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Alrosa IT Alrosa Information Technology



Alrosa AK
Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub

Number of employees


+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

AK ALROSA (PJSC) is the world leader in the diamond mining industry. Information technologies in ALROSA Group are developing taking into account management practices and trends in the field of IT for large production companies. This development is being carried out on the basis of the subsidiary and dependent company ALROSA Information Technologies. Import substitution is one of the areas of development of the IT function that make it possible to achieve the goals set for ALROSA.

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue growth by 74.6% to RUB 2,804 mln

At the end of 2022, the company's revenue ALROSA IT"" increased by 74.6% - to 2,804 million. In rubles the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 138 lines (38 lines of the list of applicants for inclusion in the number of largest IT companies in). Russia


2023: New CEO - Alexander Valov

In December 2023, a new general director, Alexander Valov, was appointed to Alrosa IT.

2021: Revenue growth by 66.5% to RUR 1,606 million

At the end of 2021, the revenue of Alrosa IT amounted to 1,606 million rubles, an increase of 66.5% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 173 place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022. Revenue is reported from the accounting statements for 2020-2021. excluding VAT.

2020: Alrosa completes IT centralization in an insourcing company. Its revenue approached a billion rubles

The revenue of Alrosa IT, an insourcing company, in Alrosa 2020 amounted to 964.4 million, rubles according to the data in the database of legal entities "." Contour Focus The company received a net profit of 23.1 million rubles. In the ranking " TAdviser "The largest IT insourcing companies in Russia" Alrosa IT" took 26th place.

The average headcount of Alrosa IT over the year increased from 9 to 300 people. And in 2021, recruitment continues: about 50 vacancies are available on the portal as of the end of May.

Alrosa IT is a legal entity registered in October 2019, which acts as the basis for the consolidation of IT specialists of the Alrosa group and the further development of IT competencies and expertise. In 2020, IT specialists working in Udachny, Aikhal, Lensk, Ust-Kut, Moscow, Novosibirsk were transferred from Alros and subsidiaries to Alrosa IT, the company explained to TAdviser. The press service added that the work of Alrosa IT in these locations is organized in the format of a service model, taking into account best practices.

The centralization program is expected to be completed in 2021. Within a year, Alrosa IT will include specialists working in Mirny, Yakutsk, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Arkhangelsk and all other regions of Alrosa's presence. The expected number of employees at the end of 2021 is 700-750 people, taking into account the attraction of new personnel, - explained TAdviser in Alrosa.

Alrosa IT acts as the basis for the consolidation of IT specialists of the Alrosa group "(photo - NewsYkt)"

Against the backdrop of a changing external environment in 2020, Alros "need for digitalization has increased significantly. Approved a three-year digitalization strategy in the main areas of activity. The number of new IT needs is constantly growing, including due to the emergence of new technologies.

To support the growing need for digital transformation, the company has formed the institutes of Project Management Office and corporate architecture, expanded competence centers, and introduced a development center.

On the basis of competence centers in various technological areas, internal IT expertise has been strengthened, which will reduce the cost of IT costs and reduce risks from the instability of the external market. The development center allows you to create the products necessary for the company, the analogues of which do not exist on the market, they say in Alrosa.

In February 2021, representatives of the company said that Alrosa is at the stage of creating a single digital platform that allows all specialists to "seamlessly" exchange data in various specialized software at any time. And one of the most important elements of Alrosa's digital transformation is the development of dispatching systems to control all production processes in real time[1].
