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Баннер в шапке 2

Rosseti Northwest


Previously IDGC of the North-West.

Federal Grid Company - Rosseti


+ Government of the Russian Federation

OJSC Interregional Distribution Network Company of the North-West has been operating as a single operating company since April 1, 2008. It includes seven branches - Arkhenergo, Vologdaenergo, Karelenergo, Kolenergo, Komienergo, Novgorodenergo, Pskovenergo and the Executive Apparatus located in St. Petersburg. The company's service area is 1.58 million square meters. km with a population of about 6.3 million people. The total length of overhead and cable power lines is 169.6 thousand km. The number of substations 35 kV and higher on the balance sheet is 1145 pcs., the installed capacity of power transformers of substations is 17.8 thousand. MBA.

Information Technology in Rosseti

Main questionnaire: Information technology in Russia


2024: The engineer of Rosseti's daughter remotely turned off the power supply from his laptop in 38 settlements

Kirillovsky District Court of the Vologda Region at the end of April sentenced a 48-year-old couple engineer PJSC Rosseti North-West category 1 for disconnecting 38 settlements from power supply in Babaevsky, Ustyuzhensky, Sheksninsky municipalities of the Vologda region, where industrial enterprises were also located. The actions of the convict led to a violation of the normal operation of electric power enterprises and harm to the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation. More

2023: Purchase of Russian software for 243.1 million rubles

Rosseti North-West is holding a tender for import substitution. ON Microsoft The company will spend 243.1 million on this project, rubles which became known in October 2023.

As he writes CNews with reference to materials published on the public procurement website, Rosseti North-West purchases 8400 licenses of domestic operating systems and 7850 licenses of Russian office software, as well as 8400 - Russian client systems and 8400 licenses of communication software. It is assumed that the OS will be installed on equipment processorsIntel with or with AMD a standard architecture. The software must be combined with the OS included in. software register Ministry of Digital Development

CNews also draws attention to the fact that communication software should include an instant messaging service, audio and video calls, etc. Web client and desktop client must be compatible with Yandex browser and Windows, MacOS, Linux.

Rosseti North-West buys Russian software to replace Windows, Microsoft Office and Microsoft Exchange for 243.1 million rubles

The tender for the purchase of thousands of licenses of domestic software was placed on October 6, 2023 in the "other" format (usually tenders are placed either in the format of an auction or a tender). The results of the competition will be announced by November 7, 2023.

Thus, Rosseti abandons Windows, Microsoft Office and, Microsoft Exchange since Russian products must ensure the migration of users from solutions. As the newspaper notes with reference to the terms of reference for the tender, Rosseti is purchasing Russian " software in order to ensure indicators of the effectiveness of the transition to the use of domestic software," which were established for state corporations in August 2022, as well as in order to implement the presidential decree Russia Vladimir Putin on security measures and independence of the Russian. critical information infrastructure[1]

2014: TAdviser interview with Chief information officer Yury Matveev

In December 2014, IDGC of North-West Deputy Chief information officer Yuri Matveev gave an interview to TAdviser.