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Post Bank



VTB Bank - 49,9%
Russian Post - 49,9%
Pakhomov Alexander Vladislavich
- 2 shares (as of April 2022)
Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub

Number of employees



+ Post Bank (formerly Leto Bank)

Post Bank is a retail bank established in January 2016 by VTB Group and FSUE Russian Post on the basis of Leto Bank. The bank uses the previous banking license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 650.

Bank customers have access to savings accounts, term deposits, payments and transfers, Internet and mobile banks, settlement and credit cards, a range of credit products, pension accounts, boxed insurance and service products.

The bank has large-scale plans for the development of the branch network: in 2016-2018, about 15 thousand client centers in post offices will be opened. In addition, Post Bank will be represented in all customer centers, sales desks and POS points of Leto Bank. Thus, Post Bank expects to become one of the largest banks in the country.

Performance indicators

2022: Loss of 3.1 billion rubles

At the end of 2022, Post Bank received a net loss under RAS in the amount of 3.1 billion rubles, while previously there was a net profit of 1.3 billion rubles. This is stated in the statements that the credit institution issued in early April 2023.

The bank told Kommersant that "a one-time loss in the first half of last year was associated with significant interest expenses of the bank against the background of an unstable situation and rate volatility." At the same time, in the second half of the year, the bank earned a profit of 3 billion rubles, the Post Bank specified.[1]

According to Interfax, citing materials from Post Bank, in 2022, the bank's net interest income decreased in 2022 by 9% compared to 2021, to 42.9 billion rubles. Expenses on reserves amounted to 32.4 billion rubles against 33.4 billion rubles a year earlier. The loan portfolio of Post Bank by the end of 2022 amounted to 445.9 billion rubles, showing an increase of 1%. During this time, the funds of clients of the credit institution increased by 4%, to 429.8 billion rubles.

Post Bank at the end of 2022 received a net loss under RAS in the amount of 3.1 billion rubles

Post Bank cites Frank RG data, according to which the credit institution by 2022 was recognized as the bank with the widest network of branches and the absolute leader in relative growth in the number of branches (+ 34.4% year-on-year). The bank's network exceeds 26 thousand service points throughout the country. The expansion of the regional network will allow in the future 2-3 years to attract several million new customers, and by the end of 2023 to double sales of key products and services in the network, the Post Bank said.

In addition to its own flagship branches, the bank has a large-scale network of service points based on post offices. Financial services in them are provided by bank or post office employees - bank agents. Here you can open an account or deposit, issue a card, apply for a loan, credit card or pension transfer, as well as withdraw cash from the card of any bank using a special terminal.[2]

2019: Net profit of Post Bank at the end of 2019 increased 1.4 times to 6.8 billion rubles

The bank's net profit for the 12 months of 2019 increased 1.4 times compared to last year and amounted to 6.8 billion rubles (for 2018 - 4.9 billion rubles).

Operating income amounted to 48.7 billion rubles, an increase of 19% compared to 2018. Net commission income for the 12 months of 2019 increased by 25% compared to last year - to 31 billion rubles. Assets since the beginning of the year increased by 31% to 472 billion rubles (360 billion rubles as of January 1, 2019).

For the 12 months of 2019, the bank's loan portfolio (before provisions) increased by 35% and amounted to 411.0 billion rubles (305.4 billion rubles as of January 1, 2019). The cash loan portfolio increased by 35% and amounted to 343.8 billion rubles (253.8 billion rubles as of January 1, 2019). The portfolio of POS loans grew by 25% and amounted to 45.7 billion rubles (36.6 billion rubles as of January 1, 2019), the portfolio of credit cards increased by 43% to 21.4 billion rubles (15.0 billion rubles as of January 1, 2019).

The volume of sales of credit products increased by 1.3 times in the 12 months of 2019 and reached 333 billion rubles (in 2018 - 266 billion rubles). And the volume of cash loans compared to the same period last year increased by 22% and amounted to 246 billion rubles.

The portfolio of client liabilities reached 392 billion rubles, an increase of 24% (315 billion rubles as of January 1, 2019). The volume of term deposits increased by 10% to 249 billion rubles (226 billion rubles as of January 1, 2019). Customer funds in savings and current accounts increased by 64% to 143 billion rubles (89 billion rubles as of January 1, 2019).

