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Gazprom neft



Gazprom - 95,68%


Revenue and Net Profit billions Ths. rub



+ Gazprom neft
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

Gazprom Neft is one of the largest oil and gas companies in Russia. The main activities of Gazprom Neft are oil and gas production, oil and gas field service, oil refining and marketing of petroleum products. The company's proven oil reserves exceed 4 billion barrels, which puts it on a par with the world's twenty largest oil companies. Gazprom Neft operates in the largest oil and gas regions of Russia: Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tomsk and Omsk regions, as well as in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The main processing facilities of the company are located in the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions. Gazprom Neft's sales network covers the entire country. Gazprom Neft today is one of the fastest growing oil companies in the country.

Organizational structure

Gazprom Neft's main shareholder is Gazprom, which controls just over 95% of the oil company.

The following is a list of the main subsidiaries of OAO Gazprom Neft for 2012:


OAO Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz
Muravlenkovskneft Branch of OAO Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz
Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC
LLC Gazpromneft-Vostok""
Archinskoye LLC
OJSC "Meretoyakhaneftegaz"
Sibneft-Ugra LLC
Zapolyarneft LLC
Gazpromneft-Yamal LLC
Gazpromneft-Angara LLC
Gazpromneft-Sakhalin LLC

Foreign holding

Gazprom Neft North Africa B.V.
Gazprom Neft Equatorial B.V.
Gazprom Neft Cuba B.V.
Gazprom Neft Badra B.V.

Oilfield Service and Exploration

LLC Gazpromneft-Nefteservis""
OAO Gazpromneft-NNGGF
Noyabrskneftegazsvyaz LLC
Noyabrskteploneft LLC
ROMZ Gazpromneft-ONPZ LLC
Noyabrskenergoneft LLC
NoyabrskEPUSservice LLC
Neftekhimremont LLC
Noyabrskneftegazproekt LLC
Noyabrskneftegazoautomatika LLC
LLC Avtomatika-Service""


OAO Gazpromneft - Omsk Refinery
OAO Gazpromneft - Moscow Refinery
LTD Flowerneft - Lubricants
Gazpromneft Lubricants Italia S.p.A.

Oil exports

Gazprom Neft Trading Gmbh

Multi-Disciplinary Companies

Serbia Oil Industry (NIS)
Sibir Energy Plc

Joint ventures

OAO NGK Slavneft
OAO Tomskneft
Salym Petroleum Development (SPD)
"North Energy"


OAO Gazpromneft-Omsk
Gazpromneft-Kuzbass CJSC
OAO Gazpromneft-Altai
LLC Gazpromneft Center""
CJSC Munai-Myrza
Gazpromneft Marine Bunker LLC
OOS Gazprom Neft Asia
OAO Gazpromneft-Tyumen
LLC Gazpromneft logistics""
Gazpromnefte- LLC Chelyabinsk
Gazpromnefte- LLC Krasnoyarsk
OAO Gazpromneft-Ural
Gazpromneft-Aero CJSC
Gazpromneft-Aero Novosibirsk CJSC
Gazpromneft-North-West CJSC
OAO Gazpromneft-Yaroslavl
OAO Gazpromneft-Ivanovo
OAO Gazpromneft-Novosibirsk
OOO Gazpromneft-Belnefteprodukt
Gazpromneft-Aero Murmansk LLC
Gazpromneft-Tajikistan LLC
Gazpromneft LLP -Kazakhstan
Alliance-Oil-Asia LLC
Gazpromneft-Shipping LLC
Gazpromneft-Resources LLC
Gazpromneft-Nizhny Novgorod LLC
Gazpromneft-Mobile Card CJSC
Gazpromneft Lubrikants Ukraine LLC

Other activities

Gazpromneftfinance LLC
Gazpromneftenergo LLC
Gazpromneft-ZS LLC
Gazpromneft NTC LLC
Gazpromneft Invest LLC
Gazpromneft Business Service LLC
Okhta Public and Business Center CJSC
Galernaya Complex 5 LLC
Gazpromneft-Development LLC

Gazprom Neft Board of Directors

Main article: Gazprom Neft Board of Directors

Information Technology at Gazprom Neft

Main article: Information Technology at Gazprom Neft

Oil production

2019: Oil barrel production cost $9.8

Bloomberg based on IFRS 2019 data. calculated the cost of producing a barrel of oil from the three largest Russian companies Lukoil:,,. For Rosneft Gazpromneft all three, it does not exceed $12 per barrel.

