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Siberian Supercomputer Center (SCC SCC)



+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Collective Use Center "Siberian Supercomputer Center" (CCP SSKC) was organized by decree of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) on the basis of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (IVMiMG SB RAS) in March 2001

The staff of the Central Committee of the SSKC IVMiMG SB RAS consists of 17 employees: scientists - 11, engineering and technical personnel - 6 specialists.

The main tasks of CCP SCC SB RAS are:

  • providing researchers - employees of scientific institutes of the SB RAS, universities of Siberia, grantees of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with modern computational means for work on mathematical modeling in fundamental and applied research of mechanics, physics, chemistry, geology, biology and other disciplines;
  • organization of training of specialists of SB RAS and students of higher education institutions in methods of parallel computing on supercomputers;

*vzaimodeystviye with other Supercomputer Centers of the SB RAS, Moscow, other cities of Russia, as well as foreign countries, joint development of distributed computing technologies.