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NSU Advanced Engineering School




+ Government of the Russian Federation


2024: Small Satellite Factory Set Up

On January 11, 2024, Novosibirsk State University (NSU) announced a factory project for the production of small spacecraft. It is planned to form it within the framework of the Advanced Engineering School (PISH NSU).

It is assumed that in the first stage the new site will be used for serial production of equipment for small satellites. In the future, the production of spacecraft themselves will be organized on it. In parallel, it is planned to further expand the material and technical base, in particular, the opening of new modern spaces at the university sites.

PISH NSU announced a factory project for the production of small spacecraft
Plans for 2024 are a small spacecraft factory. This is a real production chain practically, on which we will be able to mass-produce equipment for small spacecraft, and in the future small spacecraft, "says Sergei Golovin, director of PISH NSU.

It is also reported that NSU may become one of the supporting universities of Roscosmos. One of the priority areas in the university's activities is the development of onboard diagnostic equipment for satellites. Such devices are designed to monitor and diagnose a wide range of parameters: the internal atmosphere of the spacecraft, onboard systems, the state of the Earth's magnetosphere and its impact on the satellite, various parameters of the physical situation in orbit.

One of the latest developments of NSU is an experimental complex for measuring the radiation situation, installed on the Skif-D satellite. The device collects data to study the radiation situation in an average circular orbit - 8070 km with a polar inclination of 90 degrees. The transmitted information allows you to determine the limit values ​ ​ of radiation at a given height and draw conclusions about the degree of its impact on the device and the protection capabilities of satellite subsystems.[1]
