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2020/12/10 13:23:32

IT innovations in the Russian banking sector

The article is included in the review of IT in banks 2019


2023: Ministry of Digital Industry urged banks to refrain from providing services through instant messengers

In mid-February 2023, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation urged banks to refrain from providing services through instant messengers. At the same time, credit organizations are actively developing this channel of interaction with customers. Read more here.

2021: Russians will be able to receive transfers using old details when changing the bank

Russians will be able to receive transfers using old details when changing the bank. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation spoke about the creation of a mechanism for "bank account portability" in mid-April 2021 in its "Strategy for the Development of the National Payment System for 2021-2023." Read more here.


Banks in Russia began sending advertising SMS to customers at ATMs

In December 2020, it became known that banks in Russia began to send advertising SMS messages to customers at ATMs. To do this, credit institutions have introduced new CRM systems.

Izvestia reported how such a technology works. In real time, the system informs employees that a client is located at the ATM near the office, sends human data and parameters of the pre-approved offer. The client receives an SMS notification about the possibility to seek advice. The bank also makes offers to citizens in the context of their transactions or purchases.

Banks in the Russian Federation began to send advertising SMS to customers at ATMs

Post Bank and MKB have already introduced CRM technologies using ATMs, Izvestia was told in these credit institutions. Such systems have already been introduced in more than 4.5 thousand service points. Such a system is already piloted in ten departments of the ICD.

VTB and Raiffeisen Bank took a different path: they began to introduce services to make offers to customers in the context of the history of their interaction with the bank and their transactions or purchases.

The bank "Дом.РФ" wants to inform customers about pre-approved personal offers and through ATMs. This technology will also help to issue the product remotely, it will be launched from the first quarter of 2021, the director of retail products of the bank Yevgeny Shitikov told the publication.

The positive effect of informing with this approach will be insignificant, since people rather perceive such mailings as spam, and the negative is intensified due to the feeling of surveillance, said Evgeny Gladilin, an analyst at Novikombank's retail business department. Customers value their privacy and try to protect themselves from intrusive information, so personalized offers should come in the form chosen by the client, the analyst emphasized.[1]

First Open API Standards

The Bank of Russia has developed standards for open banking interfaces (open APIs). The bank expects that their use will contribute to the development of financial products and services in the financial market.

The standards establish uniform rules for the interaction of market participants when implementing open APIs. Market participants are:

  • credit institutions or their branches that serve the user's account and publish open banking interfaces (payment service providers);
  • legal entities providing the user with the service of obtaining information about his bank account/s (third-party information service providers (ICIS));
  • legal entities that provide the user with a service for initiating a money transfer (third-party payment service providers (PCIR)).

Principles of interaction construction.

The standards contain the principles and recommendations for implementing open APIs for specific services - obtaining information about the bank's client's account by organizations and initiating money transfers. The standards also define the general operation of open banking interfaces and offer recommendations for ensuring information security when using this technology.

The architecture of the open banking interface environment is consistent with the RESTful API8 concept. This concept was chosen on the basis of feedback from market participants, as well as according to the experience of world practices. It involves obtaining data in a convenient format, updating and deleting it, as well as creating new data.

The standards will allow banks and fintech companies to set up a seamless exchange of data about the client with his consent and ultimately form the most profitable personal offers for him. So, thanks to open APIs, you can create, for example, a universal mobile application for clients for financial management in several companies at the same time or organize online payment for goods and services through partner applications, the Bank of Russia explains.

The standards were developed by the bank together with market participants at the Fintech association site. The application of the standards will be voluntary.

In October 2019, TAdviser conducted a study on the use of open APIs by the Russian banking sector. A survey of 25 banks in the top 100 largest financial organizations in the Russian market showed that 75% of them have already begun or are planning to use open APIs. Read more here.


In October-November 2019, TAdviser conducted a survey of Russian experts - representatives of IT companies specializing in banking projects, and found out what IT-Innovations, in their opinion, can "shoot" in the next two years. As it turned out, most experts do not expect any revolutionary innovations in banks in the short term, linking this both with the regulation of the industry and with the need for large investments in serious innovations. In their opinion, banks in the coming years will optimize costs and invest more pedantically in IT. For most Russian banks, this period will be characterized by the evolutionary development of what they already have.