For Rosneft, this figure is $11.3 per barrel ($3.8 OPEX and $7.5 CAPEX), for Lukoil - $10.2 per barrel ($3.7 OPEX and $6.5 CAPEX), for Gazprom Neft - $9.8 per barrel ($3.8 OPEX and $6 CAPEX).

2017: 4th place in terms of production in Russia

For the period January-December 2017, oil production in Russia:

  • Rosneft - 210.8 million tons (-0.3%),
  • Lukoil - 82.2 million tons (-1.6%),
  • Surgutneftegas - 60.5 million tons (-2.1%),
  • Gazprom Neft - 59.9 million tons (+ 3.8%),
  • TATNEFT - 28.9 million tons (+ 0.9%),
  • Novatek - 11.8 million tons (-5.5%),
  • Bashneft - 10.4 million tons (-3.4%),
  • Russneft - 7.0 million tons (+ 0.2%),
  • Neftegazholding - 2.1 million tons (-7.5%).

Gas production

Gas production in Russia in 2017 amounted to 690.5 billion cubic meters. m (+ 7.9% vs 2016).

Production indicators of companies in 2017:

  • Gazprom - 472.0 billion cubic meters. m (+ 12.4%) or 68.4% of total production in Russia.
  • Rosneft - 47.5 billion cubic meters. m (+ 1.8%),
  • Novatek - 45.5 billion cubic meters. m (-9.1%),
  • Lukoil - 21.1 billion cubic meters. m (+ 14.9%),
  • Gazprom Neft - 15.3 billion cubic meters. m (+ 13.4%),
  • Surgutneftegas - 10.0 billion cubic meters. m (+ 2.0%),
  • Russneft - 2.4 billion cubic meters. m (-1.1%),
  • Neftegazholding - 1.4 billion cubic meters. m (+ 0.4%),
  • TATNEFT - 0.9 billion cubic meters. m (-3.7%)[1].

Performance indicators

2024: Revenue growth of 16.5% to ₽4,1 trillion

In mid-February 2025, Gazprom Neft published its consolidated financial statements for 2024, according to which the company's revenue increased by 16.5% to ₽4,1 trillion. Adjusted EBITDA reached ₽1,4 trillion, showing growth of 5.8%.

According to the press service of Gazprom, the net profit attributable to the company's shareholders amounted to ₽480 billion. The ratio of net debt to EBITDA in 2024 was set at 0.61.

In 2024, Gazprom Neft increased hydrocarbon production, taking into account the share in joint ventures by 5.3% - to 126.9 million tons of oil equivalent. The volume of refining at its own refineries and refineries of joint ventures increased by 1.1% and reached 42.9 million tons.

Alexander Dyukov, Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Neft, noted that the company has fully fulfilled its production and financial plans for 2024, while maintaining high stability in the face of serious challenges.

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the company put into operation infrastructure for the industrial production of hydrocarbons at the Achimov deposit 3A site of the Urengoy field of PJSC Gazprom. The study of the East Terel group of fields has also begun after obtaining licenses for three areas.

The largest field with geological reserves of about 30 million tons of hydrocarbons has been discovered in the Tomsk Region over the past 5 years. The development of the Chonsky cluster in Eastern Siberia continued, the geological reserves of which exceed 1.7 billion tons of oil and 500 billion cubic meters of gas.

