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+ VTB Leasing
+ Government of the Russian Federation

OJSC-Leasing VTB was founded in 2002 and occupies key positions in the segments of leasing railway equipment, equipment for oil production and processing, construction equipment, sea vessels, aircraft and passenger. transport As the largest lessor on the Russian market, VTB-Leasing has subsidiaries in the CIS countries and. Europe

Information Technology at VTB-Leasing

2022: Implementation of a system for enriching data from external sources

VTB Leasing has introduced a system for enriching data from external sources. This became known on February 9, 2022. The project made it possible to reduce the term of the lease transaction for the client by 25%. He also helped implement the pre-scoring functionality, which made it possible to more effectively manage risks and reduce advances for most customers. As a result, the average advance payment for the company has been reduced by 6.1% since the start of the system.

The creation and implementation of a data enrichment system is designed to improve the company's scoring model, reduce the risks of obtaining problem assets, improve the quality of customer data and reduce the amount of information requested from them. An important goal of the project is also to ensure regulatory requirements for sending data to Fedresurs, Rosfinmonitoring and NBCH.

As a result of the introduction of the system inside the VTB Leasing loop, the following are created, into databases which they are loaded information from external sources: ( FTS extracts of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities), the register of disqualified persons, the register of mass registration addresses, the register of legal entities that have arrears in payment taxes or do not provide reports, (Rosstat accounting forms, financial analysis), file cabinets of arbitration cases, (FSSP enforcement proceedings), EFRSB (bankruptcy of legal entities and individuals), Unified information system in the field of procurement (state contracts, unscrupulous suppliers), EFRSFDUL (bank guarantees), licensing authorities (, etc.), Rostekhnadzor Rospotrebnadzor register of notices of pledge of movable and property immovable , (MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS passport data), (issuer data CENTRAL BANK OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION), Notary Chamber, procurement sites and others.

The data enrichment system from external sources was originally created for the car leasing unit, but later it also began to be used by the company's business units serving the corporate unit, which interacts with large customers on a variety of types of property. It allows you to work with data from external sources in the company's information systems, send requests for updating information online, as well as access a database created on the basis of MS SQL to view retrospective data, which allows you to build forecast and scoring models for evaluating customers, - said Boris Shelekasov, IT Director of VTB Leasing.

In the future, the client will be able to provide VTB Leasing with only his TIN, phone number or passport data. All other systems will independently receive from external sources.

The final goal of development in this direction is to maximize the automation of data entry into the system and reduce the time for providing information. Customers will be able to enter a minimum of information about themselves in their personal account or in the mobile application, find out the decision on the transaction as soon as possible and immediately receive a lease agreement.


VTB Leasing has planned a 50% increase in IT staff in 2022. What projects and working conditions await candidates?

Financial companies are constantly expanding the range of digital products offered to customers and business partners. At the same time, many of them seek to transfer IT development to insourcing. A striking example is VTB Leasing. Read more here.

VTB Leasing "spoke" in a new way, or how a modern contact center changed the life of the company

The introduction of a modern contact center (CC) of a large company is a project that has three sides: technologies (corporate telephony), business digitalization (integration of the contact center with other information business systems) and the "human" component - the CC operator, personifying the company to which the client contacts. VTB Leasing managed to optimally combine all three components of the contact center, focusing on the task of improving business efficiency. Ekaterina Korchagina, head of the client service department and Andrey Frolov, head of the IT infrastructure and support department of VTB Leasing, helped to understand the peculiarities of the practical implementation of all aspects of the fundamental update of the TAdviser contact center. Read more here.

How Agile is changing business-IT interactions

In September 2921, TAdviser found out from VTB Leasing how the Agile methodology changes the interaction between these divisions in the company. Read more here.

How VTB Leasing managed to radically reduce the number of defects in software

Often, companies, even among those that have embarked on the path of active digitalization, pay insufficient attention to testing software products. Testers find themselves in the shadow of fellow developers, with whom customers associate breakthrough technology solutions and obvious business benefits. Meanwhile, testing is no less important for the company, and for those who are engaged in this work - one of the stages of career growth. Maxim Butakov, head of quality control and testing at VTB Leasing, helped TAdviser understand this. Read more here.

2020: Implementation of CRM integration with vehicle electronic passport system

VTB Leasing continues to digitalize its business and launches into commercial operation the full integration of internal CRM with the system of electronic vehicle passports (SEP). This was announced on June 17, 2020 by VTB.

The agreement on the introduction of uniform forms of vehicle passports (vehicle chassis passports), self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment and the organization of electronic passport systems entered into force on the territory of the EAEU member states. From November 1, 2020, all vehicles will be released on the market with only electronic passports. As of June 2020, more than 700,000 electronic passports have already been issued in Russia, of which more than 2,500 cars with electronic TCP are in the VTB Leasing park.

The company supports the legislative initiative to switch to electronic passports of vehicles and takes part in market activity to improve the process of working with them, as well as makes every possible effort to maintain the "chain" of owners in the SEP.

Thanks to the integration, the process of transferring ownership from the supplier to the leasing company is automated, and at the time of the end of the lease agreement - to a client or third party: confirmation of ownership takes place automatically through CRM VTB Leasing. On the side of VTB Leasing, reconciliation of data with data in the SEP is additionally implemented for the correct execution of documentation for vehicles.

Thanks to this technical solution, the process of registration of the transfer of ownership to the SEP will take place 8-9 times faster, which will allow the company to free up resources for other development projects.

