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Yakutskenergo is holding on production, sale and distribution of thermal and electrical energy.

IDGC of the Far East
Energy Systems of the East (RAO ES of the East)


Revenue millions



+ JSC Yakutskenergo
+ Government of the Russian Federation

JSC Yakutskenergo is high on the list in the country on the area of service (the territory of the republic makes 1/5 part of Russia) and on the extent of the power transmission line of different classes of tension which is equal to a half of length of the equator (over 20 thousand km).

Besides, the power supply system has the biggest number of diesel power stations in the country – in their JSC Yakutskenergo 166, 125 of which are united in Sakhaenergo subsidiary company.

Power industry of Yakutia work in the most difficult climatic conditions: almost all republic lies in a zone of permafrost which thickness in places reaches 500 and more meters, and the vibration amplitude of temperature exceeds 100 degrees – in the winter air is cooled to minus 60 °C, and heats up to plus 40 °C in the summer.

Foundation of the company

The power industry of Yakutia originates since 1914. Then in the capital of the republic there was the first power plant which basis was a locomobile in 150 horsepowers of the German plant of Heinrich Lants. By 1941 in Yakutia 28 power plants with a total power of 9 MW were set. In 1962 the District power management of Yakutskenergo which integrated separate energy-generating capacities in power supply system was created.

Production indicators

For January 1, 2011 the set electric power of objects of JSC Yakutskenergo is 1453 MW, thermal – 1697.6 Gcal/h.

Structure of the company

Are a part of JSC Yakutskenergo:

  • The cascade of the Vilyuysk hydroelectric power stations of E.N. Batenchuk supplying with the electric power the Western Yakutia;
  • The Yakut state district power plant which is electric "heart" of the capital of the republic and 9 uluses over the river where more than half a million residents of Yakutsk live;
  • The Yakut combined heat and power plant – the first thermal station of power supply system which in 2012 will celebrate the 75-year anniversary.

Three enterprises of the electric networks (The Yakut city, Western and Central electric networks) provide transportation of the electric power to consumers. Energosbyt enables the realization of electrical and thermal energy and housing and communal services in all territory of the republic.

The company has four subsidiaries:

  • JSC Sakhaenergo, leader of development of small-scale power industry of Russia;
  • JSC Yakut Power Repair Company specializing in repairs of the equipment, thermal networks and VL and also their construction;
  • JSC Energotranssnab which main task is providing a regular supply of the enterprises of power supply system with material resources and their timely delivery;
  • JSC Teploenergoservice which is responsible for uninterrupted heat supply of the population Oymyakonsky, Ust-Yansky, Ust-Maysky and parts Mirninsky areas.

Development History

In 2001 - 2005 in JSC Yakutskenergo the program of development of small-scale (diesel) power generation of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic only in Russia is successfully implemented. Directed to cost reduction and change of structure of fuel balance in a zone of decenralized power supply, it found the continuation in the program of optimization of local power (POLP) adopted in 2007 and updated in July of the 2010th year which is implemented now.

Since 2001 the company puts into operation more than 40 new diesel power stations with a total power of 62.6 MW, including the republic's first 250 kW wind installation in the item Tiksi of the Bulunsky ulus. One of main objectives of the program is cutting of costs of local power for dalneprivozny diesel fuel. The held events were resulted by cost reduction of diesel fuel from 155 thousand tons in 2001 to 83 thousand tons in 2010, or more than for 45%.

For the last 9 years in JSC Yakutskenergo over 1000 km of transmission lines are constructed and reconstructed. New LEP-110 of kV "Sulgachi – Eldikan" 166.3 km long which start-up took place on September 1, 2007 allowed to reduce a consumption of diesel fuel on 18 thousand tons per year. In September, 2010 the construction of a transmission line of 220 kV of "Suntar-Olekminsk-NPS No. 14" 317.5 km long with substations Suntar and Olekminsk is completed that allowed to provide power supply of objects of ESPO on the first category of reliability and, having said goodbye to high cost diesel power stations, to make a transfer on high-quality and cost-efficient power supply from the Cascade of the Vilyuysk HEPS of consumers of the Vilyuysk group of uluses and the Olyokma district.

In the fall of 2010 in the item. Deputy Ust-Yansky district start-up of the first thermal power station in the east of the country which develops also the electric power, and warmly took place and burns the Yakut coal for the isolated consumer. A main goal of the project having enormous value not only for our republic but also for all Far East, – cost reduction and leaving from use in large amounts of expensive diesel fuel.

In April, 2010 on the Yakut state district power plant only in the world of the gas turbine station on permafrost, adjustment of a reserve source of power supply is complete. For the Central energorayon of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic the source became a serious insurance: with its input in operation the reserve capacity of the Yakut state district power plant increased by 48 MW.

Besides, in the capital of the republic for a capacity shortage covering in the Central energorayon construction of GRES-2 which first stage should be entered in 2014 is necessary.

According to reform of power industry of the Far East since January 1, 2007 the Neryungrinsky state district power plant became a part of Far Eastern Generating Company, and the Southern Yakut electric networks joined the Far East network company.

JSC Yakutskenergo is a part of JSC RAO Energy Systems of East created on July 1, 2008 as a result of reorganization of RAO UES of Russia. The state possesses 52.7% of stocks of the company.