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NIIAS Institute of Informatization, Automation and Communication in Railway Transport


Revenue millions Ths. rub


+ Government of the Russian Federation

JSC "NIIAS," a structural unit of JSC "RZD," is the main institute of the Russian railway transport industry in the creation of complexes and systems for ensuring traffic safety (including high-speed), traffic control, geo-information and satellite TECont of the state of rolling stock and railway infrastructure.

Information technologies in Russian Railways

Performance indicators

2022: Revenue growth by 10.1% to RUB 7,530 million

At the end of 2022, the revenue of NIIAS increased by 10.1% - to 7,530 million rubles (revenue from financial statements for 2021-2022 excluding VAT). In the ranking " TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 68th place.



Revenue growth by 9.4% to RUB 6,839 million

At the end of 2021, the revenue of NIIAS amounted to 6,839 million rubles, an increase of 9.4% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 79th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022. The revenue from the financial statements for 2020-2021 is indicated. Excluding VAT.

IT Empire of Russian Railways: what competencies are being increased and how railway insourcers are fighting for personnel

Russian Railways owns one of the largest IT-insourcing resources in Russia. In October 2021, the company told TAdviser what competencies are being increased by its IT subsidiaries, including NIIAS, and how they are fighting for personnel in conditions of their acute shortage in the market. Read more here.


Revenue decrease by 20.1% to RUB 6,251 million

At the end of 2020, the revenue of NIIAS amounted to 6,251 million rubles, down 20.1% compared to 2019, which allowed it to take 66th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2021.

JSCo Russian Railways will form its own classification of vulnerabilities in information systems

Russian Railways will form its own classification of vulnerabilities in information systems, Gudok said in July.

Security issues of the holding's critical information infrastructure, as well as verification of existing systems, expertise of equipment planned for purchase is carried out by the Cybersecurity Center of NIIAS JSC.

In 2021, NIIAS plans to test eight more control systems. The institute will also develop a regulatory framework and create its own methodology for classifying vulnerabilities. In addition, it is planned to develop a "Comprehensive Transport Security Passport" - a document that will reflect issues of information functional and transport cyber and physical security, as well as issues of import substitution.

In addition, the Center is developing cybersecurity requirements for microprocessor systems for controlling train traffic, locomotives and power supply, and station systems.

According to NIIAS statistics, almost 20% of all identified vulnerabilities carry a critical degree of danger, that is, under certain circumstances they could lead to threats to traffic safety. This is primarily due to the use of outdated software components with known vulnerabilities, the lack of built-in protection, and the fact that systems were developed at a time when security requirements were not applied to them.

2019: Agreement with Russian Railways to establish a center for digital modeling of transport systems based on RUT (MIIT)

On October 30, 2019, Russian Railways, Research and Design Institute of Informatization, Automation and Communications in Railway Transport JSC (NIIAS JSC) and the Russian University of Transport signed an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of scientific and educational projects of basic and additional education. Joint projects will be implemented on the basis of the center for digital modeling of transport systems, which is planned to be created at the Russian University of Transport. Read more here.


On September 14, 2010, the company Microsoft and JSC NIIAS announced the opening of the Competence Center for Technologies and Development Tools ON based on Microsoft technologies. The competence center will allow you to standardize the development process and thereby increase the performance and predictability of various projects for the creation of information systems. This will allow OJSC NIIAS to carry out projects with high quality, on time and within the planned budget. JSC NIIAS also plans to use remote learning technologies based on the means of combined communications and portal solutions of Microsoft. According to the management of JSC NIIAS, in combination with modern tools and methods of effective team development, this will make it possible to organize an effective exchange of information on projects between the NIIAS development centers distributed throughout the country and ensure on-the-job training of employees.


In 2007, the VNIIAS Ministry of Railways of Russia was transformed into a subsidiary of Russian Railways, the Research and Design Institute for Informatization, Automation and Communications in Railway Transport (NIIAS OJSC).


To coordinate research and development work in the field of information technology in railway transport, NIIZHA in 2000 was transformed into the head institute of the industry - the Russian Research and Design Institute for Informatization, Automation and Communications in Railway Transport (VNIIAS MPS of Russia). A new stage of informatization has begun - the integration of industry automated and control systems.


In 1987, the SOYUZZHELDORAVTOMATIZATION research and production association was created, which included the Railway Automation Research Institute (NIIZHA), formed on the basis of the Design Bureau of the Central School and divisions of the All-Union Research Institute of Railway Transport (VNIIZT). They brought to the institute scientific and technical solutions and developments in the field of automation and communications, which then found implementation and wide practical use in the processes of operating railways.


In 1956, the design bureau of the Main Directorate of Signaling and Communications of the Ministry of Railways (KB TsSh) was organized.

See also