The following market challenges can significantly affect the further development of innovations: the need for growth in the context of tougher regulatory requirements, a changing competitive environment and new customer requirements. The creation of a successful "innovative" product for the bank, experts say, lies in the plane of synergy of various technological trends that create a long-term competitive advantage. These are, for example, digital financial adviser, speech technologies, biometrics, open banking platforms, etc.

Tools to retain customers and increase sales

According to Andrei Fomichev, Deputy Chairman of the Board of CFT, investments in tools that support complex interaction scenarios for retaining customers, increasing sales, and increasing profitability per client will be justified.

The use of in-depth analytics and the transition to real-time technologies will ensure the expansion of the client base, will allow to preserve already existing clients of the bank through the formation of an individual offer in the process of communication. New trigger mechanics will be designed to minimize response time to actions and customer requests and increase secondary sales in the retail segment, the expert notes.

Development of robotization of business processes and artificial intelligence technologies

According to Konstantin Markelov, head of the R&D department at OTR, with a high degree of probability it can be argued that the robotization of business processes and the introduction of artificial intelligence will continue to develop.

Already, many banks have appreciated the advantage of inexpensive implementation of RPA, and will invest in this area, actively using machine learning technologies and artificial intelligence. It is already actively used by individual credit institutions, for example, to automate the lending process and will be used by an increasing number of banks for the prompt launch of various products on the market, the OTR expert is sure.

The rapid growth of robotic process automation (RPA) is also expected at Bell Integrator.

An alternative approach related to large-scale projects to replace ABS, in our opinion, is not now popular in the banking environment, and it is necessary to minimize costs in any case. So the ability to shift a lot of routine functions from expensive personnel to software robots, without plunging banks into stressful kernel replacement projects, is truly a "winning ticket" for them, which some are already beginning to realize, says Andrei Ezrokhi, director of strategic business development at Bell Integrator.

Julia Amiridi, Deputy General Director for Business Development at Intersoft Lab, believes that machine learning and so-called artificial intelligence technologies, which are now being tested in the processes of mass customer service, credit scoring, etc., can also be used in decision support tasks:

For example, in predicting the behavioral characteristics of customers, which are used to predict the state of bank portfolios, or to "robotize" routine tasks, such as building analytical queries for data.

Elena Zakharova, director of the Digital2Go department of the BSS company, notes that artificial intelligence is increasingly entering our lives, and services using AI technologies are already used by banks.

As a rule, these are chatbots, intelligent assistants, virtual consultants. The pace of improvement of these services and the emergence of new ones will only grow, - says Elena Zakharova.

Alexander Rozhkov, Sales Director of the Services Department of Softline Group of Companies, also predicts that as part of increasing operational efficiency and reducing costs, banks will expand the use of artificial intelligence:

For example, for customer engagement, mid-level and junior management decision-making, financial analysis, risk assessment, and regulatory enforcement.

Proactive Security Platforms

Banks are ready to actively introduce innovations in the field of information security.

According to Andrei Fomichev, Deputy Chairman of the CFT Board, solutions that combine current Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to work with large amounts of user data and behavioral analysis together with fingerprinting technology (digital "fingerprint" of the device) will help track the use of stolen credentials and identify malicious activity long before the financial transaction. In this regard, banks are aimed at introducing "preventive" security platforms.

Development of identification systems

The transition of banks to a "digital office" in working with clients involves the further development of identification systems, including biometric. The number of customers and the amount of losses from fraud forces banks to actively invest in additional voice authentication services, fingerprint, etc.

At the same time, the costs of collecting biometrics, verifying it and restructuring banking systems for its use are quite high, and revenues are insignificant.

However, as Yuri Terekhin, director of the financial institutions department at Force Center for Development, notes, due to the inevitability of introducing these functions in banks, they will have to ensure the operation of the relevant software and equipment.

Elena Zakharova, director of Digital2Go at BSS, suggests that customer identification and verification services using biometric technologies and artificial intelligence will soon become massive.

Mobile Multi-Banking Systems

Another expected innovation is mobile multi-banking systems. To develop this direction, some prerequisites of a legislative nature are needed, in particular, the requirement of open APIs, similar to the European PSD2 directive.

However, such initiatives will definitely appear in the next three to five years. All this will make the client's communication with the bank (s) serving him much more convenient, "said Andrei Ezrokhi, Director of Strategic Business Development at Bell Integrator.

