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Radio Engineering Concern "Vega"



Federal Agency for State Property Management (Federal Property Management Agency) - 100%
United Instrument-Making Corporation (MIC)
The branch federal body is the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The company has the status of a strategic joint stock company (in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04.08.2004 No. 1009).



+ Vega Radio Engineering Concern
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Open Joint Stock Company "Radio Engineering Concern" Vega. " OJSC Concern Vega (formerly Moscow Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, NII-17, TsKB-17) is the oldest research institution in Russia in the field of aviation and space radar.

Areas of activity

Development of ground, airborne and space radar systems and their components, including:

  • means of aviation and space reconnaissance,
  • aircraft systems of radar monitoring and guidance,
  • Doppler speed and angle of aircraft demolition,
  • environmental monitoring systems,
  • systems and complexes of information support for special and civil purposes.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2004 No. 569 of the Open Joint-Stock Company "Concern of Radio Construction" Vega "the task of ensuring the priority development of key technologies of radio construction, radar means and reconnaissance and control systems of ground, aviation and space based in the interests of defense and economy of the country. To solve it, the concern additionally includes nine enterprises of the country's electronic industry complex.


  • OJSC Concern Vega

Branch of OJSC Concern Vega in Izhevsk Branch of OJSC "Concern" Vega "in St. Petersburg Branch of JSC "Radio Engineering Concern" Vega "in Taganrog

  • JSC "NII" Pendant "
  • OJSC "KB" Luch "
  • JSC "RZP"
  • OJSC NPP Rubin
  • JSC HRZ Flight
  • OJSC "IMC Concern" Vega "
  • JSC VNII Etalon
  • JSC "NII" Vector "
  • OJSC "Experimental Plant" Integral "
  • OJSC Zavod Energia
  • FSUE "Research Institute" Argon "
  • OJSC SKB Topaz


General Meeting of Shareholders

The functions of the General Meeting of Shareholders are performed by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo).

Board of Directors

List of members of the Board of Directors of OJSC Concern Vega for 2010-2011:

  • Yuri Borisov - First Deputy Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Concern Vega

  • Vladimir Stepanovich Verba - General Director - General Designer of OJSC Concern Vega

  • Karavaev Igor Evgenievich - State Secretary, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

  • Mikhail Ivanovich Lychagin - Director of the Department of the Government of the Russian Federation

  • Potapov Pavel Alekseevich - Deputy Head of the Federal Property Management Agency

  • Vladislav Nikolaevich Putilin

  • Oleg Frolov - Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for the Supply of Weapons, Military, Special Equipment and Material


Vladimir Stepanovich Verba


The Management Board consists of 11 (eleven) members elected by the decision of the Board of Directors of OJSC Concern Vega on June 25, 2010, consisting of the following:

Chairman of the Management Board of the Company:

Vladimir Stepanovich Verba - General Director - General Designer of OJSC Concern Vega

Members of the Management Board of the Company:

  • Andrey Artyukh - Deputy General Director for Corporate Strategy and Economic Development of OJSC Concern Vega

  • Leonid Vorontsov - Deputy General Director of OJSC Concern Vega for Technologies

  • Davydkin Alexander Petrovich - Deputy General Director - Executive Director of OJSC Concern Vega

  • Georgy Valerievich Elyushkin - Head of Financial Department of OJSC Concern Vega

  • Alexander Minchenko - Deputy General Director of OJSC Concern Vega for Property Management and Legal Support

  • Vyacheslav Mikheev - General Director of OJSC "IMC Concern" Vega "

  • Anatoly Peresypkin - Deputy General Designer for Technical Policy - Director for R&D of OJSC Concern Vega

  • Alexander Tikhonovich Silkin - Deputy General Director for Scientific and Technical Policy of OJSC Concern Vega

  • Alexander Vasilievich Frolov - Deputy General Designer for Innovative Projects of OJSC Concern Vega

  • Dmitry Shcherbakov - Deputy General Director for Production of OJSC Concern Vega



Change of CEO - Sergey Skorykh became it

On September 23, 2022, Rostec announced the change of the general director of the Vega concern state corporation controlled (through the Roselectronics holding), which is developing aviation and space systems. The company was headed by Sergey Skorykh, he replaced Vyacheslav Mikheev, who will now focus on performing the key development work of the concern as general designer. Read more here.

