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BI.Zone BIZon





Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees


+ Government of the Russian Federation

BI.ZONE is a strategic digital risk management company that helps organizations around the world safely grow their businesses in the digital age.

BI.ZONE customers receive a complete picture of current risks, recommendations for improvement, and 24/7 support for improving cyber resilience. Startups and corporations turn to the company: for small budgets, BI.ZONE offers simple and automated solutions, for small teams - outsourcing, and for complex projects prepares individual strategies based on 40 + own services and products.

The headquarters of BI.ZONE is located in Moscow, more than 450 experts work in the state: computer forensics, penetration testing specialists, developers of protective equipment, load testing engineers and other technical specialists.

The competencies of the BI.ZONE team are recognized internationally and are confirmed by certificates of the world's largest agencies.

BI.ZONE Monitoring and Response Centers:

  • The BI.ZONE-CERT Cybersecurity Incident Response Center is a full member of the FIRST association. Interacts with similar teams around the world
  •   BI.ZONE Security Operations Centre Cybersecurity Incident Monitoring and Response Center (SOC)


Organizer of Cyber  ​ ​ Polygon, the annual international conference on practical cybersecurity OFFZONE, an international training on combating global cyber threats.

  • Cyber ​ ​ Polygon - International online training to increase global cyber resistance and develop cross-sectoral cooperation in the fight against cyber threats. A unique event that combines the largest cybersecurity technical training for corporate teams and an online conference with top officials from global organizations. Every year, representatives of global business and government agencies from different parts of the world take part in the training, and the online conference attracts millions of viewers around the world.

  • International Conference on Practical CybersecurityOFFZONE is an international conference on practical cybersecurity, which has been held in Moscow since 2018. The focus is on truly high-quality technical content and practical research. Every year, more than 1000 specialized specialists from countries and Europe Asia America come to the event to exchange experience and knowledge on the most pressing topics of the industry.

  • Own Think Tank -Threat Zone is a large-scale analytical study that highlights the key risks in the digital environment and their impact on the global economy and business.

Performance indicators

2024: 6.5% revenue cut to ₽21,3 billion

The revenue of the Russian company BI.Zone, specializing in digital risk management, in 2024 decreased by 6.5% compared to 2023 to ₽21,3 billion. This became known on March 18, 2025.

According to CNews, in 2023, BI.Zone's revenue was measured at ₽22,8 billion. The decline in revenue in 2024 did not affect the company's strategic priorities. Bi.Zone continues to develop the areas of cybersecurity and digital threat management, adapting to market changes

BI.Zone revenue decreased 6.5% to ₽21,3 billion

The company reduced revenue by ₽1,5 billion, but at the same time increased the number of employees to 1200 people, which means an increase in personnel by 200 people. Despite the financial changes, the organization continues to adhere to a strategy for the development of digital security, strengthening its position in this direction.

BI.Zone CEO noted that the company continues to strengthen its position in the information security market. Despite the decrease in revenue, the organization actively invests in expanding its human resources and developing its own technological solutions.

BI.Zone reports that in 2024 the number of links that the Bi.Zone Brand Protection platform checks daily to detect illegitimate resources more than fivefold. In 2023, this figure was 23 million, in 2024 - more than 122 million references per day. In addition, in 2024, more than 24 thousand information channels were discovered, which negatively affect the reputation of companies.

BI.Zone specializes in developing customized digital security strategies, offering more than 40 proprietary products and services. Bi.Zone cooperates with large state and commercial structures, including Sberbank, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Rostelecom.[1]

2022: Revenue growth by 64.2% to RUB 17,156 million

At the end of 2022, Bi.Zone's revenue increased by 64.2% to 17,156 million rubles. In the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 33rd place.


2024: Joint training project with RUTH

BI.ZONE specialists will share their experience with students of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT), and will also help them master the tools to automate the implementation of cybersecurity legislation. BI.Zone announced this on April 17, 2024. Read more here.


