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Research Center for Electronic Computer Technology NITSEVT


Information Technology
Since 1968
117587, Varshavskoe sh., 125



+ Government of the Russian Federation

JSC "Research Center for Electronic Computer Engineering" (NICEVT) is an enterprise that develops computer equipment and system software.

The main stated goals of the activity are development and production,

The most important area of ​ ​ scientific and technical activity of NICEVT is the development of supercomputer technologies of computer equipment, electronic modules and units and their introduction into science, industry and education, as well as the provision of research, design, production, repair, service and educational services. In this area (as of January 2018), a family of EU-1740 Angara supercomputers with a promising architecture is being created, scalable to a transpetaflops level of real performance. They will be based on a multi-core multi-media microprocessor and a high-speed communication network being developed at NICEVT.

OJSC NITSEVT, June, 2015


2023: Ministry of Industry and Trade failed to sue 408.6 million rubles

In early April 2023, it became known that the Moscow Arbitration Court sided with the Scientific Research Center for Electronic Computer Technology (NICEVT; included in Rostec) as part of the proceedings on the claim of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

According to CNews, we are talking about a project called "Development and production of an SBIS network switch with a data transmission channel capacity of 200 Gbps for use in telecommunications equipment of data centers and high-performance computing systems." The Ministry of Industry and Trade subsidized the work in 2016, and NICEVT was supposed to invest 292.8 million rubles in the project.

During the implementation of the problem project, before the occurrence of force majeure, the indicator "Product sales volume" was partially achieved

In accordance with the case materials, the products described in the terms of reference were developed and prepared for production, however, NICEVT was unable to establish their release in time in the required amount. Therefore, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in accordance with the current legislation, was forced to go to court. A lawsuit for 408.6 million rubles was filed on July 18, 2022. From this amount, 335.8 million rubles fell on the subsidy requested for the return, and 72.8 million rubles - on a fine in connection with the failure to fulfill the obligations of the contract.

But the court, according to CNews, concluded that NICEVT, within the framework of the project, acted in "good faith" in conditions when it had to face circumstances beyond its control. Among such force majeure factors are trade and economic sanctions, as well as the difficult epidemiological situation amid the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, the plaintiffs' claims were rejected. Further actions of the ministry to possibly appeal the verdict will depend on the real viability and prospects of the NICEVT.

The court documents note that during the implementation of the problematic project before the occurrence of force majeure, the indicator "Volume of sales of products" was partially achieved, - notes CNews.[1]

2009: Inclusion in Vega Concern

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 297 of March 20, 2009, JSC NICEVT was included in the Vega radio construction concern.


In 1994, the state enterprise NITSEVT was transformed into the Open Joint Stock Company NITSEVT with a federal ownership share of 60.26%.

Since 1986, NICEVT has been closely engaged in projects for creating high-performance computing systems, a vector super-computer YeS-1191, a super-scalar super-computer YeS-1195 and others have been developed. NITSEVT JSC produces 9 different models of computers under the EU brand.

In the period from 1968 to 1995, NICEVT developed 7 senior models of EU computers, 4 two-machine complexes based on them, 16 editions of operating systems, 5 versions of operating systems for special equipment, 2 types of disk and 5 types of tape drives, 2 types of data multiplexers, 6 types of subscriber stations, 15 types of data transmission equipment. From the 70s to the mid-90s of the last century, computers of the Unified System formed the basis of the fleet of computers in the USSR. In total, over 20 thousand computers were produced. Onboard digital computing machines for aircraft and spacecraft of the Argon series were created.

In 1968, in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the Further Development of the Development and Production of Computer Equipment," the Scientific Research Center for Electronic Computer Technology (NICEVT) was created - the main enterprise of the USSR and the countries of the socialist community to create a complex of electronic computers "Ryad" - the Unified System of Electronic Computers (EU Computer). NICEVT was formed on the basis of a number of Moscow enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry, while NIEM became the organizational and technical basis of NICEVT. The NICEVT was set and solved the national task of creating computers of the Unified System of Dual Use (for civil and military needs), which are not inferior in basic technical and economic indicators to the best foreign counterparts.

In 1958, the enterprise was transformed into the Research Institute of Electronic Mathematical Machines (NIEM). NIEM developed general-purpose computers M-205, M-220, specialized computers 5E61, "Radon," "Maple," the first on-board digital computers of the "Argon" complex.

In 1948, Special Design Bureau No. 245 (SKB-245) was created. SKB-245 is known for the development of general-purpose computers "Strela," "Ural-1," M-20, a specialized computing complex M-111.
