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Gazprom is the largest company in Russia that has the monopoly right to export gas abroad.

Federal Agency for State Property Management (Federal Property Management Agency) - 38,37%
Rosneftegaz - 10,97%
Rosgazification (0.89%), ADR holders (26.86%), other legal entities and individuals (22.91%) - as of April 2018
Revenue and Net Profit billions Ths. rub

Number of employees



+ Gazprom
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Rosneft of the Tax Code

Company history

Main article: History of Gazprom

USSR Ministry of Gas Industry, which became the largest company in post-Soviet Russia. The history of Gazprom is the history of the state in the state.

Gas production

Main article: Gas production in Russia

2024:2% increase in production to 29.9 bcm

The largest oil and gas companies in Russia showed a decrease in gas production by the end of 2024. According to the Russian Ministry of Energy, published on January 24, 2025, Rosneft reduced production by 2.7% to 75.6 billion cubic meters, Lukoil - by 0.6% to 17.9 billion cubic meters, and Surgutneftegas - by 11.9% to 6.2 billion cubic meters. Read more here.

2023: Production cut by 14% to 355.23 bcm m

In 2023, Gazprom recorded a 14% reduction in gas production compared to 2022 - up to 355.23 billion cubic meters. m. These data are provided in the company's annual report, published in May 2024.

For comparison, 412.573 billion cubic meters were mined in 2022. m of gas, and in 2021 - 514.791 billion cubic meters. m. This reduction in production volumes is due to a change in the foreign policy situation and market conditions.

Natural and associated gas production in Russia, taking into account the share in joint operations, in 2023 amounted to 358.95 billion cubic meters. m, which is lower than 2022, which was 412.94 billion cubic meters. m. The company explained that the distribution of production volumes is determined by the need to ensure reliable gas supplies to Russian consumers and the fulfillment of export obligations.

In 2023, Gazprom sold 342 billion cubic meters in the domestic and foreign markets. m of gas, which is less than 379.8 bcm. m in 2022. Despite this, the company continued to provide the Russian market with the necessary volumes. The decline in export supplies to the European market is associated with the political decisions of a number of EU countries that seek to abandon imports of Russian pipeline gas.

The total volume of gas supplies by Gazprom to the markets of neighboring countries in 2023 remained at the level of the previous year, the company said.

An important event was the Uzbekistan Kazakhstan beginning of the supply of Russian natural gas through the territory in October 2023. Gas supplies to the China Power of Siberia trunk gas pipeline continued to increase in accordance with the contractual obligations and applications of the Chinese side.

The annual report also notes that in 2023, the gas transmission system of Russia received 564.25 billion cubic meters. m of gas, which is less than 596.71 bcm. m in 2022. The main reason for the decline was a decrease in gas supplies outside the Russian Federation to European non-CIS countries. The company noted that this dynamics is due to changes in the foreign policy situation and a decrease in gas supplies to Europe.

The volume of gas injection into underground storage facilities in Russia in 2023 amounted to 37.893 billion cubic meters. m, which is less than the level of 2022, when 44.879 billion cubic meters were pumped. m. Gas extraction from UGS in 2023 amounted to 39.31 billion cubic meters. m, which is higher than 2022, which was 35.726 billion cubic meters. m. The increase in gas production is associated with an increase in consumption in the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS).[1]

Performance indicators

Main article: Gazprom's financial performance


2020: Board member earns 643,000 rubles a day

Gazprom decided not to skimp on the remuneration of top managers for work in the first half of 2020, which ended with a net loss of almost 300 billion rubles for the company.

For 6 months, 14 members of the board of the company, which has the monopoly right to export Russian pipeline gas, earned a total of 1.054 billion rubles, Gazprom said in a report on RAS in August 2020.

Salaries of top managers were reduced by 17.2%, to 363.5 million rubles. However, the company compensated for the "shortage" with bonuses, the total size was increased almost 2 times and amounted to 602.9 million rubles (against 338.1 million last year).

"Other types of remuneration," which Gazprom does not specify, soared almost 6 times - from 15.3 to 88.4 million rubles.

As a result, total payments increased by 33%. On average, one member of the company's board earned about 643 thousand rubles a day in January-June, 80 thousand rubles an hour (if you take into account only working days lasting 8 hours).


As of January 2021, the company's departments include:

  • 307 (gas production),
  • 308 (transportation and storage)
  • 353 (recycling).

Gas pipelines

Main article: Gas exports from Russia

Nord Stream

Main article: Nord Stream AG (Nord Stream)

Nord Stream is a route for the export of Russian gas to Europe. The main target gas supply markets for the gas pipeline are Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France and Denmark.

Turkish stream

Main article: Turkish stream


In November 2022 Poland , against the background of the conflict, the authorities seized To Ukraine a stake "" in Gazprom the operator of the Polish part of the Yamal-Europol Europe Gaz gas pipeline.

Gas Pipeline Projects

Existing and planned gas pipelines to Europe for August 2016

As of August 2016

Gas export

Main article: Gas exports from Russia

Gazprom's business in Belarus

Шаблон:Main 'Gazprom's business in Belarus

On November 25, 2011, it became known that Russia Belarus they signed a contract for the supply of Russian gas to the republic and its transit through the territory of Belarus for the period 2012-2014. The document was signed by the heads of OJSC "" and Gazprom OJSC "Beltransgaz" in the presence of the presidents of the Russian Federation and the Republic Belarus Dmitry Medvedev and Alexander Lukashenko, the Russian Federation[2]

Under the terms of the contract, the supply of Russian gas to Belarus in 2012. will amount to 22.5 billion cubic meters. m, in 2013 and 2014. - 23 billion cubic meters each. m.

At the same time, Gazprom brought its stake in Beltransgaz to 100% from the existing 50%: the main transit pipe in the EU - Yamal - Europe - and so belonged to the Russian concern (he himself built it), now the rest of the gas pipelines to the western border, gas distribution networks, as well as internal consumers of Belarus. The parties agreed that the concern acquires this stake for $2.5 billion - for the same amount as the first stake in the Belarusian company. The deal is tied to the signing of a new gas contract between the Russian Federation and Belarus.

Gazprom's business in Ukraine

Шаблон:Main 'Gazprom's business in Ukraine

On June 7, 2012, the head of Gazprom Corporation Alexei Miller told reporters about the signing of an agreement on the provision of Gazprom an advance in the amount of $2 billion. "Oil and Gas of Ukraine" for gas transit.

Gazprom's business in Serbia

Шаблон:Main 'Gazprom's business in Serbia

Serbia is an important participant in the South Stream AG gas pipeline.

Gazprom owns 51% in the capital of the joint venture UGS Banatsky Dvor.

Gazprom-Neft owns 51% in the capital of NIS-Gazprom'neft JSC. This is one of the largest vertically integrated oil companies in Central Europe, engaged in the processing of oil and the sale of petroleum products, and produces hydrocarbons in Serbia and Angola.

Information Technology

Main article: Information Technology in Gazprom

See also
