Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Fund of development of high technologies of the Far East


the Fund of Development of the Far East (FDFE), Rusnano


+ ВЭБ.РФ (earlier Vnesheconombank)
+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Russian Venture Capital Company (RVCC)
"We plan start of one more fund now - Fund of development of high technologies of the Far East. Now we discuss together with Rusnano and with RVC in proportions for a start approximately 1.5 billion rubles, i.e. the general capital - about 4.5-5 billion rubles. We to Rusnano and RVC are close to agreement signature about fund, we already agreed on conditions, in the next two months we will sign", - Alexey Chekunkov told.

He noted that by the beginning of work the portfolio of new fund will include previously 21 projects with total amount of investments of 24 billion rubles.

"It is the potential projects not all from them will be implemented. In such centers as Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Vladivostok, there are hi-tech projects, and we want them "push" as fast as possible in the market", - the head of FRDV added.

Alexey Chekunkov reminded that the President of Russia charged to raise a share of hi-tech projects a portfolio of fund. "This area of work not is obvious to all because the Far East is associated with the traditional industries, such as fishing, mineral extraction and so on though there are strong practices, in particular, in robotics, the space industry. To collect all this in the uniform center as the Far East technologies - Yury Petrovich Trutnev set such task for us", - the head Fonda specified.

Let's remind, for the first time for investments into hi-tech projects declared the idea of creation of fund at a meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with Deputy Prime Ministers.

"We today in structure of the projects implemented in the Far East 24 percent on investment volume – hi-tech, have a list. We understand that it is not enough. Now we create the new tool which will allow to support development and deployment of new technologies in the Far East together with Fund of development of the Far East and the Russian venture capital company", - the Deputy Prime Minister – the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev emphasized.
Earlier he also noted that Fund of development of the Far East it "the flexible tool". "It should follow demand, it should not be steel concrete when planned strategy and ran to the purpose. Life changes, conditions change. The Fund also should do what is necessary today for development of economy of the Far East. In this respect now the good collective which is thinking, quickly reacting, making offers was selected there. All of us and work for development of the Far East, trying to answer together any new calls", - Yury Trutnev told.