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InfoTeCS Internet Trust



VTB Bank
Revenue and Net Profit Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation

InfoTeCS Internet Trust is a Russian operator of legally significant electronic document management and electronic reporting. The company was founded in 2001.

By July 2021, InfoTeCS Internet Trust is one of the five largest certification centers in Russia and is directly involved in the creation of an electronic business infrastructure. The company's clients are Rostelecom, Rospotrebnadzor, MTS, Uralsib Bank, Otkritie FC Bank, Sberbank, Rosavtodor.

Performance indicators

The authorized capital of IIT is 90 thousand rubles. According to SPARK-Interfax, the revenue of InfoTeCS Internet Trust in 2020 amounted to 577 million rubles (in 2019 it was less than 408.7 million rubles), net profit - 45.2 million rubles.


In 2019-2020 IIT, together with PJSC Sberbank"" and its subsidiary JSC Business environment"," developed a technology that allows you to create a free qualified electronic signature business for registration electronically - without a visit to the tax service, without a notary certificate and without payment of state duty, as well as with the ability after obtaining business registration to open an account with the bank also remotely.

Sberbank was the first in Russia to provide a remote registration service for legal entities (individual entrepreneurs and LLC with one founder): in commercial mode and for all platforms, this service was launched in the fall of 2019. VTB opened a similar service on May 25, 2021.


2022: Participation in an intercontinental real estate transaction

The technology for issuing electronic signatures using NFC chips, introduced by the SmartDeal platform in conjunction with InfoTeCS Internet Trust, made it possible to conduct an intercontinental deal. This was announced on June 20, 2022 by the Practice of Success company. Read more here.

2021: VTB bought InfoTeCS Internet Trust

On July 5, 2021, it became known about the sale of InfoTeCS Internet Trust to VTB Bank. The deal was struck two months earlier - in May. The financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed. In particular, the share that VTB transferred is unknown.

As the bank's press service told Interfax, the purchase of InfoTeCS Internet Trust, which specializes in creating advanced domestic technological solutions, will allow VTB to accelerate work on the implementation of these strategic tasks and achieve its goals as soon as possible.

VTB acquired InfoTeCS Internet Trust
As part of the technological transformation, VTB focuses on using domestic solutions and technologies built on open source software. The bank is actively introducing products and services that will allow customers to receive 100% of financial services online, the credit institution noted.

Previously, InfoTeCS Internet Trust was part of the InfoT eCS group, a Russian developer of certified software in the field of information security.[1]

2020: Cooperation with the "Practice of Success" for remote issuance of an electronic signature certificate

A completely remote procedure for issuing an electronic signature certificate has become available to SmartDeal customers. The company Practice Success announced this on February 21, 2022. Identity identification is carried out without the participation of a courier. Thanks to this, real estate transactions can be carried out from anywhere in Russia and the world without any restrictions. The updated procedure is based on NFC technology, its application was made possible thanks to SmartDeal's cooperation with InfoTeCS Internet Trust. Read more here.
