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2025/01/23 13:23:58

Chechen Republic


Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

The Chechen Republic is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the North Caucasus Federal District.


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of the Chechen Republic



In accordance with the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation," 234 municipal: formations

  • 15 municipal districts;
  • 2 urban districts;
  • 4 urban settlements;
  • 213 rural settlements.


Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Chechen Republic



2024: Results of implementation of the national project "Digital Economy"

The Ministry of Digital Development of the Chechen Republic in January 2025 reported on the results of the implementation of the national project "Digital Economy" within the framework of which 66 judicial districts were connected to the state automated system "Justice" system, a secure segment of the VPN network was created and access to the Gosweb platform was provided for 730 government agencies.

According to Chechnya Segodnya, within the framework of the UTSN 2.0 program, 10 settlements in the region are provided with mobile communications and the Internet. The work of a unified service of operational assistance to citizens by the number "122" was organized, which greatly simplified the process of obtaining the necessary information.


The interagency electronic interaction system SMEV 3.0 has been expanded to more than 150 types of services and information. The share of regional mass socially significant services provided using machine-readable digital administrative regulations exceeded 60%. 84 mass socially significant services have been brought to the Unified Portal of Public Services.

In the educational sphere, 496 schools received access to the Gosweb platform. In addition, 234 local governments are connected to the system, which contributes to improving the efficiency of management at the local level.

Particular attention is paid to training personnel for the digital economy. In 2021 and 2022, 109 and 125 state and municipal employees, respectively, underwent training in competencies in the field of digital transformation.

In the field of information security, a specialized structural unit has been created, a responsible deputy head has been appointed. A cyber hygiene program has been implemented to improve the digital literacy of civil servants.

Within the framework of the educational project "Digital Education," digital literacy and cybersecurity lessons were held in educational institutions of the region. All government bodies and subordinate organizations are connected to the feedback platform.

The creation of a secure VPN network segment for judicial sections of justices of the peace ensured the reliable and secure operation of the region's judicial system in digital format.[1]


Tower hydroelectric power station

Main article: Tower hydroelectric power station

Subsidies and investments


Growth in investment in Chechnya by 40% to ₽163 billion

The volume of investments in the economy of Chechnya increased by almost 40% and reached ₽163 billion in 2023 Ministry of Economic Development of Russia TAdviser , and got acquainted with such data in December 2024.

According to Interfax, more than 51% of the total investment was private investment. At the end of 2023, the republic took seventh place among the regions of Russia with the best investment climate.


Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Dmitry Volvach notes a steady growth in the gross regional product of Chechnya. The figure increased from ₽201 billion in 2016 to ₽315 billion in 2022.

The main contribution to the economy of the republic, in addition to the sphere of public administration, is made by wholesale and retail trade, agriculture and forestry, as well as construction.

Within the framework of the economic development model of Chechnya until 2030, 562 projects are envisaged in various industries. The total cost of planned investment projects is more than ₽530 billion.

The development program involves the creation of more than 53 thousand new jobs in the republic. These projects cover key sectors of the region's economy and are aimed at further increasing investment attractiveness.

The Caucasian Investment Forum discussed the competitive advantages of the region for the development of international cooperation with partners in Eurasia. Particular attention was paid to the potential of Chechnya in attracting both domestic and foreign investments.

The growth of investment activity in the region is associated with an improvement in the business climate, infrastructure development and the implementation of government programs to support entrepreneurship. A significant share of private investment indicates an increase in business confidence in the economy of the republic.[2]

The volume of subsidies in the budget of Chechnya for 9 years decreased from 64% to 40%

The volume of federal subsidies in the budget of Chechnya decreased from 64% in 2014 to 40% in 2023. The chairman of the regional government Muslim Khuchiev announced this in December 2023.

According to him, by the end of 2023, the budget of Chechnya remains in deficit. As Khuchiev noted, despite the annual payments from the Russian budget, the republic does not have enough money to develop social facilities and pay salaries to state employees. The official linked this to the fact that the economic base of the republic was completely destroyed due to hostilities. The deficit also persists due to demographic growth in the region.

File:Мечеть Сердце Чечни.jpg
Heart of Chechnya Mosque, Grozny
Of course, these are new consumers of public services, for this you need to build new social facilities. If we take it annually, the introduced social facilities give an increase in the cost of maintenance and salary somewhere in the region of 3.5 billion rubles, - added the chairman of the government of the republic.

As the Kommersant newspaper notes in the issue of December 11, 2023, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and Tuva account for 20%, or 164 billion rubles of the total federal subsidies of 822 billion rubles. In 2024, this share will increase to 22.4%, or 134.8 billion rubles (Chechnya - 34.7 billion rubles, Dagestan - 69.2 billion rubles, Ingushetia - 11.6 billion rubles, Chechnya - 34.7 billion rubles, Tuva - 19.3 billion rubles) from the approved volume of subsidies for 67 regions, according to the publication of the publication.

In January 2022, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, wrote in his Telegram channel that the republic annually receives 375 billion rubles from the Russian federal budget.

Let's start with the fact that we are talking about 375 billion rubles. Note that this is the full figure of the entire budgetary system of the Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic and we are talking about the federal content of the republic, and not just about the consolidated budget of the region. Don't confuse. And I did not make a reservation, as some regarded it. I repeat, we are talking about the content, - he said.[3]

Education and Science

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chechen Republic

UNIVERSITIES of the Chechen Republic

Colleges and organizations of DPO

Health care

Ministry of Health of the Chechen Republic


Organizations of Grozny


2023: New oil and gas deposits found in Chechnya

New hydrocarbon deposits were discovered on the territory of the Chechen Republic. The first discovery in 30 years was made by geologists of the Rosneft Scientific Institute together with scientists from Grozneftegaz. This was announced to the press service of Rosneft on April 3, 2023. Read more here.


American boxer Mike Tyson took on the suffocating head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, 2005


Singer Iosif Kobzon receives a personalized pistol from the future terrorist Shamil Basayev as a gift, Chechnya 1997
Gasoline sales in Chechnya, 1990s.


Group "Na-na" with a concert for Russian soldiers in Chechnya, 1996

Liquidation of President Dudayev

Dzhokhar Dudaev a second before his death. Shot from a guided rocket, April 21, 1996
Boris Nemtsov in Chechnya during the first war.


"Autograph as a keepsake." The gunman says goodbye to the hostage after his release. Chechnya, 1995
Hostages of a hospital seized by Chechen militants hang white sheets from a window asking them to stop shooting. Budyonnovsk, Stavropol Territory, June 15, 1995
A riot police soldier leads the children found in the basement of the house to the armored personnel carrier. Grozny, February 1995
Russian journalist at a MLRS shell on Grozny Street, Chechnya, January 6, 1995
Storming Grozny. Winter 1994-1995.

1913: As part of the Terek region


Map of the Caucasus province

640 BC: Scythians

Early cultures

Chronological scheme of cultures of Stavropol, Kuban and North Caucasus, V.A. Trifonov, 2001
