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Competence Center for Import Substitution in ICT ANO


The ICT Import Substitution Competence Center is being created on behalf of President Vladimir Putin. Its tasks include promoting domestic ICT solutions, monitoring public procurement and analyzing the rationale for the inability to purchase Russian solutions, examining projects of state customers, developing recommendations on various aspects of import substitution, etc.

Institute for Internet Development (IRI)
E-State Expert Center D-Russia
Domestic Software (ARPP) Association


+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ ROCIT - Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies
+ E-State Expert Center D-Russia

2023: Agreement with KP VET in order to develop demand for domestic software and equipment

On March 2, 2023, in Moscow, Ilya Massukh, director of the Competence Center for Import Substitution in ICT, and Renata Abdulina, chairman of the Association of the Largest Software and Equipment Consumers, signed a cooperation agreement aimed at developing demand for domestic software and equipment through improving Russian solutions in the interests of customers.

Under the terms of the agreement, the parties plan to carry out joint measures aimed at developing demand for domestic software and equipment and increasing their competitiveness in the domestic and world markets, will jointly prepare and discuss proposals for legislative regulation of issues related to the purchase and use of domestic and foreign software and equipment, and also plan to implement joint projects to study the Russian IT market.

Feedback is one of the most important tools for software development. Interaction between customers and developers to ensure the necessary functionality is at the heart of the work of industrial competence centers and competence centers for the development of system-wide and application software. Therefore, I fully welcome the work of large customers of Russian solutions in this direction, we will cooperate, - said Ilya Massukh.

ANO "CKIT" is one of the key participants state in the policy in the region. import substitution For many years, the organization has been helping Russian solutions to win back the Russian market from foreign vendors and contributes to the development of technological sovereignty. countries Members of the association, in turn, are the largest customers IT of the sector services and are directly interested Russia in creating competitive software. The experts of the association will take part in the preparation of proposals aimed at increasing the effectiveness of measures of state support for Russian consumers and manufacturers of domestic software and equipment, and will also help identify barriers that impede the development of the domestic IT industry, "said Renata Abdulina.

2020: Functions of the Competence Center for Import Substitution in ICT have been identified

Old CICT logo

The official Internet portal of legal information published the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2020 No. 2117 "On the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies." The document was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation[1]."

The regulatory act specifies the main functions of the Center:

  • study of import substitution programs in the field of ICT developed by authorities and private companies;
  • analysis of the reasons preventing import substitution in the field of ICT;
  • methodological and expert assistance to state institutions, organizations in the field of import substitution in the field of ICT;
  • analysis of public procurement of ICT, identification of violations during competitive procedures, as well as provision of this information to authorized federal authorities;
  • monitoring the implementation of domestic ICTs in the public administration system and organizations with state participation;
  • organization of testing of domestic software in order to ensure verification of its functional capabilities, compatibility with each other and with various hardware and software complexes;
  • independent assessment and approval of plans for implementation of measures for transition to domestic software;
  • expert assessment of the level of digital transformation of state corporations and companies;
  • participation in the development, approval and implementation of strategies for the digital transformation of public institutions.

This structure annually sends a report to the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of the implementation of the policy in the field of import substitution of information and communication technologies.

2017: Cancellation of public procurement of foreign software

The autonomous non-profit organization "Center for Competencies in Import Substitution in the Field of ICT" created in pursuance of presidential instructions, in May 2017, for the first time managed to appeal against the unjustified purchase of foreign software by Rosarkhiv through the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). The tender of the department concerned the automation of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI) by creating a hardware and software intra-archive and intra-departmental data transmission and processing infrastructure. The initial price of the lot was set at p13.8 million.

The Antimonopoly Service decided that the state customer violated the decree of the Russian government of November 16, 2015 No. 1236 "On establishing a ban on the admission of software originating from foreign countries...."

