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Developers: R-Style Softlab
Last Release Date: 2024/12/17
Branches: Financial Services, Investments and Auditing
Technology: ABS - Automated Banking Systems


RS-Bank v. 5.5

RS-Bank v. 5.5 is a new integrated version of the banking system, focused on the needs of commercial banks of the SMB category (Small and Medium Business). To automate certain business areas of credit institutions, RS-Bank v. 5.5 provides for specialized software complexes: RS-Loans - credit activities of the bank; RS-Retail - retail banking services; RS-Initiating - accounting for the bank's business operations. They generate journal entries that are displayed in the system core. In this case, all applications interact with the ABS kernel and with each other. The modular organization ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 allows banks to carry out phased implementation of its components, increasing functionality in parallel with the development of the organization.

2020 Improvements in RS-Incounting 5.5 in connection with the introduction of benefits when calculating taxes in extrabudgetary funds for SMB

On June 3, 2020, R-Style Softlab announced improvements in RS-Initiating v. 5.5 from ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 related to the introduction of preferential conditions for calculating taxes in off-budget funds for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). Now, from the amount of monthly taxable income, different interest approved by law is established - from the amount less than the minimum wage and from the amount of income exceeding the minimum wage.

The functionality is implemented in accordance with the Federal Law of 01.04.2020 No. 102-FZ "On Amendments to Parts One and Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation."

To meet the requirements of Federal Law No. 102-FZ, significant improvements to the RS-Initiating v. 5.5 system were required, which had to be completed in a short time. We coped with the task, and our clients related to SMEs have already taken advantage of updates that take into account preferential conditions when calculating taxes on extrabudgetary funds for April 2020,
Rinat Karimov reported, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab, Director of Banking Department of ON RS-Bank.

2019: Online control of suspicious transactions in the "Financial monitoring" subsystem

On July 30, 2019, R-Style Softlab announced the development of an online control mechanism for suspicious transactions in the Financial Monitoring subsystem of ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5.

Bank employees in real time can analyze payment documents for a group of clients, to which the regulator shows increased interest (and, if desired, also for other clients), according to the criteria set by the Central Bank.

Online control technology allows you to process all customer documents that fall into the category of controlled before they are posted. The financial institution can automatically monitor "risky" customers at any convenient time. First, subjects are checked for compliance with the risk profile, if it is identified - all documents for such a client are suspended, and then checked according to the criteria of the Central Bank, on the basis of which a decision is made on the possibility or impossibility of holding a specific document. The procedure for processing suspicious transactions is actually out of the document posting. Due to this, despite the considerable labor required in the evaluation, it was possible to avoid the loss of performance in the formation of the transaction. According to Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4077-U of 20.07.2016 , it is possible to automatically generate a refusal transaction according to documents for which online control was prohibited.

Supporting the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is the primary task for banks, so our company closely monitors changes in legislation and regularly updates products in accordance with them. The mechanism of online control of suspicious transactions will allow banks to fully comply with the orders of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in terms of financial monitoring,


RS-Bank v. 5.5 is in compliance with IFRS 9

On October 17, 2018, R-Style Softlab announced its compliance with IFRS 9. accounting core of the automated banking system RS-Bank v. 5.5, designed for small and medium-sized banks. The changes related to RKO and operating accounting of the bank were implemented in connection with the mandatory transfer of accounting to the international standard for banks from January 1, 2019.

In order to implement the introduced legislative norms in ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5, the Multi-Currency EDS subsystem, designed to perform settlement and cash services, has finalized the operations of reflecting accrued interest, forming interest income adjustments, and calculates and generates reserve adjustments for possible losses up to the estimated amount.

Changes in the system were made in strict accordance with the law and comply with the requirements of Bank of Russia Regulations No. 604-P of 02.10.2017 "On the Procedure for Accounting Accounts of Credit Institutions to Attract Funds under Bank Deposit Agreements (deposit), loan agreements, other agreements for raising funds, issue and repayment (payment) of bonds, promissory notes, deposit and savings certificates "and No. 605-P" On the Procedure for Accounting Accounts of Credit Institutions to Include Cash Placement Operations under Loan Agreements, Transactions Related to Acquisition of Claims from Third Parties for Performance of Obligations in Cash Form, Transactions under Obligations under Bank Guarantees Issued and Provision of Funds. "

author '= Rinat Karimov, di⁠rektor of Banking Software Department of RS-Bank, Deputy General di⁠rektora of R-Style Softlab
Along with the Accounting Core of ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5, the rest of the software products for SMB category banks, the retail banking automation system RS-Retail v. 5.5 and the credit automation system RS-Loans v. 5.5, were adjusted to implement international accounting and reporting standards. Finalization of the "Personal Account Configurator" subsystem is being completed to ensure correct opening of accounts and transfer of balances thereon (according to Bank of Russia letter No. IN-18-18/21), as well as implementation of relevant procedures in RS-Retail v. 5.5 and RS-Loans v. 5.5. Thus, the company will provide its customers - users of RS-Bank v. 5.5 systems - with all the necessary functionality to comply with the requirements of the regulator under IFRS.

Support for Unified format of electronic banking messages of version 2018.4.1

On August 29, 2018, R-Style Softlab announced the adaptation of the automated banking system (ABS) RS-Bank v. 5.5 in terms of changing the formats of electronic payment documents in accordance with the requirements of the Album "Unified Formats of Electronic Banking Messages for Cashless Payments" (Unified format of electronic banking messages) version 2018.4.1. As you know, the updated formats come into force on October 1, 2018.

As specified in the company, the improvements made in the system affected the algorithm for unloading messages to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and payment formats.

The more time spent on testing, the better the final decision is obtained, "said Rinat Karimov, Director of the RS-Bank Banking Software Department, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab. - That is why it was so important for us to provide improvements to customers as early as possible. Now they will have more than a month to prepare for the transition to the updated Unified format of electronic banking messages formats.


SMB banks will be able to provide concentration risk data to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

R-Style Softlab has implemented in ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 for SMB banks the issue of a new reporting form of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - 0409120 "Concentration Risk Data."

According to the requirements of the Bank of Russia, from October 1, 2017, credit institutions are obliged to provide quarterly confirmation that they are not exposed to large risks. Form 0409120 is designed to identify instability factors that pose a threat to the credit institution's solvency and its ability to continue its activities.

The Report shall be prepared once a quarter throughout the credit institution as of the 1st day of the month following the reporting quarter and submitted to the regional office of the Central Bank no later than the 15th business day of the month following the reporting quarter.

Automation of the accounting form issue based on ABS allows the bank not only to generate data for the regulator within the specified time frame, but also at any time to monitor the situation with regard to concentration risks to track the excess of the limits established by the credit institution's accounting policy by types of economic activities, geographical areas and types of instruments, by certain sources of liquidity, and so on. To do this, the system RS-Bank v. 5.5 implements a special limit guide.

SMB banks can inform FFMS about suspicious customers

R-Style Softlab has updated the Financial Monitoring module of ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5, adding to it the possibility of automated formation and transfer to the Federal Financial Monitoring Service of information on contracts not concluded or terminated at the initiative of the bank for the provision of a bank account to the client, as well as on refusal to perform account transactions at the request of the client.

The revision was implemented in support of the requirements of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 4077-U of 20 July 2016. The new functionality in RS-Bank v. 5.5 will help financial institutions organize electronic document management with the FFMS and ensure the provision of information about suspicious customers.

For each fact, when the bank refuses to perform an operation or conclude an agreement with the client, a separate XML file is formed in the updated module, in which, along with information about the client and the details of his bank account, there is a reasonable reason for refusal.


R-Style Softlab has simplified the interaction of small and medium-sized banks with the Federal Tax Service

Credit institutions using the automated banking system RS-Bank v.5.5 from R-Style Softlab received the opportunity to request up-to-date details about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from the registers stored in the Federal Tax Service in the fall of 2016.

The IT company implemented in ABS RS-Bank v.5.5 for small and medium-sized banks a request to receive from the Federal Tax Service the necessary information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In response to the bank's appeal, the department receives an extract with detailed information contained in the databases. Having the opportunity to quickly receive the necessary data, the financial organization will be able to identify and serve legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in its divisions, even if they do not have all the documents necessary to receive the service with them.

"Earlier, when visiting the office of a credit institution, it was not an individual who had to provide a wide range of papers, but employees of a financial institution - to check these documents for accuracy," said Frenkel Lev ON R-Style Softlab, director of the RS-Bank banking department. - Now the bank can receive all the necessary information remotely by sending a request from RS-Bank v.5.5. to the Federal Tax Service. Such an opportunity will reduce the volume of paper document circulation in financial institutions and increase the effectiveness of identification procedures when contacting the legal entity and individual entrepreneurs to a credit institution. "


R-Style Softlab has expanded the functionality of ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 in terms of supporting legislation

  • Style Softlab specialists have implemented a wide range of improvements. Banks with ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 (starting from version, were able to generate reports at the request of the insurance premium control authorities in accordance with the 212-FZ of 24.07.2009, which is a mandatory requirement for all financial institutions from January 1, 2015. In addition, in RS-Bank v. 5.5 (starting from version it became possible to perform online passport verification using the FMS register through SMEV. Such an audit is regulated by paragraph 2.2 of the provisions of 19.08.2004 N262-P "On identification by credit institutions of customers and beneficiaries in order to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism."

According to the developers, the system implements the following functions: generating XML requests in order to confirm the authenticity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation by series and number and sending the request online via SMEV directly from the client's card; processing and viewing the received responses from the FMS; maintaining a log of request generation and response processing from the FMS; mass verification of passports of the Russian Federation during a separate procedure. These capabilities provide online authentication of documents to identify the client without the need to upload volumetric lists of invalid passports to the ABS each time. This helps credit institutions meet regulatory requirements.

