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Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas



Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) is a leading higher educational institution in the oil and gas system. formations Russia The merits of the university are highly appreciated by the state: Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1965), Order of the October Revolution (1980), Order of Friendship of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2000), Order of Labor 3rd degree of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2010), Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (2010). Thirty-eight Gubkintsev were awarded the titles of laureates of the Lenin Prize in the field of science and technology and over 300 laureates of the prize of State the USSR and the Russian Federation, prizes of the government of the Russian Federation. Cities, enterprises, institutes, research vessels, and the largest oil and gas fields are named after employees and graduates of the university.


2024: Agreement with UserGate for information security training

UserGate и Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National research university) named after I. M. Gubkin signed an agreement on strategic cooperation in the field of training qualified information security personnel. UserGate announced this on June 27, 2024.

UserGate Academy, Specialized Educational Unit of the company, will provide the university with a full set of educational and methodological materials and licenses for software, and will also be provided to teachers consulting support. The university, for its part, uses materials received from UserGate for joint development of educational methodological complexes that will be included in the disciplines of the main educational program on information security (information security). The training of students will include both theoretical knowledge of information security and practical skills in working with domestic solutions, in particular UserGate NGFW. For students under the program, practice will be available and internship on the side of the company and its partners.

During the pilot project of cooperation between the university and the company, preparation several dozen students successfully passed. In the academic year 2024/25 expansion of the course is planned, as well as the launch of a scholarship program UserGate academies to support IB- students specialties.

The agreement signing ceremony was attended by the head of the Academy UserGate Margarita Zaytseva and Head of Department integrated safety of critical oil and gas facilities of RGP IM Gubkin Dmitry Pravikov.

Margarita Zaytseva and Dmitry Pravikov took part in the signing of the agreement on cooperation in the field of training of qualified personnel in information security

{{quote 'We are sure that it is not enough to develop a good product that is in high demand. It is necessary to prepare qualified specialists who could correctly operate, test, implement, configure it, 100% realize the technological potential inherent in it, Margarita Zaytseva said. - Our task is to make sure that in the very near future there are as many of them as possible, and we are already investing significant resources in this area. UserGate Academy was founded in 2021. Since then authorized , more than 2,000 people have been trained at UserGate training centers. The integration of training courses into the disciplines of educational institutions made it possible during this time to train over 1000 students IT in specialties. We are very glad that there are more and more universities ready to support us. This means that the personnel shortage in the field of information security will gradually come to naught, and the security of the digital infrastructure of enterprises, private companies and government organizations will reach a qualitatively new level.}}

{{quote "We are always in close connection with the real sector of the economy, be it our specialized enterprises of the oil and gas sector, or companies engaged in the development of current technological solutions in their areas. In this case, information security. It is important that they all work here and now, deal with real tasks in the current environment, know the needs and tasks of their internal and external customers and, importantly, have the developed methodology training of specialists taking into account the specifics of their activities. We are extremely interested in giving our students the most relevant knowledge, skills and skills that they will be able to apply today, and maintaining the demand for our graduates at the highest level, - commented Dmitry Pravikov. - In addition to integration into the curriculum, UserGate takes an active part in specialized events of the university. Thus, the Academy specialists participated in the preparation and holding of the All-Russian Olympiad, as well as in the plenum of the FUMO on information security, organized by the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.}}

2021: Strategic collaboration with Innopolis University

Innopolis University On April 9, 2021, he announced the start of cooperation Russian State University oil gas with and named after Gubkin. More. here

2016: Russian State University of Oil and Gas as part of the University Alliance

SAP and the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas opened the SAP Next-Gen Lab Innovation Center in December 2016. Its goal is to solve the business problems of the university's industry partners. This is the only university-based SAP Center in the world specializing in the oil and gas industry. Read more - SAP University Alliance.