Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2





+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Russia bank

Sobinbank - is Today the universal financial institution offering a broad spectrum of banking services to individuals and corporate clients. Since December, 2004 the Bank is a participant of a system of compulsory deposit insurance (reg.No. 358). The Sobinbank is provided in the majority of federal districts of the Russian Federation. A total quantity of the cities of presence – over 40, including Moscow. The network of service consists of 24 branches and 81 separate divisions, including additional offices and operational cash desks. The Sobinbank is an owner of ratings: Moody's Investors Service – the long-term rating of deposits in national and foreign currency - B3 with the forecast "stable"; Moody’s Interfax is long-term rating on a national scale at the level of Ваа; RusRating is credit rating of VV-, the forecast - "stable".


2020: Accession to Genbank

At the end of October, 2020 reorganization of Sobinbank within which it was attached to Genbank came to the end and stopped being the independent legal entity. The relevant information was entered in the USRLE on October 28, 2020.

As reported on the website of Sobinbank, after merge of two credit institutions under the general brand Genbank bank account agreements, a bank deposit (deposit) will continue to work. Conditions of agreements of a term deposit are left without changes before the termination of the duration of the agreement of a deposit. The size and rates of remuneration on the services of settlement and cash services rendered since November 01, 2020 are determined by bank account agreements according to Genbank rates for performing transactions legal by the persons, individual entrepreneurs and individuals which are engaged in the order set by the legislation of the Russian Federation in private practice.

The Sobinbank is attached to Genbank

The Raneetsenralny Bank of Russia approved Sobinbank as the investor of the sanified Crimean Genbank. Prior to the procedure of sanitation shareholders of Genbank addressed for recapitalization the federal government. As a result they managed to find the investor ready to invest 1 billion rubles, but this option did not support the Central Bank. Within sanitation the capital of Genbank was reduced up to 1 ruble.

In June, 2020 the Central Bank of the Russian Federation approved changes in respect of participation of Deposit Insurance Agency in implementation of measures for warning of bankruptcy of Genbank. Changes provide reorganization of bank of accession of Sobinbank to it. After completion of reorganization of Genbank by the investor Bank Rossiya which group includes Sobinbank will act.

Genbank was one of reference banks of the Crimea. As shareholders of bank, except the authorities of the Crimea and Sevastopol, seven citizens perform with shares less than 10% everyone.[1]


On April 28 the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced the new list which included the Russian companies and certain citizens of the Russian Federation. Along with other 17 participants in the sanctions list also JSC Sobinbank appears.

The Sobinbank closes divisions across all Russia, work will be continued only by head office in Moscow, transfer media. Information was also confirmed in call center of credit institution. Branches, additional offices and operational offices are closed "within business development".


The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation permitted Rostelecom to acquire 100% of voting shares of Sobinbank. The decision on the satisfaction of such petition of Rostelecom was made on November 12, 2013 and on November 14 is published on the website of FAS. The company is interested in purchase of bank for development of mobile banking, creation of a system of online payments and microcredit.

The Sobinbank owns 67.1 billion rubles of assets and takes on this indicator the 83rd place among the Russian banks.