Speech analytics

According to the commercial director of Oberon, Pyotr Filatov, deep speech analytics in digital communication channels is gaining popularity in the struggle for the client. It makes it possible to analyze 100% of cases of communication with the client, identify problems and trends before the formation of complaints, optimize scenarios and work with the consumer, track business-key phrases, and formulate and test business hypotheses in practice. The results obtained, he believes, allow adjusting the entire strategy for the development of the organization's business, building it from a real client and his needs.

Distributed Registry Technologies

Distributed register technologies have a high potential for use in banks. According to Alexander Rozhkov, Sales Director of the Services Department of Softline Group of Companies, this applies, in particular, to such processes as a system for exchanging documents and making payments, electronic document management, processing counter transactions, structuring products, account management, audit and financial control, trade financing, factoring, issuing bond loans and bank guarantees.

According to Andrei Ezrokhi, director of strategic business development at Bell Integrator, banks have not yet fully realized the meaning of the blockchain revolution, which consists in the possibility of distributed fixation of financial transactions. This technology creates the basis for unconditional recognition or, conversely, unconditional rejection of any such operation, which could potentially not only negate all today's costs for legal protection of the bank's activities, but also allow any protested transaction to be "unscrewed."

Smart contracts

Communication with corporate clients will change in a key way with the advent of smart contracts. This will require certain legislative measures, namely the recognition of smart contracts as legally significant.

{{quote 'However, with their appearance in the practice of settlements, corporate clients will be able to move on a massive scale from a spontaneous flow of payments to their suppliers to trade financing operations, where settlements between counterparties will be not only carried out by banks, but also guaranteed, says Andrei Ezrokhi. }}

Development of Fast Payment Systems

Due to Russian legislation, fintech companies developing payment systems are not represented on our market and will not work on it in the near future. Therefore, as Yuri Terekhin, director of the financial institutions department at Force Center for Development, explains, the global surge in interest in payment systems for transfers with reduced commissions by phone number and QR code in Russia has transformed into the development of similar systems with state participation.

Maria Bar-Biryukova, Deputy General Director of Korus Consulting Group, believes that in the coming years banks will develop services related to ensuring instant payments from both P2P and individuals to legal entities.

Natalya Dybko, director of business development at the I-Teco Innovation Center (I-Teco Group of Companies), recalls that in China, for example, there is already payment by QR code in public transport, a store, and a newspaper kiosk.

This is no longer an innovation, but in my opinion, a very convenient functionality for the end user, which has not yet been massively implemented. Everything goes to this, including in banks, "she says.

5G-based services

As part of improving the quality of customer service, experts expect the introduction of virtual service models using 5G, virtual and augmented reality technologies.

For example, 5G technologies will make it possible to implement online video analytics, broadcasts of interactive media content in ATMs and digital displays, new communication channels with a client in the format of a round-the-clock video assistant based on an ATM and a mobile application, - said Alexander Rozhkov.

Open digital banking platforms

Alexander Filippov, director of business development at CROC in commercial banks, predicts that in the next few years we may see open digital banking platforms. According to him, they will give access to the assets and functions of the bank through the formation of internal and external ecosystems through API's and microservices.

RCPM platforms

According to McKinsey's forecast, structural changes in the field of financial intermediation should be expected in the coming years: modernization and simplification of the financial industry, as well as its expansion through new, including non-financial players. Analysts believe that in the new realities, banks will need to concentrate on finding key competitive advantages and developing competitive strategies based on them, based on quantitative forecasts of profitability and risk losses. Credit institutions will inevitably move to integrated performance and risk management (EHR).

From the point of view of informatization, this task is solved on the basis of the RCPM platform (Risk-based Corporate Performance Management). Such systems rely on a single repository of granular financial data, allow you to predict the state of portfolios and risk losses and model the optimal ratio between profitability and risk. We can say that RCPM is a digital basis for implementing competitive risk strategies and maximizing profit at acceptable risk, the basis for preparing decision-making in a modern bank, "says Julia Amiridi, Deputy General Director for Business Development at Intersoft Lab.

Partial transfer of functions to MPSC of banks

Partial transfer of functions to MPSC of banks is a state order, and its implementation looks inevitable for banks, which, in turn, will entail the need to introduce a large amount of specific non-bank software.

