provided for by federal legislation;
  • biometric personal data a citizen of the Russian Federation - in a single information system ensuring personal data the collection storage biometric and verification of personal data and the transmission of information on the degree of their compliance with the provided biometric personal data of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The Government Decree "On the Establishment of Requirements for the Identification of a Citizen of the Russian Federation" defines a list of information that the applicant personally presents to an employee of a state body and organization during identification:

  • a) surname, first name, patronymic (if any);
  • b) date of birth;
  • c) place of birth;
  • d) details of the identity document (series and number of the document, date of issue of the document, name of the body that issued the document, and code of the subdivision);
  • e) address of the place of residence (registration) or place of stay;
  • f) taxpayer identification number;
  • g) information on the insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the compulsory pension insurance system;
  • h) contact information (subscriber unit number of mobile radiotelephone communication and e-mail address (if any).

The applicant also provides a document certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is stipulated that if information is received about the involvement of a citizen of the Russian Federation in extremist activities or terrorism, as well as if the reliability of the information provided is not confirmed, the information is not posted in a single biometric system.[9]

The federal law on the biometric system entered into force on June 30. It introduces, in particular, a mechanism for remote biometric identification of a client of a credit institution. When such a mechanism is applied to an identified customer - an individual without his personal presence, accounts (deposits) can be opened and some banking transactions can be performed.

Biometric identification as a whole provides a higher level of reliability: it turns out to be much more difficult to implement fraudulent transactions with it, "said Dmitry Gvozdev, General Director of Information Technologies of the Future. - But it is not worth considering it as perfectly reliable: there are episodes when fraudsters managed to bypass biometric authorization.

You can get acquainted with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2018 here.

Launch of the Unified Biometric System

Since June 30, 2018, the Unified Biometric System (EBS) has been launched in Russia - one of the key elements of the remote identification mechanism, which allows citizens to remotely receive financial services, Rostelecom reported.

Первые пользователи уже зарегистрировались в Единой биометрической системе в офисах Post of the Bank, Bank Home Credit, Rosbank and Gazprombank. Photo:

User identification in the Unified Biometric System takes place according to two parameters - voice and face, the simultaneous use of which allows you to determine a living person. To register with the EBS, a citizen needs to come to the bank only once. A bank employee will help him register in the Unified Identification and Authentication System - ESIA), which is used to access the Public services portal if the user was not previously registered in it. Then the bank employee will "remove" the user's biometric data - a face image and voice recording - and upload them to the Unified Biometric System.

Registration with the EBS allows a citizen to remotely receive the services of any bank working with the system. The client just needs to enter the login/password from the ESIA and pronounce a short test phrase generated by the system, looking into the camera of a smartphone or computer. To undergo remote identification, the user only needs access to the Internet, smartphone, tablet or computer with a web camera, no additional equipment is required.

The accuracy of biometric identification in the system is provided by algorithms of Russian software developers in the field of biometrics. The largest Russian banks participated in the creation of the system, Rostelecom said.

In the future, the Unified Biometric System will become a national platform for the safe access of citizens to state and commercial services. As data accumulates in the Unified Biometric System, more and more opportunities for its application in different areas will appear. The most promising industries are: financial sector, notary, obtaining state and municipal services, health care, education, retail, e-commerce. The unified biometric system will expand the possibilities of access to digital services for those who live in hard-to-reach areas and people with limited mobility, reduce their cost, and also improve the quality of such services. The use of the Unified Biometric System is a way to change relations between the state, organizations and a citizen, Rostelecom is convinced.

In order to improve the quality and reliability of registration and identification of citizens, a feedback form opened on the website of the Unified Biometric System, with the help of which you can send information to developers about any emergency situations related to the operation of the system.

Draft of the order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications submitted to public discussion in May 2018 a draft order approving the procedure for processing biometric personal data used to identify citizens, the procedure for placing and updating them in a single biometric system, as well as requirements for technical means that will be used for their processing[10].

The document establishes that face image data and voice data will be processed. These parameters will be collected by authorized employees of the relevant government agencies, banks or other organizations.

The data will only be processed after the identity of the person it is being taken off has been confirmed. Personal presence is mandatory. A citizen must consent to the processing of personal data in a form approved by the government.

If the user withdraws consent to the processing of his personal data, then his biometric data ceases to be used for identification.