Disabling to IT Registry

JSC VNII Vega Concern Avtomatika of Rostec State Corporation is included in the register of accredited organizations operating in the field of information technology. The concern announced this on April 21, 2022.

This important decision was made by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media on the basis of a government decree. We hope that inclusion in the state register will be a powerful incentive for the enterprise, "said Andrei Motorko, General Director of the Avtomatika Concern. - Vega successfully develops and maintains systems and hardware systems in the field of information technology. The organization employs high-class specialists, professionals in their field. Support is very important to them.

The concern recalled that earlier the President of Russia signed a Decree "On measures to ensure the accelerated development of the information technology industry in the Russian Federation." Inclusion in the register will allow the Voronezh enterprise to attract grants, provide employees with a preferential mortgage, take loans on favorable terms for new projects, and also provide young employees with a deferral from the army to 27 years.

2020: Agreement with Aeroxo to jointly develop and manufacture UAVs

Holding Roselectronics"" of the State Corporation Rostec , together Russian startup with the company Aeroxo , will launch the production of robotic tiltrotors. They can be used for transportation cargo, ice control in the regions of the Far North, as well as as part of complex projects for monitoring long-term facilities. critical infrastructure Rostec announced this on June 17, 2020.

The parties plan to unite efforts in the development and mass production of unmanned aerial vehicles. The corresponding agreement was signed by the general director of the Vega concern (part of Roselectronics) Vyacheslav Mikheev and the general director of Aeroxo Eldar Razroev. Read more here.


In 2006, under the leadership of A. A. Antonyuk, the RSA of the Su-24MR aircraft earth surface observation system was improved. The photographic information recording system has been replaced by a digital one (hard magnetic drive). The refinement of the radar, in fact, is a deep modernization. Its implementation provides a qualitatively new level of effective sensing of the earth's surface through the use of advanced technologies for obtaining, processing and decrypting images. When installing a modernized product, conversion of the aircraft and changing the crew algorithm in flight are not required.

The results of operation of the modernized equipment indicate high efficiency and reliability, while the digital processing and recording system forms a high-quality radar image of the terrain with azimuth resolution and a range of no more than 1.2-3 m, which is 7-10 times better than the previous system. The time for obtaining an image for decryption (from the moment the aircraft engines are turned off to the start of decryption) is reduced from 4- 6 hours to 20 - 30 minutes. A new workstation for ground-based information processing, consisting of a personal computer and a printing device, reads navigation data (coordinates, flight modes) at any point of the radar image in automatic mode.

2005: Indian Air Force AWACS

  • In 2005, the parent enterprise of the concern, with the active participation of CB Luch OJSC and NPP Rubin OJSC, began implementing an export contract to create a communication and interception control system for an Indian Air Force early warning aircraft (Bangalore ROC, director of the international program A.V. Vinogradny). The communication system provides radio communication of an AWACS aircraft with interacting objects in various wave ranges, including through a repeater installed on an artificial Earth satellite. The interception control system performs an automated assessment of threats to defended objects from enemy aircraft, aiming fighters at detected targets and conducting aircraft along given routes.

In accordance with the decisions of the Chief of Armament of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation A.P. Sitnov and the Head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation V.V. Korabelnikova, OJSC Concern Vega has begun to develop a multi-frequency aviation radar remote sensing complex with a synthesized aperture and digital adaptive processing of information "IMARK," designed for viewing the earth and water surfaces. The development is supervised by A.V. Dzenkevich and V.A. Plyushchev.

The complex is unique because it works simultaneously in four wavelength ranges (from 4 cm to 2.5 m) with various polarizations of the sounding signal. For the first time, when processing information, autofocus algorithms are used to obtain detailed highly informative radar images of objects hidden by smoke, fog, vegetation, as well as snow or soil at a depth of 50-70 m from the surface, with their exact coordinate reference according to the satellite navigation system. The complex has an undoubted advantage over foreign analogues in depth of penetration into the investigated medium with preservation of resolution. The high flight speed of the carrier aircraft (600 km/h) and the wide terrain capture band (24 km) determine the high performance of radar shooting (14,400 sq. Km is mapped per flight hour) at low costs. It is able to quickly display information on board and transmit it via a communication line to a central or local control point. The range of its applications is unusually wide.