Another new functionality that allows you to reduce the time for banks to generate a tax return on VAT - uploading information on invoices in XML in accordance with the order FTS Russia of 29.10.2014 N MMV-7-3/558 @ "On approval of the VAT tax return form, the procedure for filling it out, as well as the format for submitting a VAT tax return in electronic form" (available in RS-Bank, starting from version

RS-Bank v.5.5 ABS includes support for regulator requirements

On July 30, 2015, R-Style Softlab announced the inclusion of the FFMS Notification of Opening Accounts by Strategic Organizations functionality in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 02.02.2015 [1].

The option allows you to keep records and generate electronic messages about the opening of accounts by business companies that are of strategic importance for the military-industrial complex and security of the Russian Federation to the Federal Financial Monitoring Service.

In ABS RS-Bank v.5.5, information is uploaded in electronic form at the request of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 30.11.2014 No. 3462-U "On the composition and formats of presentation of accounting and operational and other information of a credit institution (its branch) in electronic form." The new functionality makes it possible to form in electronic form accounting and operational and other information of a credit institution at the request of representatives (employees) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation during inspections. Bank employees will be able to generate XML messages for the following types of information:

  • about open and closed accounts;
  • about accounts (balances);
  • About accounts (transactions).

"The emergence of new standards requires a large number of improvements in banking systems both by credit institutions and software developers," said Anna Nazarova, Deputy Head of the Projects Department of the RS-Bank Banking Software Department. - The new functionality in RS-Bank v. 5.5 on the formation of an electronic sample according to the Order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3462-U will help banks when passing inspections of the Central Bank, and the ability to take into account messages about the opening of accounts of business entities under Regulation No. 443-P will allow you to track and timely form notifications in the FFMS. "

Updated RS-FOR module in RS-Bank v.5.5

On May 28, 2015, R-Style Softlab announced the modernization of the RS-FOR module, which is part of the ABS for SMB banks RS-Bank v. 5.5. The module is used in the formation of regulated reporting for the Central Bank of the Russian Federation[2].

The company created a module more than a year ago for the gradual transfer of credit institutions from the technologically outdated module "Central Bank Reports." According to the statement of the developer company, replacement of a system will be made free of charge.

In the updated RS-FOR, additional mechanisms for monitoring data consistency have appeared, which help to check the correctness of the balance sheet at a deep level. Optimized:

  • calculation,
  • export,
  • import,
  • a set of data, which ensured a reduction in the time for these operations.

Normalization (rounding) algorithms "in thousands of 5" and "in thousands of MMB" were added to the solution.

The system interface has been redesigned. The most significant improvement is scrolling the electronic form section view (EVRF).

In RS-FOR, it is possible to see and edit in electronic form a table as close as possible to the printed form of the report, which facilitates the analysis of its results for users. However, in general, the RS-FOR interface retained its external resemblance to the previous Central Bank Reports module, so that regular users of the developer's ABS would not experience difficulties when starting work with the new system.

The main characteristic of RS-FOR is the ability to work in a distributed mode, in which the module database (DB) is located on a separate physical server and operates under the control of its own, separate from RS-Bank v. 5.5, Pervasive DBMS. Through this, the calculation and set of reporting forms is executed without prejudice to the bank's operating activities. The Central Bank Reports module reduced ABS performance when calculating reporting forms. The RS-FOR client-server architecture provides the user with a representation of a regular subsystem within the ABS, rather than a separate program.

"ABS is a multi-user system in which thousands of different operations are simultaneously performed. When the Central Bank reports are formed by employees of financial departments, the load increases so much that the implementation of other operations can slow down significantly, - said Mikhail Drobyshevsky, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab. - A solution that ensures the implementation of a parallel process that does not load the system is a significant plus for those banks that use ABS in the process of serving customers in branches. A visitor to a bank branch will not have to wait for the system to respond to the operator's request, form an account statement or conduct any other operation. "

Added form "Information on loans granted to legal entities"

On October 23, 2015, R-Style Softlab announced the automation in ABS RS-Bank v.5.5 of operations for the preparation of mandatory reporting under the form "Information on loans granted to legal entities" (code according to OKUD 0409303) in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation[3].

Ordinance Bank of Russia No. 3714-U, dated 7 July 2015, "On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 2332-U, Dated 12 November 2009," On the List, Forms and Procedure for Drawing Up and Submitting Credit Institutions "Reporting Forms to the Central Bank," of the Russian Federation as part of Form 0409303, will enter into force on 1 January 2016. The functionality of generating a report on this form is implemented in ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 at the request of customers R-Style Softlab participating in the test data upload CENTRAL BANK in August 2015, organized by the regulator for banks in the central region.

CBR (2013)

As part of the form, a significant amount of detailed information for each loan, in particular:

  • borrower data,
  • concluded contracts,
  • security and insurance,
  • loan conditions, etc., which makes it difficult to generate a report manually with large loan portfolio volumes.

Currently, information for preparing a report on this form is collected only on one of the subsystems of ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 ("Multi-currency operating day of the bank"). The company plans to add functionality to include data and RS-Loans v. 5.5. Automation of operations implemented in ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 will help banks provide timely mandatory reporting in the current format.

"In accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank to prepare reports on form 0409303, banks will begin to use it from January 1, 2016, but banking software developers, including our company, are already offering financial institutions to test their solutions," said Mikhail Drobyshevsky, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab. "Banks will be able to understand all the intricacies of filling out the new form and in the future promptly and correctly form reports."

R-Style Softlab adapted ABS to 2016 accounting rules.

R-Style Softlab has expanded the functionality of ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 in accordance with the new accounting requirements under Regulation No. 446-P "On the Procedure for Determining Income, Expenses and Other Total Income of Credit Institutions." The transition to a new accounting procedure is planned from January 1, 2016.

The company's specialists have made a number of changes to all key ABS subsystems that facilitate the work of bank accountants. For example, among other updates in the accounting core of RS-Bank v. 5.5, a new functionality has been implemented for mass rediscovery of income accounts and expenses according to new reporting symbols; Changes to the accounting chart of accounts as well as all related reports the settings for the formation of reserves have been improved, allowing you to indicate different accounts of income and expenses depending on the ownership of the subject.

A new statement of financial results has appeared in the Reporting Forms (RS-FOR) module to generate regulated statements.

The RS-Retail v. 5.5 subsystem, designed to automate the retail direction, has improved, in particular, the mechanism for setting up accounts for accounting interest expenses for various forms of ownership of clients - legal entities, as well as setting up account assignments for linking income and expense accounts in the category 302 "Ownership form (CBR)."

In decision RS-Loans v. 5.5, which makes it possible to automate lending operations, the following changes took place: in connection with the new classification of income and expenses in accordance with Regulation No. 446-P, the procedure for "re-linking" income and expense accounts to objects was implemented, new accounting categories were added for breaking down by types of reserves, the accounting of concessions and the mechanism for disclosing accounting categories were finalized.


Module RS-TWIM for RS-Bank v. 5.5

On April 29, 2014, R-Style Softlab announced the release of a new product - the RS-TWIM integration module (Transfers Web Integrational Module) for RS-Bank v. 5.5.


The participation of this module ensures the online integration of RS-Bank v. 5.5 (RS-Retail v. 5.5) with the service of instant unaddressed money transfers without opening an account "Golden Crown - Money Transfers." The software solution helps banks expand their product line by offering customers transfers through Western Union, Golden Crown and MoneyGram payment systems .

The use of RS-TWIM reduces the processing time of the translation by the client who makes the translation by bringing all the actions of the operator into "one window," as well as the automatic formation of transactions in RS-Retail for translations issued in the WEB-AWS.

RS-TWIM optimizes translation by:

  • entering the WEB-AWS directly from the RS-Bank v. 5.5 system;
  • automatic generation of operations of receiving, issuing or returning money transfers of the specified payment systems in the application RS-Retail v. 5.5 when these operations are registered in the WEB-AWS;
  • automatic confirmation of the operations of receiving, issuing or returning money transfers of these payment systems in the Golden Crown - Money Transfers service when the cashier confirms the transfer operation in RS-Retail v. 5.5;
  • receipt and reconciliation of decryption of transactions (statements) on correspondent accounts of the bank opened in the Golden Crown - Money Transfers service.

"The emergence of the RS-TWIM for RS-Bank v. 5.5 module solved two important tasks of integrating the RS-Bank v. 5.5 complex and the Golden Crown - Money Transfers service," said Mikhail Drobyshevsky, Director of the RS-Bank Banking Software Department, R-Style Softlab. - The first dealt with the issues of data pooling, the second dealt with the simplification of working with interfaces. As a result, we managed to implement a complete online exchange of information about bank customers and transfers between the two systems, and create a single user workplace that eliminates switching from one application to another. "

Control mechanisms of ABS subjects RS-Bank v. 5.5

The functionality of the control mechanisms of the subjects allowed credit institutions to fully comply with the strict requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, and also reduced the time spent on the implementation of the control process itself due to flexible settings and maximum automation of procedures.

Two subject controls were added to RS-Bank v. 5.5:

  • Control of entities for involvement in external economic activities (foreign economic activity) to implement the requirements in accordance with the Letter of the Central Bank dated 30.09.2013 No. 193-T. (The Bank of Russia announced the formation of a list of residents - participants in foreign economic activity, whose actions revealed signs of illegal withdrawal of funds from the Russian Federation and legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime).
  • Control of subjects for involvement in the list of legal entities whose activities are in the process of liquidation or terminated by liquidation or exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by decision of the registration authority to implement the requirements of the Letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 21.12.12 No. 176-T. (The Central Bank distributes the list of liquidated legal entities, which is contained in the information archive received from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation).

To implement the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the following modifications were made to the decision:

  • In the Accounting Core RS-Bank v. 5.5, it became possible to download this list and further configure the system in such a way that when entering and/or editing a subject in the directory, control over the match of the bank's client with the "suspicious" participants in the foreign economic activity from the list is triggered. An option was also implemented that allows you to perform a mass check of all customers who are serviced by a credit institution. In this case, the bank's operations for such customers will automatically be attributed to operations of an increased degree (level) of legalization risk.
  • Through refinements, the system allows you to download updated data as needed. In addition, it has the opportunity to configure control parameters for the subject's belonging to the list when entering/editing information about the bank's client. The function of mass verification is also implemented, as a result of which a restriction on transactions will be automatically set on the personal accounts of legal entities that coincide with the reference book.