4th place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest providers of information security solutions in Russia"

BI.Zone took 4th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of information security solutions in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in December 2024 based on the revenues of companies from the implementation of projects in the field of information technology in Russia for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

Falling under the sanctions of the European Union

The European Union, by its regulations[2] imposed sanctions against a number of Russian companies and individuals. In particular, sanctions have been imposed against such large enough Information security companies as BI.Zone, InfoTeCS and Informzaschita. More

Russian IT companies that fell under US, EU and British sanctions in 2022-2024 TAdviser map

Map of sub-sanctioned IT companies. Click to enlarge

TAdviser drew up a map of Russian IT companies in 2022-2024. which fell under the sanctions of the United States, the EU and Britain. It includes, among other things, the company "BI.Zone." An article about the map can be found here.

Agreement with Reshetnev University to train cybersecurity specialists

BI.ZONE has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after M.F. Reshetnev. Practice experts will train students to work with solutions to monitor and respond to cybersecurity incidents. BI.Zone announced this on December 4, 2023. Read more here.

Entry into the register of approved safety laboratories and receipt of a certificate of conformity

On June 30, 2023, BI.ZONE announced that it had received accreditation from the National Payment Card System. Now developers of mobile tokenization solutions and payment system contact payment can contact BI.ZONE for security analysis services as part of licensing of the software tools developed by them.

As reported, in May 2022, the operator of the national payment system "Mir" conducted an audit of BI.ZONE  in the field of assessing the security of mobile tokenization solutions and solutions. SoftPOS Starting in the fall of 2023, experts checked  the company's laboratory for compliance according to many criteria: physical, logical and network security, quality reservations and recovery, data compliance with international quality control standards , experience and knowledge of laboratory employees, Test job results. As a result of the audit, BI.ZONE officially entered the register of approved safety assessment laboratories and received compliance certificates. 

Confirmation of compliance will also allow us to expand the list of customers and counterparties who are focused on certification of payments in mobile applications working with the Mir system.

noted Evgeny Voloshin, Strategy Director BI.ZONE

Record DDoS attack - 1.3 Tbit/s

In early February 2023, Qrator Labs announced a record-breaking DDoS attack in Russia. It has hit the IT infrastructure of cybersecurity solution developer Bi.Zone. At its peak, the power of the DDoS attack, which occurred on January 28, 2023, reached 1.3 Tb/s.

The cyber attack was of the UDP flood type, in which the victim server receives a huge number of large UDP packets from a wide range of IP addresses, as a result of which the attack provokes congestion of network interfaces by occupying the entire bandwidth with fake UDP packets.

Set a new record for DDoS attacks in Russia

The Qrator Labs network, as stated in the company, successfully filtered all illegitimate traffic, and the Bi.Zone infrastructure continued to function as usual, without downtime in the service. The attack on the Bi.Zone network did not achieve its goal - the Qrator Labs network, through its distributed infrastructure based on 15 traffic cleaning centers located around the world, coped with a large amount of illegitimate traffic and helped the company maintain service performance, despite peak loads during the attack, said Qrator Labs Alexander Lyamin.

According to him, the unprecedented increase in the number, intensity and speed of DDoS attacks, which began in 2022, does not slow down a year later. By the beginning of 2023, Qrator Labs is no longer recording base-level attacks, but massive attacks affecting the networks of even large providers, which confirms the fact of an attack organized on the Bi.Zone infrastructure. Such attacks are very destructive in nature and, if successful, can create colossal problems for the victim's business, Lyamin stressed.

According to Muslim Mezhlumov, director of products and technologies at Bi.Zone, the attackers launched a series of short attacks for several days. They used networks of infected IoT devices. They generate a multi-terabit stream without replacing source IP addresses, where several thousand hosts can create threats of a national scale, he said.


3rd place in the ranking "The largest providers of solutions in the field of information security in Russia"

Bison took 3rd place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of information security projects in Russia in 2022 and published in October 2023. The rating includes vendors, integrators and distributors of information security products. More 2022:_TAdviser_Security_100:_.D0.9A.D1.80.D1.83.D0.BF.D0.BD.D0.B5.D0.B9.D1.88.D0.B8.D0.B5_.D0.98.D0.91-.D0.BA.D0.BE.D0.BC.D0.BF.D0.B0.D0.BD.D0.B8.D0.B8_.D0.B2_.D0.A0.D0.BE.D1.81.D1.81.D0.B8.D0.B8 here.