Identity and Quality Control

The result of data processing is biometric samples of the face and voice, which are stored in the system for 3 years. The order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications establishes quality standards for these samples. Samples will be checked for compliance with these standards automatically using the software of a single biometric system, which will be installed in government agencies and banks.

Together with the samples themselves, the date and time of their creation, as well as the number of attempts during quality control, will be transmitted to the system. If this control is not passed, then information about the place and time of creation of such samples will also be recorded. If an employee of a government agency or bank made a mistake in checking the identity of a citizen, then both he and his organization are responsible for this.

Face Pattern Requirements

The pixel colors of the face image must be represented in a 24-bit RGB color space, in which there are 8 bits per pixel for each color component: red, green and blue. The turn and tilt of the head in the picture should be less than 5 degrees, and the deviation should be less than 8 degrees.

The distance between the centers of the eyes should be at least 120 pixels. This value corresponds to 480 pixels for horizontal face size and 640 pixels for vertical. The image should have only one face, it should not be covered by anything, it should have a neutral expression with a closed mouth and open eyes, it should be evenly illuminated without shadows and glare. A person may be wearing glasses, but not sunscreens.

The image cannot be retouched or edited, but cropping is allowed. Save images in JPEG or PNG format.

Voice Pattern Requirements

The voice sample shall have a signal-to-noise ratio for sound of at least 15 dB, a quantization depth of at least 16 bits and a sampling rate of at least 16 kHz. The container or format must be RIFF (WAV) and the compression code must be PCM or uncompressed.

Only one audio channel should be used, noise cancellation is prohibited. Only one voice must be present on the recording, it cannot be obtained from the recording of a telephone conversation.

If the algorithm recognizing the voice is text-dependent, then the user on the record must pronounce a passphrase in Russian, while being in an adequate emotionally psychological state.

Data placement

Government agencies and banks can post biometric data in a single biometric system, they also have the right to update them. The samples are updated either after the expiration of the three-year period, or if the voice and face have changed significantly. All these actions are verified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the organization.

The system can place data of only those citizens who are registered in a single identification and authentication system. You can register in it both by presenting an identity document and with the help of an enhanced qualified electronic signature of a citizen. The system stores data on the registration method.

If a citizen is not registered in this system, then he can be registered there by an employee collecting biometric data immediately before collecting them.

Technical means

The camera used to shoot the face should be capable of taking a picture with a resolution of 1280x720 pixels. When the distance from the face to the camera is about 0.3-0.5 m, the focal length should be from 31 to 100 mm. If the distance from the face to the camera is 0.51-1.0 m, the focal length should be in the range from 28 mm to 100 mm. The white balance must be adjusted automatically.

The color temperature of the illuminators is recommended to be between 4800 and 6500 K so that the colors are natural. That is, it should be fluorescent or LED lamps. Illumination in the face area should be at least 300 lux for cameras with automatic illumination correction, and at least 100 lux for a camera without it.

A capacitor, preferably electret microphone without automatic gain adjustment should be used to record voice. Signal-to-noise ratio shall be at least 58 dB, frequency range may vary from 40 to 10000 Hz, sensitivity shall be at least minus 30 dB. The shape of the directional pattern may be omnidirectional, cardioid, supercardioid, or hypercardioid.

The technical means used should be such that the method of matching with non-genuine samples requires 10 to 4 degrees of attempts for each sample.

Authorities: Biometric data of Russians will be sold to banks at 200 rubles. apiece

In March 2018, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications officially proposed to make the use of the Unified Biometric System paid for banks - for each successful user identification, the bank will pay the system operator 200 rubles. Such a proposal is contained in the draft order of the Ministry of Communications, posted on the website for public discussion. In the event that the order is passed, it will enter into force on June 30, 2018. Public discussion of the project will last until April 3, 2018[11].

Successful identification implies a certain, statutory, degree of matching of the biometric data of the identified user with the profile that is in the system. If the match is not complete enough, the identification is considered unsuccessful and, accordingly, is not paid.

The system operator, in turn, will transfer 50% of the remuneration, including VAT, to the bank that removed biometric indicators from this user and added them to the database. Deductions will be paid with each paid identification as long as the biometric template provided by the bank is valid.

Rostelecom appointed operator of the Unified Biometric System

The operator of the Unified Biometric System was "Rostelecom." The corresponding order of the Government was published on March 2. The document assumes that Rostelecom will ensure the collection, processing and storage of biometric personal data, as well as checking their compliance with the initially submitted biometric samples. The results of the check will be transmitted to banks for remote identification of citizens when opening accounts.

