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Federal Accreditation Service Rosaccreditation



+ Government of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.10.2011 No. 845, the Federal Accreditation Service maintains registers of certificates of conformity and a declaration of conformity.

As of September 15, 2016, the registers of Rosaccreditation contain 1,732,680 records of issued certificates of conformity and 2,892,577 records of registered declarations of product compliance with mandatory requirements.

These records contain information about suppliers and manufacturers of products, the products themselves (quantity of goods in a batch, type, brand, model, grade, article), documents on the basis of which certificates were issued or declarations were registered, and other information.

One of the most priority areas of work until 2018 also identified work to ensure recognition abroad accreditation in the national system, adoption of IAF and ILAC accreditation guidelines by international organizations, ensuring the effectiveness and effectiveness of monitoring the activities of accredited persons and removing unjustified administrative barriers, and promoting the development and improvement of staff education and training in accreditation and conformity assessment, including accreditation experts on the requirements of ISO 19011.

IT budget of Rosaccreditation

Rosaccreditation IT budget, RUB million
  • Until July 1, 2014 - previous legislation
  • July 1, 2014 - the entry into force of the 412-FZ "On accreditation in the national accreditation system
  • July 1, 2015 - implementation of transitional provisions 412-FZ
  • 2014, 2015 - entry into force of the provisions of by-laws

FSIS of Rosaccreditation

2024: FGIS development expenses amounted to ₽662 million

The federal budget allocated ₽662 million for the development and functioning of the Federal State Information System of Rosaccreditation in the period from 2021 to 2023. These funds were allocated within the framework of the federal project "Digital Public Administration" of the national program "Digital Economy." This became known on October 31, 2024.

According to CNews, the modernization of the system made it possible to establish data exchange with 20 federal executive bodies and 150 regional authorities through a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

₽662 million spent on the development of FSIS Rosaccreditation

As a result of the modernization, 96% of Rosaccreditation's services are provided using video conferencing. Information about more than 60 thousand test protocols, about 300 certificates and 4 thousand declarations are entered into the system every day. The total volume of the database includes information on 1.2 million certificates and 2.8 million declarations.

On the portal of public services, services for accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs have become available, expanding and reducing the field of accreditation, confirming the competence of accredited persons, as well as issuing accreditation certificates.

The main executors of the modernization of the system were large IT companies. In 2017, the IBS Expertise company received a contract in the amount of ₽174 million. In 2019, Megafon signed a contract for ₽55 million for the development of the system. In 2023, the company "Crowd" completed the supply of data storage systems in the amount of ₽50 million.

The updated system provides data transfer to the Eurasian Economic Commission and supports integration with the information systems of Rosstandart, Rosreestr, the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund and the Federal Customs Service.[1]

2019: FSIS of the Federal Accreditation Agency 2.0


ROSACCREDITATION FSIS is designed to automate accreditation processes carried out by the central office and territorial bodies of Rosaccreditation, accredited persons, accreditation experts, expert organizations and other participants in the national accreditation system, to improve the quality of accreditation services, as well as to ensure the openness of information in the field of accreditation.


Main areas of development of Federal State Accreditation Agency in 2015


2024: Agreement with on the exchange of proposals for the modernization of the data transmission and acquisition system

Rosaccreditatsiya signed agreements on cooperation in the field of tourism and hospitality with Rosaccreditation announced this on July 16, 2024. Within the framework of cooperation, the Service plans to interact with the aggregator on the identification of objects of accommodation facilities. Read more here.

2023: Agreement with Yandex Market

Marketplace Yandex.Market and Rosaccreditatsiya signed a cooperation agreement. The joint work of the marketplace and the Service will help speed up the verification of certificates and declarations for goods presented on the online platform by sellers. Rosaccreditation announced this on June 7, 2023. Read more here.

2021: Agreement on cooperation with Uniskan/GS1 Rus

The service of Rosaccreditation will transfer to the information system GS1 control stick data about documents confirming the inspection of goods for safety, and receive information about from the system. barcodes Consumers will be able to find out information about certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity by bar code on goods. This was announced by the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosaccreditation) on February 17, 2021.

Head of the Federal Accreditation Service Nazariy Skrypnik and General Director of the Uniskan/GS1 RUS Automatic Identification Association Georgy Nasonov signed an agreement on interaction. The document defines the procedure and forms of bilateral cooperation on the identification of goods in accordance with the principles of global uniqueness of the identifiers of the GS1 System. The implementation of the agreement is aimed at ensuring compliance by applicants with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legal framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.

