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Experimental design bureau integrated credit bureau





+ Government of the Russian Federation

It is created in 2004, enters into the three of the largest credit bureaus of Russia. His founders – Sberbank, the operator of credit bureaus Experian, and Interfax. The bureau works in the field of development of services according to credit risks, in particular, of scorings, and on fight against fraud. Among clients of Bureau – more than 500 banks and mobile operators.

The bureau of credit histories "Joint Credit Bureau" (till 2011 - Ekspirian-Interfax) helps participants of financial market to reduce risks, to increase efficiency of decision making in the field of crediting, to fight against fraud.


More than 326 million records of credit stories on 87 million borrowers are stored in the database of Bureau, the separation from the closest competitors makes more than 25 million records (data of summer of 2018). The share of informative answers in Bureau at the moment exceeds 97%. It became possible as a result of consecutive work on attraction to work with Bureau of the largest banks.

Except credit reports the experimental design bureau provides to the clients among whom now all TOP-30 retail banks, the leading IFIs and insurance companies, a line of the innovation services which became an integral part of business processes risk management. Services provide all stages of operation of the credit pipeline – from obtaining credit reports and scorings before the complete solutions including monitoring of a portfolio and fight against fraud. The current amount of data of Bureau allows creditors and insurance companies to obtain the most complete information about the potential and current clients, to reduce risks, to manage effectively a portfolio and to cut down operating expenses. In comparison with 2011 the share of additional services in total sales of Bureau grew from 5% to 45%.

History and performance indicators

2019: Data of credit bureaus are widely presented at the black market

All bureaus of credit histories were incapable to protect confidential data of clients. At the black market in September, 2019 it is widely presented "having punched" on all main bureaus: National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH), Joint Credit Bureau (JCB) and Equifax. The price of services in the black market differs in low cost - the cost of one request on bureau of 300-400 rubles, Devicelock reports.


As a result of work on creation of the largest database, the quantity of credit stories in experimental design bureau for last year increased by 30% and for June 1, 2017 exceeded 265 million records. Thanks to the agreement on long-term strategic partnership with Home Credit Bank within which the Bank transferred data on the borrowers to Bureau, also the qualitative structure of data changed.

For the purpose of maintenance of efficiency of scoring models, compliance to accepted standards of quality and also for accounting of dynamically changing database, the experimental design bureau produces the updated models for assessment of a risk profile of borrowers.

Users of service can use the updated scorings as the independent tool or integrate it into own global scoring model for increase in their predictive capability. The line of scorings of Bureau will be useful to banks, IFI, the collection agencies, insurance companies at involvement of new clients or within management of the current client portfolios.


258 million credit stories on 68 million Russian citizens are stored in bureau. For last year the volume of the database increased by 30%, and the separation from the closest competitors made more than 30 million credit stories. The share of informative answers in Bureau at the moment makes more than 96%. It became possible first of all thanks to the agreement on long-term strategic partnership with Home Credit Bank signed in September, 2016 within which the bank transferred data on the borrowers to Bureau.


As of the end of January, 2013 96 million credit stories are stored in the database of experimental design bureau. The share of informative answers (hit reyt) makes 86.47%. In the summer of 2016 the Home Credit Bank and the Joint Credit Bureau signed the long-term agreement about cooperation. The database of experimental design bureau contains 215 million credit stories on 65.5 million borrowers, and now it will be replenished with data on borrowers of Home Credit Bank. According to preliminary estimates, cooperation will allow to increase amount of data in experimental design bureau approximately by a quarter. In turn, the Home Credit Bank will be able to reduce costs for data acquisition from bureau of credit histories, to enhance quality of scoring and to offer to clients more advantageous conditions on products.

Besides, within cooperation the bank will use a number of additional services of bureau for support of all stages of lifecycle of credit products: assessment of a risk profile of borrowers, collecting of arrears, credit portfolio management and counteraction to fraud.


The joint Credit Bureau pays attention not only to quantity of credit stories in the database, but also to quality of their processing, i.e. the list and specifics of the provided services and services. For 2012 three new services – service of notifications on changes in behavior of borrowers Triggers, service on ID of verification of the client and unique service for creation of the unified borrower's portrait the Joint credit scoring are entered into work, service of tracking of fraudulent requests National Hunter is optimized.


The bureau was created in 2004 by the operator of credit bureaus Experian and Interfax Ltd and till 2011 worked under the name "Ekspirian-Interfax". In 2011 became a shareholder Sberbank of Russia, and the company began work under the name of the Joint Credit Bureau.

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