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VoiceLink VoiceLink


Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub


+ Goldin Evgeny Igorevich

VoisLink is a Russian manufacturer of peripheral equipment and software for intelligent transport systems and a system integrator of large infrastructure projects in the field of "smart (safe) city."

The authorized capital of VoisLink LLC is 10 thousand rubles.


Performance indicators

2023: Revenue - RUB 1.594 billion

The revenue of VoisLink at the end of 2023 amounted to 1.594 billion rubles. Read more about Rostelecom's IT ecosystem here.

Data for 2023

2018: Revenue - RUB 1.11 billion

Voyslink's revenue in 2018, according to, amounted to 1.11 billion rubles, net profit - 86.94 million rubles.


2021: Rostelecom bought 51% of VoisLink for 500 million rubles

The purchase of 51% of the software developer for intelligent transport systems VoisLink cost Rostelecom 500 million rubles. This became known in September 2021 from the annual reports of the telecommunications operator.

Rostelecom received control in VoisLink LLC through a subsidiary of PJSC Bashinformsvyaz"," which has been buying Russian telecom assets in the interests of the parent company since 2016. By September 2021, Bashinformsvyaz owns shares in more than 30 enterprises.

Valentin Martins, director of the sales development department of complex projects at Softline, believes that the acquisition of VoisLink will allow Rostelecom to position itself more seriously in the market of intelligent transport systems, offering its own developments.

Rostelecom acquired 51% of VoisLink for 500 million rubles
Nevertheless, the deal is unlikely to have a significant impact on the market as a whole. Companies have been partners for several years now, and the merger may be associated with a desire to more tightly combine internal business processes, he emphasizes.

According to Freedom Finance analyst Valery Emelyanov, since VoisLink works with the Moscow mayor's office in the field of supplying video surveillance systems, regulating intersections and introducing chat bots, Rostelecom will receive direct access to the main source of financing intelligent road solutions. The purchase is clearly made with an eye to the large-scale federal program "Safe Roads," which can significantly redraw the landscape in the industry, the expert said. He admits that the smart cities industry, thanks to state support, will be able to grow tenfold in 5 years.

2020: Conclusion of a binding agreement on the purchase by Rostelecom of 51% of the shares

On May 22, Rostelecom announced the conclusion of a legally binding agreement on the acquisition of 51% of VoisLink, a Russian manufacturer in the market for automated traffic control systems in Russia. The agreement was concluded by the state-owned company through its subsidiary, Bashinformsvyaz.

According to Anna Shumeiko, Senior Vice President of Rostelecom, the purchase of VoisLink is important for the company's development of a system of digital smart services. These services, she said, show a two-digit growth rate in Rostelecom's revenue structure and are the locomotive of its business growth with great potential for further expansion.

Как заявляет старший вице-президент «Ростелекома» Anna Shumeyko, the purchase of VoisLink is important for the company's development of a system of digital smart services. (photo -

The acquisition of VoisLink, according to Shumeiko, will lead Rostelecom to the following results:

  • strengthening the position in the Smart/Safe City project market;
  • expanding human resources through expertise in the design and construction of intelligent traffic management systems;
  • new opportunities for additional sales of modern smart solutions to current customers and as part of participation in the federal program "Safe Roads."