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2025/01/22 14:59:05

Quantum technologies in Russian Railways


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Double the length of the quantum network to 7,000 km

In 2024, Russian Railways almost doubled the length of the quantum network - up to 7 thousand kilometers. By the end of 2023, the length of the trunk quantum network in Russia was increased by 2.9 times - up to 3.3 thousand kilometers. The company told about this in January 2025.

According to the deputy head of Russian Railways - chief engineer Valery Tanaev, 7 thousand kilometers of quantum networks were created from scratch in 5 years. During this time, a modern infrastructure of quantum communications has been built and unique technological opportunities have been discovered for the development of telecom operator services.

TransTeleCom tested quantum protection against spies in optical communication lines

In mid-November, InfoTeCS and TransTeleCom (TTC) announced the successful completion of tests on the integration of a quantum key distribution system into an optical transport network with frequency channel multiplexing (DWDM). The work was carried out by an expert group in the TransTeleCom laboratory as part of the Quantum Communications direction, for the implementation of which Russian Railways is responsible (99.55% of TTK shares belong to Russian Railways).

JSC "Russian Railways" has been appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation as a responsible organization in terms of the development of the high-tech direction "Quantum Communications." More than 140 different organizations and enterprises are involved in this area, including 15 vendors, - explained TAdviser in the press service of TransTeleCom.

Quantum Key Distribution (KPC) technology allows the two sides to match encryption keys using a very weak optical signal (almost several photons) in such a way as to guarantee non-interference of an outsider in this process. If someone tries to listen to the data transfer, then both parties may notice this fact by the increased number of errors and stop negotiating keys until the interference is eliminated.

Previously, the CRC signal was transmitted in a separate fiber, and the system worked efficiently, however, InfoTeCS and TransTeleCom decided to check the possibility of combining this technology with the transmission of an active signal using DWDM technology, where not only a connection is organized at a high frequency, but also such channels are several at different frequencies. It was not obvious in advance that the powerful streams of laser communication pulses would not affect the weak CRK photons.

As part of the tests, the standard production of quantum keys at a distance of up to 50 km with 10 information channels with transmitted data was confirmed. The stand is built on the basis of standard telecommunication equipment used on the TransTeleCom lines. The layout of the CRK system was developed by InfoTeCS specialists based on the quantum cryptographic implementation of key generation and distribution using the commercially available ViPNet QTS Lite equipment.

TransTeleCom has an extensive optical communication network along the railways

However, the experiment showed the possibility of solving not only the problem of key coordination, but also guarantees of the integrity of communication lines. If the CRK system works efficiently and does not create a large number of errors (that is, there is no interference with the line), then all the remaining 10 communication lines can be extended to ensure that an outsider cannot spy on their content. There is no technology that would allow some photons (communication) to intercept in one fiber, while others, CRK, do not touch. Thus, it can be argued that throughout the entire 50 km of the experimental line, communication flows were also not listened to. That is, the CRK can act as an alarm from listening to optical communication channels even if keys are not generated.

A research experiment conducted by InfoTeCS and TransTeleCom showed the possibility of building quantum communication lines in areas with a lack of free optical fibers. The issues of practical application of the results of the experiment are under study, - explained TAdviser in the press service of the TransTeleCom.


Russian Railways plans to extend the trunk quantum network to Sochi, Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk

On September 11, 2023, information appeared that Russian Railways plans to extend the trunk quantum network to Sochi, Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk in 2024.

In 2021-2022, sections were built between Moscow and St. Petersburg and Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. The total length of the quantum network was 1147 km. In 2023, quantum networks should connect Moscow, Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don, as well as Nizhny Novgorod, Arzamas and Kazan. This was stated by Deputy General Director of Russian Railways Anatoly Khramtsov. As a result, the total length of the network should exceed 2500 km.