Freezing of IT project in Kazakhstan

At the end of October 2022, it became known about the freezing of the IT project of Kazakhstan and Russia for 2.4 billion rubles. We are talking about a contract that was concluded between the Safe Information Zone company (Bison, a partner of Sberbank, which was previously part of its structures) and the Kazakh JSC Transtelecom.

The six-year agreement was signed in 2019. Its goal was "to combine the expertise and experience of its own centers for monitoring and operational response to incidents," as well as to create a cloud solution in Kazakhstan that will automate "ensuring protection against cyber threats," the Bison website says. Informed sources told Kommersant that this project was frozen.

IT project of Kazakhstan and Russia frozen

According to one of the interlocutors, the consequences of a break with a Russian partner depend on at what stage the project was.

Bison has almost no alienable solutions, it works on a service model. Management falls entirely on the local structure, this scheme is familiar to telecom operators, he said.

According to the source of the publication, Transtelecom will have to look for a new partner in cyber security order to "rewrite the project sharpened for Bison, it will take at least six months or a year.

The head of the analytical center Zecurion Vladimir Ulyanov told the newspaper that the project stop could be associated with the decision of the Kazakh side to independently develop cybersecurity. He also believes that the country's market is saturated with Western vendors, and stopping cooperation may negatively affect the reputation of Bison.

PIR Center consultant Oleg Shakirov recalled that Kazakhstan has been curtailing cooperation with Sberbank and its structures since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine. So, the expert notes, back in April, the country refused to partner with the bank in the field of digitalization of the public sector.[3]


Revenue growth by 16.5% to 10,448 million rubles

At the end of 2021, Bi.Zone's revenue amounted to 10,448 million rubles, an increase of 16.5% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 52nd place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.

Leader in sales of own developments based on TAdviser data

According to the TAdviser portal, in 2021 BI.ZONE became the leader in the supply of its own solutions included in the register of domestic software. Sberbank announced this on June 22, 2022.

Among the most popular BI.ZONE solutions for the reporting period are systems for analyzing the security of infrastructure and web applications, services for protecting against fraud in banking channels and other products. In total, 16 products and services of the company are included in the register of domestic software.

Revenue from the sale and implementation of BI.ZONE's own IT products in this category reached 3.7 billion rubles, an increase of more than 54% over the specified period. The total revenue of all rating participants from the supply of their own IT solutions from the register of domestic software for 2021 amounted to 28.8 billion rubles.

In 2021, the key drivers import substitution were Governments of the Russian Federation recommendations and. The sanctions industries cyber security government's position was also strengthened by demands, and. In FSB FSTEC Bank of Russia 2022, this trend will only intensify thanks to new regulatory incentives, as well as due to the withdrawal of a number of Western manufacturers from the market.

Data security and cyber protection issues are a priority for every organization in the country. Import substitution did not come as a surprise to us: for many years we have strengthened our competencies in the fields of IT and cybersecurity, so technologically we are ready for new challenges. BI.ZONE, like many other ecosystem companies, has many of its own developments that are not only not inferior to Western counterparts who have left the market, but also bypass them in many respects. We are happy to share this knowledge and opportunities with the market and are ready to help Russian business even more, "said Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank.

{{quote 'The most important thing that foreign vendors have lost, hastily leaving Russian customers, is trust. The departure of Western manufacturers has dramatically changed the attitude of business towards the issue of cybersecurity and who should provide it. At the same time, financial pressure deprives many organizations of the possibility of a complete restructuring of the cybersecurity system and its independent support, so we see a massive transition to a service model. Only it allows you to protect digital assets right now, and pay for it in parts and many times less. We initially built our business model in this vein and created our own services, so we are ready to quickly and efficiently respond to the requests of any organization in a variety of situations, "said Dmitry Samartsev, Director of BI.ZONE. }}

Opening of a representative office in Krasnoyarsk

Digital risk management company BI.ZONE on December 2, 2021 announced the opening of a regional office in Krasnoyarsk, which will deal with SOC services. This will improve the convenience of communication with the company's customers.