"At the end of 2019, we demonstrated steady growth in all financial indicators and business areas. At the same time, it is important that we grew faster than the market, which demonstrates a slowdown and a decrease in margins. We managed to achieve such results thanks to an effective network development model and a well-built risk strategy. We are steadily holding and even increasing our position in the ratings by business segment. According to Frank RG, at the end of 2019, we firmly entrenched in the top three leaders of the POS lending market (2nd place) in terms of portfolio volume, and also rose from 14th to 11th place in the credit card segment and from 11th to 9th place in the portfolio of savings and current accounts, "said Natalia Strokun, member of the board, financial director of Post Bank.

The bank's regional network in 2019 exceeded 19 thousand points in more than 8 thousand settlements. At the same time, about 80% of points are located on the basis of post offices in small towns and rural areas to ensure the widespread availability of modern financial services. Since the beginning of the year, the customer base has increased to 13.4 million customers (an increase of 3.5 million people since the beginning of the year). The number of active customers amounted to 6.1 million people (4.8 million customers as of January 1, 2019).

The network of ATMs Post Bank today has more than 4.8 thousand devices. Currently, more than 56 thousand payment terminals have been installed in 37 thousand post offices throughout the country, with the help of which you can pay for postal services, as well as withdraw and deposit funds on the card using the cash solution of the post office.

The infrastructure payment to the Russian Post for the 12 months of 2019 increased by 13% compared to last year and amounted to 5.2 billion rubles (according to the results of 2018 - 4.6 billion rubles). At the end of 2019, more than 30 thousand employees of the Russian Post are our agents and, selling our products and services, receive remuneration from the bank. In 2019, the bank paid about 720 million rubles of remuneration to agents.

2018: Payment of dividends in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles

On January 29, 2020, it became known that Post Bank paid dividends to shareholders in 2018 in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles. This decision was made on December 4, 2019 at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Post Bank. Dividends on the bank's shares were paid in full.

{{quote 'author = stressed President - Chairman of the Management Board of Post Bank Dmitry Rudenko' Since its foundation in 2016, Post Bank has demonstrated an increase in business indicators and profits. According to the bank's development strategy, the payment of dividends was planned only at the end of 2019. But we began to pay them already in 2017, that is, at the end of 2016. At the same time, the amount of payments for 2018 increased 2.7 times compared to the previous figure (1 billion at the end of 2017), }}

The major shareholders of Post Bank are VTB Bank (PJSC) and Postal Finance LLC (100% owned by Russian Post JSC), each of which owns 49.999990% of the bank's shares. Two more shares belong to the President-Chairman of the Board of Post Bank D.V. Rudenko.

Information technologies in "Post Bank"

2023: By the end of 2023, Post Bank financial services will be available to all users of the Russian Post application

Post Bank and Russian Post are actively developing a project to integrate mobile services. In the updated mobile application of the Post, you can use all online services and products of the bank. Post Bank announced this on March 2, 2023. The project started in June 2022, and in March 2023, the process of phased rolling of this functionality is underway. By the end of 2023, digital services and products of the Bank's Post will become available to all users of the Russian Post application . Read more here.

2022: Appointment of Ivan Karpov as Vice President and CIO Post Bank

Ivan Karpov has been appointed Vice President and Information Technology Director of Post Bank. In this post, he replaced Andrei Frolov, who left the bank. On March 4, 2022, TAdviser was informed about this by Post Bank. Read more here.


2024: Post Bank has little money for IT, so it will join VTB

On July 4, 2024, it became known that VTB was buying out the share of Russian Post in Post Bank. This is due to the fact that the latter does not have enough resources and IT budgets to build a loyalty program, as well as expand the range of products and services provided to the population.

Dmitry Pyanov, First Deputy President - Chairman of the Board of VTB, announced his intention to buy out the share of Russian Post in the financial organization. According to him, Post Bank, for various reasons, has an incomplete set of services, in particular, a mortgage is not available.

VTB buys out Russian Post's stake in Post Bank

Post Bank is not able to finance, for example, such a loyalty program as VTB finances, is not able to have such an IT budget for different products and advertising. All these elements are critical for the progressive, profitable development of a growing retail business, "Pyanov said.

The Russian Post, according to TASS, confirmed the discussion of the deal with VTB. Various possible integration scenarios are considered, including the migration of customers to VTB's balance sheet. At the same time, it is not planned to reduce the list of financial services provided to the population. Russian Post emphasizes that often its branches are the only point of access to payments, loans and other financial services for residents of remote territories. Therefore, existing services will be preserved, and the set of available financial services will expand and become more efficient. At the same time, the option of integrating Post Bank into the VTB structure is being discussed.