"Rostelecom" is selected by the operator of the Unified Biometric System

Rostelecom was chosen as the operator of the Unified Biometric System, since it has experience in implementing large federal IT projects, such as creating and ensuring the operability of the Unified Portal of Public Services and the Unified Identification and Authentication System. In addition, Rostelecom owns a network of high-performance and secure data centers for the secure processing and storage of biometric personal data.

The criterion for choosing an operator was that Rostelecom is the developer of the Unified Biometric System and takes an active part in creating the right-wing regulatory framework necessary for its implementation.

Unified biometric identification system launched in Russia

On February 19, 2018, Rostelecom presented the first working version of the Unified Biometric System, developed at the initiative of the Ministry of Communications and the Central Bank. According to the developers, it contains all the main components that allow you to implement the basic functionality of personality recognition by photo image and voice and is ready for integration by bank information systems.

The first to test and fill the system with biometric data as part of a pilot project were 12 banks: Sberbank, VTB, Post Bank, Alfa Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Raiffeisen Bank, Home Credit, Sovcombank, Tinkoff Bank, Promsvyazbank, AK Bars, SKB-Bank.

The entry of data into the biometric system for bank clients is voluntary. To be included in the system, users need to visit the bank branches involved in the pilot in order to leave their biometric data there.

Rostelecom presented the first working version of the Unified Biometric System, developed by it on the initiative of the Ministry of Communications and the Central Bank (photo -

The system is based in Rostelecom's cloud-protected infrastructure. User data will be transmitted to the system via communication channels protected using domestic cryptographic algorithms. To solve this problem, Rostelecom is developing a special mobile application with built-in cryptographic information protection tools.

Modest start to the mega-project

At the initial stage, the range of operations that can be carried out in banks with biometric identification is limited, but in the future they can be expanded to a full range of banking services, up to mortgage registration, project participants say.

VTB already now has a 40% share of sales of some products through digital channels. The work of the Unified Biometric System will open up new opportunities for customer service. Place a deposit, create a savings account, get a loan, order a card, issue payments and transfers - most bank products will be available without visiting the office. I am sure that this will be absolutely in demand by our clients, "said Vladimir Verkhoshinsky, member of the VTB Board.

Vice President for Business Development of Rostelecom Alexander Aivazov told TAdviser that as of February, the system collected biometric data from only a few thousand bank clients. By the end of the year, based on banks' plans to deploy the system in their branches, the volume of data on 1-1.5 million bank customers is predicted, he says.

Filling of the system

From the point of view of the solutions used in the biometric system, Rostelecom adheres to a multi-vendor approach. Alexander Aivazov told TAdviser that the system uses only Russian image and voice recognition solutions. Free software, he said, is not used in the system.

There was no Russian hardware of the required quantity and quality for deploying the system, but Rostelecom is working on this as part of the import substitution program, a company representative said in a conversation with TAdviser.

Question price

Answering the question of TAdviser, Aivazov also said that together with the Central Bank and the FinTech Association, the mode of forming the charging for the use of the system by banks was worked out. After its full launch, scheduled for July 1, 2018, the cost of banks will be set at 200 rubles per transaction to identify the client.

Half of this amount will be received by the bank, which initially participated in the removal of primary biometrics, and another 100 rubles will be received by other participants in the system, including the system operator and vendors of technological solutions, whose algorithms are used in it for recognition.

As of February, the issue that Rostelecom will be the operator of the system has almost been resolved, Rostelecom Aivazov added in a conversation with TAdviser.

According to a similar scheme, access to the credit history system is paid: payment is made for the service, explained in Rostelecom.

Alexander Aivazov also told TAdviser that his company plans to invest about 1 billion rubles of its own funds in the project in the future for 3.5 years. By February, actual investments from Rostelecom amounted to about 180 million rubles. The company expects to "beat back" investments by collecting payments from banks for using the system.

From banks to other industries

In the future, the Unified Biometric System can be used in other industries: for example, in healthcare,, education, retail e-commerce, to obtain public services.