The main activity of the representative office is the provision of services for monitoring and responding to cybersecurity incidents (SOC). This event has become part of a strategy to implement the follow the sun model, which implies continuous customer service from different time zones.

One of the key goals of the newly opened office is to improve the quality of SOC for customers in the eastern regions of Russia, as well as in the Asia-Pacific region. Now BI.ZONE will be able to improve communication with customers without compromising the work schedule due to different time zones.

Also, the opening of an office in Krasnoyarsk allows attracting talented specialists from the region, because there are strong technical universities that train students in the areas of IT and KB. It is planned that the main part of the staff will consist of graduates of local universities.

"The growth in the number of BI. ZONE SOC customers in the Asia-Pacific region has significantly increased the burden on our Moscow team. Due to the time difference, 24/7 shift workers had increased daily peak loads. And for employees with a standard schedule of 5/2, the working day became irregular. All this increased the risk of damage to communications and the prompt solution of the tasks of our international customers. That is why we launched the SOC site in Krasnoyarsk. The presence of strong technical universities in the region made it possible to quickly staff the team with all the necessary specialists and improve the quality of service for customers, "said Teymur Heirhabarov, head of the BI.ZONE cyber threat monitoring and response center.

BI. ZONE SOC services allow you to transfer the tasks of monitoring cybersecurity incidents and responding to them to a team of experts whose qualifications are confirmed by certificates from international institutions: SANS, Offensive Security and others. Various service modifications enable organizations to choose the most appropriate level of monitoring and response based on the volume of IT infrastructure, cybersecurity maturity, and current tasks.

Launch of a cyber security centre in Qatar

On June 8, 2021, it became known about the agreement reached between Bi.Zone and the Investment Promotion Agency Qatar (IPA Qatar). Under the terms of the memorandum of understanding, cyber security the subsidiary will open Sberbank a regional cybersecurity center in Qatar that will serve customers in that country as well as the Gulf region.

Bi.Zone Director Dmitry Samartsev expressed confidence that the signed agreement will open up new opportunities for services and strengthening in the region.

Russian Bi.Zone launches cybersecurity center in Qatar
Cybersecurity is one of the key priorities for digital development in the Middle East. I am sure that our cooperation with IPAQ will allow us to better study the needs of the Qatar market and open up new opportunities for providing services and strengthening the cyber resistance of the entire region, he said (quoted by TASS the press service of Sberbank).

A few days before the announcement of the agreement with Bi.Zone, Bi.Zone entered into a business partnership agreement with the Qatari IT company Meeza. The parties plan to develop cooperation on the provision of managed cybersecurity services (Managed Security Services) in Qatar, within the framework of which it is planned to launch various pilot projects and jointly promote the products and services of two companies in the country.

According to Samartsev, large-scale cooperation with Meeza will allow Bi.Zone to significantly expand its activities in the promising market of Qatar, as well as strengthen its "position as a leader in the field of cybersecurity in the region."

Meeza chief Ahmad Al-Muslemani said the deal with Bi.Zone would boost the Qatari company's ecosystem of cloud and cybersecurity products.[4]

BI.ZONE will speak at the IT Priorities 2021 conference

On February 17, BI.ZONE will take part in the TAdviser online conference "IT Priorities 2021." Rustem Khayretdinov, Director of Growth, will make a report "Safety of digital projects - whose responsibility?"

One of the pressing issues for business today: who and at what stage is responsible for the security of digital systems. Many IT experts believe that security tasks, in principle, cannot touch them. However, this approach in the paradigm "first IT system, then - its protection" is no longer effective.

"Modern digital security is not a function, but a built-in property of a digital system. The Security by Design approach, the Security Champions Institute, Security as a Service solutions are something that all IT directors should take into account today in order to create sustainable digital products and systems, "says Rustem Khayretdinov.

The BI.ZONE team has extensive experience investigating cyber incidents with serious losses, such as encryption or data theft. Over the years of practice and observation of processes within organizations, the company's specialists have become convinced that it is difficult to ensure the security of digital systems without participating in their design, development and implementation.

