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Баннер в шапке 2

Federal Labor and Employment Service Rostrud




+ Government of the Russian Federation
  • The Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud) is the federal executive body, carrying out the functions of control and supervision in the field of labor, employment, alternative civil service, special assessment of working conditions and social protection of the population, the provision of public services to promote employment and protect against unemployment, labor migration and settlement of collective labor disputes, as well as the provision of social guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for socially unprotected categories of citizens.
  • The Federal Service for Labor and Employment is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.
  • The Federal Service for Labor and Employment is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, as well as these Regulations.
  • The Federal Service for Labor and Employment carries out its activities directly and through its territorial bodies in cooperation with other federal executive bodies, executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, public associations and other organizations.

Territorial bodies of Rostrud - state labor inspections in the regions.[1]


2023: How the digitalization of Rostrud goes

In 2023, Rostrud, as part of a digital transformation of activities, expanded the capabilities of its IT platform, which ensures the execution of supervisory functions. Integration with the Unified Register of Licenses (Permits) and the feedback system was carried out to obtain information about problems and take measures to solve them. This is stated in the presentation of the department, presented on February 22, 2024.

Rostrud notes that the platform used consists of two contours - inner and outer. The first is an automated control and supervision system in the field of labor (ACS KND): it consists of about 50 different subsystems. The main functions are to ensure end-to-end automation of all supervision processes; automatic formation of a register of objects of supervision in the field of labor; LPC planning using a risk-based approach; management of the activities of state labor inspections based on a system of key performance indicators. As of the end of 2023, 1.37 million cases were initiated on the basis of the ASU KND and approximately 20.68 million processes were created.

source = Rostrud

In turn, the external circuit is a system of 24 electronic services "Онлайнинспекция.рф." One of them is the "Duty Inspector," which allows you to receive personalized advice in electronic form. A chatbot has been implemented that helps to extract answers from an extensive database - more than 160 thousand records and more than 160 thousand specific situations. By the end of 2023, about 518 thousand appeals were considered and over 163 thousand consultations were provided.

Rostrud is introducing technologies based on artificial intelligence. This is the analysis of documents using AI, including their recognition and digitization; categorization of incoming documents and routing (forecasting of user actions, responses to requests); monitoring of the quality of the inspection staff. Smart digital assistants are being developed to help citizens and employees of the department.

In addition, the Work of Russia platform is being developed - a single database of vacancies and resumes for the whole country, as well as a single process system that ensures uniformity in the application of standards in the field of employment. Since the beginning of operation, the number of visits to the service has exceeded 160 million, and about 150 thousand people use the platform every day.

Results of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

