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Баннер в шапке 2

Digital Identification Technologies




+ Government of the Russian Federation


2021: Creation of a company for the development of the Unified Biometric System

On April 7, 2021, it was announced the creation of Digital Identification Technologies LLC, a joint venture between Sberbank and Rostelecom, which will develop identification technologies, including biometric ones.

According to the press service of Rostelecom, the new company will develop, develop and replicate identification technologies to increase the level of digitalization in various sectors of the economy. The parties will join efforts and expertise in this direction to accelerate the transfer of various services to electronic form.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that combining the expertise of the two largest Russian companies will contribute to the accelerated development of identification technologies.

Sberbank and Rostelecom created a joint venture for the development of EBS
The activities of the new joint venture are aimed at solutions on which the development and implementation of identification technologies in various sectors of the economy depends, including in terms of converting services and services into electronic form. The main mission of these companies is to rely on expertise and extensive experience, to ensure safety and security for Russian citizens in the way of solving these problems, "he said.

According to RBC, citing its sources, Digital Identification Technologies will develop the Unified Biometric System (EBS). At the same time, since 2018, Sberbank has been actively collecting customer data into its biometric system. With its help, you can pay for purchases in stores, use ATMs without a card, receive services in the department without a passport, etc.

According to the interlocutor of the publication, due to the ambitions of Sberbank and the Central Bank, two systems with similar functionality appeared in Russia.

Since after several years both systems decently lag behind the plan in terms of the rate of base recruitment, their consolidation looks logical: the EBS will receive users of the Sberbank base, and the common system will have the functionality of both systems, including services provided through State Services, "he argues.

Another RBC informant noted that by April 2021, the Sberbank biometric system cannot work with data from the EBS, and vice versa.[1][2]