What the technique will look like and what timing is premature to say, there are features of a legal nature, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the Russian Post, including infrastructure payment. It is large, several billion rubles, - said Pyanov, whose words are quoted by Interfax[3]

2022: VTB ceased to control Post Bank on the day of the introduction of US sanctions

On February 24, 2022, on the day of the imposition of sanctions by Britain, VTB Bank announced that it had ceased to control Post Bank.

VTB closed the sale of two shares of Post Bank to the new president - chairman of the board of the credit institution Alexander Pakhomov. As a result, VTB's share in Post Bank decreased to 50% minus one share and equaled the share owned by Post Finance LLC (100% subsidiary of Russian Post).


Appointment of Alexander Pakhomov as President of Post Bank

On December 1, 2021, it became known about the appointment of Alexander Pakhomov, a member of the board of Otkritie Bank, to the post of president and chairman of the board of Post Bank. He replaced Dmitry Rudenko, who will move to VTB as an adviser to the head of the bank. The head of VTB Andrei Kostin told reporters about this. Read more here.

Bank employee in Novokuznetsk convicted of fraud

 In October 2021, Novokuznetsk sentenced  an employee of Post Bank to illegally access computer information protected by law. The woman repeatedly used the bank's client database and issued cards for fictional people to cash in and then sell to the black market.

For six confirmed episodes of a crime against a woman, a criminal case was opened. The court gave the woman two years of suspended imprisonment with a probationary period of 1.5 years. The verdict entered into legal force.

VTB bought 2 shares from Rudenko and became the controlling shareholder of the bank

In September 2021, VTB bought two shares of Post Bank from its head Rudenko. Now the state bank has gained control over the bank. Previously, Rudenko owned two shares to maintain a balance of interests.

Bank employees in Lipetsk deceived citizens for 3 million rubles

Lipetsk Several citizens suffered from the actions of Post Bank for 3 million. rubles A bank employee hung fictitious loans and credit cards on random people, and the bank demanded their repayment.

The attackers used copies of documents that the accomplice took from people in order to assist them in employment. Having received a credit bank card, the swindlers easily cashed money at an ATM.


Sending advertising SMS to customers at ATMs

In December 2020, it became known that banks in Russia began to send advertising SMS messages to customers at ATMs. To do this, credit institutions have introduced new CRM systems. Post Bank has already introduced CRM technologies using ATMs. Read more here.

Customer robbery at bank exit

In June 2020, unknown persons stole a bag with two million rubles from a man at the exit from the Post Bank office in Moscow.

2019: Pochta-Bank structure bought 10% of Technoserv

In August 2019, Technoserv had a new shareholder - Multicarta, a subsidiary of Post Bank. According to the Kontur. Focus database, it acquired a stake of about 10% in Technoserv Group, which, in turn, is the founder of a number of integrator legal entities. Read more here.


Net profit - 1.5 billion rubles (+ 25%)

  • In 2017, the net profit of Post Bank amounted to 1.5 billion rubles - the same indicator in 2016 was exceeded by 25%.
  • In addition, the bank's assets during the reporting period increased by 117% and amounted to 247.6 billion rubles. The portfolio of funds of individuals increased by 365%, to 170.2 billion rubles.
  • Post Bank for the first time entered the top three credit institutions in terms of cash issuance. Both infrastructure payments to the Post Russia amounted to 3.2 billion rubles. Thus, it increased 4 times compared to the previous year. The customer base grew 2 times and exceeded 6.3 million customers. The number of users of remote channels has also increased from less than 1 million to 5.2 million people. At the same time, he noted that about 20% of the total volume of cash loans is accounted for by digital channels.
  • Post Bank employs 17.6 thousand employees (+ 6.5 thousand in 2017) in almost 12.5 thousand service points (+ 6 thousand). In 2018, the bank plans to increase the network to 17 thousand points. In 2017, 1,872 ATMs and 10,000 ATMs were installed . POS terminals. At the beginning of the year, there are 4,023 ATMs and 17 thousand pos terminals. To date, Post Bank is represented in 4,414 settlements, 87.5% of which are in the countryside and small towns with a population of up to 30 thousand people.

Cooperation with Russian Post to issue parcels

On September 7, 2017, Post Bank and Russian Post announced the signing of a memorandum of cooperation during the Eastern Economic Forum aimed at scaling up a project to issue prepaid registered items with a commodity investment to bank customers in client centers of a financial institution in post offices. The document was signed by the President-Chairman of the Board of Post Bank Dmitry Rudenko and the General Director of Russian Post Nikolai Podguzov.

