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2025/03/18 16:41:20

Quantum computers and networks in Russia


Main article: Quantum computers and quantum communication

Russian Quantum Center (RCC)

Main article: Russian Quantum Center (RCC, Russian Quantum Center, RQC)

Digital Economy Quantum Communication Platform

Main article: Digital Economy Quantum Communication Platform

Quantum technologies of Rosatom

Main article: Quantum technologies of Rosatom

Quantum technologies in Russian Railways

Main article: Quantum technologies in Russian Railways


HSE received a grant of 7 million rubles for the development of microlasers for quantum computers

The Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg received a grant of ₽7 million from the Russian Science Foundation for the development of energy efficient quantum dot microlasers. The project is led by Professor Natalya Kryzhanovskaya, and its goal is to create key components for quantum computing and artificial intelligence. The study became the winner of the Presidential Program of Research Projects of the Russian National Research Fund. The results of the selection were published in March 2025.

According to reports, TASS the study will be carried out in partnership with the Scientific and Technical Center for Microelectronics, the Institute of Microwave Semiconductor electronic engineers RAS and. Southern Federal University The collaboration of leading scientific organizations will allow combining competencies in various fields to achieve breakthrough results.

HSE allocated a grant in the amount of 7 million rubles for the creation of microlasers intended for use in quantum computers

Professor at the Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg) Natalya Kryzhanovskaya emphasized the uniqueness of the project: "Our development is unique in that we create microlasers based on quantum dots - this increases their stability, efficiency and makes it possible to integrate with other components of integrated photon circuits. The transfer of information faster and with smaller energy losses is the key to the development of modern technologies including the Internet, communication, artificial intelligence and quantum computing. "

Quantum dot microlasers represent an important element of quantum technology. They provide high-precision information transfer with minimal energy loss, which is critical for the development of quantum computing. Unlike traditional lasers, quantum dot devices have increased stability of operation and better integration with other components of integrated photon circuits.

Over four years of research, the scientific group plans to significantly improve the characteristics of microlasers. The main directions of work include improving the accuracy of the direction of the light beam, reducing power consumption and ensuring stable operation of the devices under various temperature conditions. These improvements will create more efficient and reliable components for quantum computers.[1]

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics launched a quantum network

Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics (TUSUR) conducted an optical fiber between its own buildings and the office of InfoTeCS, and also installed equipment for transmitting quantum keys. It is planned to launch the new first segment of the inter-university quantum network of the Greater University of Tomsk. This was announced in March 2025 by Dmitry Bragin, director of the project office of the Competence Center of the National Technological Initiative (Central Committee of the NTI) "Technology of Trusted Interaction." Read more here

HSE scientists have created a machine learning method for modeling quantum processes

HSE scientists, together with colleagues from the University of Southern California, have developed an algorithm that quickly and accurately predicts the behavior of quantum systems - from quantum computers to solar panels. The HSE announced this on February 25, 2025. Read more here.

Russian scientists trained the neural network to correct the errors of quantum computers

Researchers at MISIS University have created a neural network-based system that learns to find and correct errors in quantum computing. The development combines the advantages of intelligent and classical algorithms, so it more effectively recognizes errors that occur when the number of qubits increases - the "building blocks" of quantum processors. The university announced this on February 14, 2025. Read more here.

Ministry of Digital Development Science introduces IT accreditation of quantum technology developers so that they can receive benefits

On February 14, 2025, the Ministry of Digital Development announced changes in the rules of IT accreditation. Now more companies will be able to get it, including developers of quantum technologies. Read more here.


Quantum systems on a chip have been created in Russia. They will open the way to the most powerful mini-chips

In December 2024, it became known that specialists from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VNIIA named after N.L. Dukhova and Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman have developed a new technology for the manufacture of quantum systems on a chip for integrating quantum computer modules on one chip. Read more here.

How quantum computing is already used in Russia - TA opinions

  • is Quantum computing one of the key areas of technological development Russia supported by state the Quantum Digital economy Computing program and roadmap. The document expires at the end of 2024, and in the future quantum technologies will develop within the framework of the new national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation." states quantum computing TAdviser In November 2024, he talked about Russia's achievements in the field with the main participants in this market.

Director of the Institute of Physics and Quantum Engineering at MISIS University, co-founder of the KuBoard project Alexei Fedorov says that the main result of the implementation of the roadmap for quantum computing was the creation of a 50-qubit quantum computer based on ions by the Russian Quantum Center and FIAN named after P.N. Lebedev. In addition, by the end of 2024, various pilot projects are being carried out to introduce quantum computing on the basis of the Russian Quantum Center and KuBoard, Fedorov said.

To implement quantum computing, there are four main platforms: superconductors, ions, neutral atoms and photons. Russia has already mastered all of them

According to him, quantum developments are already useful in scientific and educational activities: technology helps to conduct research and educate students. Also beneficial are pilot projects that are being done in order to identify the potential from the introduction of quantum computing.

We did such projects for the nuclear industry, medicine, telecommunications, oil and gas, production companies, etc. At the same time, one of the "intermediate" victories may be in the introduction of so-called quantum-inspired algorithms that emulate the behavior of quantum objects on classical computers and can show opportunities for more efficient solution of problems, say, from the field of optimization, - said Fedorov.