In 2024, the modernization of the Omsk refinery was completed. At the Omsk Lubricants Plant, the production of synthetic base oils for automotive and industrial equipment has been tripled.

As part of environmental projects in the Leningrad Region, a plant for the processing of plastic waste was launched. The Center for Development and Operation of Fields in the Permafrost Zone was established to introduce environmentally friendly hydrocarbon production technologies in the Far North.[2]

2023: Revenue growth of 3.2% to RUB 3.52 trillion

At the end of 2023, Gazprom Neft showed record revenue growth - compared to the previous year, it rose by 3.2%, reaching 3.52 trillion rubles. This is stated in the financial report published on March 14, 2024.

Net profit attributable to Gazprom Neft shareholders in 2023 was recorded at 641.11 billion rubles. For comparison: a year earlier, profit was approximately 751.47 billion rubles. Thus, this value marked a drop of 14.7% on an annualized basis. The dynamics shown are due to changes in macroeconomic parameters, an increase in tariffs of natural monopolies and an increase in the tax burden. Gazprom Neft's operating activities provided the company with free cash flow in the amount of 400.5 billion rubles during 2023.

Gazprom Neft showed record revenue growth

The report says that in 2023 Gazprom Neft maintained high rates of development of all business areas, despite the volatility in the world energy markets. In particular, hydrocarbon production has been increased, and refining volumes at refineries in Russia are provided at the level of 2022. The key stage of modernization of the Omsk oil refinery has been completed.

Continued business growth while maintaining high financial stability remains Gazprom Neft's priority. In 2024, the company will continue to develop effectively, providing high returns for our shareholders and investors, "says Alexander Dyukov, Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Neft.

It is also noted that the company invests significant funds in environmental and environmental projects. In addition, Gazprom Neft is working to improve the level of industrial safety at all its facilities in order to minimize any risks to people and to nature.[3]

2021: Revenue - 3 trillion rubles, profit - 500.4 billion rubles

Gazprom Neft's revenue for the first time exceeded 3 trillion rubles. This happened in 2021, according to company data released in mid-February 2022.

In 2021, Gazprom Neft raised 3.07 trillion rubles, which is 53.5% more than a year earlier. Net profit also turned out to be the maximum in the history of the company - 500.4 billion rubles, which is four times higher than the profit of a year ago.

Gazprom Neft's net profit collapsed three times

Gazprom Neft linked its financial rise with an increase in hydrocarbon production and oil refining, positive dynamics in oil and oil products prices and effective actions of the company's management.

For the first time in the history of the company, Gazprom Neft's hydrocarbon production exceeded the level of 100 million tons N.E. Growth by 2020 by 5.6% - up to 101.4 million tons N.E. - was ensured by an increase in production at the oil rims, the company's main assets in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the Tomsk and Orenburg regions, as well as the launch of infrastructure at the Tazovsky and Novoportovsky fields.

The annual volume of refining at Gazprom Neft's own refineries and oil refining assets of joint ventures also became a record and increased by 7.8% to 43.5 million tons. The growth was ensured by the restoration of demand against the background of the gradual lifting of restrictions, COVID-19 as well as the operation of the EURO + complex on. Moscow Refinery

In 2021, Gazprom Neft sold more than 26 million tons of petroleum products through premium sales channels, an increase of 12.9% by 2020. The gradual lifting of restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic allowed the company to increase the average daily sales through one gas station in Russia by 9.3% - to 18.55 tons per day - and the volume of sales of automotive fuels by 11.4% compared to the result of 2020. The recovery of passenger traffic and the improvement of market conditions contributed to a significant increase in the sale of jet fuel and bitumen - by 36.9% and 34.7% compared to the same period last year, respectively.[4]