In his report, Rustem Khayretdinov will talk about approaches to the design of digital products and the role of security specialists in this process.


Revenue growth more than 3 times, up to 10 billion rubles

The revenue of Bi.Zone, Sberbank's cybersecurity business, in 2020 amounted to 10 billion rubles. The bank announced this in its annual report, published on March 24, 2021. Sberbank clarified TAdviser that the revenue indicator is given with VAT. Excluding VAT, the turnover amounted to 9.4 billion rubles. This allowed her to take 44th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2021.

Also, the bank told TAdviser, the consolidated turnover is given throughout the Bi.Zone group, which, in addition to the Russian legal entity and a branch in Kazakhstan, also includes companies in Britain and Singapore. In total, the company serves customers in 10 countries.

Sberbank's annual report says that in 2020, more than 70% of revenue was provided by foreign customers.

Foreign customers account for the bulk of Bi.Zone's revenue "(photo -"

Sberbank told TAdviser that in 2020 compared to 2019, Bi.Zone's revenue increased more than 3 times. The greatest contribution to this area was made by services such as the construction of monitoring and incident response centers for information security (security operation center, SOC), AntiFraud, cybersecurity outsourcing, expert services, the bank explained to TAdviser.

According to Sberbank itself, Bi.Zone occupies a third of the cybersecurity services market in Russia. The annual report for 2020 shows data that the company has implemented about 700 cybersecurity projects in total and has about 200 clients in different countries.

2020 has dramatically changed the requirements for cybersecurity due to the increased level of digitalization of businesses and the remote work of hundreds of thousands of people during the pandemic. The strengthening of state regulation in the field of data turnover and the requirements for the security of critical infrastructure have made their own adjustments, the annual report of Sberbank says. - In this situation, Bi.Zone has adapted faster than other players and promptly offered customers a flexible service model with tariffs for any budget.

It also says that in 2020 Bi.Zone promptly received the status of a Russian manufacturer and certified its services from Russian regulators.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of information security solutions in Russia"

BI.Zone is included in the rating "The largest suppliers of information security solutions in Russia" by revenue for 2020, "prepared by TAdviser in October 2021. Read more here.

Inclusion in the TAdviser rating "Largest IT Service Providers"

Company.Zone BI is included in the rating "Largest suppliers IT services Russia by revenue for 2020," prepared TAdviser in December 2021. More. here

Collaboration with Ngenix to research and ensure cybersecurity of public web applications

June 1, 2020, Ngenix provider block services for web resources, said that together with BI.Zone, Russian a developer of solutions in the field, cyber security entered into an agreement on cooperation in the field of research and support. cybersecurity of public web applications More. here


Certified MSSP Partner Qrator Labs

BI.ZONE became a MSSP-certified partner (Managed Security Service Provider) Qrator Labs and began providing protection services DDoS-attacks for its customers based on the Qrator filtering network. Through the collaboration of two market players, the Qrator cloud solution becomes an integral part of BI.ZONE's managed services, providing BI.ZONE's internal infrastructure with unlimited access to Qrator's global geodistributed network processing capacity. Qrator Labs filtering nodes are connected to the channels of the largest backbone ISPs,, and USA Russia Europe Southeast, which Asia ensures load redistribution during attacks and the availability of client resources 24/7.

Thanks to the close integration of the BI.ZONE and Qrator Labs expertise, the customer is connected to the cloud filtering network as quickly as possible and takes less than two hours. However, to combat complex DDoS attacks, you do not need the constant participation of qualified client specialists and manual configuration of the solution. In-depth traffic analysis is carried out in automatic mode using built-in machine learning algorithms, and information about incidents for any period of service provision is constantly available in your personal account. When purchasing several BI.ZONE services, the client receives a single interface for interaction and management, which reflects all information about services, customer requests and incident status. This allows you to build a cross-correlation of cybersecurity events in all elements of the infrastructure and obtain holistic and effective protection of the network perimeter.