And although this software already exists and is successfully used in the MPSC, for banks it will be an IT innovation, because it will require restructuring the entire IT landscape and improving banking systems to use new data, "says Force expert Yuri Terekhin.

Non-commercial offers to clients

Mikhail Komarov, director of Informatica at DIS Group, expects that in the near future banks will move towards non-commercial offers to customers: a banking product in exchange for client data.

Banks will then be able to monetize the collected information (in particular, transfer it to ecosystem partners). A similar scheme is now implemented on information and entertainment resources, where content is free thanks to advertising. Also, in fact, telecommunications companies are starting to work, "he says.


The reasons for the low level of transition to digital banking in Russia:

  • Inability to physically identify the client
  • Lack of developed law on electronic digital signature
  • Cash deposit
  • Vulnerability to abnormal situations
  • Incomplete awareness of the population about the possibilities of remote servicing of a bank account and performing operations through digital banking
  • Psychological unwillingness of the population to switch to "digital," in particular, fear of losing their money on the network
  • Shortage of qualified specialists

Reasons for banks' conservatism

  • Fear of changing communication with the client to a less official one
  • Lack of clear understanding of the real needs of CA
  • Find points of contact with the regulator about the basics and principles of interaction
  • Select, order and issue delivery on the Internet


A ROBOT is a special program that performs automatically and/or according to a given schedule, any actions through the same interfaces as a regular user.

What robots can do:

  • Work with internal and external systems of NSD, Excel, Word
  • Work with the user interface, enter text, repeat all actions, keystrokes that the user performs
  • Save files, download files, mail them out
  • Send documents for printing

In the coming years, a rather significant set of decisions in banks, both in Russia and in the world, will be made not by people, but by cars. For example, automatic CRM is the selection and offering of a relevant product to a client in real-time, based on a deep machine analysis of its needs.

The decision to send communication with a loan proposal will be made not by a person within the framework of the formation of a CRM company, but by an algorithm, "predicts Vladimir Volkov, senior vice president of Technoserv.

It is also possible to replace manual labor in the process of making a loan decision.

For example, earlier the documents attached to the credit application were watched by a person, but we are already ready to technologically exclude this stage from the decision-making process, thanks to image recognition technologies from external data sources, "says Vladimir Volkov.

Due to certain robotic systems, the number of call call centers personnel can be reduced. Thus, some of the clients' questions will be able to answer, for example, chat bots, or models for predicting the client's need to call the contact center, which will proactively send him communication on the issue that has arisen.

Yuri Goltzer, technical director of the CRM department at Navicon, recalls that Sberbank at the beginning of 2018 introduced a voice assistant robot at the corporate customer service center. Also, the bank, together with the RVC fund, invested in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) for voice assistants and chat bots.

Anatoly Naboka, director of corporate customer relations at SysSoft, believes that business process robotization (RPA) is the most interesting technology of 2018. It helps to automate the simplest and most routine processes, thereby significantly reducing labor costs and reducing the number of human errors. RPA provides the ability to collect and process information from different accounting systems, without the need for integration.

Robots are used for well-formalized processes: for example, issuing vacations, assigning appointments, or generating reports. However, there is a problem of formalizing these processes and determining which ones should become the object of RPA in the first place. Because of this, there is an interest in process mining. These two technologies are likely to become the front line of banking automation in the horizon of 3-5 years, - believes Anatoly Naboka.

Yuri Vostrikov, commercial director Norbitol of "" (group of companies LANIT""), said that in 2018 Norbit had already begun to develop a new direction for, machine learning which allows to partially robotize business processes banks and increase their efficiency through the intelligent use of accumulated data.

Alexey Trefilov, director of ELMA, says that automation is already going "beyond" the bank and extends to external resources, which at first glance are not subject to the IT services of the credit institution. Thanks to new technologies such as the symbiosis of BPM and RPA, banks will increasingly build quality interactions outside their formal "areas of responsibility."

For example, Tinkoff Bank is moving in this direction. He does not have his own mortgage products, he resells strangers. Customers fill out the form on the Tinkoff Bank website - using a software robot, it sends applications to other banks, collects answers and provides the product in a short time. The same happens when banks need to submit reports to the civil service. It's just that a robot is written that automatically sends papers where necessary, - explains the director of ELMA.