Rosatom stressed that a universal quantum computer on an ion platform with 50 qubits by November 2024 is the most powerful quantum computer in Russia. It is accessed through a cloud platform with which basic quantum algorithms can be launched. The state corporation added that by the end of 2024, three (or even more) different quantum computers with a capacity of 50 qubits can be created. More information about the quantum developments of Rosatom is described in this article.

The head of the research department " listed several examples of the use of quantum technologies in the Russian Federation. According to the expert, Genotek uses quantum computing to assemble the genome, a method for restoring the sequence of DNA structure based on short fragments of genetic information obtained during genome sequencing. RN-BashNIPIneft optimized the routes of repair teams using quantum computing, and Gazprombank was one of the first among financial organizations to test quantum cryptography tools to protect communication channels between data centers, Surkov said.

According to Maxim Ostras, General Director of the Russian Quantum Center, project manager of the Russian Quantum Center for the use of quantum sensors in medicine, Head of QLU, by the end of 2024, the main work in this direction is aimed at investigating potential applications of quantum computing in various fields, including big data and optimization, which will allow you to implement more complex models in the near future and find hidden patterns in large amounts of information.

In the near future, software and hardware platforms will be useful for solving optimization, planning, predictive and prescriptive analytics problems for making optimal decisions, which at the current stage will use hybrid (quantum-classical) and quantum-inspired algorithms and solutions running today (including in emulation mode) on classic computers (CPU, GPU, FPGA), said Yaroslav Borisov, director of business development at SP Kvant LLC (Rosatom - Quantum Technologies).

As Natalia Maleeva, director of the design center for quantum design at MISIS University, told TAdviser, Russia is one of the three countries that have already created quantum processors based on all four main platforms: superconductors, ions, neutral atoms and photons. According to Maleeva, quantum computing by November 2024 can be run on Russian processors, the first quantum algorithms are already being implemented on ion and superconducting quantum processors.

In 2024, MISIS specialists on a superconducting processor performed the first algorithm in the interests of an industrial partner (the name of the company is not disclosed at the university), which, as Natalia Maleeva emphasized, is a very important stage in the transition of quantum technologies from scientific laboratories to the industry.

In addition, the first quantum machine learning algorithms were successfully implemented on both the ion and superconductor platforms in 2024. The hybrid quantum-classical neural networks implemented in this way have shown, in particular, that the hybrid neural network is more resistant to noisy input data than the classical one, which can be very useful in analyzing poor quality data, said the director of the quantum design center at MISIS University.

The head of the quantum computing sector at the Quantum Center Research Institute MTUSI Evgeny Burlakov reported on several quantum projects that are already finding practical application in business. Thus, the Russian Quantum Center provides cloud services that allow companies to test quantum algorithms to optimize logistics and data analysis. These services run on quantum computer simulators that mimic the behavior of real quantum systems, as well as experimental quantum devices developed as part of national projects.

According to Burlakov, Sberbank actively uses quantum technologies to predict financial risks and client analytics, using quantum processors available in the cloud. Thanks to the SberCloud platform, companies can launch quantum computing remotely: access is provided through cloud interfaces, which eliminates the need to purchase expensive equipment and create their own technical infrastructure.

Burlakov said that cloud quantum platforms are also used to solve specific problems, such as modeling chemical processes, which is especially in demand in pharmaceuticals and power. These platforms run on hybrid architectures, where quantum processors are complemented by classical computing power for data preprocessing. In addition, quantum algorithms are already being used in machine learning, big data analysis, and combinatorial optimization problems. Such technologies are actively introduced in industries such as logistics, production process management and power, allowing companies to achieve high calculation accuracy and significant resource savings.

The head of the Educational and Scientific Center "Quantum Engineering" NRNU MEPhI Yana Lyakhova said that in the Russian Federation quantum-inspired algorithms are successfully used in practice - these are classical computational algorithms created with borrowing ideas from quantum physics. In particular, such developments are used to optimize the investment portfolio, find the best supply chains and optimize a number of production processes. In different cases, the gain from the use of such algorithms ranges from several units to ten percent, she added.

Stanislav Straupe, senior researcher at the Center for Quantum Technologies, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, notes that quantum devices in Russia and the world that exist by the end of 2024 are not yet perfect enough to surpass conventional computing systems in practical tasks. Here it is necessary to work both on improving the hardware (more qubits, higher accuracy of logical operations, error correction, etc.) and on the development of algorithms with more gentle equipment requirements, the expert believes.

By the end of November 2024, the national project "Data Economics" has not yet been approved, and the planned spending on the direction of quantum computing is unknown. Evgeny Burlakov from MTUSI said that the financing of quantum projects in Russia by the end of 2024 will exceed 24 billion rubles, including state and extrabudgetary funds. These investments are aimed not only at developing quantum processors, but also at creating software and simulators, he said.

Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk began to use quantum communications

On October 10, 2024, Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk LLC signed an agreement on long-term cooperation with QRate (KuWright LLC) in the development and application of innovative products in the field of quantum communications. The signing ceremony took place in St. Petersburg. Read more here

Scientists have created a 50-qubit ion quantum computer

Russian scientists, with the support of Rosatom, have created a 50-qubit ion quantum computer. Rosatom announced this on September 26, 2024. Read more here.

At the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman built "Quantum Park" for the development of quantum technologies

At the end of August 2024, it became known that the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman about the completion of the construction of the Quantum Park, designed to develop quantum technologies. The facility has become a key part of the university's new science campus. Read more here.

The state spent 24.1 billion rubles on the development of quantum technologies in Russia in 2020-2024

State investments in the development of quantum technologies in Russia in the period from 2020 to 2024 amounted to ₽24,1 billion. This became known at the end of August 2024 from a study prepared by Reksoft Consulting.

These funds are aimed at implementing an ambitious program for the development of quantum computing, coordinated by the state corporation Rosatom within the framework of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "Digital Economy." During this period, the government annually allocated about ₽4,8 billion to create the conditions necessary to form the quantum computing market.

This program involved government agencies such as the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as large commercial organizations, including Gazprombank and Sberbank. The scientific base for the development of quantum technologies in Russia is formed by leading research centers, including the Russian Quantum Center, the Center for Quantum Technologies of Moscow State University and NUST MISIS.

By August 2024, quantum machines with various architectures were developed and operate in Russia. Among them are 16-qubit systems based on ion traps and neutral atoms, an 8-qubit superconductor processor, and a 4-qubit computer built on photon chips. However, the number of qubits in Russian processors remains limited, which makes them suitable only for experimental calculations. Full-scale industrial quantum computers in Russia are expected no earlier than 2028-2030.

According to analysts at Reksoft Consulting, the quantum computing market in Russia is in the early stages of its formation. The number of companies shaping demand for these technologies is small, making it difficult to determine real market volumes. However, the main investments come from the state, which creates the necessary conditions for the future growth of this high-tech area.

Scientists have improved the effectiveness of simulating noisy quantum chains using classical computers

Researchers at MISIS University, the Russian Quantum Center (RCC), the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and the Mathematical Institute named after V.A. Steklova found out how to increase the efficiency of simulating quantum computing on classical computers in noise conditions. MISIS announced this on August 2, 2024.

To solve this problem, scientists considered the so-called quasi-probabilistic representation of quantum mechanics, in which the behavior of quantum objects can be described using "negative probabilities" (quasi-probabilities).

Within a quasi-probabilistic representation, the possibility of negative probabilities is the only difference between quantum systems and stochastic classical systems. The more negative elements in the quasi-probabilistic description of the implementation of a quantum algorithm, i.e., the greater its negativity, the more, in turn, the addition to stimulate this algorithm on a classical computer.

Thanks to this developed technique of selecting the most suitable "basis" - the so-called generalized frame - for building a quasi-probabilistic description of a specific quantum chain, the authors demonstrated the possibility of reducing the negativity of this chain, which simplifies its classical simulation.

The study includes an analysis of quantum circuits in which noisy one-bit and two-bit quantum gates are present. Quantum gates are similar to logic gates in conventional computers, but can operate on quantum states that include quantum superposition states and entangled states. In real modern quantum processors, these valves are subject to various kinds of noise, which leads to the destruction of the processed quantum information, - said Alexey Fedorov, director of the Institute of Physics and Quantum Engineering, NUST MISIS, head of the scientific group "Quantum Information Technologies" RCC.

The minimization of overall negativity was carried out for different combinations of frame dimension and valve type, which made it possible to identify optimal parameters for different noise levels. Using the optimization algorithm, one-bit frames of different dimensions corresponding to possible three-dimensional regular polyhedra (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, etc.) were considered. Each polyhedron was considered inside the three-dimensional space of Bloch parameters, and its vertices served as points for the construction of single-byte frames. The authors of the article showed that the transition to polyhedra with a large number of vertices - an increase in the dimension of the frame - provides a decrease in negativity in the corresponding quasi-probability description of the chain. The results were compared with an alternative method of reducing negativity by combining several gates into one (gate merging). It turned out that in the presence of noise, increasing the size of frames leads to a more effective reduction in negativity compared to combining gates. The results of the study are published in the scientific journal Physical Review A (Q1).

The results of the study are important for the effective classical simulation of current generation quantum devices in which operations are subject to noise. We have shown that by increasing the dimension of the frames on which quasi-probabilistic representations are built, it is possible to significantly reduce negativity, thereby accelerating the classical simulation of quantum calculations. In the future, we plan to use quasi-probabilistic simulation techniques to increase the efficiency of quantum computing and the ability to execute large quantum chains on current quantum computers, "said Denis Kulikov, junior researcher at the Quantum Information Technologies Group of the RCC.

The work was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 19-71-10091), as well as as part of the implementation of the strategic project NUST MISIS "Quantum Internet" under the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "Priority-2030."

Quantum processor with record accuracy of algorithms launched in Russia

Russian scientists presented the latest quantum processor, which demonstrated record performance of algorithm execution accuracy. This became known on June 25, 2024. The processor was developed at the scientific and educational center "Functional Micro/Nanosystems" on the basis of the Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman and the All-Russian Research Institute of Automation (VNIIA) named after N. L. Dukhov. According to the institute's experts, this processor has opened up new possibilities for the practical application of quantum computing. Read more here.