Early Warning Radar Systems

  • The main direction of research and development, which for many years determined the scientific fate of the institute and its status, is associated with the creation of aviation systems for early radar detection (AWACS). The first such domestic aviation complex was the Liana complex (chief designer V.P. Ivanov) on a Tu-126 aircraft, adopted by air defense aircraft, and was in the troops for a quarter of a century.

Further improvement and expansion of the functional capabilities of the AWACS complexes was carried out in the direction of increasing the range and number of automated control channels, and most importantly - increasing the reliability of the allocation of air targets, including low-flying ones, against the background of reflections from any underlying surfaces and the ability to guide fighters to detected targets. These works were implemented by the creation of the A-50 early warning and control aircraft complex.

The creation of a radar capable of detecting air targets against the background of signals reflected from the underlying surface became possible thanks to the results of several fundamental research works begun back in the 1950s (Rama, Lake, Uley-C4). The basic work that determined the further development of AWACS complexes was the research work "Bee-67" (supervisor A.T. Metelsky). According to its results, the institute conducted two OCDs.

The first is the creation of a nagorno-radio station for detecting low-flying air targets against the background of the ground of the Periscope-V RTK. Soon after its adoption, the complex was modernized ("Periscope-VM"). The chief designer of both works is A.T. Metelsky. Periscope-B and Periscope-VM were located on the southern, northern and eastern borders of the country.

The second ROC, which used the results of the Pchela-67 research work, is the creation of a radio engineering complex for the A-50 aircraft, adopted by the domestic Air Force in 1985. This event was preceded by time-consuming flight design and state tests. A large number of industry and armed forces specialists were involved in their implementation. From the Air Force, the test brigade was led by Colonel A.I. Mishin.

The creation of a radio engineering complex for the A-50 aircraft is one of the most important scientific and technical achievements of the team of our enterprise and enterprises that make up cooperation, as well as the entire domestic aircraft and radio construction. A huge contribution to the creation of the complex was made by: chief designer V.P. Ivanov, L.D. Bakhrakh, A.V. Vasiliev, V.M. Vorontsov, V.A. Gandurin, V.P. Ivanov-Jr., V.I. Karpeev, L.Ya. Melnikov, S.N. Minaev, L.N. Petrov, V.F. Ozhdaev, O.V. scientists, VT. Re. engineers, Stan. Stanishev, and other engineers, Konovalov.

1991: The Almaz-1 spacecraft with the Sword-KU RSA was launched into orbit with expanded capabilities

In March 1991, the Almaz-1 spacecraft with the Sword-KU RSA was launched into orbit with expanded technical capabilities (chief designers P.O. Salganik, I.G. Osipov).

1987: The Cosmos-1870 spacecraft with the Sword-K RSA was launched into orbit

In 1966, the development of the Sword-A RSA (chief designer P.O. Salganik) for the Almaz-A manned orbital station began. Unfortunately, the set of equipment that passed the full cycle of ground testing as part of the Almaz station was never launched, and instead the institute was assigned the Sech-K RSA for an unmanned vehicle of the same Almaz series. In July 1987, the Cosmos-1870 spacecraft with the Sword-K RSA was launched into orbit. Successful operation from July 1987 to July 1989 made it possible to obtain a large amount of radar images.

1971: Launch of a space-based earth surface observation complex

In parallel with the development of aviation systems for observing the earth's surface, the institute began work on the creation of similar space-based systems. Under the leadership of I.A. Brukhansky, the development of a radar complex for the US-A apparatus of the marine space reconnaissance and target designation system was carried out. The complex included a side-scan radar (chief designer P.O. Salganik) and an Aelita on-board digital computer (chief designer M.P. Bogachev), which processed radar information in real time with storing a huge amount of information to transmit it over radio links to consumers in communication sessions. The high reliability of Aelita was achieved by hot element-by-element redundancy. Control of the radar complex from the manufacturer to the starting position was provided by the automatic complex "Dolphin" (chief designer I.G. Osipov). The first information was adopted after the launch of the Cosmos-402 artificial Earth satellite on April 1, 1971. Until 1988, the complex was successfully operated on a large number of spacecraft - Kosmos-402, -469, -516, -1076, -1700 and others (a total of 28 launches).