Under the terms of the partnership, the entire sales cycle, the comprehensive implementation of the Qrator Labs solution and the technical support of the first line will be carried out by the BI. ZONE SOC team. Consultations within the second and third lines of protection against DDoS will be performed by Qrator Labs specialists.

Getting PCI Approved Scanning Vendor Status

.Zone BI announced on July 17, 2019, that it has received Authorized PCI Approved Scanning Vendor (PCI ASV) status from the PCI Security Standards Council Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards Board. This will allow BI.Zone to perform vulnerability scanning services for IT infrastructures financial organizations in accordance with the requirements of the international standard. PCI DSS

PCI Approved Scanning Vendor status makes it possible to assess the security of the external network perimeter, identify vulnerabilities and incorrect configurations of financial institution systems as an official certified provider.

Business Launch - Managed Cybersecurity Services Based on Security Operation Center

On July 10, 2019, BI.Zone announced the launch of a special line of business - Managed cyber security Security Services (MSS). Now customers will have access cloudy to security solutions and services IT infrastructures based on BI.ZONE's own Security Operation Center SOC.

Running a Managed Cybersecurity Service

To effectively protect and respond to modern threats, companies need qualified specialists and expensive equipment, which implies significant investments in personnel training and technical support. At the same time, large companies face a shortage of personnel when they try to organize a full-time team to cover all cybersecurity tasks. And small or medium-sized business players, as a rule, are less attacked and do not have the means to contain specialized experts. The growing trend towards attracting external resources meets the needs of both the first and second.

Russian the market is point-saturated with disparate cybersecurity products and services, so we decided to approach the issue of ensuring protection in a comprehensive manner. Our products automate the processes of detecting and preventing cyber attacks, our experts in the field of expert services help at any stage - from security analysis and penetration testing to computer forensic science. The direction of MSS services is designed to save the resources of companies by transferring protection processes to. outsourcing This approach allows us to maximize the cybersecurity needs of customers of all business sizes,

MSS services include cloud-based solutions for email protection, DDoS and web-based attacks, and security administration, monitoring, and incident response services. All services are deployed in the internal infrastructure of BI.ZONE, and they are based on the company's own technological developments and expert models for determining various cybersecurity incidents. BI.ZONE's cooperation with leading players in the cybersecurity market enhances the effectiveness of the services provided. In particular, the DDoS protection service uses the partner Qrator traffic filtering network, and SOC services use specialized solutions from leading vendors, including IBM. Cloud infrastructure components are geographically distributed across different sites in the Russian Federation to ensure high availability and reliability of MSS.

MSS services significantly speed up the process of creating cybersecurity systems compared to traditional systems integration or enterprise SOC projects. Cloud solutions allow you to quickly connect the necessary protection service (from several hours to several weeks), easily manage and receive flexible reports in your personal account. From a financial point of view, MSSs provide an opportunity to transfer the payroll to OPEX and avoid capital expenditures on the purchase, installation and maintenance of expensive protective equipment, which reduces the tax burden on the business. For convenience, all MSS services can be connected for one month free of charge and decide on permanent service after a pilot period.

An important feature of our offer is close cross-product integration. This allows you to see a holistic picture of the security of the IT infrastructure in a single monitoring center. We strive to preserve the simplicity and convenience of using services by isolating from gigabytes of data about what is happening in the infrastructure only relevant information that helps the cybersecurity service to quickly make decisions. With the outsourcing of routine functions to BI. ZONE SOC, the company's employees can focus on key business tasks, such as increasing the maturity of cybersecurity processes and risk management,

2018: Results of the "pilot" of the platform of the Association of Banks of Russia for the exchange of data on cyber threats

The subsidiary Sberbank BI.Zone Association of Banks of Russia and on December 5, 2018 summed up the results of the pilot project of the Association of Banks platform Russia for the exchange of information about. cyber threats An updated version of the platform was presented and announced the start of its industrial operation in 2019.

According to the association, the use of the platform helped to prevent damage in the amount of at least 3 billion rubles in 5 months. The pilot project of the platform was put into operation in June 2018, and Sberbank was one of the first to join it. By early December, more than 30 credit institutions are already participants in the platform, another 40 are at the stage of concluding agreements or are negotiating accession.