2020: Combined revenue of Gazprom Neft - 37,136,010 thousand rubles

At the end of 2020, Gazprom Neft increased revenue by 27% to 37,136,010 thousand, rubles Data including the combined revenue of five oil insourcing companies Gazprom with the following turnover for 2020: LLC "" (Gazpromneft Digital Solutions 16,158,486 thousand rubles), LLC Scientific and Technical Center Gazprom Neft (9,330,133 thousand rubles), LLC NoyabrskNefteGazAvtomatika (3,138,282 thousand rubles, renamed Gazpromneft-Automation), LLC Avtomatika-Service (4,529,471 thousand rubles), LLC Gazpromneft Information Technology Operator (3,979,638 thousand rubles) In the ranking, Gazprom TAdviser "The largest IT insourcing companies in Russia Neft took second place. In 2019, the same figure was 29,297,287 thousand rubles.


2024: Launch of a plastic processing plant in the Leningrad region

In March 2024, Gazprom Neft launched a plastic processing plant in the Leningrad Region. According to the company, the new production complex, which began work in the city of Gatchina, will provide a full cycle of processing plastic packaging from polypropylene and polyethylene and the production of prepared raw materials for further use.

The capacity of the enterprise is declared at the level of 8.6 thousand tons per year. There, plastic packaging materials with the help of modern equipment are processed into a secondary pellet, which Gazprom Neft will send to Russian manufacturers of plastic products. They also plan to use processed raw materials for Gazprom Neft's own needs - the production of waterproofing materials for industrial and civil construction.

Gazprom Neft launched a plastic processing plant in the Leningrad Region

Investments in this project in Gazprom Neft are not disclosed. Interviewed by Kommersant-SPb estimate them at 4.5-5 billion rubles. Vadim Tedeeva, managing partner of IPM Consulting, believes that, most likely, the project was financed at the expense of the company's own funds and credit tranches.

Most investments depend on equipment and other components. If we are talking about supplies from friendly countries, then it may have been purchased for rubles, which made it possible to exclude currency risks, so in the future there should be no problems with the supply of additional parts or their maintenance, the expert said.

Gazprom Neft predicts that by 2030 the volume of use of secondary pellets only in the perimeter of the company may amount to 3.2 thousand tons per year. The press service of the company added that using processed raw materials is economically more efficient, and the recycling process is safe for the environment.[5]


Searches of a subsidiary in Romania

In Romania, in early October 2022, searches were carried out in the offices of the Serbian company NIS Petrol (controlled by the Gazprom Neft group) due to suspicions of espionage, local publications write, citing sources.

Gazpromneft gas stations have a new owner

In mid-July 2022, it became known about the change of ownership of Stopexpress, which operates stores at Gazpromneft gas stations. According to Kommersant, the business was acquired by Igor Kozhin, the full namesake of the son of the ex-manager of the President of Russia and the current senator of the Federation Council Vladimir Kozhin. Read more here.

Mining cryptocurrencies in oil fields - cooperation with Bitriver

In mid-June 2022, Gazprom Neft and BitRiver signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of cryptocurrency mining.

Earlier, Gazprom Neft launched a project at the Alexander Zhagrin field in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug to use electricity from associated petroleum gas (PNG) for the extraction of cryptocurrencies. For this purpose, a mobile container with computing equipment is installed to the power plant operating at the field from APG.

According to Kommersant, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Digital Development and the Central Bank discussed the project of Russian oil companies for the production of cryptocurrency at their deposits. The enterprises proposed to use associated petroleum gas for these purposes, with the help of which electricity will be generated to supply the nearby data centers (data centers) necessary for mining. Apparently, Gazprom Neft was the first in the industry to implement such a project.

Gazprom Neft engaged in the extraction of cryptocurrencies in oil fields

In cooperation with BitRiver, Gazprom Neft will provide partner data centers with electricity produced from associated oil gas. And BitRiver will develop digital infrastructure in oil fields and implement services based on the computing power created.

As noted in Gazprom Neft, projects with associated oil gas to supply electricity to data centers are relevant when working in new oil fields, where there is no gas transportation infrastructure yet. Another promising option is remote oil fields in the regions of Siberia with a surplus of electricity and unprofitable logistics of associated petroleum gas.

