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Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation
Tomsk Region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Siberian Federal District, the area is 314.4 thousand km ². It was founded on August 13, 1944.
Federal authorities
Territorial branches of federal authorities:
- Prosecutor's Office of Tomsk Region
- Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Tomsk Region
- Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Tomsk Region
- 1 fire and rescue squad of the FPS GPS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Tomsk Region
- 3 fire and rescue squad of the FPS GPS of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Tomsk Region
- Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Tomsk Region
- Office of the Federal Treasury for the Tomsk Region
- Siberian Interregional Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Nature Management
- Branch of the FIU in the Tomsk region
- Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Fund of Tomsk Oblast
- Department for Subsoil Use in the Central Siberian District of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use
- FBU "State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Tomsk Region"
Main article: Tomsk Oblast Administration
Main article: Duma of the city of Tomsk
- Tomsk City Administration
- Administration of ZATO Seversk
- Property Relations Department of ZATO Seversk Administration: OJSC "Heat Networks"
- Education Department of ZATO Seversk Administration
- Strezheva City District Administration
- Parabel District Administration
Special Economic Zone
Department of Transport, Road Activities and Communications of Tomsk Region
Company:Research and Production Center for Unmanned Aviation Systems of the Tomsk Region
Water transport
Department of Digital Transformation of the Administration of the Tomsk Region
2023: Top 10 IT companies in Tomsk Oblast named
As of mid-2024, approximately 2 thousand are operating in the Tomsk region. IT companies. The largest of these enterprises in terms of revenue is NPF ISB LLC. This is stated in the materials published in early July 2024.
NPF ISB is a supplier of complex solutions for the development, implementation and maintenance of security systems of enterprises of various scales. The company's assortment includes cryptographic information and network security tools, engineering systems, tools for protecting workstations, servers and information systems, etc. Revenue at the end of 2023 amounted to 1.7 billion rubles.
In second place in the top 10 IT companies in the Tomsk region is Magician Development LLC, whose turnover in 2023 reached approximately 1.2 billion rubles. This company is engaged in the development of solutions in the field of logistics and online stores, as well as the implementation of 1C solutions. Atomik Soft JSC closes the top three with 1.1 billion rubles: the company creates software for automation of technological and production processes, as well as for working with data. The rating also includes:
- LLC STK (system integrator in the field of communications and automation) - 1.1 billion rubles;
- LLC "Elkom +" (development of solutions in the field of communications, as well as automation and management of enterprises) - 1 billion rubles;
- LLC "PSA Plant" Elesi "(production of technological equipment, including printed circuit boards) - 823 million rubles;
- JSC Neotelecom (Internet, TV, telephony and video surveillance) - 514 million rubles;
- LLC Termex (production of laboratory and technological equipment, mainly for the oil and gas industry) - 478 million rubles;
- Llams-T LLC (production of components for computer equipment and electronic equipment) - 448 million rubles;
- LLC NPP Stels (development of equipment and software for various areas, including monitoring and security systems, as well as solutions for a smart home) - 428 million rubles.[1]
- Tomsk Generation JSC
- TomskRTS JSC
- Tomskenergosbyt JSC
- PJSC Tomsk Distribution Company
- LLC "Electroseti" (Seversk)
Oil and gas production
- TomskNIPIneft JSC (design in exploration and production)
Ore extraction
Department of Culture of Tomsk Region
- OGKU "State Archive of the Tomsk Region"
- MBUK "Bakcharskaya inter-settlement centralized library system"
- Tomsk Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A.S. Pushkin
Education and Science
Department of Vocational Education of Tomsk Region
Department of General Education of Tomsk Region
Department of Education of ZATO Administration Seversk
- FSBUN "Institute of High-Current Electronics" of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- FSBUN "Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science" of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
UNIVERSITIES of the Tomsk region
- Siberian State Medical University
- National Research Tomsk State University
- National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
- Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
- Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics
Colleges and organizations of DPO
- OGBPOU "Tomsk Agrarian College"
- OGBPOU "Tomsk Industrial College"
- OGBPOU "Tomsk Polytechnic College"
- OGBU DPO "Tomsk Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Educators"
Health care
Department of Health of the Tomsk Region
- FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Tomsk Region" of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Tomsk Region
- Sante
- Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy, Federal State Budgetary Institution Siberian Federal Research Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency
- FSBUN Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Research Institute of Cardiology
- ANO "Research Institute of Microsurgery"
Medical centers
- OGAUZ "Regional Perinatal Center named after I.D. Evtushenko"
- OGAUZ "Tomsk Phthisiopulmonological Medical Center"
- Regional Children's Hospital of Tomsk
Private clinics
- Center for Consultations and Medical Examinations LLC
- Center for Corporate Medicine (SibMedCenter LLC)
Organizations of the Tomsk Region