As you know, the GS1 system is the most widely used system of standards for supply chains in the world. The GS1 GTIN identifier is necessary to distinguish between items trade on the market. It has international status and can be displayed as symbols that are bar codes uniquely recognized in different ones. countries Each article in the retail network is identified by assigning a unique GS1 GTIN.

Earlier, the head of Rosaccreditation Nazariy Skrypnik noted that the barcode is applied to all goods, and it is planned that data on certificates and declarations in the future can be obtained using such a code by simply scanning it using a smartphone.

Within the framework of the agreement between Rosaccreditation and RUS GS1, the exchange of information will be carried out in order to:

  • ensuring the implementation of functions for the formation of a unified national accreditation system;
  • prevention and counteraction to illegal trafficking of products, including the production and sale of counterfeit and falsified products;
  • ensuring and maintaining interaction between Rosaccreditation information systems and RUS GS1 in order to provide users with up-to-date and reliable information on products, including a unique identifier, basic characteristics and information on conformity certificates and declarations of conformity related to this product.

RUS GS1 General Director Georgy Nasonov believes that the agreement will enrich product data with reliable information about certificates of compliance and declarations of compliance, and Rosaccreditation will gain access to millions of GTIN numbers created and supported by member enterprises of the RUS GS1.

"Our joint work, among other things, will contribute to a mutual increase in the value of our information resources in the interests of market participants and consumers," said Georgy Nasonov.


APLAC experts conducted an audit of the Federal Accreditation Service (Rosaccreditation)

On November 9-19, 2016, international experts visited Russia to assess the Federal Accreditation Service as part of its accession as a full member of the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) of the Asia-Pacific Organization for Laboratory Accreditation (APLAC) in terms of accreditation of calibration and testing laboratories and centers In [1].

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2468-r on the participation of Rosaccreditation in the activities of APLAC was adopted on December 2, 2015. Rosaccreditation is a full member of this organization. The accession of Rosaccreditation to the Agreement on Mutual Recognition under the APLAC provides for the international auditors to conduct a field assessment of the compliance of the Russian national accreditation system with the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17011, which establish general requirements for accreditation bodies, and mandatory APLAC documents adopted in its development. Accreditation bodies that have passed such an assessment may become parties to the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of APLAC. Participation in such an Agreement automatically entails accession to the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of the International Laboratory Accreditation Organization (ILAC). Its signing will mean global recognition of the quality of work of Russian laboratories accredited by Rosaccreditation.

During the visit, representatives of the international team of evaluators consisting of six experts from Australia, USA, Canada, Singapore and Mongolia worked for several days at the central office of the Service in Moscow, took part in the departure to the Office for the Volga Federal District, and were also present as observers in the provision of accreditation services in the assessment by Russian accreditation experts of 7 testing and 2 calibration laboratories in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, Oryol and Tula regions.

At the final meeting in Rosakkreditationinternational auditors presented preliminary results of their work. According to the assessors, Rosaccreditatsiya carries out activities on accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011 standard, as well as APLAC and ILAC documents containing mandatory accreditation requirements for members of these organizations. In particular, the qualifications of Rosaccreditation employees, the accreditation processes built in the Service, were positively noted. All assessments attended by ALPAC experts were also carried out at a high level. At the same time, several inconsistencies were identified that relate to calibration laboratories. The experts also outlined their comments and remarks. Rosaccreditation has several months to eliminate them, and after receiving information about the Federal Accreditation Service conducting corrective actions, the final report will be submitted to the APLAC management for consideration to decide on Rosaccreditation joining the APLAC Mutual Recognition Agreement.

The head of the APLAC expert group, Vice-Chairman of the APLAC, head of the National Association of Testing Bodies of Australia Jennifer Evans also noted that Rosaccreditation can be "congratulated that at such an early stage of development (note - November 1, 2016. Rosaccreditation celebrated the fifth anniversary), the Service applies for joining the Agreement on mutual recognition of APLAC, many countries took at least a decade before the signing of this agreement."

Declaration of Goals and Objectives of the Federal Accreditation Service for 2016 - 2018

Logo of Rosaccreditation in 2016

The mission of Rosaccreditation is to ensure confidence in the results of compliance assessment.