The head of BitRiver Igor Runets in mid-June 2022 noted that in the next two years the company plans to launch data centers for energy-intensive computing with an increase in power to 2 GW, including at APG.[6]

Purchase of Repsol's Russian assets

On May 23, 2022, it became known that the Spanish oil and gas company Repsol sold the Russian assets of Gazprom Neft. So, they were sold in the projects "Eurotek-Ugra" and "ASB Geo" in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Kommersant reports with reference to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Transaction parameters are not disclosed. It is known that previously Repsol owned 68% in Eurotek-Ugra and 50.01% in ASB Geo. Read more here.

Purchase of Shell's stake in Gydan Energy

As it became known on May 23, 2022, Shell sold its stake in their joint venture (JV) to Gazprom Neft. We are talking about the company "Gydan Energy," which was engaged in the research and development of Leskinsky and Pukhutsyakhsky license areas on the Gydan Peninsula. The financial and other parameters of the transaction are not specified. Read more here.


Sale of 50% of Meretoyakhaneftegaz to Lukoil

At the end of December 2021, Lukoil and Gazprom Neft entered into a purchase and sale agreement for a 50% stake in the authorized capital of LLC Meretoyakhaneftegaz, a 100% subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom Neft. The agreement was signed as part of the creation of a joint venture to develop a large oil and gas cluster in the Nadym-Pur-Tazovsky region of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Read more here.

Memorandum of Cooperation for the Creation of the Association of the Largest Software and Equipment Consumers

The companies Gazprom oil"," Rosatom"," "" and RostelecomRoskosmos"" on June 4, 2021 approved a memorandum of cooperation in order to create. Associations of Major Software and Hardware Consumers Cooperation of the largest technology companies from different industries is aimed at development. Russian IT solutions market More. here


Decrease in revenue by 19.5%, to 2 trillion rubles, and net profit by 3 times, to 117.7 billion rubles

At the end of 2020, Gazprom Neft registered revenue of 2 trillion rubles, a decrease of 19.5% compared to the previous year, equal to 2.49 trillion rubles. The company's net profit during this time almost tripled, to 117.7 billion rubles.

The company's financial performance in 2020 was influenced by a decrease in prices and demand for oil and oil products in the global and domestic markets, as well as restrictive measures in the context of COVID-19, according to a press release.

Hydrocarbon production (including the share in joint ventures) in 2020 decreased from 96.1 million tons of oil equivalent (AD) to 96.06 million tons of AD. Oil and gas condensate production fell by 4.4% to 60.52 million tons, while gas production increased by 5.5% to 43.08 billion cubic meters. The average daily production of hydrocarbons remained at the level of 1.94 million barrels of oil.

Total sales of bitumen and bitumen-producing products of Gazprom Neft increased in 2020 compared to the previous year by 10% and exceeded 2.9 million tons. The sale of high-tech bitumen increased by 32%, to over 330 thousand tons

High sales indicators were achieved due to an increase in the production of bitumen materials at the company's assets, as well as participation in the implementation of the largest Russian road construction projects, - explained in Gazprom Neft.

In 2020, Gazprom Neft expanded its export network of bitumen materials to 65 countries of the world - in particular, it entered the markets of Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Western Europe. The company also entered the Russian retail market for building materials in 2020.

Gazprom Neft in 2020 increased gasoline production at its own refineries - Moscow and Omsk - by 5.8% to 8.28 million tons. Diesel output increased by 4.92% to 8.98 million tons.[7]

Novy Port's first supply of Arctic oil to China

In July 2020, Gazprom Neft delivered the first delivery of its Novy Port Arctic oil to China to the port of Yantai. The volume of the first batch amounted to 144 thousand tons.