Deputy Minister of Communications Alexei Kozyrev, who was present at the presentation of the system, said that in order to use biometric data in various areas, the possibility of collecting them in other places, not only through banks, is being worked out. The banking sector became the first, because banks have the most stringent control over the identification of customers, follows from the words of the Deputy Minister of Communications. Subsequently, data collection for a single system could be carried out wherever a citizen appears with a passport: for example, at the MPSC, Russian Post offices, etc.

One of the ideas is to tie the delivery of biometrics to some basic state service, for example, to obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, Kozyrev said in a conversation with TAdviser.

When a person comes to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when issuing a passport, he is accurately identified as a citizen, and if at that moment he is offered to register and hand over biometric data, it will be convenient, since in the future this person no longer needs to go anywhere, - explains the Deputy Minister of Communications.

At the same time, when collecting biometrics in other places, it is necessary to ensure the same reliable control over the process as in banks. According to Alexei Kozyrev, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is engaged in this issue, and one of the possible options is to level out the requirements and responsibility for identification throughout the country.

Alexey Kozyrev told TAdviser that the ideas of further collection of biometrics of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications are working together, including with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Based on the results of the banking pilot project, the requirements for equipment should be clarified, the volume of investments for deploying the system, for example, in the MPSC network, legislative requirements for identification and other points should be analyzed.

Start of mass adoption of facial recognition technology

In February 2018, it became known about the beginning of the mass use of face recognition technology in Russian banks. The new identification system helps credit institutions prevent fraud worth millions of rubles every month, Kommersant writes.

When the client contacts the bank for the first time, his image and passport data are entered into the database. The next time, the person identification system compares biometric parameters with those available in the database, and also compares them with information about fraudsters. Moreover, accurate identity identification is achieved regardless of head rotation, makeup, lighting level or camera resolution.

Banks have learned to recognize credit fraudsters in the face

Thanks to the biometric facial recognition system, Post Bank in 2017 was able to prevent about 10 thousand fraudulent transactions worth 1.5 billion rubles. Technology allows you to reject most of the fraudulent applications issued with fake passports, the Renaissance Credit bank told the publication.

Tinkoff Bank also said that they save tens of millions of rubles a month thanks to face recognition technology.  The VVTB publication was informed that the bank is preparing for the implementation of a project to collect and use biometric data. Alfa-Bank is testing solutions with biometric face recognition to improve the level of service. Consider the issue of introducing such a service in OTP-Bank.

Meanwhile, experts warn that stealing a customer's biometric database is far more dangerous than stealing passwords or codes.

Eyes and fingerprints are alone for the whole life, they cannot be replaced like a compromised passport or bank card, said Aleksandr Vinogradov, head of the Information Protection and Infrastructure Security in Payment Systems working group of the National Payment System.[12]


The development of the EBS project started in 2017 with the financing of Rostelecom. The developers were specialists from RTK Soft Labs, a subsidiary of the RT Labs Group of Companies (Rostelecom's subsidiaries).

The State Duma of the Russian Federation allowed remote biometric authentication of bank customers

On December 20, 2017, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the third reading amendments to the law, allowing banks to identify and authenticate users remotely using biometric data and information from the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA).

To perform remote authentication, the user must once appear personally in any financial organization with the right to register individuals in the ESIA and the unified biometric system and pass identification. If the user does not have an account in the ESIA, the bank will register it in the system, remove biometric data (face image and voice sample) and enter them into a single biometric system.

Having passed the above procedure, the user will be able to choose which bank client he wants to become. Using a mobile device or computer with a microphone and camera, he will be able to remotely authenticate in the ESIA and confirm his biometric data. Thanks to the biometric authentication system, bank customers will be able to remotely receive various services, for example, open accounts, receive credit and make money transfers.

Banks will transfer citizens' biometrics to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB without their consent

The operator of the biometric system, which stores data on the remote identification of Russians, will provide them to the Ministry of Internal Affairs without the consent of citizens. This is stated in the bill on the biometric system and remote identification of citizens, which in December 2017 was adopted in the second reading by the State Duma. The order of this interaction will be determined by the government.

The biometric system is part of the process of remote identification of Russians, which will allow them to receive financial and other services online. The client passes the primary identification with a passport in the bank, which takes a video of his face and records his voice, and then sends the data to the Unified Identification and Authentication System (public services portal).

This data will be stored in the biometric system, and the client will be able to apply for the online service of any bank - he will only need to enter the login and password of the account on the public services portal, then - code from the text message and, using a camera on a computer or phone, transfer voice and person data for verification with the[13] of citizens to the Ministry[14].

