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Rusnano Inform



Rusnano - 100%


Revenue millions Thousand rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation

Rusnano Inform was created in March, 2010 as 100%Rusnano affiliated enterprise for the purpose of preparation and implementation of IT projects.

Main objectives Rusnano Inform:

  • Rendering IT services of Rusnano, to its affiliated enterprises and the project companies for the purpose of creation of a common information space of nanotech industry and release of resources of Rusnano for work on the profile directions;
  • Solving of tasks of creation of information communications systems of NNS;
  • Development of competences of a part of preparation and implementation of power service


  • Implementation of the existing competences in foreign market.
  • Interaction with Rusnano portfolio companies for more effective joint promotion of produktion and solutions.

At Rusnano Inform there is also a kompetent-center which is engaged in the systems of high-performance Grid-services, virtualization of services, creation of a unified environment of interaction in the Rusnano group and with other participants of nanotech industry on the basis of cloud computing and also standards of data exchange and automation of collecting of the reporting of the project companies.

Rusnano Inform is a certified partner of leaders world companies: 1C, Microsoft, Siemens, HP, Epson, Adobe, Apple, Lenovo, etc.

Performance Indicators

2014: Rusnano Inform increased revenue, but remained unprofitable

At the end of 2014 net loss Rusnano Inform made about 25.5 million rubles, having reduced approximately by 35%, follows from the annual report of the company published in July, 2015. Revenue of the company for the same period increased by 27%, to 142.9 million rubles.

Representatives of Rusnano at the time of the publication of material could not comment on financial results of the subsidiary company. In the report Rusnano Inform is told, its loss of 2014 financial year is created generally due to non-performance of a planned target on revenue from external customers. It is connected with postponement for 2015 of the budgets which are earlier planned by customers for 2014 or their complete canceling in view of deterioration in macroeconomic indicators.

"Nevertheless, despite a negative financial result according to the results of 2014 financial year, society continues to fulfill timely and in full all the obligations to creditors. The list of actions, according to the approved business plan for 2015, directed to cost reduction and revenue growth, will allow to improve a financial position of the company and to support the value of net assets not lower than the level of its authorized capital", said in the annual report Rusnano Inform.

Follows from the report that at the end of 2015 the company expects to become profitable, having made profit approximately on 153 thousand rubles.

Revenue development Rusnano Inform on nomenclature groups in 2014 (rub), excluding VAT

Overwhelming part of job on the IT direction for which Rusnano Inform got payment in 2014 was executed for parent company. At the same time, one of strategic directions of development of the IT subsidiary of Rusnano is the sales increase to external customers: gain of the positions in the market of IT services, especially in a segment of development and deployment of software.

Only one project executed in 2014 – development of the system of identification of fans by request of the Russian Football Premier League (RFPL) is provided in the section of the annual report Rusnano Inform devoted to sales of IT services in foreign market so far. Of which its main objective is increase in safety of holding football matches and increase in number of the fans visiting sporting events. In 2015 large-scale replication of the solution in all clubs of RFPL is planned.

At the same time in Rusnano Inform consider that in 2014 their company "significantly increased the level of activity (presence) in foreign markets of IT services on all products": "negotiations on the possible directions of cooperation with more than 25 business companies and government institutions, with demonstration of the possible directions of cooperation regarding implementation and development of solutions in the field of IT" are held, the annual report says.

In turn, in one more direction of the activity – Energoservice – in 2014 Rusnano Inform completed the works on the contract assuming equipment by subjects to lighting of the city of Kondrovo of the Kaluga region. Objects were accepted by the customer in operation, said in the annual report Rusnano Inform. Besides, typical circuits of financing of power service contracts were developed that "will allow to facilitate significantly implementation of new projects in the field of Energoservice".


2012: Rusnano Inform became unprofitable

Net loss Rusnano Inform at the end of 2012 made 16.862 million rubles, said in the report on financial results of the company for this period. In 2010, in year of establishment of the company, Rusnano Inform showed net profit in the amount of 13.988 million rubles, and in 2011 - 1.579 million rubles.

At the same time revenue of the company in comparison with 2011 increased more than ten times: from 403.3 million rubles to 4.41 billion rubles.

So rapid growth of turnover Rusnano Inform provided the delivery agreement of the equipment with Sberbank for the amount about 4.2 billion rubles signed in the 4th quarter 2012 it is specified in the annual report. About what equipment and what its volumes there is a speech, neither in Rusnano Inform, nor in Sberbank did not explain.


Considerable part of other amount earned Rusnano Inform in 2012 fell on contracts with Rusnano (190.597 million rubles excluding VAT) for which rendering IT services the company, first of all, and was created. In total for the reporting period Board of Directors and shareholders of the company approved eight large contracts connected with its information and technical support.

Part of projects for third-party customers Rusnano Inform for 2012 also includes services in increase in efficiency of use of energy resources on the customer's objects. For example, the company executed such works in the city of Sukhinich of the Kaluga region on the agreement with local administration.

2013: Growth of losses

At the end of 2013 net loss Rusnano Inform made about 39.4 million rubles that more than twice exceeds a loss at the end of 2012, follows from the annual report of the company.

Consolidated revenues Rusnano Inform in 2013 were 112.5 million rubles against 4.41 billion rubles in 2012 when rapid growth of turnover was provided with the delivery contract of the equipment to Sberbank for the amount more than 4 billion rubles.

The key financial and economic indicators Rusnano Inform for 2013

As result of the losses suffered in the last two years as of the end of 2013 net assets Rusnano Inform appeared less authorized capital approximately on 42.4 million rubles. According to the law if upon termination of the second or each next financial year the net assets value of joint stock company appears less than its authorized capital, it is obliged to take the measures provided by the join-stock companies law. In particular, the law offers or to reduce the authorized capital of society to the value which is not exceeding the cost of its capital assets or to liquidate the company.

In the report Rusnano Inform is noted that taking into account information on the value of net assets of the company and provisions Federal Laws "About Joint-stock Companies" it is recommended to make the decision on reduction of authorized capital of society to the value which is not exceeding the cost of its net assets.

Overwhelming part of the projects implemented Rusnano Inform in 2013 as well as earlier, fell on IT services for parent company. In the annual report it is said that at the same time in 2013 the company significantly increased activity level in foreign markets of IT services. Negotiations on the possible directions of cooperation with more than 25 business companies and government institutions, with demonstration of the possible directions of cooperation regarding implementation and development of solutions in the field of IT were held.

For the purpose of development of the direction of external sales in 2013 Rusnano Inform signed and updated agreements on cooperation with large vendors in the field of IT:Microsoft (directions of IT infrastructure,Microsoft Business Solutions, delivery of software of Microsoft);Oracle (the certified partner on the hardware direction);Lenovo (the certified partner on delivery of all line of the equipment of Lenovo);1C Franchising,Citrix (delivery of software and solutions);Symantec (delivery of software and solutions).

On one more activity - to services in the field of increase in energy efficiency - Rusnano Inform keeps power service projects in the territory of the Kaluga region. In 2013 the company carried out the big marketing assessment work of the market of Energoservice in the field of upgrade of a system of external and internal lighting including meetings with the companies which are engaged in production of LED lamps, works on upgrade of network of street and internal lighting and also an intelligent system of management of lighting. Results of meetings showed "huge interest in such work type" from municipal entities and industrial enterprises in different regions of Russia, state in Rusnano Inform.