Из презентации 2019 года "Глобальные вызовы для банковских ИТ-систем. Sergey Putyatinsky, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Credit Bank of Moscow


Experts interviewed by TAdviser believe that in the next couple of years blockchain technologies will move from the field of speculation and "hype" to an area where market leaders, including banking, will begin their industrial implementation.

Thus, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) became the first global bank to issue a loan using blockchain. According to the Spanish bank, the use of distributed accounting has reduced the time for negotiations on a loan in the amount of 75 million euros from "days to hours," - quotes the example of Yuri Golzer from Navicon.

Anton Golovaty, director of business development at Lanit-Integration (part of the Lanit group of companies), is confident that in the next few years we will see no less projects on the blockchain than the one that was at one time with interest in Big Data.

These expectations are confirmed by the development vector of the Lanit group of companies: in March, the creation of DTG (part of the Lanit group of companies) was announced, which will act as a competence center for the formation of new business models based on blockchain technologies, distributed registers and digital platforms, - he adds.

Remote Authentication Technologies

The market is being conquered by technologies of remote identification and "smart" user authentication. Digital authentication processes in many banks are fully automated: the voice and face of the client have been recognized for quite some time, fingerprints and even the retina are scanned. The new stage of the identification "revolution" is the recognition of passports so that customers from any country can use all the services of banks around the world without restrictions.

Soon we may see a world "without banks," when any service can be issued and received online. Moreover, completely new tools appear on the market, such as identifying the user by "keyboard handwriting." For example, ID Finance is experimenting with behavioral biometrics programs that can recognize a site user or application by individual typing features: speed, typos, finger or mouse movement on the screen, "says Yuri Goltzer.

Transition to XBRL

By the end of 2018, the Bank of Russia plans to make a decision to transfer credit institutions to the international format for collecting and processing reporting data based on XBRL specifications (from the English eXtensible Business Reporting Language). According to various estimates, the transition to XBRL for banks may take place in 2020 or 2021.

As the experience of non-bank financial institutions, which since the beginning of 2018 have already submitted reports in XBRL format, has shown, the new technology allows the regulator to instantly identify errors in the transmitted data. Therefore, by the end of the first grace period of the new standard, credit organizations will be forced to build their own solutions based on data warehouse technology, which will allow them to prepare reporting data on the new requirements of the regulator in the required composition, detail/analytics and quality, "says Julia Amiridi, Deputy General Director for Business Development of Intersoft Lab.

Security from the cloud

Many financial institutions plan to use cloud technologies more actively. "Going to the clouds" has already begun, and cloud solutions for credit and financial organizations are gradually becoming an effective tool for implementing various processes: from risk calculation and forecasting to analyzing large amounts of data.

In security, cloud use also offers benefits. More and more financial institutions are realizing that their own equipment capacity is not enough for data analysis and full protection, and are starting to attract external scalable solutions. Depending on the growth and modification of external threats in the future, the industry will move towards specialized services to protect against network attacks, - said Artem Gavrichenkov, CTO of Qrator Labs.

According to him, the emphasis has already shifted towards combining solutions on the client's side with others - cloud and operator ones. Companies have begun to replace the information security tools they use if the level of protection provided by these solutions is insufficient, as evidenced by external incidents or pentests.

Other innovations

Due to the same economic reasons that determine the current trends in banking automation (a decrease in the margin of traditional banking activities), innovations related to the surrounding landscape of classical banking activities will develop and allow either to extract additional profits or reduce the cost of servicing customers and banking products.

Yuri Teryokhin, Director for Financial Institutions at Force - Development Center (Force Group of Companies), in addition to the innovations already mentioned above, lists a number of promising areas:

  • significant expansion of the use by banks and retail of Chinese payment systems Alipay and WeChat with the ability to pay in retail outlets with smartphones (mainly to service the increasing tourist flow from the Middle Kingdom),
  • introduction of the Central Bank payment messenger (banks will have to make interfaces to this system),
  • the ability to withdraw cash at the cash desks of stores when paying for goods with cards,
  • working with cryptocurrencies: first of all, this is the Venezuelan "petro" and the planned experiments of the Central Bank with crypto ruble, and then, when the use of cryptocurrencies in banks becomes familiar, this practice will spread to other cryptocurrencies and tokens allowed by the Bank of Russia,

Alexey Katrich, commercial director of Technoserv Consulting, says that companies that develop software for banks also monitor the development of the market and offer new ideas and products. At the same time, one of the most relevant proposals is a variety of digital transformation strategies. The bank is helped to determine whether it will create a digital branch and digitize all business processes there. This does not mean that there will be no employees left in it, but the operating costs during digitalization can be greatly optimized.