The Ministry of Internal Affairs claims to be the operator of the EBS

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Internal Affairs) intends to become the operator of the Unified Biometric System, with the help of which banks will provide a number of services online. This issue was discussed at a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov at the beginning of autumn 2017, the Vedomosti newspaper writes. The representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that "the draft concept of the national biometric identification system is undergoing an approval procedure" in the structures of the department.

At this time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a biometric base for the search and identification of offenders. Including the department has a database with photographs, fingerprints and an eye "iris." However, it is not entirely clear how the system can be adapted to provide services to all citizens - bank customers. This, among other things, will require additional budgetary costs, as well as time, and, as a result, will slow down the integration of the EBS into the work of banks.

In turn, Rostelecom has already presented to the government a draft of mechanisms to regulate the work of the Unified Biometric System.

The first two years of EBS use are free for banks, then 500 billion rubles a year?

Banks will install equipment for collecting biometric data of citizens in accordance with the requirements of the bill developed by the Central Bank. At the same time, for the first two years, financial organizations will be able to use the Unified Biometric System (EBS) for free, but after 2020, the costs of the banking sector may amount to about 500 billion rubles a year, Izvestia reports.

According to the chairman of the National Council of the Financial Market Andrei Emelin, the cost of using the system will be calculated at individual tariffs. By analogy with checking through credit bureaus, tariffs will depend on the number of biometric profiles created. Thus, large credit organizations will be able to get a discount.

According to experts, the tariff for checking 100 biometric profiles of customers may be about 10 thousand rubles. Considering that 573 banks operate in Russia in autumn 2017, the total costs of credit institutions for the EBS after 2020 may amount to about 500 billion rubles annually. At the same time, the introduction of this system will not affect the cost of banking services for Russians.

Banks begin preparations for collecting biometric data of customers

A number of Russian banks have begun preparations for collecting biometric data from their customers. In particular, preparatory procedures are carried out at VTB, Binbank, Ak Bars, Vostochny Bank and Otkritie banks, as well as at the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The bill was submitted to the State Duma

Bill No. 157752-7 "On Amending the Federal Law" On Countering the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism, "aimed at improving the mechanisms for providing banking services without the personal presence of a client using state information resources, has been submitted to the State Duma.

The bill was developed by the Bank of Russia together with the Ministry of Communications of Russia and Rosfinmonitoring with the support of the Association "Russia" in order to develop the financial market, ensure the availability of financial services for citizens, including in remote regions and for people with disabilities, as well as to reduce the cost of their provision. The bill contains a number of reference norms that require the adoption of relevant by-laws, the development of which should also be carried out on the basis of a detailed discussion with the banking community. The relevant work is already being carried out by the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media and Rostelecom, with the participation of the Russia Association with the involvement of experts and the banking community.

After completing the technological tests of the platform and introducing the necessary legislative changes, Rostelecom will provide access to the platform to credit institutions for its further testing.

The bill of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, obliging all banks to fix the image of the face and voice cast of the client

A bill obliging everyone banks to record such biometric customer data as a face image and a voice cast was prepared by the Central Bank at the end of August 2017. Russia The main goal of the document is to promote the introduction of the Unified biometric System (EBS), which will allow citizens to use the services of banks remotely, only after passing. biometric authentication

According to the developed bill of the Central Bank, Russian banks will be obliged to form biometric customer databases in order to form a unified biometric system (EBS). The created system will contribute to the remote interaction of financial organizations and citizens - after remote authentication, Russians will be able to become depositors of any bank without visiting its office.

According to the Central Bank, work on the creation of the necessary technological infrastructure has already begun. The working group on the creation of the EBS also included representatives of such banks as Sberbank, VTB, Binbank and Rosselkhozbank. The press service of the Bank of Russia reported:

"The basis of the new banking mechanism will be biometric identification, using modern technologies for recognizing face and voice images, as well as checking for a living person, which makes it impossible to replace biometric data. Work has already begun on the creation of an appropriate technological infrastructure. The innovation will increase the availability of financial services and reduce the cost of providing them. At the same time, all customers will be given the right to choose whether to submit biometric parameters and register with the ESIA or not. "

Experts note that thanks to the innovation, the process of performing any banking operations will be significantly simplified, but they also note that the system should be equipped with good protection against cyber attacks.