The introduced functionality is the next step of the company in the direction of business digitalization. We strive to become not only a reliable, but also a convenient partner for our customers. Responding to a request for time, we are actively transferring processes to an electronic environment, integrating them with national services for the quick and most accurate exchange of information in the interests of our clients, - said Sergey Marinich, Operating Director of VTB Leasing.

2019: Digitalisation course

In November 2019, VTB Leasing CEO Ivanter Dmitry said that digitalization will become one of the most important trends in the development of the auto leasing market in the coming years.

"The financial industry is advancing significantly in digitalization today. Russian banks in this area occupy a leading position in the world. The leasing market has lagged slightly behind the banking sector, but in the near future there should be a digital transformation here. This will be especially important for car leasing as a segment where the bulk falls on small box transactions. Digitalization will reduce operating costs and make the product as convenient as possible for the client. Customer centrism and business digitalization are the key priorities of VTB's strategy today. Digital leasing will enter the digital omnichannel circuit of our group in the near future, "said Dmitry Ivanter.

A personal account is available for VTB Leasing customers, which provides data on all leasing contracts, vehicles, insurance policies and traffic police fines (for vehicles registered with the traffic police at VTB Leasing). It also provides information about the payments made and the dates of the subsequent ones, invoices, personal special offers and promotions. The next stage will be the transfer of document management with customers to electronic format, the transition to "paperless transactions." VTB Leasing has already organized such work with primary accounting documents, then it is planned to automate the entire process. The solution will save customers time and money, make the service more convenient. The company sets itself the goal of organizing a full-fledged online purchase so that the client can go through the entire process of purchasing a car online - from choosing a car to concluding a deal.

"We work in V2V segment in which the service on a personal mobile phone is not so relevant. Nevertheless, mobile services will be in demand both in internal business processes and in the form of client mobile applications. We already have a lot of developments in this direction. The early implementation of such practices will be a key competitive advantage both to attract new customers and to increase the loyalty of existing ones. The segment of passenger transport is the most convenient field for the implementation of such pilot projects, in the future electronic leasing can cover other segments of car leasing: freight and commercial transport, self-propelled vehicles, special equipment and buses, "Dmitry Ivanter emphasized.


2024: Receiving 24.9% in Natspromleasing

In February 2024, VTB Group became a co-owner of the National Leasing leasing company. At the same time, Rostec's share has decreased. Read more here.

2022: Financing of 226,000 vehicles and equipment worth more than 500 billion rubles

On August 1, 2022, VTB Leasing announced that from 2012 to 2022. financed more than 226 thousand units of cars transport worth about 520 billion. rubles Its services were used by 86 thousand legal people and individual entrepreneurs throughout, to the country transport 6.5 thousand dealerships became suppliers.

Since 2015, VTB Leasing has been an active participant in the preferential leasing programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Over 7 years, using a subsidy, the company financed more than 45 thousand vehicles, and customers saved 6 billion rubles.

Most of the cars were received by the company's customers in Moscow - 35% of the total. In the regions, the largest number of equipment transfers took place in St. Petersburg (7% of the total volume), Rostov-on-Don (4%) and Krasnodar (3%).

The bulk of the transport financed by VTB Leasing over 10 years was leased by construction (20%), production (19%) and logistics (13%) enterprises.

Most often, the business acquired passenger cars for its tasks, their share was 56%. One in five cars belonged to the segment of light commercial vehicles (20%). The share of trucks turned out to be less - 16%, and self-propelled vehicles and buses - only 8%.

As of August 2022, VTB Leasing offers customers cars and special equipment in its branches located in 60 regions. The RUSSIAN FEDERATION company employs more than 2,300 employees. VTB Leasing has over 60,000 units of equipment. The company's portfolio includes existing contracts with 25,000 enterprises small and medium-sized businesses from various: industries economies construction, road construction, transport and logistics, production, logging, extracting and others. More than 50% of customers re-apply to VTB Leasing for to financing corporate fleet services.

At the beginning of 2022, according to the segment reporting of VTB Group's leasing business on standards IFRS , the automotive cluster (including special equipment) occupied 23% in the consolidated portfolio of financial and operating lease agreements, which is 113 billion rubles.

VTB Leasing has established partnerships with all leading automakers during the operation of the automotive leasing business. All partner programs and discounts are broadcast to customers, reducing the cost of owning a car for them. Since 2019, the company has been intensively implementing digital solutions that help speed up business processes, more precisely configure the risk management system and reduce errors, which means they save business time and money. Responding to the challenges of time, VTB Leasing is constantly improving its product line and service. In 2021, the company first entered the retail market and began working with individuals, offering them the service "Car by subscription." The proposal to finance used cars is actively developing, the parameters of all products are steadily improving, conditions are becoming more flexible and customer-oriented, and communication with the company is more comfortable.

Car leasing is the most competitive segment in our business. Since the opening of the direction, we have quickly built a competitive process, formed an examination and show good results both in terms of market share and in terms of funding. For 10 years, we have been striving to make leasing more affordable for companies and entrepreneurs from the small and medium-sized business segment. We try to individually consider the needs of each client in order to provide optimal conditions for financing cars, - said Artem Kiselev, sales director of automotive leasing products at VTB Leasing Group.

2020: Deferral of Aeroflot payments due to coronavirus COVID-19

Aeroflot, which was badly affected by the consequences of the coronavirus, in March 2020 agreed with VTB Leasing to postpone leasing payments (holidays) for 67 aircraft (19% of the group's fleet) from April - September 2020 to July 2021. Without a delay or restructuring of payments, the industry faces collapse.