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Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Ministry of Energy





+ Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Energy)
+ Government of the Russian Federation



Appointment of Deputy Minister of power of the Russian Federation Petro Konyushenko

Former Atomenergosbyta head (enterprise) Rosatom Petr Konyushenko was appointed Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation power engineering specialists. The corresponding decree was signed by the chairman governments of Russia Mikhail Mishustin in March 2025. In his new position, Petr Konyushenko will oversee the strategic development of the electric power industry and the construction of key power facilities. For the past eight years, Konyushenko has been developing Rosenergoatom's energy sales activities. More here

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Mochalnikov dismissed after house arrest

In early February 2025, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin fired Deputy Energy Minister Sergei Mochalnikov, who is under house arrest on charges of abuse of power. Read more here.


Mishustin fired the deputy head of the Ministry of Energy, who oversaw the digitalization of power

In early September 2024, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree that dismissed Pavel Snikkars from the post of Deputy Minister of power of the Russian Federation. He has held this post since November 2020. Read more here.

Ex-head of the IT department of the Ministry of Energy fined 5 million rubles in the case of bribes

On February 29, 2024, the Meshchansky District Court Moscow announced the verdict to the former head of the department. information technology ENERGY INDUSTRY Ministry of Energy Roman Shcherbov was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 4 of Art. 291.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (mediation in bribery). He was sentenced to a fine of 5 million. rubles More. here

2023: Ban on employees using iPhones

In mid-July 2023, it became known that the Ministry finance power engineering specialists Russia had banned employees from using iPhone other devices Apple for official purposes. A similar ban is already in effect in, and Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Digital Development the state corporation "."Rostec

As a source from one Russian department told the Financial Times (FT), the IT specialists of the ministries report when any of the employees opens a work email from the iPhone. According to the interlocutor of the newspaper, officials complain that due to the ban, they "have to carry another phone with them."

Employees of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energy are prohibited from using the iPhone for official purposes

Information security consultant Alexei Lukatsky, in a conversation with the publication, expressed doubt that Russian officials will forever abandon the use of the iPhone and switch, for example, to devices running the Aurora OS.

Previously, restrictions were imposed on the use of work mail on devices that are not certified by security services. But most officials did not comply. The question is whether they will obey now, the expert said.

A representative of Rostec clarified to the Financial Times that the restrictions apply to all Apple devices, but their use for personal purposes is still allowed.

State bodies and companies began banning iPhones at work after the FSB reported disclosing a US intelligence action using the virus on Apple mobile devices. According to the FSB, several thousand smartphones of the American manufacturer were infected. After that, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that employees of the presidential administration also cannot use Apple mobile devices for work purposes. According to him, everyone knows that "these gadgets are absolutely transparent," and therefore their use in official communication is prohibited. [1]


Appointment of digital transformation by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of Anton Kolykhalov as the department director

On June 9, 2022, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation announced the appointment of Anton Kolykhalov as director of the digital transformation department. Prior to that, he worked as Deputy Director of the Department for the Development of Cloud Services and Data Management Ministry of Digital Development Russia. Read more here.

Appointment to the post of deputy head of the department

In May 2022, it became known about the appointment of the director of the department of project activities and digital technologies of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Eduard Sheremettsev as the new deputy head of the department. The corresponding order was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Read more here.

2021: Departure of Deputy Minister Anatoly Tikhonov, new responsible for digitalization

Power Minister Nikolai Shulginov approved the distribution of powers, as well as the list of his deputies, the Ministry of Energy reported on February 8, 2021. Anastasia Bondarenko, Evgeny Grabchak, Pavel Snikkars, Pavel Sorokin and Anatoly Yanovsky retained their posts . The list did not include deputy ministers Anton Inyutsyn and Anatoly Tikhonov, who is under investigation in the embezzlement case. Proposals were made to the government to dismiss Inyutsyn and Tikhonov from their posts. Anatoly Tikhonov's powers in the field of digitalization were divided between Sorokin and Grabchak. Read more here.


Daniil Sorokin - Director of the Department of Information Support and Digital Transformation of the Fuel and Energy Complex

On April 20, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak appointed Daniil Sorokin as director of the information support and digital transformation department of the fuel and energy complex of the Ministry of Energy, according to the agency's website. Read more here.