The complaint of the Center was sent to the FAS on May 12, 2017 and received satisfaction on May 18, 2017. Following the results of the proceedings, it was decided to issue an order to the customer to eliminate violations of[2].


Ilya Massukh became the director of the competence center

In September 2016, the ICT Import Substitution Competence Center was registered, TAdviser found out. It was created in the form of an autonomous non-profit organization, the founders of which were the associations "Domestic Software," the Institute for Internet Development (IRI) and the "Expert Center for Electronic State."

Ilya Massukh has been appointed Director of the Center. The Information Democracy Fund belonging to him is a co-founder of the Electronic State Expert Center.

Ilya Massukh headed the Competence Center for Import Substitution in ICT, registered in September 2016

Ilya Massukh could not answer TAdviser questions about how the center will work at the initial stage. Evgenia Vasilenko, executive director of the Domestic Software Association, in a conversation with TAdviser, noted that the center was registered with the Ministry of Justice, but he has not yet received funding. There was an order from the president to provide support for the Center, but funds have not yet been allocated, she said. So far, the organization can exist using only the resources of the founders of the center. In this regard, a large range of tasks at the initial stage is unlikely to be covered, Vasilenko believes.

I think that at the initial stage it is worth concentrating on the tasks that the state has already announced in the field of import substitution. First of all, this is an analysis of software purchases, justifications and other aspects related to such tasks. As a representative of one of the founders of the Center, I would like the Center to do this as soon as possible, - says the executive director of Fatherland Software. - Each of the founders already has its own competencies and developments in the field of import substitution. For example, participants regularly send information about tenders with violations of the procurement procedure to our association.

Evgenia Vasilenko added that in such cases it does not always make sense to immediately contact the FAS. It happens that it turns out to be more productive first to discuss the situation and understand the customer's plans. In some cases, customers have import substitution plans, and they already interact with Russian manufacturers, but since they need to update their licenses annually, they are currently purchasing imported software.

The regulatory framework determining how the conclusions of the Center by the authorities will be taken into account has not yet been developed at the time of registration of the organization: "As far as I know, there are no regulatory documents establishing the authority and role of the Center in the assessment and analysis of tenders," Vasilenko noted. The development of such documents was previously discussed, but its status as of October is not known to Evgenia Vasilenko.

Registration documents of the Competence Center sent to the Ministry of Justice

The founders of the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the ICT sector submitted documents on its registration to the Ministry of Justice. On September 19, 2016, TAdviser was announced by Evgenia Vasilenko, executive director of the Domestic Software Association. Registration is expected within 30 days.

The founders of the Center were the Association "Domestic Software," the Institute for Internet Development (IRI) and the "Expert Center for Electronic State."

"Domestic Software" unites 120 Russian companies - developers, software including,,, and "1C" Abbyy "Ascon" Diasoft others.

The Internet Development Institute was established by the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, associations of Internet companies and Advisor to the President of Russia German Klimenko.

The Electronic State Expert Center is the structure of the former Deputy Minister of Communications of Russia Ilya Massukh. Its co-founder is the Massuch-owned Information Democracy Foundation. The Fund itself was created by an ex-official in 2012, and in 2015 earned 77.3 million rubles (more).

In the photo from left to right - Evgenia Vasilenko, German Klimenko, Ilya Massukh

Ilya Massukh expects that by October 1, 2016, the Import Substitution Competence Center should be formed. But how his conclusions will be taken into account by the departments has not yet been decided. The Ministry of Economic Development TAdviser reported that they sent a report on the principles of the Competence Center to the Government. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications declined to comment on this topic.

According to Massukh, the Center is planned to be financed from the budget, but the source and amount of funding has not yet been determined.

Earlier, in the draft report to Vladimir Putin on the creation of the Competence Center, which was sent for approval to the government of the Ministry of Economy, it was assumed that it should work on the principles of self-sufficiency. Support from the federal budget - about 30 million rubles - was expected only in the first year of its operation. The Ministry of Economic Development TAdviser reported that the issue of financing is being worked out.

