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Sports Programming Federation



+ Government of the Russian Federation

The goals of the Federation are the development and popularization of sports programming as an intellectual sport, increasing interest in programming as a professional activity through competitive motivation.


As of November 2022, the Federation includes 43 regional branches.



Participation in TAdviser SummIT

As part of the Digitalization 4.0 session of the TAdviser SummIT conference , President of the Sports Programming Federation of the city Moscow Yevgeny Anashkin will talk about the development of future programmers ones using the FONCODE platform. Read more here.

Agreement with Kaspersky Lab on the development of the sports programming federation

The President of the Federation, Deputy, Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Maxim Parshin Chairman of the Board of the Sports Programming Federation, Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Odes Baysultanov and General Director of "" Kaspersky Lab Eugene Kaspersky signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of the Federation. sports programming This became known on June 29, 2023.

Our alliance with the Sports Programming Federation will not only help strengthen the preparation of athletes for participation in competitions, but will generally contribute to building human resources in the IT sphere. The development of youth sports is an excellent opportunity for students and schoolchildren to expand their knowledge, strengthen their competencies, and also learn first-hand about what is happening in the world of information technology, "said Evgeny Kaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky Lab.

We really appreciate the support of Kaspersky Lab. The Sports Programming Federation holds international competitions in Russia, receiving teams from different countries. We are at the start of the global movement, and we hope that such partners will help us develop in this direction even more actively, "said Maxim Parshin, President of the Sports Programming Federation, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.

Agreement with T1 on cooperation on the development of the Sports Programming Federation

sports programming The Federation and the holding entered T1 into a cooperation agreement. This became known on June 22, 2023.

Maxim Parshin and Igor Kalganov signed a cooperation agreement on the development of the Sports Programming Federation.

The IT industry is actively developing and needs young professionals. It is important for us to attract talented youth, to "light up" their desire to develop in the field of high technologies, to prepare digital personnel. Together with the Sports Programming Federation, we will hold championships and competitions, the task of which is not only to identify the best, but also to show young people the opportunities that a new discipline opens up for them at the junction of technology and sports, "said Igor Kalganov, director of the T1 holding.

On my own behalf and from all programmers-athletes, I thank the T1 holding for a significant financial contribution to the development of a new sport and the Sports Programming Federation. These funds will be directed primarily to support young talented children and their coaches, the formation of a prize fund for the winners of the competition. T1 Holding sets an excellent example as a company investing in the future of Russian information technologies, "said Maxim Parshin, President of the Sports Programming Federation, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.


Election of the President and Chairman of the Board of the Sports Programming Federation

Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maxim Parshin elected President of the Sports Federation. programming This was reported on November 2, 2022 in. Ministry of Digital Development Russia

Maxim Parshin

Deputy Minister of Sports of Russia Odes Baysultanov, who oversees the direction of high-tech sports, was elected Chairman of the Board of the Federation.

The development of the Federation is carried out with the interaction of the Ministry of Digital Development and the Ministry of Sports of Russia, which signed an agreement earlier in 2022.

"My colleagues and I from the Russian Ministry of Sports are convinced that, firstly, sports programming can become a new national intellectual sport. Secondly, one of the most massive, since it is available to all participants, regardless of their age, physical and financial capabilities. And finally, the new sport has a direct connection with professional activities - participants and winners of the competition will hold leading positions in IT companies and develop the information technology industry, "said Maxim Parshin, President of the Sports Programming Federation, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media.

Among the immediate plans of the Federation is the holding of regional qualifying competitions and the Russian championship in sports programming in an open format in the first half of 2023 with the invitation of athletes from foreign countries.

The activities of the Federation can be monitored in the Telegram channel.[1]

Recognition of sports programming as an official sport in Russia

On June 16, 2022, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation announced the recognition of sports programming as a new sport in Russia. For its development, the Sports Programming Federation was created.

We are convinced that sports programming will become a popular mass sport in our country, which is famous for its outstanding programmers. We plan that over time, each educational institution, be it a school or a university, will have its own sports programming section. We look forward to productive work with all participants in the IT industry, including leading universities in the country, "said Russian Ministry of Digital Development Minister Maksut Shadayev.

In Russia, recognized sports programming as an official sport

It is noted that the strategic tasks of the Federation include the development and popularization of sports programming among the country's population, the organization and conduct of competitions, the development of methodology, assistance in the training of coaches and athletes. Increasing the prestige of sports programming contributes to the development of intellectual abilities, as well as comprehensive and harmonious personal development.

As part of the work of the Federation, a number of sports programming competitions are planned, including the holding of the Russian Championship and a series of qualifying games in the regions. Among the disciplines are algorithmic and product programming. The maximum coverage of participants will be ensured thanks to different formats - both online and offline. A pool of partners and ambassadors of the International League of Professional Sports Programming will also be formed.

The first Russian championship in algorithmic and product programming should be held in December 2022. The Federation will tentatively hold a qualifying stage in the regions. The Russians have won the ICPC International Student Programming Championship for eight consecutive years since 2012.[2]