Another area is dual brand, the creation of a digital online bank next to the traditional bank. Another possible strategy is white label banking, providing the client with banking services where it happens: at a gas station, in a store, and so on. And finally, the bank must realize that it is a player in the ecosystem, a partner of other participants in this new ecosystem.

All this should help the financial institution stay afloat in the rapidly changing digital world and occupy a new niche in the financial services market, - explains Alexey Katrich.

Maxim Bolyshev, Deputy Director of the Banking Department, ON RS-Bank the company R-Style Softlab calls open platforms the most relevant innovation. API

This innovation is most relevant for RBS systems, since the presence of such systems will allow the bank's client to receive information about all their accounts in all banks in the future, for example, in one application, the expert explains.

Alexey Kolesnikov, Sales Director of iSimpleLab, notes that new technologies that are now developing in one way or another in the IT world will sooner or later come to the banking sector. This is virtual and augmented reality, as well as the widespread use of artificial intelligence.

AI will be used at all stages of the bank's work - from the first contact with a client, to the analysis of big data and the development of concepts for working with clients based on them, says a representative of iSimpleLab.

Yuri Goltzer, Technical Director of the CRM Department of Navicon, believes that interaction with customers becomes the most convenient for all parties.

Thus, users have been able to conduct transactions through Facebook Messenger and a number of other instant messengers since last year. In this, the situation is simplified for the corporations themselves, which produce payment products, but do not become banks: for example, in the UK they supported the Open Banking initiative, which allows large companies to access the accounts of bank customers with their consent. To make payments, corporations no longer need to negotiate with each specific bank, "says Yuri Goltzer.

In addition, he said, manufacturers of "smart" technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence are triumphing, between which recently they have increasingly put an equal sign.

First of all, banks pay great attention to analytical products and technologies that allow them to take a deeper look at the consumer of products and services. With artificial intelligence technology entering the market, fintech startups have begun using machine learning to map how consumers use their money. This information can be used to predict demand for future financial products and services and provide recommendations, the expert explains.

Maxim Nikitin, vice president of Maykor, CEO of BTE (BTE), predicts that the functionality of mobile banks and self-service devices will significantly expand in the coming years. With the help of them, bank customers will be able not only to make standard transactions, but also to receive services that were previously unavailable: open a deposit, take a loan, etc.

They also have every chance of gaining wide popularity by introducing technologies for identifying the flow of visitors to branches and using big data to process transactions. All this will allow banks to form the most personalized offers for their customers, he believes.

Julia Amiridi, Deputy General Director for Business Development at Intersoft Lab, believes that support for Basel III principles in Bank of Russia regulations, in particular capital adequacy requirements, in the coming years should make risk-based profitability management a priority for the digital transformation of banks.

Already on the agenda of the flagships of banking automation are the tasks of automating capital planning, forecasting, monitoring and controlling the impact of risk factors, modeling the structure of assets and liabilities, based on the specified performance indicators and the established level of risks, she says.

In addition, the regulator has already announced its proposals regarding the assessment of the total debt of borrowers. While several technical options for solving this problem are being considered, but regardless of what choice will be made in the end, in the very near future banks will be obliged, at least, to improve the quality of interaction with the BCH in terms of collecting, consolidating and ensuring the quality of data on the transferred credit histories of borrowers, adds Julia Amiridi.


Banks have always been innovators in the use of IT. The financial sector is still one of the most active consumers of innovative solutions. This is not surprising, because the ability to quickly adapt to market changes gives tangible competitive advantages. At the same time, bankers not only spend multimillion-dollar funds on high technologies, but also constantly raise the bar for requirements for IT systems.

Key IT innovations that were discussed by market participants in 2016:

  • Digital bank
  • Expanding Integration Capabilities
  • Emergence of new payment systems
  • Open platforms
  • Banking ecosystem
  • Artificial Intelligence Systems

You can find out more about the IT innovations in the banking sector in 2016 at the link.

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