In anticipation of the peak period, additional windows will increase the speed of customer service. Both existing and new customers of the bank have the opportunity to apply for the service. The recipient of the mail can become a client of Post Bank by issuing a free savings account immediately before receiving the parcel, to which an unnamed plastic card is issued. After that, an employee of "Post Bank" in the same window will issue a parcel according to the standard procedure of "Russian Post." The client will need to have a passport and a mobile phone with him.

The Russian Post plans to gradually connect more than 3,500 Bank Post client centers in post offices to the project. You can read more about the project here.


The first client centers of Post Bank were launched on April 5, 2016 in post offices in Moscow, Kaluga, Orenburg, Penza, Novgorod, Leningrad regions and several other regions of Russia.

54% increase in net operating income

  • By the end of 2016, more than 6.7 thousand sales windows in more than 5500 OPS were opened.
  • In the future, Post Bank will provide access to basic banking products for 95% of the Russian population, which will significantly improve the transparency of the financial market by reducing cash payments.
  • By 2023, Post Bank plans to cover about 21 thousand post offices.
  • Until 2023, the total income of the enterprise from the work of the Post Bank will amount to more than 70 billion rubles, which includes 50 billion rubles. infrastructure payment and 20 billion income from dividends.
  • It is expected that the revenues of the Russian Post from the Bank's Post in 2017 will amount to more than 3 billion rubles

  • Net profit was ten times higher than planned and amounted to 1.2 billion rubles. Net operating income grew by 54%, to 20 billion rubles (against 13 billion in 2015). Assets exceeded 114 billion rubles (+ 82% year-on-year).
  • The bank's loan portfolio in 2016 increased by 59% and exceeded 116 billion rubles. The main driver of portfolio growth was cash loans, the portfolio of which reached about 94 billion rubles (+ 68%). The portfolio of POS loans increased by 19%, to 16 billion rubles, credit cards - by 58%, to 6.5 billion rubles. The total number of loan sales increased year-on-year by 24% (+ 45% in the volume of loans).
  • The portfolio of client liabilities amounted to 36.5 billion rubles. The bank raised 25.6 billion rubles in deposits, 7 billion rubles in savings accounts, 3.9 billion rubles in current accounts of the population.
  • The customer base of Post Bank in 2016 grew by more than 1 million people and exceeded 3.3 million customers. The proportion of men in the client base is 10% higher than women (55% by 45% ratio). 45% of customers live in cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people, as well as in rural areas. The core of the client base (44%) is people of active working age. 31% is accounted for by customers under the age of 30. 25% of customers today are people of pre-retirement and retirement age, but in the future, in accordance with the bank's development strategy, their share will reach 30%.

Minister of Communications Nikolay Nikiforov on the results of the work of Post Bank in 2016 (May 2017):

The dynamics with which the Post Bank project is being implemented is important. For the provision of banking services in post offices received an infrastructure payment in the amount of 750 million rubles. Moreover, the rate of receipt of infrastructure payment from "Post Bank" to "Post of Russia" will increase significantly every year as the corresponding network of branches opens.
The constituent entities of the Russian Federation perceive the project very positively, because banking services come to settlements where all banks have already closed or they have never been. Obtaining banking services is due to the fact that you often need to get to the district center and often it is hundreds of kilometers.
general, the volume of infrastructure payment until 2023 from Post Bank to Russian Post will amount to at least 47 billion rubles. Plus, it will also be half of the dividends from the "Post of the Bank" "Post of Russia" as from the corresponding shareholder. Thus, this is also the task of finding alternative sources of financing for the ongoing reforms at the Russian Post, which does not receive any kind of subsidies from the Russian budget.

Results of the first half of 2016

In the first half of 2016, Post Bank's net profit amounted to RUR 94 million with a planned loss of RUR 1.14 billion. According to the results of the first half of the year, the bank's reserves amounted to 2.7 billion rubles, which is 40% less than a year earlier. The risk value of the loan portfolio (CoR) in the first half of 2016 amounted to 12.3% (the indicator of the first quarter of 2015 is 19.3%). The bank's target is 10%. Risk reduction was achieved through the introduction of biometric face recognition technology, online verification of contact data and new scoring models. This made it possible to cut off fraudsters who come for a loan with someone else's passport.

Sales of POS loans increased by 32%, cash loans and credit cards - by 34%. But this is if we count the number of contracts. If we talk about the volume of issuance, then POS lending increased by 51%, and cash loans and cards - by 68%. As of June 1, 2016, Post Bank held 7.33% of the POS loan market in Russia. The total loan portfolio of the bank grew in the first half of the year by 10.8 billion rubles. and amounted to 84 billion rubles.

