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Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)





+ Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart)
+ Government of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (in 2004-2010 - Rostechregulirovanie; since June 2010 - Rosstandart) - a federal executive body that performs functions for the provision of public services, state property management in the field of technical regulation and metrology. It is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.


The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology exercises powers in the established field of activity, including:

  • performs the functions of the competent administrative body of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Agreement on the adoption of uniform technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, items of equipment and parts that can be installed and/or used on wheeled vehicles, and on the conditions for mutual recognition of approvals issued on the basis of these regulations, concluded in Geneva on March 20, 1958;

  • organizes expertise of draft national standards;

  • manages the activities of the State Metrological Service, the State Service of Time, Frequency and Determination of Earth Rotation Parameters, the State Service of Standard Reference Data on Physical Constants and Properties of Substances and Materials, the State Service of Standard Samples of Composition and Properties of Substances and Materials, as well as approval of national standards;

  • maintains a federal information fund of technical regulations and standards.



Since 2020, Rosstandart has adopted 400 GOSTs in the IT sphere. Main areas

Since 2020, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) has adopted more than 400 new state standards (GOSTs) in the field of information technology. This was announced on October 2, 2024 by the head of the department Anton Shalaev. Read more here

Rosstandart told how the digital transformation of standardization processes is taking place in Russia

Rosstandart on October 2, 2024 presented the main directions of digital transformation of standardization processes in Russia. Deputy head of the department Sergei Efimov spoke about the new stage in the development of the national standardization system, which started in 2023.

According to the press service of Rosstandart, the prototype of the updated federal standards information fund will be a key element of digital transformation. It will store documents in the form of marked-up files with digitized requirements. Testing of this fund is planned to begin in the near future.

Rosstandart announced the progress of the digital transformation of standardization processes in Russia

Special attention is paid to the development of SMART standardization. In October 2023, the preliminary national standard "Smart (SMART) standards was approved. General requirements. " This document was the first in Russia and one of the first in the world to define the concept of a smart standard and establish the main approaches to SMART standardization.

As part of further development, it is planned to create a digital standard based on various views of verified information. Elements of these views, such as 3D models, dynamic requirement tables, and anchor data models, can be used to generate SMART content and interact with SMART services.

Another important area is the development of the BERESTA system - a subsystem of the Federal State Information System of Rosstandart. The new version of the system involves the complete rejection of paper documents and the introduction of digital services at all stages of the life cycle of the standardization document.

The Russian Institute of Standardization has created a "Digital Polygon" to work out methodological approaches and technical solutions in the areas of creating digital requirements-oriented documents, translating standards into machine-readable format and distributing verified documents online.[1]

2023: The Ministry of Industry and Trade returned to Rosstandart quality control of industrial products

On June 23, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Trade submitted amendments to a number of laws introducing a new type of state control - compliance with mandatory requirements for industrial products.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, the need for changes is dictated by the current geopolitical situation. The fact is that due to Western sanctions, the demand for Russian products has sharply increased. In addition, there is a restructuring of supply chains. At the same time, after the reform of control and supervisory activities (KND) in 2022, a number of goods covered by 13 of the 46 technical regulations of the EAEU, as well as those included in the list of products subject to mandatory certification and declaration of compliance, are not covered by control. According to estimates, damage to various industries (cement, steel pipes, bearings, heating radiators, electrical engineering and others) from low-quality products can reach 170 billion rubles a year. The new initiative is designed to solve the problem.

Rosstandart will again control the quality of industrial products

It is assumed that the control will be carried out by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart), subordinate to the Ministry of Industry and Trade. It was this structure that carried out supervision before the reform, and therefore it "retained the infrastructure (interregional territorial administrations), and specialists in the field of supervision, and experts."

Kommersant clarifies that it is planned to return state control over the turnover of industrial products from March 1, 2024. The initiative was supported in the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, CCI, associations of cement manufacturers, radiators, etc. The authors of the project expect that the introduction of a new type of state control will not lead to difficulties in supplies, but, on the contrary, "will protect the market from unfair competition and create conditions for the development of domestic industries."[2]

2020: Appointment of Anton Shalaev as head of Rosstandart

On December 28, 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree appointing Anton Shalaev to the post of head of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). He replaced Alexei Abramov, who resigned of his own free will. Read more here.