Prior to this, the company supplied its Arctic oil to Europe: since 2013, the volume of supplies amounted to more than 40 million tons of ARCO (Prirazlomnoye field) and Novy Port (Novoportovskoye field) grades.

"Successful experience in the implementation of Arctic oil varieties on the European market and a deep understanding of the markets of the Asia-Pacific region allow Gazprom Neft to offer Novy Port with a unique year-round logistics scheme to Asian partners. Taking into account the company's plans to expand the geography of Arctic oil supplies, the development of cooperation with buyers of China and other countries of the Asia-Pacific region is of strategic importance for us, "said Anatoly Cherner, Deputy General Director of Gazprom Neft for Logistics, Refining and Sales.

Gazprom Neft directors will receive remuneration for 2019 of 40-60 million rubles

During the annual meeting held in the form of absentee voting, Gazprom Neft shareholders approved the payment of remuneration to members of the board of directors for 2019 in the amount of 0.005% EBITDA under IFRS, the company said[8].

In previous years, the amount of remuneration to Gazprom Neft directors was calculated in the same way. The Company uses Adjusted EBITDA under IFRS as a basis for calculating awards.

At the end of 2019, this figure amounted to 795.1 billion rubles.

Thus, members of the board of directors of Gazprom Neft who do not hold positions in the executive bodies will be paid 39.755 million rubles each.

The chairman of the board of directors (the head of Gazprom Alexei Miller) will additionally receive 50% of the remuneration amount, that is, 19.87 million rubles. The total amount of remuneration to Miller will be almost 60 million rubles.

Members of the committees of the board of directors receive an additional 10% of the remuneration, that is, 3.9 million rubles each. The chairmen of the committees additionally receive half of this amount - plus 1.95 million rubles.

Gazprom Neft does not pay remuneration to directors holding positions in the company's executive bodies. Such a member of the board of directors is the head of NK Alexander Dyukov.

Gazprom Neft's board of directors includes 13 people: Gazprom head Alexei Miller (chairman), Zenit football club head Alexander Medvedev, Gazprom Neft head Alexander Dyukov, Gazprom department head Elena Mikhailova, Gazprom department deputy head Vladimir Alisov, RusChemAlliance LLC general director Kirill Seleznev, former first deputy head of Gazprom department Andrei Dmitriyev, first deputy director of Severdyukov Independent and Seredyukov export Mikhail edyukov. Also among the members of the board of directors are members of the board of Gazprom Sergey Kuznets, Vitaly Markelov, Sergey Menshikov and Famil Sadygov.

Gazprom Neft's main shareholder is Gazprom, which controls just over 95% of the oil company.

Joining the founders of the ANO "Digital Economy"

On May 6, 2020, it became known that the composition of the founders Digital economy of "" was replenished with additional digital companies of its industry - JSC Rusnano"" and PJSC "Gazprom oil." The decision was made at a meeting of the founders of the organization. More. here

Testing for COVID-19 more than 50% of employees

On April 15, 2020, Gazprom Neft announced the completion of the first stage of mass preventive testing for COVID-19, which covered employees of the company and contractors involved in ensuring continuous production in industrial regions of activity. Testing made it possible to identify carriers of the virus at an early stage without external symptoms, to determine contact groups for isolation before confirming the diagnosis. The study of tests is carried out in laboratories certified by Rospotrebnadzor.

Testing for COVID-19 more than 50% of employees

Coverage testing, preventive detection of hidden forms of the disease and isolation, along with anti-epidemic measures, are effective measures to counter COVID-19 at continuous production facilities.

Regular and repeated testing of employees of industrial enterprises Gazprom of "oil" will continue. For this, the necessary stock of tests has been created, which continues to be replenished. As of April 15, 2020, 78 thousand people work in the Gazprom Neft group of companies, and taking into account repeated tests at the company's enterprises, over 90 thousand tests for COVID-19 Russian and foreign production have already been sent.

