Parshin Maxims Viktorovich
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
State and social structures
Information technologies
Previous jobs:
Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Digital Development)
Deputy Minister
Commission for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation
Member of the Presidium
Federal Labor and Employment Service (Rostrud)
Russian Post
Deputy General Director
Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Economic Development)
Lomonosov Moscow State University - 1998
Born July 23, 1976 in the city of Mytishchi, Moscow Region.
He graduated in 1998 from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
In 2001 he graduated from the graduate school of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, and in 2008 - Moscow Institute of International Business at the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (MBA).
2002: Ministry of Economic Development
In 2002-2013, he worked in various positions at the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, where, among other things, he was responsible for the development of electronic public services.
In 2010, he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation signed by Vladimir Putin "for his great personal contribution" to the launch of the first version of the public services portal.
2013: Deputy General Director of Russian Post
In February 2013, Maxim Parshin was appointed Deputy General Director of FSUE Russian Post.
Parshin came to Mail with the understanding that he would have to work with a new team. " In April, the general director of the enterprise, Alexander Kiselev, was dismissed, and ex-president of Tele2 Russia Dmitry Strashnov was appointed in his place.
After Strashnov's appointment in April, we repeatedly discussed the prospects for the development of projects related to public services at the Post, Parshin said. - We agreed that I will develop this topic. Naturally, in cooperation with other areas, first of all, with commercial, for which Inessa Galaktionova is responsible at the Post |
But in October 2013, Parshin left the company, explaining to CNews the reasons for his dismissal as follows:
I was forced to do this, - said Parshin. - General Director (Dmitry Strashnov, - editor's note) told me that the projects that I initiated and developed at the Russian Post will be further dealt with by another person - Rodion Shishkov (previously worked at Yota, - editor's note). According to him, this decision was made in the Ministry of Communications. He did not explain the reasons for this decision to me, he only indicated that he had no complaints about my work personally |
The dismissal was unexpected for the manager.
I was not ready for such a turn of events, was completely absorbed in work at the Post, associated myself with it for at least three years (design took place for the same period), - he said |
The Ministry of Communications, which at that time worked under the leadership of Nikolai Nikiforov, denied their role in the decision to dismiss Parshin.
All issues related to the operational activities of the enterprise, including personnel, are within the competence of the General Director. We have no influence on the solution of these issues, "the ministry told CNews |
The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications at that time planned to transfer to the Post from Rostelecom the functions of the only contractor for the development of a single portal of public services (EPGU), but this initiative was not implemented.
I have always been cautious about this idea, "Parshin said. - There were no competencies, no infrastructure, no people who could pull this very difficult project. One can guess about the "political" meaning of this venture. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications needs some achievements in the field of electronic government, which the new team still does not have. Apparently, EPSU was considered as an option of a "quick victory" - a new more convenient and functional portal in a short time. But it's not that easy to do |
Criticism of the portal that existed at that time, according to Parshin, was largely fair:
Indeed, it is necessary to prioritize services, simplify the interface, develop additional services, optimize interaction in the register of public services, the holder of which is the Ministry of Economic Development. At the same time, the portal has an undeniable advantage. EPGU exists, its users are millions of citizens who receive services with its help. So the risks associated with the revolutionary alteration of the portal, in my opinion, significantly exceed the possible gain. But colleagues in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications have a different opinion |
When it became obvious that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications did not have enough administrative opportunities to transfer the portal from Rostelecom to Mail, another, to put it mildly, ambiguous idea arose - to create a portal for complex services (the Ministry of Communications published the corresponding draft government decree for public discussion in August 2013, - editor's note), according to the functionality of the YePGU-2, - said Maxim Parshin |
Through this portal, according to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, citizens could access services provided by non-state organizations (legal, educational, medical, etc.), as well as a number of public services. It was assumed that Russian Post would create and maintain this portal at its own expense.
Parshin believed that "two portals almost about the same thing are just stupidity and senseless spending of funds."
As for the ability of the Post to provide public services directly through its branches, then, according to Parshin, this project was already actually launched by him: "I understood what to do when I worked at the Post. It's for other people to understand right now.'
Parshin, according to him, agreed with the employees involved in public services that they themselves make decisions on further work in the Post.
I have absolutely no interest in having the projects that I was launching and that are associated with me die, "he added |
At the same time, Parshin is not familiar with Rodion Shishkov's team: "In any case, I would like to wish him success in this very difficult direction."[1]
2014: Deputy Head of Rostrud
In 2014-2015, Maxim Parshin worked as deputy head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment.
