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Since 2014
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
117105, city of Moscow, Novodanilovskaya Embankment, 4A




+ Government of the Russian Federation

JSC Atomenergopromsbyt is founded in May, 2014 as corporate power supply company of the ROSATOM State Corporation performing electrical supply for the enterprises of nuclear sector and other consumers of the electric power. Society is a successor of JSC Atomenergosbyt regarding implementation of non-regulated power sales activity in view of diversification of the business directions and receiving JSC Atomenegosbyt of the status of the Guaranteeing supplier in a number of regions of the Russian Federation. Society is provided in 20 territorial subjects of the Russian Federation and services more than 150 consumers of different scale and a kind of activity.

In 2016 within development of a segment of sales of the electric power abroad and in the competitive Russian market Society was transferred to a guidance loop of JSC Tekhsnabeksport having unique experience of a business activity in international markets.

In 2018 in connection with project implementation of building of divisions on product lines and also for the purpose of consolidation of efforts of Rosatom State Corporation in the advanced segments and technology platforms of power industry the new division of ROSATOM State Corporation of JSC Novavind became the shareholder of Society. JSC Novavind is engaged in strategy implementation in the direction of "wind power", including creation and management of wind power stations, their production, service and service. In a new division, in addition to implementation of power supply of the enterprises of the industry, Society will develop drafts of Novaya Gazeta of power within an electric power market model in Russia: RES, the distributed generation, drives, a digital energy.

Шаблон:Subject Nuclear power