Testing for COVID-19 more than 50% of employees

Testing employees is part of the comprehensive corporate program "Antivirus" to counter the spread of COVID-19, the purpose of which is to create barriers to the spread of the virus, take measures to preserve the health of employees and contractors, as well as minimize the risks of production shutdowns.

Special measures are taken at the company's industrial facilities, including remote oil fields. The duration of shifts at fields has been increased to three months to reduce the number of shifts and the number of employees who move around the country, at risk of infection. A system of admission to the "clean" shift personnel is being created, which is under the supervision of doctors for a week before being sent to the field.

Quarantine restrictions were implemented on the watches for the isolation of persons with possible infection, sanitary and epidemiological posts were established, the work of additional first-aid posts was organized, the number of medical personnel was increased. Employees working in production have the necessary means of protection, sanitary and epidemiological processing of premises and contactless transfer of shifts are carried out.

Evacuation plans have been developed from the most inaccessible places in the event of an acute course of the disease. Stocks of medicines have been created to ensure the sick before the arrival of the medical team or before the evacuation begins.

Remote temperature measurements are also organized at oil refineries, regular disinfection of premises and service vehicles is carried out. Flow delimitation schemes have been applied on passageways. Employees observe the regime of mandatory wearing of personal protective equipment: masks, respirators, gloves, etc. All personnel over the age of 60 have been transferred to a remote mode of operation. Administrative and management personnel who are able to perform work remotely have been transferred to home mode using digital technologies of the "remote office."

The company will continue to implement all necessary measures to ensure the health of employees and the continuity of production processes. The purchase of ventilators and mobile kits for the prompt processing of tests at remote fields is underway.


Saving 0.5 billion rubles on energy-saving events

On March 2, 2020, Gazprom Neft announced that at the end of 2019, its refineries - Omsky and Moskovsky - reduced their consumption of electricity, heat and fuel. The economic effect of energy-saving measures amounted to 0.5 billion rubles. Reducing energy consumption is an important area of ​ ​ Gazprom Neft's oil refining asset development program. Read more here.

Opening of gas stations in Saransk and Nizhny Novgorod

On December 16, 2019, Gazpromneft reported that newly opened network stations began to operate in Saransk and Nizhny Novgorod. In Saransk, gas station No. 12 is located on Southwestern Highway, 4, and gas station No. 10 is located on Sushchinsky Street, 44D. In Nizhny Novgorod, the gas station is located on the Hero Popov Street, 38.

Motorists are offered fuel produced by Gazprom Neft's own refineries: AI-92 and AI-95, as well as the premium G-Drive 95, improved Diesel Opti fuel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

Motorists can use the services of a gas station, free Wi-Fi, a bus pump post, visit a store and cafe under their own Drive Cafe brand.

Stations operate on a postpayment system, in which customers first refuel cars on one of the fuel dispensers, and then pay for fuel for cash or a bank card. Thanks to this system, the time spent at the gas station is halved.

In addition, now residents of Mordovia can join the most popular loyalty program among Russian motorists - "We are on the way." It allows you to accumulate bonuses and pay with them for petroleum products and related goods at network stations throughout the country. You can find your way to the nearest station on the website or in the Gazpromneft Gas Station Network mobile application, available for Android and iOS.

Second place in the average yield of shares among Russian oil companies in 12 years

Dollar yield on Russian oil industry shares including dividends since Rosneft IPO.

2018: Increased energy efficiency of oil refining at Omsk and Moscow refineries

On March 18, 2019, Gazprom Neft reported that at the end of 2018, its own refineries - Omsky and Moskovsky - significantly reduced their consumption of heat, fuel and electricity. Read more here.

2013: Opening of the first automatic filling stations

In early 2013, Gazpromneft opened the first automatic filling stations in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Learn more about the project.

