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Polar State University named after N.M. Fedorovsky (ZSU)



+ Government of the Russian Federation

"Polar State University named after N.M. Fedorovsky" - state higher educational institution on the Taimyr Peninsula.


2021: Renamed as N.M. Fedorovsky Polar State University

In 2021, the "Norilsk state Industrial Institute" was renamed the FSBEI HE "Polar State University named after N.M. Fedorovsky."


In 2020, the Arctic Center for Information Technologies and the Noosphere Environmental and Educational Center, the Ecology of Health Research Center, and the Laboratory for Social and Economic Research in the Arctic were formed.


As of April 2019, about 5 thousand people studied at the institute in the areas of higher and secondary vocational education, in graduate school. The institute has two main faculties: the Faculty of Electric Power, Economics and Management and the Faculty of Mining and Technology.

2016: Renamed Norilsk State Industrial Institute

In 2016, the university got a new name: the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Norilsk State Industrial Institute."


As of November 2014, the institute has 2 fakul­teta (mining and technological; electric power, economics and management) and a polytechnic college, 14 departments (9 of them are graduates), a center for povy­sheniya qualification and professional retraining, a center for informa­tsi­onnykh technologies, a scientific and issledo­va­telsky department, a re­daktsionno-publishing department, a center for pre-university education.

1991: Renamed Norilsk Industrial Institute

By order of the Civil Code of the RSFSR for Science and Higher Education No. 633 of July 5, 1991, the Norilsk Industrial Institute was renamed the Norilsk Industrial Institute.

1987: Transformation into Norilsk Production Plant

On the basis of order No. 492 of the MV and the SSO of the USSR of July 8, 1987, the NVII was renamed the Vtuz plant at the A.P. Zavenyagin.

1961: Education of the Norilsk Evening Industrial Institute

In 1961, the Norilsk Evening Industrial Institute (NVII) was formed by merging the evening faculty of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, the educational and consulting center of the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute and the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical College.