The portfolio of liabilities also showed significant growth: from 0.7 billion rubles. at the beginning of 2016 to 4.9 billion rubles. as of July 1. However, this can be explained by the low base effect: Leto Bank was a credit monoliner and began to offer deposits literally on the eve of its transformation into Post Bank.

Approved the composition of the Supervisory Board of Post Bank

In January 2016, Russian Post and VTB24 signed a package of documents on the establishment of Post Bank. The ceremony was attended by the Director General of the Russian Post Dmitry Strashnov and the President - Chairman of the Board of the VTB24 Mikhail Zadornov.

Russian Post, represented by its 100% subsidiary, acquired 50% minus one share of the future Post Bank. The deal received the approval of the Central Bank, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.

VTB Group has unique experience in the retail banking business. Our team took only a few years for VTB24 to take the second position in the country's banking retail, and even less - for Leto Bank to profit and become the basis of a large-scale project to create Post Bank. Russian Post has the country's largest branch network and many years of experience in providing financial services. Thanks to the creation of Post Bank, these services will be transformed into a modern banking format. VTB Group will be able to significantly expand its customer base and multiply the number of points of sale, and Russian Post will be able to attract additional funds for the modernization and development of its infrastructure.
President-Chairman of the Board of VTB24 Mikhail Zadornov

Post Bank was created on the basis of the subsidiary bank of VTB24 - Leto Bank. Dmitry Rudenko will head the new credit and financial organization. The Supervisory Board will include representatives of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Russian Post and VTB Group.

Post Bank will start operating in the post office network in the first quarter of 2016. For three years from the beginning of the project, it is planned to open more than 20 thousand bank windows in 15 thousand post offices. In 2016 - at least 6.5 thousand windows in 3.5 thousand post offices.

The Supervisory Board of Post Bank includes:

  • Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Nikolay Nikiforov;
  • Director General of the Russian Post Dmitry Strashnov;
  • President - Chairman of the Board of VTB24 Mikhail Zadornov;
  • Vladimir Salakhutdinov, Deputy General Director of the Russian Post for Financial Business;
  • Deputy President - Chairman of the Management Board of VTB Herbert Mohs;
  • Deputy President - Chairman of the Board of VTB24 Ekaterina Petelina;
  • President - Chairman of the Board of Leto Bank Dmitry Rudenko;
  • Advisor to the President of the Skolkovo Foundation for work with startups, member of the Council for Strategic Development of the Russian Post Pekka Viljakainen;
  • Member of the Board of VTB24 Alexander Sokolov.

Change of name "Summer Bank" to "Post Bank"

During the creation of Post Bank, the Leto Bank grocery range was completely rebuilt. It was supplemented by a line of deposits and a savings account that became the base product. The changes also affected the segment of credit products - interest rates on cash loans were significantly reduced, in addition, a credit card appeared on the market with the largest renewable interest-free period equal to 120 days - "Element 120." The implementation of pension and salary projects has begun, the participants of which receive preferential rates on loans and increased - on deposits.

As a low-cost bank "Post Bank," save as much as possible on the expense items familiar to other banks. Therefore, the financial institution does not rent large office premises, has a centralized back office and has abandoned the use of classic cash registers, which have replaced cash-closed ATMs - when funds deposited by one client can be issued to another client (which allows you to additionally save on collecting devices). Over the year, the ATM network "Post Bank" has grown more than 7 times and today exceeds 2600 devices.

March 18, 2016 it became known about the change of name "Summer Bank." The Federal Tax Service has amended the unified state register of legal entities. On March 17, 2016, the name of the bank - "Post Bank"[4]

According to the bank's statement, on March 17, 2016, Leto Bank officially changed its name to Post Bank. The institution will continue banking activities on the basis of license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 650. All agreements on loans and deposits concluded on behalf of Leto Bank continue to operate unchanged.

The procedure for registration and receipt of documents from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will be completed at the end of March 2016.

The package of documents on the establishment of Post Bank was signed on January 28, 2016.


OJSC Leto Bank (Bank of Russia General Banking Licence No. 650 of 15.10.2012) is a subsidiary of CJSC VTB 24 and specializes in consumer lending in the network of branches and outlets of partners. Sales of POS loans began in August 2012, in October 2012 the first cash loan was issued. The authorized capital of the bank is 215 million rubles, the amount of own funds is 4,400 million rubles.