Functionality of financial monitoring subsystem

R-Style Softlab expanded the functionality of the Financial Monitoring subsystem in ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 in the fall of 2014. In the course of the work performed, the company automated the process of searching for documents by codes of signs indicating the unusual nature of the transaction in order to identify operations in respect of which there are suspicions of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime or financing of terrorism. This opportunity was implemented in accordance with Bank of Russia Regulation No. 375-P of 02.03.2012.

Now in ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5, the scanning procedure has been finalized, which allows you to search for documents by characteristic codes. To identify suspicious transactions, you must run Document Screening. The received information is displayed in the form of a protocol, the selected records appear in a separate scrolling. Then the user can work with them (adjust/send to the Financial Service for Financial Monitoring).

"The new functionality makes it possible to significantly reduce the time of employees responsible for financial monitoring," commented Anna Nazarova, Deputy Head of the Projects Department of the RS-Bank Banking Software Department. - If earlier they had to perform the selection of suspicious operations manually, now they have the opportunity to do it automatically using ABS. Our immediate plans include the implementation of similar improvements for all possible codes. "


Custom Modification Portal

R-Style Softlab announced in October 2011 a new service - a portal of custom modifications. With its help, banks will be able to issue on a paid basis a joint order for the implementation of RS-Bank v. 5.5 individual proposals for the development of the system in the ABS distribution.

The most acceptable way to refine the product for the requirements of the bank, according to R-Style Softlab, is to implement its wishes in the basic ABS distribution. But here the main obstacle is the price of the issue. For large banks using RS-Bank V.6, the cost of individual improvements to the basic distribution is quite feasible, but for a significant number of small and medium-sized banks operating on RS-Bank v. 5.5, it can become a limiting factor. Well understanding this situation, R-Style Softlab decided to offer its customers a new service.

The portal of custom modifications will provide banks with the opportunity to both independently formulate their wishes for the development of the system and receive an assessment from the company on the timing and cost of implementation, as well as join any of the proposals left by other banks. The total cost of individual improvements will be distributed among banks interested in their implementation. At the same time, the cost of implementation will be set at a minimum level, since the development of its ABS is important for the company. R-Style Softlab plans to gradually, as the new service is distributed, expand the development staff, due to which the RS-Bank v. 5.5 product will be able to acquire more new features and will become even more convenient for use.

Error correction, as well as support for mandatory legal requirements will not be included in this service - as before, they will be provided in the basic distribution under the support agreement. All functional developments initiated by customers through the new service, after their implementation, will be included in the ABS distribution RS-Bank v. 5.5, and, thus, the company will automatically assume obligations for their further support.

In general, the portal of custom modifications will allow banks to: initiate the creation of new functionality that they would like to see in the distribution kit of the system (the company will assess the possibility, period and cost of its implementation); participate in the "purchase" of open offers for sale, while it is possible either to immediately pay for the order for the necessary refinement, or wait until several participants from other banks join the order - in this case, the cost of sale will be divided by equal shares between all participants in the order; find out about the proposals already implemented.

41st Patch RS-Bank v. 5.5

At the end of 2011, the 41st patch RS-Bank v. 5.5 was tested and released. The changes implemented in it affected all modules of the system. These are separate wishes of users aimed at simplifying work with ABS, and a rather significant block of adjustments made in accordance with the requirements of the Bank of Russia and regarding innovations in accounting and reporting.

System-wide changes

A variable has been added to the register to determine the date from which Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 2742-U, dated 9 December 2011, "On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 2332-U, dated 12 November 2009," On the List, Forms and Procedure for Compiling and Submitting Credit Institution Reporting Forms to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. " Recall that this standard made a number of changes in the procedure for compiling and submitting reporting forms of credit institutions to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Accounting core

In the subsystem "Multi-currency operating day of the bank," the algorithm has been improved, according to which a list of accounts of the RS-Retail system available to the user is formed. A variable is set in the registry to check whether users have access to account groups. According to CBR Ordinance No. 2758-U of December 23, 2011 "On the Amount of the Bank of Russia Refinancing Rate," a record has been added on the refinancing rate of "8.00%." In accordance with Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 2627-U of May 12, 2011 "On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 2332-U of November 12, 2009" On the List, Forms and Procedure for Compiling and Submitting Credit Institution Reporting Forms to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, "new cash symbols have been added and the names of a number of available cash symbols have been updated.


The main innovations affected the Salary subsystem. First of all, in order for users to correctly complete 2011 and start working in January 2012, the following changes have been implemented:

  • the mode for determining the parameters of the calculated periods has been finalized;
  • The work schedule for 2012 and the calculation schedule have been filled in;
  • the mode of setting tax groups used in the formation of tax reports has been improved;
  • improved tax rate guide.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 3, 2011 No. 379-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Establishment of Rates of Insurance Premiums to State Extrabudgetary Funds," the procedure for calculating insurance premiums to extrabudgetary funds has been changed. In this regard, in the subsystem:

  • the content of the distribution directory of insurance premiums to extrabudgetary funds has been changed;
  • the mode of entering data on insurance premiums from the previous place of work has been finalized;
  • the mode of entering data on contributions of insurance premiums has been improved;
  • modified screen forms:
  • setting the parameters of the insurance premiums filter in the WBF,
  • setting the parameters for filling in the paid contribution amounts,
  • setting parameters for calculating insurance premiums in the FPF;
  • the algorithm for calculating insurance premiums to extrabudgetary funds has been changed since 2012;
  • updated the report "Contributions to the Pension Fund, FSS and Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds" of the 2012 model for new changes in the legislation (see the mode "Reports/Insurance contributions to the Pension Fund and FFOMS/Reports of the 2012 model/Contributions to the Pension Fund, FSS and Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds").

Also, a number of points related to advance reports in wages were finalized: working with accountable persons, issuing an advance payment for the report both through the cash desk and to the employee's card with the ability to link existing core documents to the advance report, creating postings for the advance report on employee trips, and building a AO-1 reporting form.


The report on Form 4-FSS (6137) has been amended. In accordance with the Draft Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2011 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Filling Out the Calculation Form for Accrued and Paid Insurance Premiums for Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Motherhood and for Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases, as well as expenses for the payment of insurance coverage (form - 4 FSS), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2011 No. 156n, "the algorithm for generating report tables was finalized and a new field was added.

Module for ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 - "Working with documents in electronic form (DEV)"

Following the recommendations of the Bank of Russia, R-Style Softlab developed in September a new module for ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 - "Working with documents in electronic form (DEV)," designed to organize electronic storage of documents. The development was carried out in accordance with the requirements of Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated November 25, 2009 No. 2346-U "On Storage in a Credit Institution in Electronic Form of Separate Documents Related to the Execution of Accounting, Settlement and Cash Transactions in the Organization of Accounting Operations."

According to the Instruction, credit organizations in accounting were able to store individual documents only in electronic form. 

Using the module "Working with DEV" will allow you to refuse to store more than a dozen different types of documents on paper and will provide the ability to manipulate them inside the system:

  • upload documents from the ABS in electronic form for subsequent recording on a machine storage medium (storage unit); 
  • connect a third-party cryptosystem to calculate the hashing function for files prepared for writing per storage unit; 
  • monitor the documents to be uploaded to the electronic archive; 
  • perform electronic unloading of corrective documents; 
  • maintain a log of unloaded DEVs; 
  • divide responsibility between system users for preparation of documents for unloading (entry, control, posting) and actual unloading of documents to electronic archive (generation of files with DEV, calculation of hashing function, writing to machine media). 

The module "Working with DEV" is subject to separate licensing and will be included in the ABS, starting with the update RS-Bank v.


The second assembly of ABS RS-Bank v.5.5 was released. to actively promote products in the CIS countries, the Corporate Sales Department was created.


A new version of the most popular banking ABS has been released - RS-Bank v.5.5, the distribution of which combines the functionality of all products of the RS-Bank/Pervasive line.

RS-Bank V.6

The integrated banking system RS-Bank V.6 is a software complex for automating the operating, accounting, management activities of a multifilial bank, developed on the most powerful and functionally developed. DBMS Oracle It provides automation of a full range of modern banking services, guarantees reliability and speed, the highest level, information security user experience.

IBS RS-Bank V.6 is a software product that can compete with the best foreign developments. It is able to centrally process large amounts of data, and the RS-Bank information and semantic model of IBS V.6 allows you to cover and configure business procedures of all areas of activity of a modern credit institution.

Flexibility and adaptability, functional saturation in accordance with the requirements of the most advanced banks, customizable electronic document management, the use of improved technologies and solutions in the field of information security, the use of the best solutions of the company and its technological partners Oracle IBM Intel(,,,,,) HP Sun Microsoft are the advantages that made it possible to bring RS-Bank V.6 CHD to the leaders among similar domestic developments.

In the center of the logical core of the RS-Bank V.6 IBS are two main entities - "Document" and "Function Block."

"Document" is a set of details reflecting the actual bank document ("Payment Order," "Return Payment," "Agreement," "Letter of Credit," etc.). During processing, the document can be assigned various statuses (for example, Open, Closed, Rejected, etc.) that determine the state of the bank document flow on it.

The actual process of processing a document in a bank consists of separate stages. The Function Block entity allows you to select any of them. It denotes an elementary part of the business process, consisting of a sequence of steps (possibly non-linear), and reflects one of the stages of document processing. Examples of such blocks are "Payment Processing in File Cabinet No. 2," "Document Positioning," etc.

IBS Logic Core Diagram V.6

File:Схема логического ядра ИБС RS-Bank V.6.jpg

The V.6 document management mechanism implemented in the IBS RS-Bank allows:

  • increase the complexity of the document processing process (almost unlimited and without loss of system manageability);
  • use the RS-Bank V.6 IBS as a centralized automated banking system (CABS), * ensuring the activities of a bank with a complex organizational and territorial structure and a single center of administration;
  • reuse the same automated process in different sections of the bank's document flow, which belong to different parts of the structure (branches and departments).

