Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

GIVC of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation


FSUE "Main Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation"

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation


The Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation" was founded in 1973.

The mission of the company is to create a state information system in the field of culture. Within the framework of this mission, the GIVC solves the following tasks:

  • preserves and rationalizes the use of the cultural heritage of Russia;
  • conducts a state policy of informatization in the industry;
  • provides information interaction between central and regional organizations;
  • provides access to information on culture (both domestic and foreign) to specialists and wide groups of the population;
  • creates a modern computer infrastructure at the federal and regional level;
  • provides maintenance of information arrays of state statistical reports on culture, creation and maintenance of databases of interdepartmental and sectoral statistics;
  • develops computer standard software and technical systems for regional museums, libraries, centers of folk art, bodies for the protection of cultural heritage monuments;
  • prepares and publishes information and analytical materials on the main trends and prospects for the development of culture and art