A processor for a quantum computer was created in Chelyabinsk

Scientists at South Ural State University (SUSU) have created a processor for a quantum computer, which is already recognized as the fastest in the world. The invention has already been patented. This was told in mid-June 2024 by the press service of the university. Read more here.

Putin gave instructions on training personnel in the field of quantum technologies

On June 21, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave instructions on training personnel in the field of quantum technologies. Such decisions are expected to help ensure Russia's technological independence and leadership.

In April 2024, Ivan Utenkov, a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) (Unmanned Technologies group of companies), pointed out the lack of personnel and low qualifications of specialists in the sectors of quantum technologies, robotics and drones. It is estimated that in 2022 the shortage of engineers in the field of quantum technology was about 1000 people, and in 2023 the shortage of personnel increased. It was proposed to create a consortium for the training of quantum engineers on the basis of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs - this idea was supported by Putin.

Vladimir Putin

In accordance with the new instruction of the head of state, the issue of creating a consortium for training personnel in the field of quantum technologies should be considered with the participation of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and other interested organizations. It is assumed that the consortium will unite "representatives of the business community and leading educational organizations of higher education."

It is noted that quantum computing gives impetus to the digital development of the country, since it provides a higher speed of data processing compared to conventional computers. At the same time, quantum solutions set completely new requirements for information security. In Russia, by 2030, it is planned to build at least 15 thousand km of trunk channels of quantum communications in key areas, as well as create centers for monitoring the quantum network.

I consider it necessary to continue work on quantum communications and quantum encryption technologies. Such technologies ensure the resistance of information systems to cyber attacks using both classical and quantum computers, Putin said earlier.[2]

The first master's degree in industrial quantum technologies in Russia opens at NUST MISIS

On June 7, 2024, the first master's degree in industrial quantum technologies in Russia was announced at NUST MISIS. The new program, developed with the support of leading commercial companies, is aimed at training specialists in the field of quantum technologies in demand in the modern market. Read more here.

Russia has developed a chip for quantum computing, which has no analogues in the world

On May 30, 2024, it became known that Russian specialists from the Center for Quantum Technologies (CCT) of the Physics Department of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov developed a large-scale eight-channel programmable interferometer for quantum computing. It is stated that as of the specified date, the product has no analogues in the world. Read more here.

Scientists from Russia, Germany and the UAE have found a way to simplify quantum calculations using fractality

An international team of physicists from Russia, Germany and the UAE has shown that one of the main theories for assessing the capabilities of quantum technologies - the Schwinger model - has fractal properties. As representatives of MISIS told TAdviser on May 24, 2024, this unusual and beautiful property of self-similarity will help simplify and speed up calculations when creating an improved quantum processor capable of solving problems in the field of logistics, machine learning and cryptography.

Schwinger's model was developed in the 1950s. According to scientists, despite the fact that this is one of the basic and well-studied theories, it has a number of non-trivial features inherent in more complex theories. Analytically, it is solvable in particular cases of massless or non-interacting particles, but in the general case the solution is unknown, so the model is a difficult problem for both analytical and numerical methods.

According to the researchers, the identification of a specific structure in a quantum system of many bodies can provide valuable information to simplify its description. As, for example, a self-similar structure that arises when describing complex quantum systems consisting of a large number of components. Quantum systems such as the Heisenberg and Ising models, which describe, for example, the magnetic properties of materials, have fractal properties. Fractality was identified using visualization on 2D graphs.

Scientists have shown for the first time that the Schwinger model also has fractal properties. Based on this, a method was proposed for calculating the properties of the Schwinger model, when a description with a smaller number of particles is taken as a basis for calculating a system with a large number of objects. This method of calculation - ansatz - has shown its effectiveness.

"Previously, in the Schwinger model, no self-similar structure was observed in the ground state. Based on the exact solution for a small system, we construct a description for a system with a large number of particles using a fractal ansatz approach. Our method is very effective. We believe that it can also be applied to a wider class of models, "said study co-author Alexei Fedorov, director of the Institute of Quantum Physics at NITU MISIS, head of the Quantum Information Technologies scientific group at the Russian Quantum Center.

Alexey Fedorov, Director of the Institute of Quantum Physics, NITU MISIS, Head of the Scientific Group "Quantum Information Technologies" of the Russian Quantum Center

According to the authors of the study, published in one scientific journal Physical Review Letters (Q1), the most ambitious direction of development of the created model is to go beyond a one-dimensional system and establish self-similar patterns for two-dimensional and three-dimensional systems. This, in turn, will improve the production of quantum processors based on multi-level qubits.

The work was supported by the state corporation Rosatom within the framework of the Roadmap for Quantum Computing, a grant from the strategic project NUST MISIS "Quantum Internet" under the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "Priority-2030" (No. K1-2022-027), a grant from the RNF, as well as the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Research Foundation of Germany) under the German academic leadership program Excellence Strategy.