The architectural solution implemented in the RS-Bank V.6 IBS is based on:

  • modular concept of evolutionary business development;
  • a secure information and computing environment implemented in a three-layer client-server architecture using distributed heterogeneous services of Oracle industrial DBMS;
  • developed in close cooperation with specialists of credit institutions a logical architecture of banking business, covering all stages, directions, rules and procedures for creating and using products and services.


Presentation of boxed version

R-Style Softlab on December 17, 2024 presented to the market a boxed version of its flagship product - RS-Bank V.6 automated banking system (ABS). Multi-platform development allows you to automate the main areas of the banking business: lending, settlement and cash services, reporting and other services.

With a boxed version of ABS, customers will be able to get the most pre-configured system with low implementation costs for a typical configuration. The "box" includes preliminary settings for the functionality available in the distribution.

We understand the specifics of the work of banks in the segment small and medium-sized businesses, and when modifying current solutions and developing new IT products, we focus on the needs of such banks. The boxed product is designed to reduce the cost and reduce the time to implement the system for small banks that are ready to change their towards business processes typical ones, and is also suitable for customers starting from scratch in the banking business, "said the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Rosselkhozbank Chairman of the Board of Directors of R-Style Softlab. Nikolay Ulyanov

ABS RS-Bank is V.6 an import-substituted technological product in which all components of the system are transferred to Russian software.

RS-Bank V.6 compatibility with Postgres Pro Enterprise 15

R-Style Softlab has confirmed the compatibility of its Automated Banking System (ABS) RS-Bank V.6 with the Russian DBMSostgres Pro Enterprise of Postgres Professional, which announced this on April 15, 2024.

After a series of tests, the company received an official Postgres Professional certificate, which confirms the correct operation of the Postgres Pro Enterprise 15 DBMS and the RS-Bank V.6 software product (automated banking system). As part of the R-Style partnership, Softlab was able to offer clients comprehensive projects, including the development of ABS, with Postgres Pro licenses on special pricing terms.

Шаблон:Quote 'author=said project manager for import substitution of RS-Bank V.6 Mikhail Maltsev.

{{quote 'author=noted Deputy General Director, co-founder of Postgres Professional Ivan Panchenko. | We are seeing a growing interest in the development of domestic vendors. It is important for us to develop and maintain a portfolio of Postgres Pro compatible solutions, which as of April 2024 has more than 250 products. The proven compatibility of Postgres Pro Enterprise and RS-Bank V.6 from R-Style Softlab will provide a high level of reliability, performance and scalability - an important condition for the operation of high-load banking automation systems for large customers,}}

Import-substituted version automated banking system RS-Bank V.6

On April 8, 2024, R-Style Softlab, a developer of software for the digitalization of business processes and a system integrator, part of the Rosselkhozbank group, presented to the market an import-substituted version of the RS-Bank V.6 automated banking system (ABS). At the end of March 2024, R-Style Softlab transferred the RS-Bank V.6 version to ABS circulation, which can work in two configurations: on imported and Russian software.

RS-Bank V.6

According to the company, all three components of the system have been transferred to the multiplatform ABS RS-Bank V.6 to Russian software: the terminal part, the application server and the data server database. The platform solution is implemented on DBMSostgres Pro, runs on Astra Linux operating systems, uses the P7-Office office suite in its work.

These decisions are registered in the register of Russian software, which allows you to use RS-Bank V.6 in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the N187-FZ "On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation."

The key opportunity of ABS RS-Bank V.6 is its multiplatform. It is enough to select the necessary software in advance before installation and install it on the servers and work computers of users. RS-Bank can V.6 work both on the Russian technology stack and on foreign solutions: Microsoft Windows OS, Oracle DBMS, Microsoft Office office suite. Russian banks can additionally receive at any time, without updating to the next version of the system (working on version and higher), perform a transition from foreign software to Russian, or import substitution of ABS in parts (user terminals/application server/database server), which gives more flexible planning of import substitution work.

told Mikhail Maltsev, project manager for import substitution of RS-Bank V.6

The project to transfer the flagship product of RS-Bank V.6 to Russian technologies was launched in December 2022, already in August 2023. the company presented customers with the first prototype import-substituted version of RS-Bank V.6 and a database converter from Oracle to Postgres Pro, and at the end of March 2024, R-Style Softlab announced the release of an import-substituted version of the software product.

Within the framework of the work, the creation of a PL/SQL code converter and the adaptation of SQL packages, the creation of a database converter for transferring data from the Oracle DBMS format to the Postgres Pro DBMS format, the adaptation of the functionality of menu items on Postgres Pro, the refinement of the ABS installer and upgrade, the server of applications and user terminals, the revision of the JEE application in terms of the functionality of the task scheduler, pipelines and Funcobj were carried out.

All stages were also carried out, testings including manual functional testing, automated testing, load testing, backward compatibility testing for, Oracle which allows confirming the performance of RS-Bank ABS V.6 both on Oracle DBMS and Postgres Pro DBMS. R-Style Softlab provides services for technological development and support of digital financial products to more than 60 Russian banks (including top 10 banks), as well as 8 large credit institutions. CIS countries It was important for Commonwealth customers using RS-Bank V.6 ABS to maintain backward software compatibility with a foreign technology stack.

As a result of the work, clients received a multi-platform ABS of a three-link architecture, implemented on fully import-substituted technologies. In April 2023, Astra Linux confirmed the performance and correctness of the joint operation of the Astra Linux family OS under Wine with ABS RS-Bank V.6.

Even the capabilities of RS-Bank V.6 are information security and scalability. The solution supports the open programming language R-Style Language (RSL), which allows bank programmers to refine the system for customer tasks. When transferring banks to import-substituted ABS, the company is ready to provide all the necessary technological support from the preparation stage to commissioning. At the same time, migration to Russian software can take place in stages and in a short time. Thus, for RS-Bank V.6 customers, the project for the transition from Oracle to Postgres Pro can be implemented within 3 to 6 months.

reported by Anna Pankratieva, Director of the Banking Software Department

According to the Federal Law of the N187-FZ "On the Security of Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation," systemically important credit organizations in Russia must switch to import-independent automated banking systems (ABS) by January 1, 2025. The main tasks of Russian software developers in this area are: replacing imported software, increasing competence for the development and maintenance of software made on the basis of own developments and open source software, as well as ensuring cybersecurity.

The risks of refusing import substitution of ABS are: a decrease in the operational efficiency of financial institutions due to the inaccessibility of foreign software and equipment, a decrease in the level of cybersecurity, a slowdown in the digitalization of business processes against the background of technological restrictions.


Red OS Compatibility

ABS (automated banking system) RS-Bank V.6 received a certificate of compatibility with the Russian operating system "RED OS" from the developer "RED SOFT." This was announced on August 17, 2023 by R-Style Softlab.

In order to develop technological cooperation between R-Style Softlab and RED SOFT, the compatibility of the flagship products of the companies - ABS RS-Bank and the RED OS operating system was established. As a result of testing, the banking system demonstrated stable performance on the domestic OS.

RS-Bank V.6 - multi-platform ABS (automated banking system). It is designed to automate banking activities and is aimed at large multi-family customers. The solution is designed for operation under increased loads and is a set of modules responsible for various areas of the bank's activities: customer service, working with securities and derivatives, lending and deposits, reporting, etc.

"One of the key tasks of financial companies Russia is a quick transition to domestic technologies within and. import substitution safety data In order to help customers and guarantee the reliable performance of our ABS, we strive to ensure the availability of RS-Bank in accordance with the most current requirements and circumstances. Compatibility with RED OS is one of the steps in this direction, "said Evgeny Nyrkov, owner of the RS-Bank product.

RED OS is the flagship product of RED SOFT, a Russian general-purpose operating system of the Linux family for servers and workstations. The product has the certificate of FSTEC of Russia (No. 4060 of 12.01.2019), which confirms its compliance with information security requirements and allows its use in state information systems and personal data systems up to and including class 1.

This is a composite software product built on the RPM-format package base that meets the POSIX and LSB 4.1 (Linux Standard Base) requirements. RED OS development is carried out in the closed RED SOFT circuit, the source codes and packages are located in the RED OS own repository located in the Russian Federation.

"The need to build import-independent software systems for CII facilities is a strategic task that can be achieved solely through close cooperation between Russian developers. Thanks to our fruitful work with R-Style Softlab, we are ready to ensure that banks operate RS Bank on the Russian RED OS operating system, "added Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT.

Implementation of Islamic Banking Principles

On August 11, 2023, R-Style Softlab announced the opportunity to work at ABS RS-Bank V.6 in accordance with the Islamic Financing Principles (IPF).

Along with loan and deposit agreements in the RS-Loans V.6 credit automation system, it is possible to conduct contracts related to trading or investment operations and carry out project financing, in which all partners are responsible for the result and participate in the distribution of profits.

This technology will allow financial companies to make the service more convenient and increase the number of customers, - said Evgeny Nyrkov, owner of the RS-Bank product.

The President of the Russian Federation signed a law on conducting in the Russian Federation from September 1, 2023 to September 1, 2025 an experiment on the introduction of Islamic banking in Dagestan, Chechnya, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

The participants in the experiment are legal entities registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and included in the register, which will be maintained by the Central Bank.

ABS RS-Bank V.6 allows you to work in accordance with the principles of Islamic financing, supporting the following opportunities in RS-Loans V.6:

  1. new bank products: financing of FPI (object types - Loan Agreement, Guarantee Agreement, Overdraft Agreement, Request) and deposits of FPI (object type - Deposit Agreement).
  2. in the general list of contracts, Financing Agreements (Murabaha) and Deposit Agreements (Mudaraba) are highlighted.

