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Sberbank - 90%
Zubov Dmitry Lvovich - 10%


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Dialog (LLC) — developer corporate messenger Dialog — a safe and multiplatform product for the organization of internal communications and joint work. For September, 2020 the Dialog command integrates specialists in development of communication frameworks, experts on information security and to artificial intelligence.


For September, 2020 the company provides the following services:


2021: "Dialog" won the state grant for 204 million rubles, but refused to receive it

As TAdviser knew, the Dialog company which became in January, 2021 one of winners of competition of grants of the Russian Fund of Information Technology Development (RFITD) refused it, having explained it with the begun reorganization and change of strategy.

The amount of the grant which was due to Dialog was 203.98 million rubles. Selects grants Mintsifra within the federal project "Digital Technologies" which head is the deputy minister Maxim Parshin for development of the IT companies. On the won money the company was going to develop "the federal multicircuit platform of unified communications with support of bots and microapplications", it was told in the declaration of RFRIT of January 12, 2021.

Because of updating of strategy of the company and change of a vector of development on international markets and new technology partnership within Sber's ecosystem and beyond its limits the Dialog company is forced to refuse the grant provided by fund, - told TAdviser in the company

"Dialog" won a grant

The representative of RFRIT specified TAdviser that according to a form of the agreement between fund and the grantee, the requirement to the company grantee during all duration of the agreement is declared not to be in process of liquidation or reorganization.

The new development strategy of Dialog as of January, 2021 is in study. The company plans promotion of the product Dialog abroad, but considered to open specific plans for an exit to foreign markets still premature.

As for technology partnership, in Dialog say that the company plans active integration of the developed technologies with Sber's ecosystem.

Failure came from a grant against the background of increase in a share of Sber in Dialog. According to base " circuit.focus ", since January 15, 2021 the bank possesses 90% in the company, and the remained 10% - at Dmitry Zubov. Earlier shares in the company UK "Terminal", Nikita Goldsmith and the founder of Dialog Andrey Kuznetsov also owned. Kuznetsov's leaving the company it was announced in March, 2020.

Dialog told TAdviser that the Dialog messenger is developed since 2016, and its platform, new architecture and components presented in the request for RFRIT are studied since 2019.

The federal platform allows to organize communications between dissimilar corporate circuits, i.e. users of different installations of the Dialog messenger, explained TAdviser in Dialog. It occurs as freely, as at communication by e-mail. Also the platform supports communications on a guest time access with contacts out of a corporate circuit: contractors, partners, potential employees.

And ghost of the platform is the function allowing to increase security of corporate data due to differentiation of the environment of communications on the isolated circuits with the different access levels. For example, top management can have separate circuits or the staff of financial service.

The updated platform will help to bring Dialog corporate communications to new to Russia and the whole world level. Support of federation and ghost will allow the company to create the new standard of communication and joint works, - Dialog developers stated to TAdviser

In the request RFRIT the project deadline was designated by the end of 2021. Dialog says that new terms of implementation of the functionality presented in the request will become known later.

Key audiences of the solution – large and largest business, including the companies with state participation, the state organizations.

Dialog is the largest implementation the corporate Sberchat messenger in Sberbank. The product is provided in the white label configuration, i.e. the design and branding were completely customized. Within implementation were integrated into the Dialog software product: the phonebook by employees of the bank, calls on business phones, verification of messages and files in an automated system of prevention of leaks.

2020: Licenses of FSB and FSTEC, resident Skolkovo, participant of ARPP "Domestic Software"

For September, 2020 Dialog is a resident of the innovation center Skolkovo and the member of ARPP "Domestic Software". The company has licenses of FSTEC and FSB.

2018: "Dialog" is purchased by Sberbank

Sberbank On March 30, 2018 announced acquisition within creation of a digital ecosystem of a majority share in Dialog company — developer corporate messenger dialog enterprise. The command of Dialog intends to spend the raised funds for further development of the technological solution and optimization of security of users of the messenger from cyberthreats.

Sberbank invested in the Russian corporate Dialog messenger. Photo:

The size of a share and the amount of investments by the parties of the transaction do not reveal. Meanwhile, Kommersant Publishing House, referring to a number of sources in the banking market, earlier announced acquisition by Sberbank of 60% of a share in Dialog. According to sources, all former owners at the same time will remain in the project, however their shares will decrease. The parties were going to close the transaction on March 29, 2018.

At the time of transaction of 51% of Dialog company belonged to the former vice-chairman of Board of Directors of AFK "Sistema" Dmitry Zubov, 34.35% the CEO of Dialog Nikita Goldsmith, 12.05% — UK Terminal company and 2.6% — the chief executive Andrey Kuznetsov owned.[1]

According to the first deputy chairman of the board of Sberbank Lev Hasis, in bank expect to transfer intra bank communications to dialog enterprise in 2018.

We aim to expand a product line for an ecosystem of Sberbank... At the same time we hope that interest in this product will be shown by our partners and clients — Lev Hasis added.

Dialog LLC – one of participants of the Russian unified communications market. The company is engaged in development of the corporate dialog enterprise messenger since 2016 and integrates specialists in the development areas of communication frameworks, information security and artificial intelligence.

Dialog enterprise conforms to requirements of the unified register of the Russian programs for electronic computers and also is approved for operation in public authorities, the state organizations and the companies with the state participation on intermediate results of the Gosmessendzher project.