MTUSI joined the blockchain standardization committee

The Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI) became a member of the technical committee of TK 159 for standardization "Software and hardware of distributed register and blockchain technologies" in accordance with Order No. 2831 of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) of January 15, 2018.

In accordance with the order of Rosstandart, MTUSI, as part of the technical committee for standardization, together with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Sberbank, Rostelecom and other members of the committee, will be engaged in standardizing the architecture and ontology of the blockchain, developing requirements for its software, hardware and software, regulating the application of this technology in Russia, as well as working towards the security and confidentiality of the distributed registry.

The committee will have four working groups, each performing one of these tasks. MTUSI will be responsible precisely for ensuring the security and confidentiality of information when introducing blockchain technology.

As you know, the introduction of distributed registry (blockchain) technology, which underlies the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, is a global trend. The technology is being developed and implemented in various sectors of the Russian economy and public administration, including the credit and financial sector, insurance, transport logistics and a number of other areas. However, according to some experts, there is no formed blockchain technology market in Russia: there is only a market of high expectations and promising experiments, and no more than 20-30 people in the country have good competence in blockchain technologies.

The standardization of blockchain is designed to raise the development of these technologies to the next level by forming ways of working at the international level, stimulating closer interaction, accelerating their adoption by the public, expanding the ways of using them and, ultimately, increasing confidence in such operations, the MTUCI noted.

Rector of MTUSI Sergey Erokhin is confident that thanks to the inclusion of MTUSI in the technical committee for standardization, the distributed register technology will be successfully introduced in Russia and emphasized:

The scientific divisions of MTUSI are able to provide expert services in the development of software and hardware, analyzing software and developing on the basis of this analysis requirements for distributed registry and blockchain technologies, including in the field of security and confidentiality. Before moving directly to the implementation of the technology, you need to make sure that the systems built on its basis will be safe, usable and resistant to external unfriendly influences. It is also necessary to assess the regulatory and organizational and technical issues of the application of blockchain.

Much attention at the university is paid to conducting research on distributed registry technology, identifying features and studying the bottlenecks of its application in various fields, and researching cryptographic methods for supporting this technology. This provides the possibility of a systematic analysis of technology, - said Yuri Leokhin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of MTUSI.

Blockchain Standardization Technical Committee Set Up

On August 15, 2017, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) announced the formation of a new technical committee for standardization called "Software and Hardware of Distributed Register and Blockchain Technologies."

The future technical committee will standardize the architecture and ontology of distributed registry technologies, the scope of application, the requirements for software and hardware and software of distributed registry technologies, as well as their security and confidentiality.

The standardization of blockchain is designed to raise the development of these technologies to a new level by forming ways of working at the international level, stimulating closer interaction, accelerating their adoption by the public, expanding the ways of using them, and ultimately increasing confidence in such operations, Rosstandart said in a statement.

A technical committee for standardization of blockchain is being created in Russia

It is planned to actively interact the new committee with other technical standardization committees, including the technical committee (TC) 026 "Cryptographic Information Protection," TC 022 "Information Technologies," TC 194 "Cyberphysical Systems" and TC 122 "Financial Transaction Standards."

The initiator of the creation of a new technical committee is the company "National Information Systems" ("Nains"), which will also deal with the affairs of the secretariat of the committee[3]. Sergey Gavrenkov, general director of Nains, has been nominated for the post of chairman of the committee. Director of "Nains" for workflow Ekaterina Barysheva was nominated for the post of executive secretary of the committee.

The Committee also envisages international cooperation and representation of the interests of the Russian Federation in the relevant technical committee of the ISO. With the advent of the national committee for blockchain standardization, Russia will be able to join the international technical committee for blockchain standardization and the distributed register - ISO/TC 307 (ISO/TC 307 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies), created in 2016 by the Technical Managing Bureau of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

The committee has five working groups: on blockchain architecture and ontology, scope, security and privacy, identification and so-called "smart" contracts. It includes 35 states, of which 20 are actually participants, another 15 are observers. The committee was led by Australia, which in March 2017 presented the first blockchain standardization roadmap.

Applications for participation in the committee are accepted until October 11, 2017.


See the article Federal State Information System Rosstandart