As the agency "Russian Railways-Partner" clarified, the quantum backbone network is "transport telecommunication infrastructure for the provision of various communication services."[1]

Russian Railways will build a trunk quantum network to Kazan and Rostov for billions

In mid-July 2023, Russian Railways announced the construction of new sections of the trunk quantum network - they will be created between Moscow, Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don, as well as from Nizhny Novgorod to Arzamas and Kazan. This was told by the Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of the company Anatoly Khramtsov. According to him, following the results of the first half of 2023, design survey work was completed and working documentation was approved on new sections of the network. Completion of construction and installation work is scheduled for 2023, he said.

Anatoly Khramtsov added that the length of Russian Railways' quantum networks in Russia in 2023 will be increased by more than 1.4 thousand km. The cost of such a project, the head of the product promotion department of the Security Code company, Pavel Korostelev, in a conversation with Vedomosti, estimated at 1.5-3 billion rubles.

Russian Railways announced the construction of new sections of the trunk quantum network

From the point of view of business, quantum networks make it possible to make the technology of quantum key distribution closer to end consumers, explained Alexander Priyutov, Development Director of the research and production company QRate. For example, traditional telecom operators have the opportunity to test models for the provision of quantum-secure communication services, he added. In the future, the created networks can become an infrastructure basis for the quantum Internet, where, in addition to protecting the transmission of information, quantum states of light will be used to communicate with each other remote quantum computers, Priyutov added.

Connecting universities into a single network will have an explosive effect on the growth of the industry. Thanks to the active involvement of young scientists, we have much more competencies, and this will allow us to implement the activities of our roadmap in a shorter time than is indicated now in the document, "said Oleg Belozerov, Director General and Chairman of the Board of Russian Railways.[2]

A platform for testing quantum communications is being created on the basis of the Lomonosov cluster in Moscow

On the basis of the Lomonosov cluster (the flagship of the innovative scientific and technological center of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov "Vorobyovy Gory"), a platform for testing quantum communications is being created in Moscow. The Moscow Innovation Cluster (MIC) and Russian Railways signed a corresponding cooperation agreement in mid-June 2023. Read more here.


Mishustin reduced budget expenditures on Russian Railways quantum networks

In December 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order that reduced budget spending on development Russian Railways quantum networks - from 9.92 billion to 9.43 billion rubles. Thus, investments for 2023 were reduced from 2.99 billion to 2.69 billion rubles, for 2024 - from 1.97 billion to 1.77 billion rubles. The length of quantum networks that Russian Railways should build in the end remained the same - 7 thousand km.

Quantum communications is a technology for encoding and transmitting data in quantum states of photons. The laws of physics do not allow determining the quantum state so that it does not change, so the quantum communication channel cannot be intercepted unnoticed by recipients, that is, the technology allows data to be transmitted over long distances in an absolutely secure way.

Mikhail Mishustin

At the end of August 2022, Russian Railways proposed to develop national standards for quantum communications and quantum Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The development will be carried out by a consortium, which, in addition to Russian Railways, includes the Competence Centers of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) based on Skoltech, the Technical Committee 194 Cyber ​ ​ Physical Systems (TK 194) and the Technical Committee 26 Cryptographic Information Protection.

According to Arthur Gleim, Head of the Department of Quantum Communications of Russian Railways, a series of standards will just contribute to the development of fair competition and reduce technical barriers. The first draft of the quantum communications standard spells out terms and definitions - in particular, the concepts of "quantum information," "quantum bit" (qubit), "quantum key distribution," etc. The second project establishes "general provisions in the field of quantum communications, principles of information transmission through quantum channels, basic approaches to building quantum communication networks and their use for quantum key distribution in secure communication networks."[3]

Russian Railways started creating standards of quantum technologies

At the end of August 2022, it became known about the decision of the Russian Railways (Russian Railways) to create standards for quantum communications technologies and the quantum Internet of Things (IoT). The project will be implemented by a consortium, which, in addition to Russian Railways, includes the Competence Centers of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) based on Skoltech, the Technical Committee 194 Cyber ​ ​ Physical Systems (TK 194) and the Technical Committee 26 Cryptographic Information Protection.