Implementation of work with macroprudential limits

On May 30, 2023, R-Style Softlab introduced V.6 functionality for working with macroprudential limits (MPL) in RS-Loans. The requirement to comply with the IPL is established by Federal Law No. 398-FZ of 06.12.2021 and is aimed at containing the level of high-risk unsecured consumer loans (including credit cards) in the loan portfolios of banks and microfinance organizations.

The size of MPL is established by the Decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for each reporting quarter. Banks and MFIs are obliged to comply with it and, following the results of each reporting period, provide information to the Central Bank (in sections 10 and 11 of reporting form 0409135).

To work with MPL, a limit control mechanism has been implemented, which includes setting the size of any type of limit, as well as calculating and controlling the size of MPL in order to record the fact of its violation and provide this information to the Central Bank. The bank can also use this functionality to control intra-bank limits on its loan portfolio.

The added functionality appeared in RS-Bank V.6 version 20.031.83, which was released on May 25, 2023 and is licensed separately.

Hasp Sentinel SL Software License Key Support

On April 18, 2023, R-Style Softlab announced the implementation of support for Hasp Sentinel SL software license keys in the RS-Bank V.6 automated banking system.

Sentinel (HASP) SL keys are software keys based on White-Box cryptography technologies that are installed and stored on the user's device. They are a software analogue of a hardware security key with their secure data storage in an unmarked area of ​ ​ the hard drive.

The main advantages of software keys:

  • The ability to deliver licenses instantly, regardless of where the customer is located.
  • HASP SL can be easily deployed on virtual server without the need to connect - USB concentrators.
  • There is no risk of failure as a result of physical damage or breakdown of the HASP hardware device.

The ability to transfer HASP SL software from one computer to another or virtual machine is preserved.

Sentinel SL keys are 100% compatible with Sentinel HL hardware keys, so there is no need to upgrade to new versions of RS-Bank V.6 simultaneously upgrade software for licensing. You can continue to use hardware HASP and evaluate all the advantages of licensing technology as planned.

Customers working on RS-Bank V.6 release 20.031.77 and higher can take advantage of the capabilities of the HASP SL software.

Compatibility between RS-Bank V.6 and Astra Linux Server

The company, a R-Style Softlab developer software for companies financial in the and sector, AGRARIAN AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX reported certificate obtaining compliance for GC "Astra" the bank automated RS- V.6 system Bank , which confirms full support for the work on. ABS server operating system Astra Linux Server

R-Style Softlab expands the list of operating systems supported by the flagship product, the multi-platform automated banking system RS-Bank V.6. The implementation of the system on the Astra Linux Server platform will allow credit institutions to ensure the effective and secure operation of the bank against the background of the absence of foreign IT products in the domestic market.

ABS RS-Bank V.6 is a multi-platform automated banking system operating on control systems databases Oracle Postgres Pro and focused on high-load operation. The ability to work on the Astra Linux Server operating system is the next stage in building a ready-made import-independent banking system. IT infrastructures

Astra Linux Server is a secure server edition OS Astra Linux Special Edition optimized for high-load applications. Built into the product, certified SMT allowing for a high level of security - IT infrastructure, a convenient interface, wide functionality and debugged migration mechanisms have made the operating system a well-known IT import substitution platform.

Within the framework of the created partner hub, the company creates package offers designed to solve complex customer tasks, especially in the import substitution segment. There is a large demand on the market for products that solve not just specific problems, but provide support for the entire business architecture of credit institutions,
commented Rinat Karimov, Managing Director of Banking Products at R-Style Softlab.

The partnership between R-Style Softlab and Astra Group of Companies is developing within the framework of a partner hub created to offer the market a comprehensive package of import-substituted solutions. The peculiarity of the R-Style Softlab offer is the division of products by business areas and. The to the industries company's portfolio includes domestic solutions for the financial division of the business, for procurement and operational accounting, and, logistics and, HR sales e-commerce joint work and business communications, as well as and. analysts data The business information protection can choose both a package solution for its tasks, and an individual plan for the transition to import-substituted ON and equipment.

In the banking sector, over the years, IT infrastructures have been built on the basis of foreign technologies, and the termination of their support from vendors accelerated the development of an ecosystem of compatible Russian products with similar functionality and no less high quality. The software stack, consisting of Astra Linux Server and RS-Bank V.6 ABS, not only meets the strict criteria and requirements of the financial sector, but also significantly increases the level of security of the IT system and data.
noted Dmitry Tarakanov, Head of the Department for the Development of Technological Cooperation of Astra Group of Companies.

Ability to work in accordance with Islamic funding principles

R-Style Softlab On April 5, 2023, the company announced that it had implemented the opportunity to work ABS at RS-Bank V.6 in accordance with Islamic Principles (financings IPF).

Along with loan and deposit agreements in the RS-Loans V.6 credit automation system, it became possible to conduct contracts related to trading or investment operations and carry out project financing, in which all partners are responsible for the result and participate in the distribution of profits.

To this end, RS-Loans V.6 made a number of improvements:

  • Additional banking products were implemented: Financing of IPF (Object Types - Loan Agreement, Guarantee Agreement, Overdraft Agreement, Application) and IPF Deposits (Object Type - Deposit Agreement). Their interaction is configured.
  • Financing agreements (Murabaha) and deposit agreements (Mudaraba) are highlighted in the general list of contracts.
  • Added rates, accounting categories, registers, etc.

Our company, which has long been operating in the CIS market, has repeatedly received requests for the development of such products from customers in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan - Ayyl and RSK banks, - commented Rinat Karimov, Managing Director for Banking Products, R-Style Softlab. - As of April 2023, business is thinking about attracting investments from the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and at the state level they are considering the possibility of changing legislation, the norms of Islamic banking may be in demand in our country.

Creation of a boxed version of the RS-Bank ABS V.6 with a converter for RS-Bank v. 5.5

R-Style Softlab By March 13, 2023, it announced the creation of a boxed version ABS of RS-Bank V.6 with a converter for RS-Bank v. 5.5. Now credit SMB institutions have access to the functionality of the flagship automated banking system RS-Bank V.6, which in 2023 will be presented as a multi-platform system operating on both and DBMS Oracle. Postgres Pro

The key quality of the boxed design is to offer the necessary and sufficient functionality that does not require volumetric individual refinement under. business processes bank Therefore, there is nothing "superfluous" in the box for the SMB sector, and the translation costs are minimized. If the bank wants to take advantage of the opportunities that are not available in the boxed version, it will be able to additionally connect them.

The box is based on a distribution data transfer program - "converter." The converter works as follows: first, the tables from the Pervasive database are transferred to the Oracle database as is, and then the converter distributes this data to the RS-Bank V.6 distribution tables. To work with the domestic stack on Postgres Pro in the future, you will need to use another converter - to transfer data from the Oracle database to the Postgres Pro database.

The decision of our company to abandon the support of the outdated ABS RS-Bank v. 5.5 and transfer our clients to RS-Bank V.6 coincided with the import substitution program launched throughout the country, "commented Rinat Karimov, Managing Director for Banking Products R-Style Softlab. - Therefore, we extended the support period for RS-Bank v. 5.5 until the 3rd quarter of 2024. Banks that decide to take advantage of our offer will be able to achieve two goals - to get at their disposal the developing ABS and start working on domestic software.

As of March 2023, the technology of switching to RS-Bank V.6 using a converter is being worked out on a pilot project at Derzhava Bank. Starting June 2023, the company will be able to offer it to all users of RS-Bank v. 5.5.


Ensuring export to Delta

On September 7, 2022, R-Style Softlab announced the provision in its IT systems of the export of these mandatory reporting forms to the Delta software product used by the Bank of Russia as an alternative to the CLICO and CAS PSD software systems to be replaced.

In an effort to improve the regulation of the financial market, the Bank of Russia is pursuing a consistent policy aimed at optimizing reporting forms and reducing the burden on credit institutions when compiling it. The transition of banks to a single reporting software is an important step in this direction.

As of September 2022, Delta maintains a complete list of reporting forms for reporting organizations submitted to the Bank of Russia. And from August 29, the release date of ABS RS-Bank V.6 version 20.031.79, export to Delta PP of all regulated reporting forms of the RS-Reporting system is available to customers of R-Style Softlab. The software is updated as part of the maintenance program.

{{quote 'R-Style Softlab closely monitors the initiatives of the regulator in order to make changes to the software in a timely manner and provide the necessary functionality to its customers, "commented Rinat Karimov, Director of the Banking Software Department of RS-Bank. - We began work on the export of reports to Delta PP in the spring, when the Bank of Russia announced its initiative, and carried out it gradually. Now, with the release of 20.031.79, we are ready to declare that the added opportunity applies to all regulated reporting forms. }}

Implementation of the requirement of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan

R-Style Softlab On June 22, 2022, the company announced the implementation in its ABS RS-Bank of the V.6 requirements National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan credit for organizations to provide financial messaging in formats developed according to the standard. ISO 20022 For June 2022, a project is underway to introduce additional functionality in one of, and from the banks Kazakhstan beginning of 2023, as required by law, it countries will be put into commercial operation.

ISO 20022 is prepared by the ISO TC68 Financial Services Technical Committee and offers a single approach that should be used by all developers in the field of financial standards. The basis of the standard methodology is the separation of business standards from message formats. At the same time, business standards are developing together with the market, and formats - together with technologies.

Standards have been developed not only for transfers and payment clearing, as well as for the securities market, the financial services market (guarantees, letters of credit, factoring, etc.), transactions in the Forex market, acquiring, etc.

Do not think that the transition to ISO 20022 is a distant prospect. The standard has already entered the life of the banking community, and there is serious confirmation of this. For example, the national payment system RUSSIAN FEDERATION has developed standards for messaging in the banking sector internally, countries based on ISO 20022, - commented, Rinat Karimov deputy unreal director of R-Style Softlab, director of the banking software department of RS-Bank. - As soon as Bank of Russia you decide on the requirements for the implementation of standards in the country, they will appear in ours. ABS We already have the appropriate experience.