Rosatom will use quantum technologies to transform government agencies

On May 22, 2024, it became known that the state corporation Rosatom sent proposals to the Ministry of Ministry of Digital Development regarding the use of quantum technologies for the transformation of government agencies. It is assumed that this will stimulate the demand for such solutions in Russia.

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the initiative is being worked out within the framework of the national project "Data Economics and Digital Transformation of the State." Rosatom proposes to include the use of quantum technologies in "methodological recommendations for the digital transformation of federal executive bodies and management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state corporations and companies with state participation."

Rosatom sent proposals to the Ministry of Digital Development regarding the use of quantum technologies for the transformation of government agencies

It is assumed that quantum technologies will be used to solve complex optimization problems related to planning, forecasting, development of new materials and strengthening the capabilities of AI. Aleksey Naumenko, deputy director of technology practice at Kept, believes that quantum systems in the public sector will ensure reliable protection of channels for transmitting sensitive information and data containing state secrets. In particular, Russian Railways is engaged in the development of quantum communications tools. Quantum sensors are named another promising field of application.

It is noted that as of May 2024, quantum technologies are tested in Russia primarily by the structures of the banking sector, telecom companies, defense industry enterprises, as well as companies responsible for the implementation of the roadmap for the development of quantum technologies (Russian Railways and Rosatom). At the same time, experts say, the introduction of quantum developments in the business sphere is fraught with a number of difficulties. Thus, the full use of such technologies is impossible without control from regulators, in particular, the FSB.[3]

Russian scientists have developed "digital twins" to control quantum systems

MISIS Russian Quantum Center (RCC) The researchers of the University and developed, control model of complex quantum systems which, according to them, opens up opportunities for faster transmission information and allows you to control the dynamics of the system. This was announced on May 16, 2024 by TAdviser representatives of MISIS.

According to the scientists, the proposed technique is useful for reducing the number of errors and suppressing noise in quantum devices. With its help, it will be possible to study various effects in the physics of many bodies, as well as look for new quantum materials. Modification of the model will allow observing systems at the macroscopic level, which, in turn, opens the way to controlling quantum systems between different phases of matter. Read more here.

MIPT has created compact resonators to amplify quantum processors

For the first time, MIPT scientists showed the reading of a superconducting cubitacompact resonator, the area of ​ ​ which is about 200x200 μm2, which is 10-20 times smaller than the size of the coplanar resonators used for this purpose. This size corresponds to the standard size of a superconducting atom. The result can be used in scaling superconducting quantum circuits. The university announced this on May 16, 2024. Read more here.

Russian scientists have developed a way to accelerate quantum computing

Russian scientists from MISIS University and the Russian Quantum Center have proposed their own approach to implementing a fast three-cube operation on superconducting qubits - flaxoniums. Representatives of NITU MISIS reported this to TAdviser on May 7, 2024. According to them, this method brings closer the creation of a practically useful "noisy" quantum processor and algorithms for efficient multi-cube operations. Quantum effects, in turn, are useful for studying molecules, creating drugs, effectively solving logistics problems and searching the database. Read more here.

ITMO figured out how to increase the lifetime of quantum states

ITMO scientists have figured out how to create long-lived quantum states for processing, stable recording and reliable storage of information. The solution is based on artificial intelligence. In the future, the results of the study will help in the creation of quantum computers. The university announced this on April 3, 2024.

To solve complex computational problems (for example, encrypting information using quantum cryptography), scientists are working on the creation of quantum simulators (computers). Unlike usual, such a device does not use bits (work with two states: 0 and 1), but qubits (can work with a large number of states). It is believed that thanks to this, quantum computers will be able to process all states at the same time and deliver solutions faster than conventional PCs.

One of the main technical obstacles faced by researchers in the development of a quantum computer is spontaneous radiation, when a unit of information recorded in the system (qubit) can collapse at any moment in time, radiating into the surrounding space. This phenomenon often limits the lifetime of quantum states and, in fact, makes recording data in quantum systems impossible. Large atomic structures (of tens or hundreds of atoms) are commonly used to suppress spontaneous radiation. Previously, scientists have already found optimal two-dimensional atomic lattices capable of maintaining the longest-lived states, but what the optimal design of structures of arbitrarily arranged particles should be remained unknown.

This time, physicists from ITMO managed to obtain structures that retain a quantum state tens and hundreds of times longer using a small optimization of geometry. To do this, they applied evolutionary algorithms (a direction in artificial intelligence that simulates the processes of natural selection) and created a program that predicts the appropriate parameters of systems. Unlike many other works, where atomic structures had a predetermined geometry in advance, in this work artificial intelligence itself found the necessary positions of atoms.

This solution determines the geometry of molecules from ultracold atoms. In fact, scientists wrote instructions for assembling durable quantum systems for recording and storing information. Artificial intelligence-predicted structures can be used to create quantum memory algorithms.

The authors considered two changing parameters: the number of atoms and the minimum allowed distance between them. Using the algorithm, they determined the optimal geometric arrangement of particles for different interatomic distances: one-dimensional chains, fragments of triangular and square lattices. All these configurations are capable of supporting non-emitting, and therefore long-lived quantum states.