Rosaccreditation, being an authorized federal executive body exercising the functions of the national accreditation body of the Russian Federation and the functions of forming a unified national accreditation system and monitoring the activities of accredited persons, has established the following quality goals aimed at ensuring confidence in the results of the activities of accredited persons:

  • ensuring impartiality, competence and traceability of the activities of the Federal Accreditation Service;
  • confidentiality;
  • ensuring openness;
  • ensuring non-discrimination;
  • ensuring the effectiveness and effectiveness of monitoring
  • for the activities of accredited persons, removal of unjustified administrative barriers;
  • ensuring the compliance of the structure, management system, personnel, processes and obligations of the national accreditation body with the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17011-2009 "Interstate Standard. Conformity assessment. General requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies "(ISO/IEC 17011:2004);
  • promoting the development and improvement of the education system
  • and training of personnel in the field of accreditation and conformity assessment, including accreditation experts, according to the requirements of GOST R ISO 19011-2012 "National Standard of the Russian Federation. Management Systems Audit Guidelines "(ISO 19011);
  • promoting the development of standardization in the field of accreditation and conformity assessment, including ensuring, together with the national body of the Russian Federation, the standardization of the compliance of the standards fund in this area with the tasks of functioning and developing the national accreditation system, taking into account the interests of the national economy, the state of the material and technical base and the achievements of scientific and technical progress;
  • ensuring the compliance of the national accreditation system (rules for performing accreditation work, accreditation criteria, its participants and rules for the functioning of the system as a whole) with international standards, norms and rules established in the governing documents of international accreditation organizations IAF and ILAC, as well as the legal framework of the Eurasian Economic Union;
  • continuous assurance, maintenance and improvement of quality of provision of accreditation services of conformity assessment bodies and ensuring responsibility of accredited persons for the results of their conformity assessment activities;
  • striving to recognize accreditation abroad in the national system, applying IAF and ILAC guidance documents, and facilitating the exclusion of multiple assessments of conformity assessment bodies.

The set goals of the Federal Accreditation Service in 2016-2018. will be implemented through the implementation of the following tasks:

  • countering the unlawful practice of unreasonable issuance of documents based on the results of conformity assessment, undermining confidence in the activities in the field of conformity assessment of a third party;
  • implementation of a set of activities aimed at improving the training and maintaining the competence of accreditation experts and technical experts;
  • conducting on an ongoing basis internal audits in structural units of the central office and territorial departments of Rosaccreditation and corrective measures to improve the quality of Rosaccreditation's activities;
  • participation in standardization planning in the field of accreditation and conformity assessment based on monitoring of existing standards and other documents in this area;
  • developing cooperation with accreditation bodies of foreign countries to exchange experience and necessary information;
  • participation of representatives of Rosaccreditation in the work of technical committees of international and regional organizations for accreditation and conformity assessment in the national accreditation system, as well as improving the activities of the technical committee on accreditation and conformity assessment in the national accreditation system;
  • compliance with the requirements of international standards, IAF documents
  • and ILAC during the implementation of Federal Law No. 412-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On Accreditation in the National Accreditation System";
  • ensuring the working condition and further improvement of the Federal State Information System in the field of accreditation, in order to maintain the information openness of the activities of accredited persons, as well as the uninterrupted process of confirming compliance carried out by accreditation bodies and testing laboratories connected to the server of the Federal State Information System in the field of accreditation;
  • development and implementation of a risk management system.

FSIS of Rosaccreditation

  • System Business Architecture Revision
  • Modernization of the subsystem of state control
  • Upgrading the Public Service Delivery Subsystem
  • Modernization of the monitoring subsystem for activities of accredited persons
  • Upgrading the Performance Evaluation Subsystem
  • Modernization of the subsystem of interdepartmental information interaction

Electronic archive

  • Creation of an electronic archive of complete data, including data on tests, studies, measurements carried out by accredited laboratories



  • Expand data center computing power, including cloud connectivity


  • Transition to paperless legally significant interdepartmental electronic document management

Rosaccreditation invited retail chains to integrate their information systems with state registers of certificates and declarations

This proposal was made to retailers by the head of the Federal Accreditation Service Alexei Khersontsev during the 12th annual ECR Forum held in Moscow, in which representatives of the largest retail chains, manufacturers of consumer goods and authorities took part.

The head of Rosaccreditation explained that the registers of certificates and declarations maintained by the service were created precisely so that information on documents issued in the country on confirming the conformity of products was as accessible as possible, including for retail chains and consumers of products. In addition, since last year, on the initiative, the Ministry of Economic Development Russia requirement to accompany products with paper copies of documents issued for it has been canceled - now it is enough to indicate the numbers of such documents in the shipping documentation.

The agency annually processes about 30 million requests for information from registers received through interdepartmental electronic interaction channels through the Unified Portal of Public Services and the official website of the Federal Accreditation Agency.