RS-Bank V.6 with universal lists mechanism

R-Style Softlab has developed a universal list mechanism that improves ergonomics and processing speed of payment documents in ABS RS-Bank V.6. The company announced this on September 29, 2020.

The added functionality combines lists of documents by type and status in one universal, which replaces all lists based on payment in the RS-Banking V.6 system, designed to automate cash management of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, interbank settlements and related accounting.

Creating a friendly interface, ease of use and optimizing the user's working time are priorities for the development of the RS-Bank V.6 ABS. We have increased the efficiency of settlement and cash services: now the user - an employee of the bank's back office works with a single universal list of payment documents, - said Rinat Karimov, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab, Director of the Banking Software Department of RS-Bank. - Functionality for lists of memorial orders and bank orders is available to our customers. In the near future, they will be able to use universal lists of documents of the bank's accounting, positioner's AWS and interbank settlements.

Ability to work with import and export documentary letters of credit in the module "Trade Finance"

R-Style Softlab has automated the operation of banks with import and export documentary letters of credit. This functionality appeared in the Trade Finance module, part of the RS-Bank V.6 ABS, R-Style Softlab reported on July 21, 2020.

Banks received a tool that allows you to conduct document flow on letters of credit in one place and maximize automation of all related operations, for example, control over the exchange of documents (messages, payments) with counterparties, the formation of outgoing and processing of incoming messages. SWIFT In addition, the Trade Finance module automates the accounting account letters of credit with the ability to flexibly adjust the necessary transactions in the transaction steps according to the accounting policy of the credit institution.

Using the R-Style Softlab solution, banks can maintain a letter of credit while in the role of any of the participants in the letter of credit transaction: issuing bank (import letters of credit), advising bank, executing bank, confirming bank (export letters of credit).

"R-Style Softlab has optimized all stages of creating and maintaining a letter of credit contract. Banks can maintain document flow on letters of credit from one workplace thanks to the integration of the Trade Finance module with other subsystems of ABS RS-Bank, V.6 said Rinat Karimov, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab, Director of Banking Software Department RS-Bank. "With the help of our solution, banks will improve the quality of servicing letter of credit agreements associated with extensive document management, reduce labor costs for processing letter of credit operations and will be able to develop this line of business."

2019: Transfer of query and message processing functionality from GIS GMP to RS-Connect

On July 2, 2019, R-Style Softlab announced the implementation of the possibility of online interaction between banks with GIS GMP and GIS housing and communal services through SMEV 3. During the project, the specialists of the IT company transferred the functionality for integration with GIS housing and communal services to SMEV 3, and also transferred the functionality for processing requests and messages from GIS GMP from ABS (RS-Bank v. 5.5 and RS-Bank V.6) to the RS-Connect software package, which provides the exchange of bank data with state information systems and departments connected to SMEV. Read more here.


ABS RS-Bank V.6 brought into compliance with IFRS requirements

On September 19, 2018, R-Style Softlab announced that the RS-Bank ABS product line V.6 brought into compliance with IFRS 9. The accounting core of the software complex, as well as systems for automating lending, retail banking, securities transactions and dealing operations, have been adjusted in connection with the mandatory transition for banks to changed accounting rules from January 1, 2019.

In order to implement the changed legislative norms, the RS-Bank ABS has V.6 added system-wide directories "Valuation Categories" and "Market Interest Rates," adjusted the reference book and chart of accounts. In the "General Ledger" the transactions of accrued interest are updated and the calculation and formation of allowance adjustments for possible losses up to the estimated amount is implemented.

According to R-Style Softlab, certain changes have occurred in each of the systems of the RS-Bank V.6 line. For example, in the RS-Loans credit automation system, the reference books necessary for correct accounting of all types of credit agreements V.6 added, the procedures for calculating EPS, AS, SS were implemented, and additional types of operations were added (cost accounting, cost accounting, valuation at initial recognition, accounting for deferred differences, classification and reclassification of contracts, accounting for penalties and other income). The system provides the possibility of maintaining impairment parameters and formation of estimated provisions for contracts and portfolios.

The RS-Retail V.6 retail banking automation system is also in compliance with IFRS. To this end, it has added the calculation of the fair value of the deposit and accounting for deposits at fair and amortized cost, formed accounting documents for adjustments and revaluations, and recorded the deferred difference in the amount of funds raised and fair value (when this is due to legal requirements).

The changes implemented in RS-Securities V.6 affected almost all types of securities transactions - initial recognition of financial assets and financial liabilities, including funds raised and placed under repurchase transactions, accrual of income and expenses, accounting for costs, revaluation at fair value, formation of estimated reserves. System algorithms for determining the EPS and amortized cost, implemented in accordance with the recommendations of Bank of Russia Letter No. 59-T of 27.04.2010 "On Methodological Recommendations" On the Procedure for Calculating the Amortized Cost of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Using the Effective Interest Method, "as well as the functions of determining the materiality of deviations by types and values ​ ​ of various criteria specified in the form of a reference book, are used for calculations. To adapt the proposed implementation to the requirements of banks, a large number of system settings regulating accounting are provided, the developer noted.

In support of the introduced legislative norms in the system of automation of dealing operations RS-Dealing V.6 along with reference books and procedures for calculating EPS, AS, SS for working with interbank lending transactions (MBC lending), cost accounting, cost accounting, assessment at initial recognition, accounting for deferred differences, accounting for penalties and other income are implemented. In addition, the system provides the possibility of maintaining impairment parameters and creating estimated reserves for transactions.

As emphasized in R-Style Softlab, improvements in ABS RS-Bank V.6 carried out in strict accordance with the norms of the law.

Integration with ABBYY PassportReader SDK

On August 8, 2018, R-Style Softlab announced the integration into the RS-Bank system of a V.6 product for recognizing identity documents manufactured by ABBYY - Passport Reader SDK. The product allows processing originals and photocopies of documents of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The solution automates the work of a banking operator with paper media such as a passport, identity card, foreign passport, driver's license, and is designed to reduce the time spent on filling out and searching for a client's card, as well as reduce the percentage of errors associated with entering data into the bank's ABS manually.

author '= Rinat Karimov, Deputy General Director and Director of RS-Bank Banking Software Department of R-Style Softlab "'
Filling customer cards in manual input mode is laborious and does not exclude errors. For customers, long waits and identification is an indicator of the level of automation and manufacturability of the bank. Our solution reduces maintenance time and increases customer loyalty.


Preparation for RS-Bank market launch ABS on the basis of DBMS Tibero

In early July 2017, the South Korean system developer ON TmaxSoft and the company R-Style Softlab agreed on a strategic partnership to prepare and bring to the market of the Russian banking sector the automated banking system RS-Bank V.6, based on the South Korean DBMS Tibero.

For the second half of 2017, comprehensive and load testing of RS-Bank V.6 is planned for the Tibero DBMS and, if necessary, the implementation of appropriate integration improvements in order to guarantee end customers end-to-end compatibility of ABS and the technological platform. Upon completion of these works, partners will be able to offer clients of the Russian banking sector, including those who were on the US sanctions lists, ABS RS-Bank on a new DBMS that is not subject to such risks.

"The technological compatibility of the Tibero DBMS and the traditional Western supplier DBMS is so great that it will allow bank specialists to switch to the operation of RS-Bank ABS based on the Tibero DBMS practically without the need for retraining, which will not create additional costs for retraining and will avoid" blurring "of technological expertise," said Andrei Reva, executive director of TmaxSoft in Russia and the CIS.

According to representatives of TmaxSoft, the Tibero DBMS is distinguished from the products of traditional Western players by the affordable cost of licenses and technical support.

According to R-Style Softlab, the start of joint sales is scheduled for early 2018.

Compliance with the requirements of CBR Ordinance No. 4077-U dated July 20, 2016

R-Style Softlab has adapted RS-Bank V.6 - an automated banking system (ABS) for large and multifilial financial institutions - to the requirements of Directive No. 4077-U of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2016, aimed at improving the quality of interaction between the regulator and credit institutions in the field of preventing money laundering and financing of terrorism.

In support of the requirements of the regulator, IT company specialists implemented in ABS a new mechanism for providing information about unreliable clients to the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (FFMS). For each fact, when a credit institution refuses a user of its services to conclude a bank account (deposit) agreement or terminates the agreement, and also does not confirm the client's orders to perform an operation, an XML message is generated in the system indicating the reason for the refusal and data about the client. At the end of the working day, all documents created are sent to the FFMS.


Expansion of RS-Bank ABS module capabilities V.6 "Single Window"

Along with operations on deposits, current accounts, making transfers without opening an account, repayment and issuance of loans to bank operators, functionality is available to receive payments from the population: transfer of funds to the budget; payment of invoices by details; Payments to recipients from the directory scanning the barcode from a paper document.

The Single Window module was introduced by R-Style Softlab in 2014 as part of a strategy to transfer the entire RS-Bank V.6 complex to a web interface. The graphical shell of the system, developed by the vendor together with UsabilityLab, has an ergonomic and convenient user interface that allows you to serve several customers at the same time. The module provides for one-time identification of the customer, after which, within the framework of one service session, diverse services can be provided to him (for example, currency exchange and utility payment). At the same time, the application provides bank employees with access to almost all information about the client, making it possible, in addition to performing the necessary operations, to advise him and offer/sell other banking products. The payment processing function uses a special setup mechanism that uses BPMN notation to graphically describe business processes. This allows you to adjust operations as flexibly as possible - add any checks of the payment made, print various documents at different stages, enter additional details, integrate the payment service with third-party systems.

R-Style Softlab adapts RS-Bank to run on Java EE application servers

In the spring of 2016, R-Style Softlab translated the web applications of the system for comprehensive banking automation RS-Bank V.6. to work under the control of industrial and open-source application servers based on the Java Enterprise Edition platform (Apache Tomcat 8, Oracle Weblogic 12).

