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ANO eNANO is included into Group of RUSNANO. The company is created in 2013 according to the solution of Fund of infrastructure educational programs of RUSNANO for program implementation of development of a system of electronic formation of e-Learning and effective solution of problems of preparation and retraining of the engineering and managerial personnel for the hi-tech companies and the enterprises and also for promoting of natural-science education and bases of nanotechnologies among youth and school students. Is an operator of the Interuniversity program of training of engineers in the field of high technologies (a magistracy on a tekhnopredprinimatelstvo).



+ Government of the Russian Federation

2016: eNANO and Institute of UNESCO will develop electronic educational programs

eNANO and Institute of UNESCO will develop together electronic educational programs for universities and schools The eNANO company (enters into group of RUSNANO) and Institute of UNESCO on information technologies in education (IITO) signed in February, 2016 the agreement on cooperation in the field of development of educational projects using information and communication technologies and also agreed about partnership in the new project "Virtual School".

The relevant agreement was signed on Wednesday by the CEO of ANO eNANO Valdman Igor and the acting CEO of IITO Horoshilov Alexander.

The parties will cooperate in development of electronic educational products in the field of engineering and natural-science disciplines, to provide expert support of educational projects, to hold joint scientific and practical, populyarizatsionny and marketing events.

The organizations also became partners in the new eNANO direction – Virtual school for children and teenagers which purpose is early career guidance of school students and promoting of nanotechnologies. Virtual school will become the instrument of involvement of talented school students to the sphere of natural sciences and high technologies. Remote formation and use of new game educational technologies (game applications, online courses, social networks, etc.) will allow to involve the maximum number of participants irrespective of their social status and the residence.

The maintenance of training courses covers five principal directions of nanotech industry: nanomaterials, optics and electronics, medicine and pharmacology, energy efficiency, modification of surfaces. Will be trained through a practical explanation of the products and technologies created and used at the enterprises of nanotech industry. At the same time educational game applications will be directed to pupils of middle school, and content and services of Virtual school – to audience of seniors.