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Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Rosreestr




+ Federal Registration Service
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, Rosreestr (formerly the Federal Agency for the Cadastre of Real Estate Objects) is a federal executive body exercising the functions of state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, providing state services in the field of maintaining the state cadastre of real estate, carrying out state cadastral registration of real estate, cadastral activities, state cadastral assessment of land, land management, state monitoring of land, geodesy and cartography, navigation support of the transport complex (except for issues of air navigation services for users of the airspace of the Russian Federation).

Information technology in Rosreestr

Main article: Information technologies in Rosreestr


Dismissal from the post of head of the digital transformation of Rosreestr Elena Martynova

In mid-November 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree that dismissed Elena Martynova from the post of deputy head of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr). The document reports that Martynova quit "at her request." Read more here

2025: Rosreestr will accept documents for real estate registration from legal entities only in electronic form

At the end of December, the State Duma adopted federal law No. 487-FZ[1], which prescribes Rosreestr from March 1, 2025 to accept documents for registration of property rights from legal entities only in electronic form. A delay in compliance with this requirement until January 1, 2026 was given only to peasant (farm) farms, horticultural and gardening partnerships, garage, housing and housing construction cooperatives, as well as homeowners' partnerships.

In particular, this document amends Federal Law No. 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate," supplementing its article 18 with paragraph 1.6 of the following content:

Legal entities submit applications for state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights, as well as documents attached to them, to the rights registration body only in the form of electronic documents in the manner established by paragraph 2 of part 1 of this article...

This means that not only the application itself, but also all accompanying documents must be provided in electronic form. True, electronic interaction with Rosreestr could be used for a long time - almost ten years.

The possibility of electronic interaction with Rosreestr appeared in 2015, - Kamila Fazlyeva, the head of the Электроннаясделка.рф project, reminded TAdviser readers. - Since that moment, the number of electronic appeals to the department has only grown. The transition to full electronic interaction has already occurred at state bodies. These are municipal, regional and federal authorities that put on cadastral registration, register lease agreements, purchase and sale agreements, receive the necessary information from Rosreestr completely in electronic form. For more than two years, the MPSC have been interact with Rosreestr electronically and does not carry piles of papers for registration. On the applicant's paper document, a mark is placed on the transfer to electronic form, and electronic documents are sent for registration. Only a small percentage of paper bank mortgages remained, but today their significant share is digital mortgages. Notaries fully interact electronically with Rosreestr.

At the moment, the interaction of banks, developers and partially real estate agencies has become electronic. Today there are secure certified services that provide a full range of electronic interaction services with Rosreestr. Therefore, the body and the entire market as a whole approached the opportunity to fully interact electronically prepared. The electronic interaction programs on the market are convenient and easy to use; in addition, there is a free official portal of the department.

According to Kamila Fazlyeva, programs for electronic interaction with Rosreestr are even easier to use than the messaging tools known to many legal entities with the tax office. Therefore, in her opinion, the market is already ready for fully electronic interaction of legal entities with Rosreestr.

Rosreestr's departure to the digital environment is a decrease in the number of suspensions, elimination of risks due to the human factor (corruption risks), a significant reduction in the registration time and the ability of Rosreestr to receive documents in machine-readable form when its digital assistant recognizes the received document, which reduces the possibility of registrar error, increases the speed of verification and makes the procedure standard, faster and safer, - said Kamila Fazlyeva. - This path was passed in 10 years, and it was a sufficient time to build the necessary mechanism of interaction. And he's a worker.

The rejection of paper media in favor of a fully electronic form of registration of property rights not only accelerates all processes related to real estate, but also allows the state to collect and analyze data related to the construction and turnover of real estate.

The transition to an electronic form of interaction is tied to a new strategy for the development of the state statistics system and Rosreestr. It lies in the general trend of approaches to working with data, which are now used in large corporations, - said Ruslan Zadinov, director of the Clouds and Data department of Reksoft. - In fact, the state represented by the government says that in terms of data collection it sets itself the same goals as a large large geographically distributed corporation. In this approach, the first task is to create a single source of truth, which Rosreestr is a country-wide in its functions. Thus, the creation of a digital platform in order to implement this single source of truth at the modern technological level is an absolutely natural and very competently set goal.

At the same time, individuals can still submit documents in paper form, however, except for the case when registration of the ownership of the participant in shared construction to the corresponding object is carried out. In this case, registration of property rights is carried out by the developer's company, which can also be done electronically.

Moreover, the law also states that a transaction made by a state or local government body with an individual or legal entity can be signed by an enhanced unqualified electronic signature of an individual or legal entity. This allows you to create electronic systems for working with real estate that will not be tied to the existing PKI infrastructure.

However, the law provides for a situation where the Rosreestr information system may not be available. Only in this case, the legal entity can submit documents to the department in paper form. True, for this, Rosreestr must recognize such technical inaccessibility and inform on its official website the time for the resumption of the work of its IP. So it will not work out to completely abandon the paper - document management participants should retain their competencies in working with paper documents in case of a technical failure.


Creation of Roskadastre Public Law Company

The Government of the Russian Federation approved a bill on the creation of a public law company Roskadastre. This was announced on November 18, 2021 by the press service of Rosreestr. Read more here.

Khusnullin Marat - the new curator of Rosreestr

On July 26, 2021, it became known about the appointment of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin as curator of Rosreestr in the Government of the Russian Federation. One of the directions of coordination by the Hunsullin of the department's activities is associated with digitalization. Read more here.


Logo in 2019

Since 2020, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) has been directly subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation.

2015:3516 reception offices

As of October 2015, Rosreestr is 3516 reception offices, where 64.7 million documents are issued annually. Its information resources covered 85 bases of the state cadastre of real estate, more than 1,600 bases of the Unified State Register of Rights. Rosreestr's databases contained 154.1 million records of real estate, 144.3 million records of dust and encumbrances.

The annual increase in information (according to 2014 data) amounted to 8.1 million acts on the Real Estate Cadastre and 25.5 million records on the Register of Rights, Andray Pridankin, deputy head of the federal service, said in his speech at the TAdviser IT Government DAY 2015 conference.


As of 2014, the founder of Rosreestr was the Ministry of Economic Development.