The combination of ABS modules ("Single Window," "Central Bank Reports," "General Ledger," "ARNU," "Credit Inspector Workplace") with third-party server platforms will increase the reliability of the automated banking system, reduce the costs of its administration and maintenance, simplify integration with service buses and systems of various manufacturers according to standard protocols - SOAP, JMS, AMPQ, etc., including integration with BAM systems.

Previously, ABS RS-Bank operated under the control of the R-Style Softlab proprietary application server. To support third-party solutions, the company's specialists completed improvements to the RS-Bank V.6 toolkit, developed a lightweight BPMN engine for business processes (in the JEE version it works on the JEE server side), which allows you to present both individual operations and complex business processes in the form of visual BPMN diagrams and execute them quickly, without large overhead. They also created a universal web service using the RS-XMLRPC over SOAP protocol (using the technological application of the Transport Component system).

According to R-Style Softlab, as a result of the transfer of RS-Bank V.6 from its own application server to an industrial one, the response speed of the user interface of the system's web modules and the speed of operations implemented in them doubled. This result was obtained during internal load testing.

ABS RS-Bank V.6 completed 25 million transactions in one bank day

In early 2016, R-Style Softlab tested the performance of the system for comprehensive banking automation - CABS RS-Bank V.6. The results of the study showed that the solution is capable of performing more than 25 million banking operations in one typical working day of the largest multifilial bank.

For the study, a database was prepared, including 1.5 billion accounting entries, about 170 million balance sheet accounts and simulating the work of over 70 branches of the bank, more than 20,000 employed in the process of operators. The purpose of the audit was to determine the performance of the system within the 20-hour working day of a large bank.

Testing was carried out To Moscow in the Client Center IBM on the following equipment: IBM Power 880 database server (CPU: 48 cores IBM Power 8 4024 MHz, RAM: 4 TB, OS: IBM AIX, DB: Oracle v., servers Flex Lenovo System x240 applications (CPU 860 Xeon Intel E5-2600 2.5 GHz cores, RAM 3.5 TB, MS 2008 Windows Server OS, Oracle ON client v., as well as Lenovo Flex System x240 loading stations (CPU 12 Intel Xeon cores E5-2600 2.5 GHz, RAM 48 GB, MS Windows Server OS 2008).

During the technological audit, the multi-user load was emulated according to various scenarios of the operation of bank branches, package procedures were launched, requests for the balance and the end of the bank day were formed. Among the tested operations: entering a new client - an individual (FL), entering new loan and deposit agreements, changing interest rates on loans, processing outgoing payments of legal entities (LL), asking for balances on client accounts through the web interface, downloading and posting incoming payments of LL and FL, loading transactions from the processing center, calculating interest on deposits and loans, closing the operating day, issuing reports.

According to the results of research, the system showed high performance for each operation performed. During the multi-user session, more than 190,000 new individuals were entered into the system and about 260,000 loan agreements were opened. Within the framework of hourly batch procedures, 600,000 transactions were downloaded and carried out from the payment center in 12 minutes, 462,000 outgoing payments in 53 minutes, and 322,000 incoming payments in 24 minutes. The closing procedure of the operating day showed the following result: interest on more than 15 million deposit and more than 5 million loan agreements of FL and UL were accrued and reflected on the balance sheet for 1.5 hours. In addition, during the background execution of requests through web services, the system processed more than 533,000 requests for account balances.


R-Style Softlab will help banks reduce the cost of maintaining ABS

In February 2015, R-Style Softlab offered banks a new software support technology as part of a single RS-Bank V.6 distribution. The company has developed a mechanism for maintaining individual distributions, which provides financial institutions - ABS users with the opportunity to have their own "client branches" for the prompt introduction of changes of any volume.

As explained in the company, a conceptually new approach to the development of ABS functionality will allow banks to quickly receive high-quality improvements, without waiting for the release of a single circulation assembly of the distribution kit, and thereby save IT budgets. At the same time, the release of a single distribution kit, including changes implemented in "client branches," will be carried out on average once every 1.5-2 years.

R-Style Softlab focused on the successful experience of the investor and partner - Asseco Group. The company moved the Western partner idea into its product, adapting it to its own solution. To implement this technology, R-Style Softlab specialists have finalized the RS-Bank V.6, adding a number of new settings that allow ABS to identify individual and common distributions. In addition, internal automation processes were revised. For example, the mechanism of operation of the assembly system (now it creates not only circulation distributions, but also individual ones), the installer and the upgrade, which are automatically installed and transferred from the patch to the patch database.

"Since R-Style Softlab joined the Asseco group of companies in 2013, we have been studying and gradually adopting the experience of a European partner," said Lev Frenkel, technical director ON of the RS-Bank banking department at R-Style Softlab. - In the future, this method of "client branches" will allow financial institutions to save IT budgets, ensuring a reduction in the cost of maintaining ABS and its modules. For example, you can create individual "branches" for banks with a large amount of modifications in terms of changes in legislation, which establish a solution for automating work with securities RS-Securities V.6, which is part of ABS. "

According to the company, at the moment 5-6 customers have shown interest in individual distributions. These are those banks for which R-Style Softlab performs a large amount of system modifications - BMW Bank, FG Life, Globex, Eurasian Bank, Home Credit Bank.

Accounting of financing of foreign trade transactions V.6 implemented at RS-Bank

On June 18, 2015, R-Style Softlab announced the appearance in the automated banking system of RS-Bank V.6 the possibility of keeping records of credit institutions' operations in financing foreign trade transactions[4].

The company included the Trading Financing module, which ensures the maintenance of documentary letters of credit issued by the bank on behalf of customers. The solution helps to store information about executed and open letters of credit in the system, automatically generate outgoing SWIFT messages on letters of credit, process incoming SWIFT messages, take into account and process payments made on letters of credit, automatically generate and execute the necessary accounting documents.

To take into account the letters of credit with post-financing and the complete exchange of information within the system, the developers ensured the integration of the solution with other components of the ABS:

  • "Credit" (in RS-Loans V.6 subsystem),
  • Interbank Lending (in RS-Dealing V.6 subsystem),
  • Interbank Settlements,
  • "Bank Accounting,"
  • RKO of Legal Entities (in RS-Banking V.6 subsystem)
  • by others.

"Now the company's ABS has the opportunity to process documentary letters of credit from one workplace - from the interface of the Trade Financing module," said Mikhail Drobyshevsky, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab. "In order for a bank employee, in search of the necessary information, not to" wander "through the program modules, the exchange of information on the conduct and accounting of a trade transaction is fully automated thanks to the integration of subsystems

ABS RS-Bank V.6 expanded by portfolio accounting of securities

On July 15, 2015, R-Style Softlab announced the inclusion in the module "Automated Tax Registers" (ARNU), from the structure of ABS RS-Bank V.6, the possibility of entering tax accounting of securities for accounting portfolios[5].

In accordance with the updates in the Tax Code (Law No. 420-FZ), banks have the right to maintain tax records of the receipt and disposal of securities in the relevant accounting portfolios formed depending on the term and purpose of their acquisition. The new ARNU option allows you to automate this process, the company said.

According to the R-Style Softlab developers, the updated module, when organizing links between purchased and sold issues, takes into account not only the original purchase and sales portfolios, but also the accounting operations of transfers between portfolios, which simplifies the reconciliation of tax and accounting data in a credit institution and reduces the labor costs of employees to check income tax calculations.

there is a tendency to bring tax and accounting closer together," said Olga Kireeva, project manager at RS-Securities V.6 RS-Bank banking software department at R-Style Softlab. "This change in tax legislation gave banks the opportunity to optimize tax accounting, and we have implemented the necessary functionality for this."

R-Style Softlab has transferred the system-forming module RS-Bank V.6 to a new interface

R-Style Softlab transferred in the fall of 2015 the "General Ledger" - one of the applications that makes up the functional "core" of the automated banking system RS-Bank V.6 - to a new user interface.

Thanks to the updates, this module has been brought into full compliance with the company's new standards for the development of ABS for large and multidisciplinary banks, the main purpose of which is to increase the level of convenience when working with the system.

In the developed web interface, the company implemented the principle of multi-window, optimized the scrolling system, expanded the use of filters and much more. The result of the changes, according to the developers, was an increase in the convenience of data presentation, the ability to simultaneously work as a user with any number of open panels, comfortable navigation between system directories, the presence of mechanisms for creating your own filters, and so on.

"R-Style Softlab systematically transfers the modules included in the RS-Bank ABS V.6 to a fundamentally new user interface. In addition to the "General Ledger," in the updated interface, you can now work with applications for tax accounting, customer service in bank offices, and the formation of statements by the Central Bank, "said Mikhail Drobyshevsky, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab. "On the one hand, the company managed to offer banks a new design, ergonomics and, thereby, simplify the user's work with the system, on the other hand, preserve all the functionality and service capabilities of the ABS subsystems."

According to R-Style Softlab, the "General Ledger" is a system-forming ABS module containing generalized data on all operations and financial condition of the bank. With its help, credit organizations can maintain accounting records for all offices, open, close personal accounts with ensuring the regulator's requirements for compliance with the bit-length numbering of accounts, accounting for the planned and actual balance of accounts, managing operating days taking into account the different composition of calendars, maintaining a single directory of clients of a credit institution and much more.


The module "Single window of customer service" appeared in ABS RS-Bank V.6

In September 2014, R-Style Softlab released the RS-Bank ABS module V.6 "Single Customer Service Window," which is designed to simplify the work of the bank's operators. The new solution allows you to carry out customer service in a single web interface - individuals for all retail operations of RS-Retail V.6, as well as for operations of RS-Loans V.6 related to the issuance and repayment of loans.

The main feature of the "Single Customer Service Window" module that facilitates the work of a bank employee is a one-time identification of the client, after which any number of services can be provided to him in one service cycle (including transactions on deposits, current accounts, cards, utility and other payments, making transfers without opening an account, currency and exchange operations, operations with precious metals and commemorative coins, repayment and issuance of loans, etc.).

The module has flexibility and allows you to easily modify the distribution functionality and create your own business processes based on a set of system and user services. This is facilitated by a special mechanism for setting up and performing operations, which is implemented on the basis of modern standards for the graphical description of business processes - BPMN, the company said.

