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Intelligent power generating system of Russia


"The intelligent power generating system of Russia" was formed in 2010 with assistance of JSC FGC UES and Russian Energy Agency Federal State Institution, the coordinator of the platform - the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. A main objective of TP IES - implementation of intellectual technologies in the Russian power industry for ensuring the innovation break in development of the industry, sharp increase in efficiency, reliability and safety of its activity.

FGC UES - Federal Grid Company of the Power pool system
Russian Energy Agency (REA)
Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Energy)


+ FGC UES - Federal Grid Company of the Power pool system
+ Government of the Russian Federation

The public-private partnership the Technology platform "An intelligent power generating system of Russia" is created at the initiative of Russian Energy Agency Federal State Institution and JSC FGC UES according to the decision of Government Commission on High Technology and Innovation. Technology platforms as an important element of the innovation infrastructure are widespread in Europe, the USA. The decision on development of concepts of technology platforms for Russia was made in August, 2010 by Government Commission on High Technology and Innovation under the leadership of the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The technology platform is designed to integrate the Russian and foreign energy companies, the industry scientific and design enterprises, higher education institutions and also the consulting and implementation companies working in power. The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation acts as the coordinator of the platform.

The basic the purposes of partnership are support of effective development of a power generating system of our country; creation of new perspective commercial technologies, products and services; improvement of a regulatory framework and stimulation of the innovative developments in the power sphere. The main direction of developments within TP "Intelligent Power Generating System of Russia" – cardinal increase in efficiency, reliability and safety of functioning of the Russian power industry. Such developments will promote reduction of risk of system accidents; to increase in efficiency of service of networks and uses of the equipment; to involvement in an energy balance of renewable energy sources; to decrease in losses when transporting; to distribution and sale of the electric power, cutting of costs for energy resources of budget organizations and housing and public utilities and also reduction of environmental risks.

In March, 2011 Russian corporation of means of communication", the producer of the entrusted telecommunication equipment, announced accession to a technology platform Intellektualnaya energeticheskaya sistema Rossii Ltd (TP IES). As a part of TP IES Russian Telecom Equipment Company as the developer of the hi-tech systems of complex security, will take active part in perspective research and development on development of the intelligent electric network of Russia. Also the consortium of the Russian companies DATA+ Esri CIS was also announced the accession to the Technology Platform (TP) "An intelligent power generating system of Russia".

According to the purposes of the Technology platform, the consortium of the companies "DATA+" Esri CIS will also be involved in development of offers and requirements to the innovation products and their application in the Russian power industry. Also the consortium will take part in drawing up new industry educational standards and preparation of actions plans TP. At the same time experience of partners – companies 3-GIS and Telvent specializing on GIS- solutions for power industry will be involved. As shows the international and Russian experience, serve GIS technology as a crucial element in creation of modern effective and safe power generating systems at all levels today.

On April 12, 2012 the Asteros company joined the Technology platform "An intelligent power generating system of Russia". Together with the state, commercial and scientific organizations "Asteros" will support implementation of innovations in the Russian power and to advance intelligent solutions.

Within partnership Asteros will participate in project implementation on creation of IT infrastructure of intelligent power generating systems and also to be engaged in research and educational activity. Together with such companies as Oracle, Cisco, SAP, Itron and Teradata, Asteros will promote distribution of the innovative technologies in power, to improvement of methods of control automation by the distributed energy resources.

Will offer customers of Asteros the latest developments and the advanced solutions for effective use of production assets of the power enterprise and increase in its competitiveness.