There are two ways of developing this work. If earlier we calculated the parameters of structures for single-photon states, then we will continue to look for the same for two-photon entangled states: you can write twice as much data in them, and also use them in quantum communication to transmit information. In addition, we would like to improve our algorithm so that we can count systems from a larger number of atoms, "said Ilya Volkov, one of the authors of the work, a graduate student at the New Physics Department.

The results of the work will allow experimenters to increase the recording time of quantum states - this will open up new opportunities for working with them, including helping to create quantum computers.

Edutoria and MISIS University Launch New Master's Degree in Industrial Quantum Technologies

Edutoria and MISIS University are launching a master's degree in industrial quantum technology. Sberbank announced this on April 4, 2024. Read more here.

Russian scientists have proven the effectiveness of three-level quantum systems - cutrites

Scientists of the University of MISIS, the Russian Quantum Center, FIAN named after Lebedev and MIPT demonstrated the performance of three-level quantum systems - cutrites at once on two types of domestic quantum processors - superconductor and ion. With the help of cutrites, the researchers simulated a non-equilibrium phase transition of violation of parity and time symmetry. Such symmetry is broken if an isolated physical system begins to interact with the surrounding world, while losing some of its energy. This was announced on April 1, 2024 by representatives of the University of MISIS. Read more here.

MSTU named after Bauman announced the launch of the production of quantum processors for supercomputers

March 18, 2024 MSTU named after N. E. Bauman and FSUE "VNIIA named after N. L. Dukhov" announced the launch of the first contract production of superconducting quantum processors in Russia. This is expected to meet Russia's growing need for next-generation supercomputers. Read more here.

Russia has developed a unique material for the creation of quantum telecommunications

Alferov University has developed the first high-quality silicon-based indium nitride crystals in Russia, which can be used in the creation of quantum telecommunications devices and photonic integrated circuits. This was announced at the beginning of March 2024 in the Competence Center of the NTI "Photonics." Read more here.

In Russia, approved standards in the field of quantum communications

At the end of February 2024, it became known about the approval of two new standards in the field of quantum communications. They were told in the press service of the Platform of the National Technological Initiative (NTI).

One of the new standards concerns the architecture of a typical firmware key distribution complex, which provides secure key delivery to quantum Internet of Things devices, the direct connection of which to quantum key distribution networks is technically impossible or impractical.

It became known about the approval of two new standards in the field of quantum communications

In the second standard, we are talking about setting the requirements for the connection interfaces of a typical software and hardware complex for key distribution in terms of interaction with a quantum key distribution network, as well as interfaces for transmitting quantum and quantum-secure keys to quantum Internet of Things terminals.

According to the NTI Platform, the standards began to operate on February 1, 2024. The documents are designed for three years. Nikita Utkin, Deputy Director of ANO Platform NTI, Chairman of TC 194 Cyber-Physical Systems, noted that the standards pave the way for the widespread practical introduction of quantum technologies, in particular, quantum key distribution, in various fields of activity: from the banking sector to the industrial Internet of things and consumer smart systems.

For us, working on these documents was extremely important from several points of view: firstly, this is a charismatic example of the implementation of the principle of advanced regulation in the field of high technologies, secondly, this is an example of extremely difficult collective work and reaching an industry consensus, and thirdly, these standards consolidate the fact of the existence and transition to the practical channel of an extremely promising technological market, in which Russian developers have very serious groundwork, - said Utkin.[4]

First Russian 12-qubit quantum computer launched

Specialists of the Moscow University of Physics and Technology (MIPT) launched the first 12-qubit quantum computer in Russia. It is based on superconductors - materials that conduct electric current without resistance and loss of electricity), whose computing elements are made of pure aluminum. Read more here.

Russia has learned to create triangular and rectangular laser pulses - this will improve the control of quantum circuits

In mid-January 2024, Russian researchers from St. Petersburg State University and the A. F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) announced the development of a method for obtaining optical pulses of adjustable shape. In the future, this is expected to help improve the management of quantum computers.

In ordinary light pulses, the intensity of the electromagnetic field varies with time along the sinusoid. It was believed that other forms of the field were impossible. Russian physicists have proposed an approach that allows you to create rectangular and triangular light pulses.

The method of obtaining optical pulses of adjustable shape has been developed

The scientists simulated the passage of two consecutive ultra-short optical pulses through sodium gas. The primary pulses had an arc shape that corresponds to half the period of a conventional electromagnetic wave. In accordance with the proposed model, pulses passed a path of 5 micrometers in the medium. At the same time, the first of them transmitted excitation to sodium atoms, triggering their vibrations, and the second stopped them. As a result of this interaction, an electromagnetic field response was formed in the form of two peaks spaced in time.

Next, the researchers proposed using a heterogeneous density environment with a varying concentration of sodium particles. Experts, in particular, applied a trapezoidal model: at the borders, the density was minimal, as it moved away from them, it increased linearly, and in the center it reached a plateau. As a result, it was possible to obtain strictly rectangular pulses. By changing the shape of the medium density transition at the rise and fall sites from linear to parabolic, the researchers were able to form triangular pulses. With such pulses, it is possible to control the state of individual atoms and qubits - the elements underlying quantum computers.[5]


The first 8-qubit quantum processor in Russia has been created

In early December 2023, NUST MISIS announced the creation of the first quantum processor in Russia with eight qubits. The technology was developed by specialists from the University Design Center for Quantum Design together with employees of the Russian Quantum Center (RCC). Read more here.