As Vedomosti writes in the issue of August 25, 2022, the first editions have already been developed for two standards in the field of quantum communications and four standards in the field of quantum Internet of Things. The texts of the projects were published on the official website of TK 194, their authenticity was confirmed to the newspaper by the chairman of the technical committee Nikita Utkin.

Russian Railways took up the standards of quantum technologies

The creation of standards is provided for in the roadmap for the development of quantum communications of August 27, 2020, which is supervised by Russian Railways as part of the Digital Economy national program. All six draft standards were developed by Skoltech and, as stated in the documents, have no international analogues.

The head of the NTI Competence Center for Wireless Communications and the Internet of Things confirmed to Vedomosti that the organization is actively involved in the development of national standards for quantum communications and quantum IoT.

The standards will unify various theoretical approaches to the study of quantum systems and move on to their implementation and practical application, according to experts interviewed by Vedomosti. According to Arthur Gleim, Head of the Department of Quantum Communications of Russian Railways, a series of standards will contribute to the development of fair competition and reduce technical barriers.[4]

Russian Railways allocates 3.5 billion rubles for the development of quantum communications

Russian Railways allocates 3.5 billion rubles for the development of quantum communications. This became known in mid-February 2022.

As Interfax was told in Russian Railways, referring to the approved financial plan, we are talking about funds raised during the upcoming additional issue - the board of directors approved the corresponding program for 14.3 billion rubles. Most of this money - 10.8 billion rubles - will go to the development of the Central Transport Hub (CTU).

Russian Railways wants to place 14,261,296 ordinary shares of 1000 rubles per share. The placement is planned by private subscription in favor of a single shareholder.

Russian Railways allocates 3.5 billion rubles for the development of quantum communications

Russian Railways is one of the largest owners of trunk fiber-optic communication lines in Russia. Quantum communications involve quantum distribution of encryption keys when transmitting data over fiber-optic communication. They, according to the company, provide the highest existing degree of data protection.

Providing the technical capability of quantum communications for subscribers is a good demonstration and verification of the technology's demand, said To the businessman"" director of technology practice in risk consulting KPMG Russia in and. CIS Sergey Vikharev In his opinion, such a limit on the number of subscribers is imposed by the speed of generation of encryption keys and how often they need to be changed. For commercialization, it will be important to provide interested companies with guarantees that their keys, which means that traffic will not be read, Vikharev notes. According to him, experienced quantum communication channels are already being tested, banks companies that manage critical infrastructure facilities, government agencies and companies with high data costs may also be interested. According to Russian Railways forecasts, the volume of the Russian quantum communications market by 2024 will exceed 55 billion rubles. Russian Railways[5][6]


Russian Railways begins the creation of a quantum communication system for 138 million rubles

In October 2021, the Russian Railways holding, which is responsible for the development of the direction of quantum communications within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy," announced a tender for "Development and creation of a quantum communication system on continuous variables." The amount of the lot is 138 million rubles (more).

Russian Railways tested communication channel protection technologies at Sheremetyevo

Russian Railways Holding tested communication channel protection technologies at Sheremetyevo. This became known on August 11, 2021. Read more here.

Russian Railways and Rostelecom began to jointly develop quantum communications

In early June 2021, Russian Railways and Rostelecom agreed on the joint development of quantum communications. Combining efforts, as companies expect, will contribute to the development of the Russian quantum communications market and the introduction of these technologies in the fields of government, financial, medical, transport and other services, as well as at critical information infrastructure (CII) facilities.

Russian Railways and Rostelecom plan to interact in the implementation of the roadmap for the development of the high-tech field "Quantum Communications," approved by the government commission on digital development, the use of information technologies to improve the quality of life and business conditions.

Russian Railways and Rostelecom signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of quantum communications

The partners intend to promote Russian technologies and solutions in the field of quantum technologies and 5G networks. Within the framework of cooperation, joint pilot projects of digital services and services can be implemented. The parties will consider the prospects for using the potential and infrastructure of Rostelecom data centers, including for external customers.