2016: Return to the Ministry of Economic Development
Since January 2016, Parshin has been Director of the Department for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Competition of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In this post, the official was engaged in the development of measures to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses. In particular, within the framework of project 1 "Upgrade Laboratory," measures of financial support, assistance in export activities, digital and infrastructure services for small companies were proposed.
2018: Appointed Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Curator of Super Services
On August 16, 2018, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev appointed Maxim Parshin as Deputy Minister of Digital Development of the Russian Federation.
Minister Konstantin Noskov in an interview with TAdviser described Parshin's duties as follows:
Maxim Parshin is a digital state. Everything related to public services in electronic form and the back office of the state administration, interdepartmental and internal departmental document management, and so on. |
Before Parshin, Deputy Minister Alexei Kozyrev was responsible for the development of e-government.
Loss of authority of e-government curator and super services
After the appointment of Maksut Shadayev as head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in January 2020, Deputy Minister Maxim Parshin lost the powers of the curator of the digital state development department, which is engaged in the transfer of public services to electronic form and the development of super services. He will also cease to lead the federal project "Digital Public Administration" of the national program "Digital Economy."
Before being appointed minister, Shadayev worked as the general director of RT Labs, which was a contractor for the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media for super services. And Parshin, accordingly, was in the role of the customer regarding Shadayev-contractor.
As of February 2020, the documents of the digital state development department are signed by First Deputy Minister Oleg Pak, sources say TAdviser. Perhaps this is temporary, until the release of a new deputy minister, to whom the topic of superservices will be transferred.
Parshin, according to a source familiar with the situation, will continue to work as deputy minister, but his new powers have not yet been approved. An option is being discussed in which he will be responsible for the implementation of the Digital Economy national program as a whole instead of another Deputy Minister Yevgeny Kislyakov, who is likely to leave the ministry.
In addition, Parshin may become the head of one of the federal projects of the Digital Economy national program.
Head of the Digital Technologies Federation Project
In February 2020, Maxim Parshin headed the Federal Project "Digital Technologies" of the National Program "Digital Economy."
Joining Rusnano's Board of Directors
On September 23, 2020, Rusnano approved a new board of directors. He was left under house arrest by the head of the Russian Venture Company, Alexander Povalko. His place was taken by Deputy Minister of Finance Irina Okladnikova. Read more here.
TAdviser interview
In September 2020, in an interview with TAdviser, Russian Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development Maxim Parshin spoke about the features of a new support program for projects for the development and implementation of Russian digital solutions. Read more here.
Duties of Maxim Parshin as the head of the Digital Technologies Fedproject
According to the order of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation of December 2020, Maxim Viktorovich Parshin, as the head of the Digital Technologies fedproject, oversees the development of state policy in the field of information technology development, creating favorable conditions for the development of Russian companies in the ICT field. Coordinates the work of the IT Development Department and the Department of International Cooperation. Read more here.
Chairman of the WSIS Forum
On March 24, 2021, RIA Novosti reported that the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Parshin was appointed chairman of the World Summit Forum on the Information Society (WSIS) as part of the official appointment of the Russian Federation as the presiding country of the WSIS in 2021.
The WSIS Forum is precisely the format where representatives of all interested parties can gather in a large composition to determine trends, priorities and innovations in order to accelerate the implementation of the ICT for Development agenda, Maxim Parshin made a welcoming speech, stressing the integral contribution of WSIS to the development of the digital agenda. |
The deputy head of the Ministry of Digital Development shared Russia's experience in a pandemic, and also noted a significant increase in the distribution of the online format of many administrative procedures and the transfer of many government services into electronic form to support citizens and businesses.
The WSIS Forum is a meeting dedicated to the development of information and communication technologies and aimed at accelerating sustainable development in accordance with the directions of the WSIS. At the initiative of the International Telecommunication Union, the forum has been held annually since 2009. The forum is being held under the auspices of the UN[2] the [3].
62nd place in the industry in terms of income and 23rd in terms of the cost of personal cars
For the period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, the income of the family of Maxim Parshin amounted to 10.4 million rubles[4].
The total average estimated value cars in the deputy's family Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media amounted to 14 million rubles. The list of announced transport funds includes: A4 personal car Audi and Audi A6 Allroad Quattro[5]
Real estate: apartment in the property - 52.3 m ²; apartments owned by a spouse (or children) - 87.7 m ² (1/2 each for a spouse and a child); land plot - 681 m ² for individual housing construction; house - 89.9 m ² ([6].