Creation of concepts of digital transformation of fuel and energy complex

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation creates two concepts of digital transformation of the fuel and energy complex (fuel and energy complex) of Russia: for the medium-term - 2024, and the long-term - until 2035, periods. Representatives of the scientific and expert community also take part in their development. The Council for the Digital Transformation of the Fuel and Energy Complex Industries, formed by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, will have to approve the documents in 2020. TAdviser was informed about this on February 5, 2020 in the ministry. Read more here.

2019: Formation of the Industry Working Group "Digital Transformation of the Oil and Gas Industry"

On July 26, 2019, it became known that the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, with the participation of key companies in the oil and gas industry (NGK), formed an industry working group (ORG) "Digital Transformation of the Oil and Gas Industry" at the Digital Economy ANO site, which will become an industry competence center within the framework of the departmental project "Digital power." By October 2019, the ORG is expected to approve the directions and basic scenarios for the digital transformation of NTK. Read more here.

2016: Ministry of Energy spent 289 million unreturned and ineffective

On June 16, 2016, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation announced the costs of the Ministry of Energy in the amount of 289 million rubles. on project documentation, which may not be in demand, the Ministry of[2].

The Board of the Accounts Chamber approved the conclusion for the execution of the federal budget by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Energy).

Revenues of the Ministry of Energy in 2015 amounted to 28.1 billion rubles. or 119.3% of the updated forecast. This includes income received from the implementation of projects under the terms of a production sharing agreement in the amount of 24.7 billion rubles. The deviation is associated with an increase in the sale of hydrocarbons, a change in the exchange rate at the time of conversion.

Cash expenses of the Ministry of Energy in 2015 amounted to 57.2 billion rubles. or 98.4% of the updated consolidated budget list for the year, unfulfilled appointments amounted to 936.2 million rubles.

As part of the measures to restructure the coal industry, the Ministry of Energy did not implement the design and working documentation for facilities developed in 2013-2015 under 44 state contracts. The federal budget expenditures on unrealized documentation amounted to 288.7 million rubles, and the documentation may not be in demand due to the influence of the time factor and changes in the technical parameters of the facilities.

According to the results of the audit, it was established that the budget statements of the Ministry of Energy of Russia for 2015 are unreliable. Thus, the ministry's reports do not reflect on the corresponding budget accounting account the costs of design and survey work carried out in 2013-2014 for the reconstruction of buildings in the amount of 50.5 million rubles.

The analysis of the estimated cost of overhaul of facilities as part of the restructuring of the coal industry made it possible to identify facts of overestimation of the cost of construction and installation work due to the use of regional indices of recalculation of local estimates to the current level. Translation indices provided by the Ministry of Construction were not used. The increase in the estimated cost for the two facilities amounted to 11.3 million rubles. (17% of the cost) and 52.1 million rubles. (15%), respectively.

The proposals of the Ministry of Energy to change the consolidated list and limits of budgetary obligations on allocations provided for investments in FAIP facilities (providing a contribution to the authorized capital of PJSC Rosseti) were not agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development.

In violation of the Budget Code, the internal financial audit of the Ministry of Energy was not carried out in 2015, departmental legal acts on the organization and implementation of internal financial audit were not approved.

The Ministry of Energy sent the final draft of the informatization plan to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in violation of the deadline for six months. The informatization plan for 2015 and the planning period 2016 and 2017. was approved by the Ministry of Energy only on December 17, 2015, and the total amount of obligations assumed in the absence of an approved plan amounted to 192.1 million rubles.

According to the Government Decree, FSUE development strategies should be approved within 3 months from the date of approval of methodological recommendations for the development and approval of enterprise development strategies for a period of 3 to 5 years. However, the Ministry of Energy of the development strategy of FSUE State Trust Arktikugol and FSUE Foreign Economic Association Promsyrieimport have not been approved.

Also, the ministry does not properly implement the powers of the administrator of income from the transfer of part of the profit remaining after taxes and other mandatory payments to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. Thus, the transfer of part of the net profit of FSUE "Center for Operational Services," FSUE "Giprocarbavtomatization" and FSUE "Concern Sevosetinneftegazprom" for 2014 was made on June 24, 2015, July 6, 2015 and August 19, 2015, respectively, i.e. in violation of the established period (until June 15).

The balance sheet of the subordinate federal state budgetary institution "Russian Energy Agency" as of January 1, 2016 does not reflect the costs of research and development work on the creation of the State Information System of the Fuel and Energy Complex in the amount of 580.8 million rubles on the corresponding accounting account.