2010: Expanding its presence in the global oil and gas market

Gazprom Neft is expanding its presence in the global oil and gas market. Among the main events of the year:

  • completion of the acquisition of STS-Service, the manufacturing division of Malka Oil (Sweden);
  • signing a contract for the development of the Badra field (Iraq) with reserves of more than 2 billion barrels. oil;
  • acquisition of a retail chain in Kazakhstan;
  • Gazprom Neft took part in a project to develop fields licensed to be developed by SeverEnergia LLC (through its subsidiaries);
  • Gazprom Neft became the leader in the framework of a consortium of Russian VINKs in the Venezuelan project for the development of the Junin-6 oil block;
  • acquisition of a share in an exploration project offshore Cuba;
  • The company entered the PSA project, which is under exploration, on the shelf of Equatorial Guinea.


Gazprom Oil is increasing its resource base by acquiring new assets:Oil Serbia Industry (NIS) and a controlling stake in Sibir Energy, increasing its ownership of the Moscow Oil Refinery and gaining access to the development of the Salym fields.

In April 2009, the Company closed a deal to acquire Chevron Italia S.p.A's oil and lubricant plant from Chevron Global Energy. in the city of Bari (Italy). As part of the expansion of the international partnership, Gazprom Neft signs a memorandum of cooperation with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) in the development of the Azar and Shangule fields. A significant event in the life of the company is the launch of a large-scale program for rebranding the Gazpromneft gas station network.


OAO Gazprom Neft, OAO Rosneft, OAO Lukoil, TNK-BP and OAO Surgutneftegas signed a memorandum of understanding, which provides for cooperation and joint participation in projects in Venezuela and Cuba within the framework of the National Oil Consortium.


The company structure has created business units for individual areas of activity:

  • Gazpromneft-Nefteservis,
  • Gazpromneft Marine Bunker,
  • Gazpromneft - Lubricants and
  • Gazpromneft-Aero.

In order to further expand the resource base in December 2007, Gazprom Neft acquired a 50% stake in Tomskneft, which produces oil and gas in the Tomsk Region and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

2006: Access to retail markets of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan

Gazprom Neft entered the retail market in Central Asia by establishing a subsidiary Gazprom Neft Asia, which sells the company's oil products in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.

In the same year, the company first took part in international projects of national importance, acting as a shareholder in the project for the construction of the trans-Balkan oil pipeline Burgas-Alexandroupolis in partnership with OAO NK Rosneft and OAO AK Transneft.

2005: Gazprom acquires 75.68% of Sibneft shares and renames it Gazpromneft

A controlling stake in Sibneft (75.68%) was acquired by Gazprom Group. On May 13, the company was renamed Gazprom Neft Open Joint Stock Company. The strategic objectives of gaining the position of a global company, which has a regionally diversified asset package along the entire value chain, came to the fore in the development of the company.


A good resource base, efficient capacity for processing raw materials determined the high pace of development of the company. Sibneft management has done significant work to modernize production, introduce modern technologies and optimize business processes. Due to the implementation of an active policy to increase assets, the geography of production (Tomsk, Omsk regions, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) and the sales network in the regions of Russia (Sverdlovsk region, Tyumen region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, St. Petersburg, Moscow) were significantly expanded. Among the largest acquisitions of the company during this period is the purchase of a 49.9% stake in OAO NGK Slavneft, which produces oil and gas in Western Siberia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

1996-1997: Privatization of Sibneft

In order to develop the market economy, the Government of the Russian Federation implemented a plan for the privatization of Sibneft. In 1996, private investors acquired 49% of Sibneft's share capital at auctions. In 1997, within the framework of the government program "Shares for Loans," the Financial Oil Company won the auction for the sale of the state share of Sibneft.

1995: The state creates the Siberian Oil Company

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, OJSC Siberian Oil Company was established. The founder of the Company was the state, having transferred to the authorized capital of the holding state stakes in the country's largest oil enterprises: Noyabrskneftegaz OJSC, Noyabrskneftegazgeofizika OJSC, Omsk Oil Refinery OJSC and Omsknefteprodukt OJSC.