Georgy Luntovsky, President of the Association of Russian Banks, noted that the initiative to launch the platform came from the banking community, which needs high-quality information about cyber threats to effectively build protection systems. He recalled that the idea of ​ ​ implementing the platform was approved in the spring of 2018 at the Association's Committee on Information Security.

Taking into account the positive results of the pilot period, it was decided to switch the platform of the Association of Banks of Russia to industrial operation in early 2019, said Georgy Luntovsky.

The President of the Association of Banks of Russia also noted the interest in the platform from the international community: the possibility of information exchange was discussed with representatives of the Association of Banks of Italy, Belarusian credit organizations showed interest in the platform, earlier it was also presented to the heads of banking associations of the CIS countries, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mongolia.

Bi.Zone Director Dmitry Samartsev spoke about the results of the pilot project and plans for the development of the platform. He noted that as of December 5, the platform receives more than 1 million aggregated indicators and more than 5 thousand data requests per day.

Dmitry Samartsev also said that in December an optimized version will be launched - Platform 2.0, in which more than 100 new ideas from project participants were taken into account. In the near future, it is planned to provide the ability to connect banks as data sources, expand the possibilities of integration and use cases and make a transition to commercial use. Interaction with regulators will also expand.

BI.Zone Director presented packages for platform participants within the framework of its commercial operation - Basic, Advanced and Partner. Dmitry stressed that connection to the basic set will be free for members of the Association. Serious benefits will also be given to those who choose the Partner Package option and begin to upload their data in information exchange mode.

2017: Increased cooperation with Interpol to combat cybercrime

Sberbank's subsidiary BI.ZONE is entering a new stage of cooperation with the international law enforcement organization Interpol - the parties signed an official agreement to expand cooperation to combat international cybercrime, the bank's press service said

Under this agreement, BI.ZONE will provide operational support to Interpol's cyberspace crime activities and provide the international organization with up-to-date data on the latest threats and activities of organized criminal groups.

2016: Sberbank's subsidiary will have the right to block phishing sites

In March 2016 Sberbank , he founded a subsidiary company "Safe Information Zone" (short name - "Bison"), leading information security activities. Its tasks are to analyze the situation in the world in the field of cyber threats, test all Sberbank systems for their vulnerability, as well as expertise related to cyber risks. This company also provides support for the operation of the unified operational (information security center Security Operation Center, SOC) of Sberbank.

The tasks of Bison include testing Sberbank's systems for their vulnerability, as well as expertise related to cyber risks. Bison works in partnership with banks and insurance companies. The company specializes in identifying cases of phishing and violations of the rights of financial and credit institutions.

The Coordination Center of the National Internet Domain (CC) can grant the "Safe Information Zone" ("Bison"), which is a subsidiary of Sberbank, the right to separate (turn off) sites if passwords or money are stolen through them. The head of the CC Andrei Vorobyov told the media about thisОшибка цитирования Неверный вызов: нет входных данных.

"Now Bison requires domain separation either through law enforcement agencies or through already accredited organizations. But it's time-consuming. Why would they work through an intermediary when the efficiency of blocking is important, because they themselves can do it, "Vorobyov said.

According to him, to transfer such rights to Bison, CC intends to use paragraph 5.7 of the "Rules for registering domain names in and." Rf zone, "which says that the registrar has the right to stop delegating a domain that is used for phishing, distributing viruses or materials with child pornography." In this case, Bison will act as a "competent organization" that determines which domain should be deactivated.

Russia the fight against prohibited and dangerous information on the network Internet , several departments are simultaneously carried out. He is engaged in the identification of pornographic materials, Roskomnadzor the search for information on the illegal distribution of drugs and their propaganda -, Federal Drug Control Service the detection of materials with the promotion of suicide and the identification of information harmful to the health of children -. Rospotrebnadzor Federal Tax Service engaged in gambling State Office of Public Prosecutor , and identifies extremist materials on the Internet. In this case, the delegation of the domain can be terminated either by the Office of "K" or MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS the Prosecutor General's Office.