In general, the creation of the user interface of the "Single Customer Service Window" module is the next step of the company as part of a strategy to transfer the entire RS-Bank V.6 complex to a web interface. This large-scale project is based on a concept developed with the involvement of UsabilityLab and implemented in accordance with the Human-Centered Design methodology (HCD, GOST R ISO 9241-210-2012 "Human-Oriented Design of Interactive Systems"). Earlier, R-Style Softlab presented in a new interface the functionality for working in the stock and derivatives markets - the tax reporting module (ARNU).

RS-Bank V.6 ABS testing on Oracle Database 12c DBMS

R-Style Softlab completed RS-Bank V.6 ABS testing for DBMSracle Database 12c in September 2014. The results confirm a 10-15% improvement in solution performance over the previous version of the database management system.

During the study, the functionality of the software complex of the Russian IT company was tested, including the correctness of its operation during installation and updates, as well as resistance to significant loads. The product showed full compatibility with Oracle Database 12c and compliance with the requirements of the modern banking business.

Oracle Database 12c offers a multi-lease architecture that simplifies consolidation by managing hundreds of databases as one, and includes in-memory technologies for in-memory processing, providing the highest level of analytical performance. Leveraging the latest developments in database management systems brings new levels of efficiency, performance, security, and availability. Oracle Database 12c helps organizations move to cloud computing and implement real-time enreprise.

R-Style Softlab offered banks a new opportunity to migrate from RS-Bank v. 5.5 to RS-Bank V.6

In November 2014, R-Style Softlab simplified the process of switching ABS from RS-Bank v. 5.5 to RS-Bank V.6, implementing the technological possibility of simultaneous operation in two systems for banks. This functionality will allow growing financial and credit institutions to migrate from one solution to another without the cost of additional resources.

By choosing the system integration mode, banks will be able to switch from v. 5.5 to V.6 gradually. Financial organizations are given the opportunity to independently determine the sequence of the transition - to replace the functionality of only the core or vice versa - only back offices (lending systems, retail services), while back offices can work with both the core of the "five" and "six." If necessary, IT company specialists will provide consulting support.

"With the growth of the bank's business (the development of the branch network, the increase in the volume of operations), the question of changing ABS corresponding to new needs naturally arises. A significant advantage for a financial institution is that the vendor has a higher level solution, - commented Mikhail Drobyshevsky, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab. "Our company does not stop there: we offer not only ABS to solve various business problems of the bank, but also think over painless mechanisms for migration."

The needs of financial and credit institutions in greater productivity of ABS correspond to RS-Bank V.6 on the Oracle platform. The solution allows you to optimize the cost of processing operations, increase the speed of payments within branches, organize electronic document management, and reduce the number of user errors.


RS-Bank ABS is V.6 integrated with Sage SalesLogix CRM system

The joint efforts of FB Consult, a technology partner of the international corporation Sage CRM Solutions, and R-Style Siberia created a solution for the integration of RS-Bank ABS (a product of R-Style Softlab) and the Sage SalesLogix CRM system.

During the project, the companies created a basic banking industry solution (the so-called stand) based on Sage SalesLogix software, integrated with the automated RS-Bank banking system. This solution allows you to maintain a database of potential and existing customers, sell key banking products, conduct marketing actions, view customer accounts and other financial information online, plan work activities, build analytical reports, etc. You have configured the ability to synchronize client information, both manually and automatically.

The created solution is a distribution scheme with a minimum of settings that allow you to enter information on clients, open accounts, start synchronization procedures, send clients by e-mail, fax or regular mail, clear data from duplicates and then merge them, etc.

The algorithm of the integrated solution based on ABS RS-Bank V.6 and CRM system Sage SalesLogix is as follows:

  • When you add a new customer or change an existing RS-Bank in ABS, the synchronization procedure starts.
  • The synchronization procedure searches for a new or "changed" client in the database of the Sage SalesLogix CRM system.
  • If the customer is already present in the database of the Sage SalesLogix CRM system (for example, as a potential customer), it is linked to the customer from the RS-Bank ABS and then synchronized the customer attributes.
  • If the customer is not in the database of the Sage SalesLogix CRM system, it is added.
  • Information about the client's accounts and his aggregated financial indicators is available online.

The final stage is the integration of the Sage SalesLogix CRM system with the second ABS of R-Style Softlab - RS-Bank v. 5.5.

31st patch RS-Bank v. 6

Changes in the 31st build affected each of the RS-Bank V.6 applications, which was reflected in the reports presented by the company's specialists. Thus, the efforts of the developers of the Accounting Core RS-Core V.6 were aimed at improving the performance of the system and improving its ergonomics. The RS-Banking V.6 software complex introduced multi-currency accounting, redesigned the concept of operating days, added new functionality, including a multi-currency file cabinet of documents, a order for the transfer of values, and pre-issued acceptances. The RS-Dealing V.6 system has been replenished with the General Agreements functionality.

A number of changes occurred in the software complex for automating work with securities RS-Securities V.6. First of all, the transition from the system-wide payment mechanism to the internal object "Demand/Commitment" was carried out. Improved commission management, improved security transaction interface to ensure clarity and retention of fees. Information on the counterparty's payment details, requirements and obligations under the transaction, as well as on all transaction fees is now available at any time in separate tabs of the panel. When improving the system, the main emphasis was on increasing comfort for the user and increasing speed. It was also announced about the development plans of RS-Securities V.6 for 2013: in the back office of equity securities, it is planned to change the logic of information processing, switch to STP processing (Straight-Through Processing).

The RS-Loans V.6 software package did not go unnoticed. As part of the implementation of the New Tariffs in RS-Loans V.6 functionality, the architecture for setting up and maintaining tariffs has been changed. The possibilities for interface adjustment of tariff types and values, as well as algorithms for calculating debt types, which are based on these tariffs, have been significantly expanded. A new mechanism "Special variables" and a system-wide mechanism for performing operations in multithreaded mode "Conveyor" have been created. In addition, the participants were presented with the results of work on optimizing mass lending procedures, confirmed by test tests: mass procedures for the end of the day, providing for accrual, repayment, delay, reservation, transfer of loans in portfolios by delay, closing contracts, etc., on the basis of a million open loan agreements are carried out in just 40 minutes.

RS-Bank V.6 receives Oracle certification

R-Style Softlab announced in February 2013 that it had received RS-Bank IBS V.6 Exadata Ready and Oracle SPARC SuperCluster Ready statuses as part of the Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) partner program.

Obtaining Oracle Exadata Ready and Oracle SPARC SuperCluster Ready statuses is a natural step in the history of the system's development, confirming its modernity and functional saturation, as well as compliance with high industry standards and the most demanding market requirements.   

"We consider the optimized software and hardware complexes Oracle Exadata Database Machine and Oracle SPARC SuperCluster to be the leading technologies that will become an additional powerful incentive for the development of R-Style Softlab software products. Using the advantages of innovative infrastructure will help us achieve outstanding characteristics of our products, which will be positively perceived by the Russian banking community, "said Oleg Podkopaev, Deputy General Director of R-Style Softlab

New RS-Bank ABS interface V.6

The vweb interface is built on the Microsoft Silverlight platform and supports all popular browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and others. Not only R-Style Softlab specialists, but also experts from other companies took part in its development. In particular, to create an ergonomic interface architecture, R-Style Softlab invited UsabilityLab, as well as AIC art design specialists.

According to the developers, the module's web interface provides users with capabilities that meet all modern requirements for the ergonomics of the software product: multi-window interface (MDI), flexible switching between different system modules within a single workspace, hyperlinks in scrollings and panels, context hints and system warnings. In addition, users get a powerful filtering and sorting system, convenient and customizable uploading to MS Excel, an optimized menu and many other features that can dramatically transform the visual workspace.

Another R-Style Softlab development, the Transport Component, has found application in the circulation version. Its use as a transport layer of a web application optimizes the interaction of the server part implementing the business logic of the program with the web platform, which saves server resources and speeds up the operation of the system as a whole, the company says.


RS-Bank ABS is V.6 integrated with Oracle Identity Manager.


RS-Bank V.6 implemented technological know-how, which makes it possible to build a centralized banking system in a multifilial geographically distributed bank on the basis of a single DBMS.


Commercial version of ABS RS-Bank V.6 released on platform Oracle


The RS-Bank family has two products focused on different market segments: RS-Bank V.6 on the Oracle platform and RS-Bank/Pervasive.


The RS-Bank software complex has been assigned the status SWIFTReady Silver.


A three-level client-server architecture has been implemented for the first time in domestic practice. The 1000th license for the right to use RS-Bank was awarded.


The year of entering the market R-Style Softlab is an independent company that grew out of the software development department. R-Style at that time, the company already had the first version of the automated banking system. RS-Bank

Confirmation of the facts of payment for state and municipal services through the GIS GMP information system

Electronic exchange of documentation is gaining momentum, including in the banking sector. At the beginning of the year, R-Style Softlab offered credit and financial institutions a development that allows electronic document management with the state information system for state and municipal payments - to date, more than 50 banks have used the decision.   The demand for the decision was due to the introduction of new requirements of the legislation, according to which all credit institutions are obliged to provide confirmation of the facts of payment for state and municipal services through the GIS GMP information system. R-Style Softlab was one of the first companies to offer such an IT solution within the framework of an automated banking system.   The specifics of introducing new developments to automate the banking sector is such that a lot of time passes between selection and installation. The solution needs to be tested, results collected, benefits assessed, and only then started using the entire IT infrastructure of the bank. That is why the demand of the market and customers in a particular service must be assessed after a certain period of time. 

The new functionality developed by R-Style Softlab specialists within ABS provides the ability to regulate interaction with GIS GMP: send messages immediately online or form them in a separate directory for later sending, form and send notifications on the receipt of orders for execution, as well as requests for client accruals, receive information about debts and payments already made to the client, store the information sent and received in a special log.