Sergey Kobzev, Deputy General Director and Chief Engineer of Russian Railways, said earlier that in 2020 a number of practical steps have already been taken to implement the provisions of the Quantum Communications roadmap. The company has launched a project to create a trunk quantum network Moscow - St. Petersburg with a length of about 800 km.

According to Kobzev, the number of telecom operators participating in the project is expanding. Thus, together with MGTS, an experimental district was created to test and verify the compliance of the declared indicators of equipment on the urban fiber-optic network. an experimental fiber-optic line has been organized between the Main Computing Center of Russian Railways and the MGTS office with a length of about 40 km.

The tests made it possible to conclude that quantum communications technologies are ready for use on existing urban fiber-optic communication lines that are in the process of long-term operation. In addition, inter-operator interaction in the development of the quantum network was worked out, - he noted.[7]


The Legal Commission for Digital Development approved the roadmap of Russian Railways for quantum communications

The Government Commission on Digital Development, the use of information technologies to improve the quality of life and business conditions approved the road map of Russian Railways for the development of quantum communications. The railway carrier announced this on September 4, 2020.

The document envisages the implementation until 2024 of more than 120 measures and projects aimed, in particular, at the development of technologies for fiber-optic, atmospheric and satellite quantum communications, the creation of commercial quantum communication networks and relevant special equipment, the development of subscriber devices, the development of the quantum Internet of Things, as well as measures to form the market and ecosystem of domestic education, science and industry.

The Government Commission on Digital Development, the Use of Information Technologies to Improve the Quality of Life and Business Conditions approved the roadmap for the development of the high-tech field "Quantum Communications," developed by Russian Railways together with leading experts and scientific organizations

Activities of the roadmap, among other things, include the creation of special funds to support new projects and the introduction of ready-made technologies, certification centers and laboratories, the preparation of proposals for changing the regulatory framework, and the training of highly qualified personnel. It is planned to develop educational programs, including online education systems in the field of quantum communications, as well as attract the best domestic and foreign specialists.

Our task as a leader in the field of "quantum communications" is to embody the existing scientific foundation and technical solutions in specific projects, training highly qualified personnel and the development of the commercial market for quantum communications, "says Russian Railways Deputy Head Sergei Kobzev.

Russian Railways adds that telecommunications operators, state authorities, financial organizations, healthcare organizations and critical infrastructure operators will become consumers of services in the quantum communications market.[8]

Developing a roadmap for quantum communications

On May 21, 2020, Russian Railways announced the development of a roadmap for the development of quantum communications. The state monopoly sent the corresponding document for approval to the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to TASS, the Russian Information Agency, citing a statement by Russian Railways, the roadmap includes nine priority technologies and 15 products, as well as more than 35 performance targets, including:

Russian Railways has developed a roadmap for the development of quantum communications
  • production and sales volumes;
  • the extent of quantum networks;
  • technology readiness level;
  • provision of personnel.

According to Sergey Kobzev, Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of Russian Railways, quantum communications will help create a comprehensive secure infrastructure of the digital economy, a public administration system that is important taking into account modern threats.

Earlier, Russian Railways has already conducted the first tests of the technology on its infrastructure. Testing has shown the possibility of building highly secure federal and regional networks based on advanced Russian quantum communication technologies, the holding said.

By May 21, 2020, Russian Railways, together with partners, is working on the possibility of creating an experimental trunk quantum network connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg with a total length of more than 800 km. The implementation of such a project will allow the implementation of critical services of a new generation.

The introduction of quantum communication is carried out as part of the strategy of digital transformation of Russian Railways. It involves the modernization of networks and communication systems.

