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+ Government of the Russian Federation
+ Tsaritsyn Capital
+ Sergey Skvortsov
+ Zamkov Anton Sergeevich
+ Shipelov Andrey Evgenievich

Core activity of the company is activity in the field of communication based on wireless technologies.


2019: The construction plan of federal network of industrial Internet of Things for 53 billion rubles

On April 19, 2019 it became known that the GLONASS-TM company is joint venture of structures of Igor Rotenberg, Rostec Group and JSC GLONASS - in 2020 is going to start construction of federal network of industrial Internet of Things (IoT).

Yes, plans for construction of network is, everything was for this purpose made, frequencies are selected, but it is better for part to ask "GLONASS-TM"

According to the presentation of the project, GLONASS-TM is going to use IoT network through the whole country for different types of monitoring, collecting and data analysis, in particular, in such spheres as control consumption of energy resources (electricity, gas, water), monitoring of buildings, security control, behavior of visitors in public places; optimization of city space (garbage removal, outside lighting and other); response to wildfires.

It is stated that in 2020-2024 the company will set more than 34 thousand base stations for the IoT network what it is going to spend 24.6 billion rubles for. In general the company estimates capital costs of the project in five years at 53 billion rubles. It is expected that the IoT network will begin to make profit for the fifth year of existence.

According to "GLONASS-TM", for start of IoT network in Russia the frequency range of 863-865 MHz and 874-876 MHz is already selected. Officially it was not reported, but at the end of 2018 in media there was information that the State commission on radio frequencies (SCRF) at a private meeting selected the companies this range without tender.

On presentation materials, for creation of federal network IoT the GLONASS-TM company is going to use own development in the field of energy efficient wireless communication (LPWAN) - the XNB protocol. The protocol is created by Modern Radio of Technology (MRT) company which since the end of the 2018th is owned by Igor Rotenberg and Andrey Shipelov.

Affirms that this protocol, in comparison with foreign analogs, has more than the radius of signal, and the signal is capable to get through concrete walls. Also it is emphasized that the protocol - completely Russian development, for enciphering of user data in it is used an algorithm "Grasshopper".

XNB is the closed protocol of SRT company. The company had attempts to spread it and further to make open, but, according to my information, they stopped when it was purchased. As far as I know, they prepare the XNB chip for the broad market, it will allow third-party developers to use their network, but will not make opened the protocol. It is necessary to understand that all standards of LPWAN are XNB, NB-IoT, LoRa - have three quality characteristics: range, data transfer rate and level of energy consumption. There is no such protocol which would be best of all than the others on all these indicators. Each protocol has the quality characteristics and is used under the tasks: in some tasks the energy efficiency of devices, in others - data transfer rate is more important. Therefore I do not consider the idea of creation of federal network IoT under a wide range of tasks on one protocol reasonable. In my opinion, it creates risk of formation of an oligopoly in IoT market.
Ilya Bykonya, CEO of Rightech which is engaged in developments in the field of IoT

According to the statements of developer company of the protocol, it has a good sending range of a signal and low level of energy consumption. Respectively, it can be used in the metering devices or some self-contained units standing in the fields and transferring some parameters few times in day, but is not more often, otherwise the battery will be dead. Any developers of IoT devices while the developer company of the closed protocol can limit its use can use open protocols and cooperate only with several producers of devices.

On April 5, 2019 the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications approved the "Concept of creation and development of narrowband wireless networks of communication of Internet of Things in Russia" developed by the working group at ANO Tsifrovaya ekonomika with the assistance of Ministry of Transport and FSB[1].