Banks throughout Russia will collect biometric data of customers (face image and voice cast), which will be recorded in the EBS in the form of a personal "card" of the user. In the future, any citizen identified by a voice or face image using a computer, tablet or mobile phone will be able to use the services of a financial institution without appearing at the office. It is planned that the EBS are integrated with the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA), which was created to implement the law on public services. When using biometric identification through ESIA, banks will confirm the identity of a citizen (full name, date of birth, gender, SNILS, mobile phone number). In fact, users wishing to pass biometric parameters in the banking system must be simultaneously registered on the public services portal.

After linking a biometric "card" to a citizen's personal data in the ESIA (full name, date of birth, gender, SNILS, mobile phone number), it becomes possible to remotely identify the client by face image and voice using a computer, tablet, mobile phone or camera installed in an ATM. Remotely confirming his identity, a citizen will be able to perform legally significant actions without presenting a passport or other certifying documents - for example, becoming a client of any bank without the need to appear at the office or receive, in addition to banking, state and other services.

The Central Bank expects that by March 2018, banks will have the opportunity to remotely identify both existing and new customers. However, to do this, you need to have time to adopt the developed bill during the autumn session of parliament, as well as make a number of amendments to the legislation. In particular, the provisions of the Federal Law "On countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism" do not allow today to identify the client remotely.

The proposed innovations will make it possible to simplify the process of performing any banking operations as much as possible. The authors of the bill primarily focus on the advantages that bank customers will receive - the ability to open accounts in any bank without visiting the office, pay for purchases and services, replenish accounts, transfer money, take loans. It is also very important that the new mechanism will increase protection against fraudsters, since it is impossible to fake personal biometric data, according to software developers.

Banks have their own interest in introducing new technology. First of all, remote identification using biometrics will reduce the burden on branches, which will allow banks to optimize their own branch network and reduce the cost of its maintenance. In addition, the process of obtaining banking services will be simplified, and they themselves will be cheaper.

At the same time, the widespread introduction of biometrics will reshape the retail banking market: if it becomes easier for the client to move from bank to bank, which means that competition between credit institutions will intensify. In such conditions, the only way to keep the client will be a high quality of service, a set of services and their price.

However, a number of issues remain related to the storage of personal data, as well as the cost of the new service and the effectiveness of its use. For example, effective information protection is relevant for any database. Today, by last name, you can find out the person's address and phone number on the Internet. Moreover, this problem is not purely Russian, which is confirmed by regular reports of leaks of personal data of customers of the world's leading banks and payment systems. The more information banks want from their customers, the more reliable the protection against intruders should be.

The installation and maintenance of equipment for collecting biometric data will become an additional expense for banks. There is no doubt that they will traditionally transfer these expenses to customers. Moreover, tariffs will increase for everyone - both for those who agree and for those who refuse to undergo a biometric procedure.

Finally, on simplifying the process of obtaining banking services. There is no doubt that with the help of biometric identification you can open a bank account - since in this case you give your money to the bank. But will remote identification be enough to obtain a mortgage loan?

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications approved the roadmap for the development of NBP

On July 12, 2017, an upper-level plan for the implementation of the project to create a National biometric Platform (NBP) was approved, within which the main technical work will be carried out. " Rostelecom The document is approved. Ministry of Communications and Mass Media

The NBP concept has already been adopted, and soon, according to the approved project roadmap, technological tests and the selection of solutions for biometric technologies will begin. By the fall, a mechanism for registering biometric samples and quality control of solutions for NBP will be developed, and by the end of 2017 Rostelecom plans to put the system into trial operation, after which credit organizations will be able to connect to the system and begin testing it.

The list of banks that can accept biometric data will be compiled by the Bank of Russia. Further, organizations will have to purchase the necessary equipment at their own expense. The use of the platform for them will be free for two years, after which it is planned to introduce a differentiated tariff.[15]

"The creation of the National Biometric Platform will allow Rostelecom to become a digital identification operator for the banking sector, and in the future - for all sectors of the economy. The use of NBP will increase the level of protection of both data and the users of the system themselves, as well as make digital services even more accessible, "commented Rostelecom President Mikhail Oseevsky on the project

According to the director of the project office for digital identity "Rostelecom," the date of the full launch of the platform in 2018 depends on the readiness of banks and the legislative framework.