The head enterprise of the concern (OJSC "Concern of Radio Construction" Vega ") is a scientific and design organization with a glorious sixty-five-year history. Created in the distant wartime (October 1, 1944), the Central Design Bureau (TsKB) No. 17 was focused on the development of aircraft radar systems and equipment. Subsequently, the enterprise was called Research Institute No. 17, Moscow Research Institute of Instrument Engineering, and since July 2003 - Open Joint Stock Company Concern Radio Construction Vega (OJSC Concern Vega).

Over the years of its existence, the staff of the enterprise has created a number of systems that were adopted by the Soviet army. The first work of the TsKB-17 (and then NII-17) - the Rubidium radar complex for the Tu-4 aircraft took place under the leadership of chief designer Y.B. Shapirovsky. Then, in NII-17, under the leadership of V.V. Tikhomirov, the Kadmiy, Argon radar stations were developed for the Tu-16 and Emerald bomber for the MiG-17P fighter, and under the leadership of A.B. Slepushkin, the Toriy-A radar for the MiG-15 fighter.

In 1950, under the leadership of V.E. Kolchinsky, research began, and then the development of Doppler speed and demolition meters (DISS). The first such device was DISS "Route," which was mass-produced for more than 20 years in various modifications. It was used on Tu-104, Tu-114, Tu-134, Il-18 and An-12 aircraft. Further development was DISS Strela, Mast, used on Tu-154, Il-62, An-22, and DISS Demolition aircraft - for Il-86, Yak-42, An-72 aircraft. In the same period of time, DISS "Bereg" and "Sail" were developed for unmanned aerial vehicles of the USSR Navy, as well as DISS "Screw" series for helicopters.

Under the leadership of V.E. Kolchinsky, the Planeta Doppler landing radar was also developed, which provided a soft landing on the lunar surface of the Luna-16, -17, -20, -21, -23, -24 automatic stations. These stations landed self-propelled vehicles (Lunokhodov) with scientific and television equipment on the lunar surface and took samples of lunar soil.

  • Starting in 1957, under the leadership of S.T. Egorov, work began on passive radar. About two dozen original samples of microwave radiometric devices for various purposes were used on the boards of helicopters and aircraft, spacecraft and orbital artificial Earth satellites to solve scientific and applied problems.

  • In the 1960s, under the leadership of A.L. Mikaelyan, the Tunnel and Coral research and development projects were carried out, which showed the feasibility of using a new source of optical range - a laser in the equipment under development. This made it possible to start creating systems and complexes with fundamentally new tactical characteristics. The result was the creation of Spire-1 laser aerial reconnaissance equipment (chief designer A.B. Slepushkin,) for the MiG-21R and Spire-2 aircraft (chief designer A.K. Stolyarov) for the Su-24MR aircraft.

  • In the early 1960s, work began in the USSR on radar with a synthesized antenna aperture (PCA). The Moscow Research Institute of Instrumentation took an active part in the research work "Azimut," carried out under the leadership of A.P. Reutov at the VVIA named after N.E. Zhukovsky. It for the first time implemented the principles of PCA with obtaining a high-resolution image. At the institute itself, under the leadership of P.O. Salganik, the fundamental research work "Blade" was carried out, as a result of which radar images of the area were obtained and the observability of objects on it was investigated. Since 1962, under the leadership of A.T. Metelsky, and since 1965 - G.A. Sonnenstral, the development of an aircraft radar for a side view of the B-001 was carried out. At the end of State tests, the radar as part of the Yak-28B aircraft entered combat units. The continuation of these works was the development of BKR-1 systems for the Su-24MR and BKR-2 for the Tu-22 aircraft under the leadership of chief designers O.N. Yakovlev, A.A. Ilyushin, L.N. Tyapkina. RSAs for these complexes were developed under the leadership of the chief designer V.V. Veprintsev.