Russian Railways is also one of the co-founders of the Digital Transport and Logistics Association within the framework of the Digital Economy program. The main task of the project is "the creation and development in Russia of a single multimodal transport and logistics space based on domestic digital technologies, including quantum, and domestic software."[9]

RVC provided 300 million rubles for the development of a quantum platform, which is developing with the support of Russian Railways

At the end of April 2020, it became known that RVC provided ITMO University with a grant in the amount of 300 million rubles for the development of a platform for quantum Internet. We are talking about a hardware and software solution called "Quantum Communication Platform of the Digital Economy," which is developing with the support of Russian Railways. It is planned to launch a pilot zone on the infrastructure of Russian Railways for the implementation of the platform in 2021. Read more here.

Russian Railways will spend about 25 billion rubles on quantum networks

On January 13, 2020, the company Russian Railways"" (Russian Railways) announced that it will spend 24.7 billion rubles. for development in. Russia quantum communications As part of this, the company plans to build a network aimed at the most secure transmission. data

In 24.7 billion rubles, as indicated in the draft "road map" of Russian Railways, aimed at consideration in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, includes funds from Russian Railways itself in the amount of 5.3 billion rubles. Another 6.5 billion rubles. will be extra-budgetary investments, and the remaining 12.9 billion rubles are budget money.

The desire of Russian Railways to engage in the construction of quantum networks in Russia with data encryption became known in July 2019 after the signing of an agreement of intent between the company and the Russian Government. The purpose of the agreement was to accelerate technological development and Russia's achievement of the position of one of the leaders in global technological markets in the field of quantum communications. The signing ceremony took place in the Kremlin in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The document was signed by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Maxim Akimov and General Director - Chairman of the Board of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov.

Quantum networks

The construction of quantum networks in Russian Railways will be carried out by a specially created department of quantum communications. As reported by the media, the main goal of the department is to increase the efficiency of the business processes of Russian Railways, the safety of railway transport, as well as to increase the efficiency of using the infrastructure of the Russian railway network.

According to the draft "road map" of Russian Railways, part of the funds will be spent on a quantum network for 1000 subscribers, which will be built by 2024. According to media reports, in the future this network will be leased to companies interested in data transmission, information in which cannot be intercepted. In the future, government agencies, as well as financial organizations, including banks, may pay attention to this technology.

According to the company's plan, the Russian quantum communications market will begin to form in 2020, and by 2024 it should grow to at least 55 billion rubles. By this point, it should occupy 8% of the global quantum network market.

The quantum network itself will be based on the main fiber-optic channels of Russian Railways, and by 2024 its total length will be 10 thousand km. Commercialization of the network will begin before the end of 2021.

In the "road map" of Russian Railways, the telecom operator Rostelecom is mentioned. He is included in the list of responsible performers for the organization of national trunk channels of quantum communication. The operator is interested in using quantum encryption to protect its own trunk channels.[10]

2019: Creation of Quantum Technology Unit

On August 14, 2019, it became known about the creation of a quantum communications division at Russian Railways (Russian Railways). The state corporation is implementing this project, in particular, in order to improve the safety of transportation. Russian Railways is working on promising areas for protecting IT systems, including those related to traffic control.

The new department will interact with the scientific community and technology companies in terms of the introduction of quantum technologies for data transmission and protection, which contribute to improving the efficiency of Russian Railways business processes and the use of infrastructure, as well as strengthening the safety of railway transport.

Russian Railways created the Department of Quantum Communications

Russian Railways announced its intention to accelerate the technological development of Russia and achieve leadership in the quantum field in the world market. To achieve these goals, the company will create a special roadmap. It will include information on production infrastructure, as well as plans to promote world-class products based on domestic technologies.

The development of technologies in the field of quantum communications will be based on the principles of market relations and openness to international cooperation, subject to national interests, the Russian Railways said in a statement.

In July 2019, Russian Railways entered into an agreement with the Russian government on the development of quantum communications and the department is needed for its implementation, a representative of Russian Railways explained to Vedomosti.

In addition to Russian Railways, projects should be implemented by Sberbank (Artificial Intelligence), Rosatom (Quantum Computing and Technologies for Creating New Materials and Substances), Rostec (Quantum Sensors and Distributed Register Technologies). In addition, Rostec and Rostelecom are working together on the New Generation Wireless project[11]
