Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2




+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ ВЭБ.РФ (earlier Vnesheconombank)

The agency performs the activity within the special regulatory base regulating an order of providing insurance support on export loans and investments.

Strategic directions of activity of the Agency:

  • insurance support of export of goods and services of the Russian production;
  • development of a modern system of financing of the export provided with an insurance coverage of the Agency;
  • insurance support of the Russian investments abroad;
  • support it is export the focused subjects of MSP.

The insurance coverage of the Agency is applied to protection:

  • export loans from entrepreneurial and political risks;
  • the Russian investments abroad from political risks (since 2013).

Industry priorities are defined by the Development strategy of the Agency. Key attention is paid to export of hi-tech and innovation products. Insurance support in the markets of the third countries of multilateral export projects with the Russian content will become the separate important area of work of the Agency.


2020: Transition under management of ВЭБ.РФ

On November 23, 2020 the prime minister Russia Mikhail Mishustin announced large-scale optimization of institutes of development. Part of them will pass under management of state corporation ВЭБ.РФ. In more detail here.