Member of the Presidium of the Commission on Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko held the first meeting of the Commission on Scientific and Technological Development in 2022 via videoconference. This became known on February 7, 2022. At the meeting, the composition of the presidium of the commission was approved, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. Read more here.
President of the Sports Programming Federation
Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maxim Parshin was elected president. Sports Programming Federations This was announced on November 2, 2022 in. Ministry of Digital Development Russia More details. here
Maxim Parshin, Ministry of Digital Development, at TAdviser SummIT - about a "group of investors" who are ready to invest in IT projects that have not received state grants
At the TAdviser SummIT conference, TAdviser editor-in-chief Alexander Levashov conducted an open interview with Maxim Parshin, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. Maxim Parshin answered topical questions about the development of the Russian IT market: about the dynamics of import substitution, the growth of the salaries of IT specialists, the volume of investments of Russian state-owned companies in the domestic, ON measures taken Ministry of Digital Development to overcome the shortage of IT personnel, involvement in the profession related to IT, the development of sports programming. Among others, the Deputy Minister was asked about private investment as an important direction in the development of the Russian IT industry, about the mechanisms for stimulating the inflow of private investment into domestic IT projects, and the actions of the regulator in this direction. More. here
Detention in a criminal corruption case
On July 13, 2023, it became known about the detention of the Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Maxim Parshin as part of a criminal case on corruption. Read more here.
The beginning of the trial in a criminal case
On September 2, 2024, a trial in a criminal corruption case was launched, in which the defendants are the former Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maxim Parshin and the ex-general director of BFT Holding Alexander Monosov. In the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow, the first meeting was held with the presence of Parshin on it. Earlier, he was not twice taken from the pre-trial detention center to the planned court session. The former official was extended the term of detention in the pre-trial detention center for another six months, and the state prosecutor - prosecutor Olga Evdokimova - announced the indictment. Read more here.
Statement of desire to go to SVO
In September 2024, Maxim Parshin, who is being tried in a criminal corruption case, expressed a desire to take part in a special operation in Ukraine and has already written the statement necessary for this, a source familiar with him told TAdviser.
Earlier in May, Parshin's former colleague told TAdviser about such a desire for the ex-deputy minister. The laws even then allowed joining the SVO along with those convicted and those whose criminal cases had not yet been submitted for consideration to the court. However, then, for some reason, Maxim Parshin did not implement this idea.
Parshin's criminal case went to court in July, and at the stage of court proceedings until recently, he no longer had the opportunity to leave for the SVO. But in early October, President Vladimir Putin signed two federal laws exempting defendants who signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense during mobilization or in wartime. The first law allows the conclusion of contracts with the accused at the stage of judicial proceedings, and the second - to suspend the proceedings in a criminal case and subsequently release from responsibility.
Accordingly, now it is possible to conclude contracts with the Ministry of Defense and go to the combat zone during the consideration of the criminal case by the court. The laws signed by the president amend the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and the law on military service. It seems that this time Maxim Parshin decided to use this option after all.
A separate TAdviser article is devoted to the details and chronology of Parshin's criminal case.
I must say that this is not the first time that a person involved in a corruption case chooses to be sent to an SVO. For example, in September, the media reported that the former commissioner of the Preobrazhensky district of Moscow, arrested on suspicion of corruption, signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense to serve in the SVO zone. This was reported by his lawyer[7].
2025: Maxim Parshin was not released from the pre-trial detention center under house arrest, although he very much asked
On January 27, 2025, the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow continued to consider the criminal case of the former Deputy Minister of Digital Development Maxim Parshin. In a court session attended by a TAdviser correspondent, the state prosecutor filed a motion to extend the term of detention of Maxim Parshin in a pre-trial detention center for 3 months as a preventive measure. The court granted this petition, extending the former deputy minister's detention in the pre-trial detention center until May 12, 2025. Read more here.
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ [ Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development appointed chairman of
- ↑ WSIS forum in 2021]
- ↑ Income rating of 185 federal IT officials
- ↑ table7617 CNews Analytics rating: federal IT officials with the most expensive cars.
- ↑ 1/2) Rating of federal IT officials with the largest apartments and estates
- ↑ The accused of bribes by the military commissar Trigilev wrote a statement about sending to the North Military District