After implementation in banks, the system is planned to be used in medicine, education and retail. In addition, it is assumed that biometric identity confirmation can also be implemented in multifunctional and certification centers, branches of the Ministry of the Interior, which issue passports.

The methodology of the first stage of testing of biometric technology vendors has been approved

As part of the project to create a National Biometric Platform, Rostelecom approved in the summer of 2017 the methodology for the first stage of testing biometric technology vendors and will soon determine the start date of the tests.

The development of the technology testing methodology was carried out on the basis of an authorized organization - the non-profit partnership (NP) "Russian Biometric Society" by domestic vendors of biometric technologies and industry experts. The methodology was developed, approved and transferred to Rostelecom in June 2017, and in the near future the operator will determine the list of vendors for testing.

Rostelecom - NBP operator for the implementation of the pilot project

In June 2017, it became known that Rostelecom would become the operator of the National Biometric Platform (NBP) for the implementation of a pilot project of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This project will allow banks to carry out biometric identification of individual customers using the federal state information system "Unified Identification and Authentication System" (ESIA) for remote opening of accounts and providing other banking services.

According to the current legislation, the initial opening of an account for an individual is possible only with his personal presence at a bank branch. The implementation of this project will allow banks to identify customers using ESIA, including based on biometric personal data, to open accounts without their personal presence.

The technological partner and developer of the project is RT Labs, a subsidiary of Rostelecom. Having experience in working with electronic government information systems, RT Labs will be engaged in the creation of specialized information and technological elements that ensure the collection, processing, storage, provision and verification of the compliance of biometric personal data of the NBP, and its integration with the electronic government infrastructure.

The platform will be located in the secure cloud infrastructure "Rostelecom," to which banks will have access through special communication channels of the Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction System (CMEV). To solve this problem, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will determine the list of credit institutions participating in the pilot project.

To obtain remote identification using ESIA and NBP, bank customers will need to come to the bank branch once in person and undergo identification, including biometric. After creating a "digital client profile," they will be able to remotely open accounts and perform other financial transactions in any bank without personal presence.

It is planned to use face images and/or voice recordings as the biometric parameters used during the pilot period. In the future, the list of biometric parameters can be expanded (iris, palm vein pattern or fingerprint), which will increase the usability of PD in various life situations.

Consultations of banks, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications

On January 20, 2017, it became known about the plans of the banking community - to create a single database of biometric parameters of customers. According to Izvestia on January 20, 2017, Russian banks are discussing this idea with the Central Bank and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media.

By creating a common database, banks will be able to exchange customer data with each other, which will lead to a simplification of the introduction of biometric systems[16] will[16]

The regulator plans to negotiate with financial organizations on the creation of such a base. The biometric base can be created on the basis of the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA). However, without the help of the state, it is not possible to create such a technology.

It is necessary to decide which biometric parameters can be included in the database and how exactly to use them. In addition, an important issue is the security of such a base. ESIA meets all the requirements. With the consent of citizens, access to data from their profiles at the ESIA can be provided to banks so that credit institutions can remotely identify Russians by biometric parameters.

Andrey Emelin, Chairman of the National Financial Market Council

2016: The commission instructed the Ministry of Communications to develop the concept of biometric identification

In September 2016, a source close to the Central Bank told Izvestia that the government commission headed by Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Communications to work out the issue of using customer identification technologies using biometric data. The issue of developing the concept is currently being worked out by the Central Bank, the Federal Tax Service and the business community.

Russian banks intend to use biometric technologies to confirm operations. First of all, this will affect the customers already identified by the passport. To introduce new technologies, credit institutions will have to create local biometric databases and certify them with the FSB and the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC)[17]

According to Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media Alexei Kozyrev, the use of biometric technologies will significantly increase the security of an electronic transaction, and a federal biometric database should be created in Russia for the full use of biometric technologies.

In the spring of 2016, Sberbank and Binbank announced plans to introduce biometrics by the end of 2018. Banks are going to use biometrics to confirm the operations of customers already identified by passport in branches, as well as for their authorization when entering an Internet and mobile bank (if the client is the owner of a smartphone). Sberbank also announced plans to create a biometric database.

According to experts, banks will not have technical difficulties in creating biometric databases, however, for the full use of new technologies in Russia, it is necessary to create a single biometric database. This will allow banks to make sure that it is this client who wants to carry out any operation in his personal account or it is this client who wants to confirm the transaction in the branch.