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Баннер в шапке 2

Altai State Medical University (ASMU)


State-funded educational institution of higher education "Altai state medical university" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health) - 100%


+ Government of the Russian Federation

The Altai state medical university is organized in 1994.


In 1954 the Government decree of the USSR organizes the Altai medical institute.

The Altai state medical institute in 1994 is renamed into the Altai state medtsinsky university (the order of Goskomvuz of Russia of 6/15/1994 No. 586, the order of Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Russia of 6/23/1994 No. 127).

In university more than 100 doctors and 350 candidates of science work.