Russian scientists have become a step closer to a universal quantum computer

Russian scientists at MISIS University and the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) together with colleagues from the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman and FSUE "VNIIA named after N.L. Dukhova" proposed and demonstrated a method for implementing a fast two-cube operation on superconducting qubits-flaxoniums, which can form the basis of scalable and error-resistant quantum processors. Thus, Russian scientists have become one step closer to creating a universal quantum computer capable of solving problems in various fields, for example, for modeling molecular and chemical reactions, which will be the key to the further development of pharmaceuticals and materials science. Such information was shared with the TAdviser portal on November 27, 2023 by representatives of MISIS. Read more here.

Rostec abandoned the development of the Quantum Sensors roadmap that lasted several years

Rostec abandoned the development of the Quantum Sensors roadmap that had lasted several years. This became known on October 2, 2023.

The need for an agreement has formally disappeared. The activities of the "roadmap" are already being implemented within the framework of the state program for the development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry and will continue to be implemented, including by Rostec, - one of the sources told RBC.

Rostec refused to develop a roadmap "Quantum sensors"

According to him, the initiator of the termination is Rostec itself. At the same time, we are talking about a technical solution, which there is no intrigue, the source added.

Rostec proposed spending 41 billion rubles on the creation and development of the quantum sensor market, of which 27 billion rubles were budget, 14 billion rubles of its own funds and other investments. The roadmap describes 19 types of sensors, ten of which were supposed to be prepared for industrial production by the end of 2024.

According to a RBC source in the IT market, quantum sensors can be included in documents on the development of directions quantum computing and quantum communications, which will be created as part of the Data Economics project until 2030. Its development will be engaged in "" and Rosatom- RUSSIAN RAILWAY each in its part. The government must approve the national project "Data Economics" by June 2024.

According to Vedomosti, Sensors are one of the most promising areas of the quantum technology market. Quantum sensors will allow ultra-accurate measurement of various physical quantities - time, distance, speed, etc. Such sensors can be used in satellite and ground communication systems, as well as on cellular networks. They will determine the positions of satellites, ballistic missiles, aircraft, submarines, the speed and direction of movement of unmanned vehicles.[6]

A new university and the development of encryption technologies. Putin gave instructions on quantum technologies

On September 4, 2023, a list of instructions from Russian President Vladimir Putin following a meeting with scientists and a plenary meeting of the forum for future technologies was published on the Kremlin's website. In particular, we are talking about the development of quantum technologies.

Until November 15, 2023, the government was instructed to create conditions for attracting domestic and foreign scientists and qualified specialists in the field of quantum technologies to the Russian Federation, including in the development of quantum sensors, quantum computing and communications, including simplification of the visa regime, obtaining a residence permit and citizenship of the Russian Federation, procedures for execution of documents required for migration registration and admission to work, as well as the development of mechanisms for individual material support and ensuring the social and domestic arrangement of such persons and their families.

In July 2023, the head of Rosatom Alexei Likhachev and the adviser to the general director of Rosatom Ruslan Yunusov demonstrated to Russian President Vladimir Putin a 16-qubit quantum computer on ions (pictured)

Also, the Cabinet of Ministers to create a university in the field of quantum technologies in order to implement educational programs to study advanced developments in this area, including those involving schoolchildren in the educational process.

The university will also support scientific research and innovative projects in quantum technology. This includes working with scientific institutes, industry and government agencies to develop and implement quantum technologies in real-world practice.

The initiative to create a university in the field of quantum technologies emphasizes the importance of developing this area as one of the priorities for the scientific and technical development of Russia. President Putin expressed confidence that the new university will become a key center for training and research in the field of quantum technologies and contributes to the long-term scientific and innovative growth of the country.

The Government of the Russian Federation until July 2024 was instructed to ensure the approval of a national project to form a data economy for the period up to 2030, among other things, providing for measures to ensure data security, including using quantum encryption technology.[7]

The discovered effect of nanoparticles will allow the creation of nanoantennes for quantum and optical computers

A scientific team led by a scientist MIPT has shown that a certain shape allows nanoparticles to be in an electromagnetic sense larger than their geometric dimensions. This was announced on August 14, 2023 by representatives of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The detected effect will help in creating, biological sensors materials for solar panels and elements and. optical quantum computers More. here

Algorithms have been created in Russia to help secure computers from quantum cyber attacks

At the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" created a way to protect computers from quantum cyber attacks. The university told about this in July 2023.

According to university analyst Alexei Petrenko, LETI specialists have developed new algorithms that allow modeling cyber attacks using super-powerful quantum computers on digital infrastructure and finding vulnerabilities in it for their subsequent elimination. Algorithms for analyzing encryption systems work according to symmetrical and asymmetrical principles - in the first case, the same digital key is used to encrypt and decrypt a message, in the second - different ones. The use of such algorithms will reduce the computational load when searching for vulnerabilities in encryption systems and speed up the work of cryptanalysts.