The goals and objectives of the Center are formulated

On July 27, at a working meeting chaired by Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation German Klimenko, the head of the Expert Center for Electronic State Pavel Khilov described the goals and objectives of the Competence Center[3] of the [4].

The purpose of creating the Center is to effectively implement the state policy on import substitution in the field of ICT in organizations whose activities are regulated by No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" and No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities," and other interested organizations.

The tasks of the Center can be conditionally divided into four groups - organizational, methodological, technological, as well as analytics and monitoring in the field of import substitution.

The first group includes:

  • analysis of problems and preparation of proposals for their elimination, including improvement of regulations and development of new ones;
  • creation of an independent expert platform for discussion and development of decisions;
  • organization of software development in the most critical areas of public administration;
  • formation of a list of promising ICT and investment projects aimed at import substitution in the field of ICT, for selection by development institutions and government agencies.

The methodological work includes:

  • development of recommendations on various aspects of import substitution;
  • provision of information on Russian products and solutions;
  • holding seminars, webinars, conferences;
  • implementation and development of the topic with teaching Russian products, from school to civil servants.

The group of process tasks includes:

  • testing of products and solutions from the registry, including for compatibility with each other and with hardware, for sufficient functionality to cover the needs of authorities;
  • expertise of projects of state customers for more efficient use of Russian products and systems;
  • as a result - generation of recommended software packages/sets from the registry.

Analytics and monitoring include:

  • monitoring of tender documentation, analysis of justifications for the impossibility of purchasing Russian software, analysis of customer requirements for purchased ICT equipment and software;
  • monitoring the implementation of import substitution projects, their popularization;
  • Rating is an effective tool for both incentives and incentives;
  • as the main result of analytical and monitoring activities - the formation of a single annual report on the state of affairs in the field of import substitution.

From the draft report to Vladimir Putin on the creation of the Competence Center, which the Ministry of Economy sent for preliminary approval to the government in March 2016, it followed that the Center would provide government agencies with information about Russian software, its developers, the stability of technical support, and dependence on foreign vendors. In addition, he will monitor and analyze public procurement of software and, in particular, expertise of the validity of purchases by government agencies of foreign software. The center was also proposed to be made the operator of a single register of domestic software, created in January 2016.

Customers will probably shy away from replacing foreign software with Russian ones and say that, for example, they do not have enough 1C functionality, so they choose SAP or Oracle. The competence center will track such precedents and, if necessary, contact the Ministry of Economy and the Federal Antimonopoly Service, - explained the head of the Information Democracy Fund Ilya Massukh, who heads the Internet plus sovereignty subgroup under the presidential administration.

Vladimir Putin's order to support the Center

On May 26, 2016, Vladimir Putin instructed[5] Prime Minister[6], to ensure the initiative to create a competence center for import substitution of ICT with the necessary state support. He set the task within a four-month period, until October 1, 2016, to determine the legal status of the center, its powers and the procedure for accounting by state bodies for decisions issued by it.

The amount of funding has been determined

In March, the Ministry of Economy sent for preliminary approval to the government a draft report to Vladimir Putin on the creation of a competence center for import substitution in the field of information and communication technologies[7]. The draft said that the key condition for the effectiveness of the center should be the equidistance of its participants from the ultimate beneficiaries of the software and hardware market, and therefore its operation is possible in the format of a non-profit organization.

It is assumed that the annual budget of the center will be about 30 million rubles, and analysts will become its main employees.

The center should work on the principles of self-sufficiency. However, in the first year of the center's operation, state support from the federal budget will be required, the project said.

Order of Vladimir Putin on the creation of the Center

In January 2016, following the results of the Internet Economics forum, President Vladimir Putin instructed to create a Competence Center for Import Substitution in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). It should be created on the basis of the Institute for Internet Development, the Association of Software Developers and the Electronic State Expert Center.