According to Khersontsev, information systems that ensure the maintenance of registers can be configured so that data on changes in the status of certificates and declarations are received automatically in retail network systems integrated with registers, and search mechanisms in registers allow you to quickly and efficiently find the necessary information.

"Already in 2016, Rosaccreditation will launch functionality that allows, when issuing a declaration or certificate, to indicate in them information about the GTIN-number of products used in its barcoding," the head of the department said.

Alexey Khersontsev noted that "this measure will unambiguously identify the products for which a certificate or declaration has been issued, which is relevant within the framework of the global task of ensuring product traceability and improving the quality of these registers."

The head of Rosaccreditation believes that "the indication of the GTIN number used in bar coding will stimulate applicants to take a more responsible attitude to the process of declaring products and increase the quality of information contained in the registers, which is primarily interested in trade representatives." This will improve the automation of supply management and sales processes and ultimately reduce transaction costs. Manufacturers will be able to receive information about certificates or registered declarations issued for their products, and the regulatory agencies will be able to search and analyze the necessary information in the most convenient form for them.


Rosaccreditation is responsible for creating a unified certification and control system in all industries, has existed since 2011 and is subordinate to the Ministry of Economy. She became the successor to several services at once: the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (formerly Rosstandart), the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision and others[2]. In the first three years of work, it was possible to close more than a thousand unscrupulous testing laboratories and certification bodies, according to the department.

Accreditation was lost to companies that did not submit an application for confirmation of competence on time: a procedure mandatory after July 1, 2014, when the accreditation law entered into force (N412-FZ of December 28, 2013). Companies must submit a package of documents confirming the opportunity to work, as well as pass the so-called field assessment, specify in Rosaccreditation. Competence requirements are specified in the order of the Ministry of Economy of May 30, 2014 N326: certification bodies are evaluated according to 111 criteria, testing laboratories - according to 102. In fact, consideration of the laboratory's application is re-certification for the right to engage in the declared activities, market participants say. On average, confirmation of competence costs 200-600 thousand rubles. depending on the field of accreditation, says Andrei Kizhaev, deputy director for legal affairs of the Union of Testing Laboratories and Certification Bodies Association.

As the head of the Federal Accreditation Agency Savva Shipov notes, the competence confirmation procedure is aimed at cleaning the market from organizations that evade verification measures. In total, according to officials, about 5 thousand accredited companies had to submit documents by June 2, 2015. After this date, the department had the right to suspend their activities and extend the period for submitting applications until July 1, 2015.


  1. order to solve the problem of international recognition of the Russian accreditation system in the framework of the implementation of the Concept of forming a single national accreditation system in the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2010 No. 1760-r, and harmonizing the rules and procedures of a single national accreditation system with international obligations, standards and requirements, the Federal Accreditation Service in May 2013 received the status of an associate member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Organization (ILAC). In

    April 2015, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 593-r was adopted, according to which changes were made to the action plan ("Roadmap") "Support for access to markets of foreign countries and export support." The new version of the "roadmap" contains, among other things, measures aimed at supporting the export of Russian products in terms of recognizing the results of the work of Russian bodies in the field of technical regulation, to simplify the procedures for obtaining foreign certificates for Russian products. Among the measures aimed at facilitating the withdrawal of domestic products to foreign markets, the roadmap provides for ensuring international recognition of the results of accreditation of Russian testing laboratories and certification bodies. A necessary condition for this is the entry of the Federal Accreditation Service into the International Laboratory Accreditation Organization (ILAC).

    The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Accreditation Agency carried out work on the implementation of paragraph 45.4 of the roadmap, which provides for the analysis of international and regional systems for recognizing test results (accreditation) with foreign countries on priority types of products. Taking into account the analysis carried out, as well as the need to form new qualities of industrial ties and sustainable production and transport and logistics chains working in the direction of rapidly developing markets in the Asia-Pacific region, it was concluded that it was advisable to join the Asia-Pacific Organization for Laboratory Accreditation (APLAC).

    The entry of Rosaccreditation into APLAC as a full member will not only help eliminate technical barriers to trade and reduce the costs of Russian exporters when Russian products enter the markets of the Asia-Pacific region, but is also necessary from the point of view of obtaining full membership in ILAC.

    APLAC (Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) - Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Organization, began its work in 1992 as a forum for laboratory accreditation bodies in the Asia-Pacific region. Its main goal was to create, develop and expand the boundaries of the Agreement on Mutual Recognition among accreditation bodies in the region. At the moment, there are 37 participants in the APLAC Mutual Recognition Agreement.
  2. The source of paper certificates is drying up