In our research, we are mainly engaged in quantum cryptanalysis and, as a result, create more robust post-quantum algorithms. Modifications of quantum algorithms can be roughly divided into mathematical, structural and implementation. In our work, we used all three areas, after which we tested and received significant acceleration compared to the original algorithms for solving a number of problems, "he told TASS.

LETI noted that by July 2023, effective quantum algorithms are widely known, in particular, the Shore and Grover algorithms, which are quite effective and convenient for cryptanalysis of asymmetric and symmetric cryptography, respectively. However, they are not the only ones suitable for cryptanalysis, which allows them to be used comprehensively with other, more narrowly directed quantum algorithms. Symmetric cryptography is one type of data encryption in which the same key is used for both encryption and decryption, while asymmetric cryptography involves the use of two keys - public (used to encrypt information and can be transmitted over unprotected channels) and private (used to decrypt data encrypted with a public key). Scientists have modified these promising quantum algorithms in order to reduce their computational complexity and time.[8]

The Government of the Russian Federation has developed measures to support developers of quantum technologies

On July 21, 2023, it became known that the concept of the development of the Russian quantum industry until 2030 included measures to support domestic developers. This is necessary, among other things, in the light of the current geopolitical situation and sanctions from the United States and European states.

The document, according to the Kommersant newspaper, is aimed at regulating the quantum communications industry. Quantum technologies are planned to be used to protect various information systems, in particular, electronic voting platforms and interdepartmental interaction. Quantum encryption can be used to transmit confidential information: due to the fundamental laws of physics, it is impossible to imperceptibly steal data transmitted through such channels in principle. The possibility of using quantum technologies in transport and in the field of communications is being considered.

The concept of the development of the Russian quantum industry until 2030 includes measures to support domestic developers

The developed concept assumes that the authorities RUSSIAN FEDERATION will limit the purchase of imported software and equipment for quantum systems: foreign technologies are proposed to be introduced into government decree No. 616, which prohibits the purchase of foreign goods to ensure security. states In addition, a unified register of quantum technologies will be formed to plan measures of state support for Russian manufacturers. At the same time, the authors of the document consider it necessary to attract foreign specialists for the development of the quantum industry: for this they can be provided with benefits corresponding to what are now in effect for employees of Russian IT organizations.

It is reported that Russian Railways is one of the organizations responsible for the implementation of the concept. Specialists from the National Quantum Laboratory, created under the auspices of Rosatom, took part in the work on the document. Experts say that in Russia there is a decline in the development of quantum technologies: in 2022, 16 applications were submitted for inventions in the relevant area against 28 in 2021.[9]

The Government of the Russian Federation has developed the concept of regulating quantum communications until 2030

In July 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree approving the concept of regulating the quantum communications industry until 2030. The main goals of the document are to stimulate the development of the quantum communications market, support domestic manufacturers, and achieve a high level of information security for citizens and state organizations.

The concept emphasizes the need to form a legal mechanism governing the use of quantum communications in existing communication networks, as well as the creation of new quantum communication networks. Experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation can become such a mechanism. It is advisable to install them in certain areas, for example, in unmanned vehicles and logistics, the Internet of Things, portable electronics, and promising mobile networks.

The government approved the concept of regulating the quantum communications industry until 2030

The concept assumes that the technical regulation of the quantum communications industry should be based on national standards that will establish requirements for quantum communications networks.

Also, the new industry should be represented in the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. This is necessary so that various industry organizations, such as manufacturers of quantum communications equipment, can receive support from the state. For the same purpose, companies working with quantum communications will receive the right to be accredited as Russian organizations operating in the field of information technology.

According to the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 17, 2023, interested departments together with Russian Railways should submit proposals for the implementation of the concept to the Ministry of Digital Development within three months.

Government of the Russian Federation Order of July 11, 2023 No. 1856-r

NUST MISIS has created an institute for training engineers in the quantum sphere

In mid-July 2023, the National Research Technological University of MISIS (NUST MISIS) announced the creation of the Institute of Physics and Quantum Engineering, which will train quantum engineers and quantum technologists. Read more here.

The government allocated 24 billion rubles for research on quantum technologies

The Russian government has allocated 24 billion rubles for research on quantum technologies. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko spoke about this on July 14, 2023.

The order for fundamental quantum research is constantly growing in the world. The state is the main customer of such research - until 2024, the Government allocated funding for these purposes in the amount of over 24 billion rubles, but the applied implementation of the results and further order for engineering research should be on the side of business, "he said (quoted by the press service of the Cabinet).

According to Chernyshenko, the government, together with the industry, has formed road maps "Quantum Computing" and "Quantum Communications," for the implementation of which 41 billion rubles will be allocated by 2026.

Moreover, the parity of public and private financing is ensured, - said the Deputy Prime Minister.

The primary task in this area is to develop the necessary regulatory regulations and conditions for attracting investment, he added.

The government expects that by 2030 at least 15,000 km of trunk channels of quantum communications in key areas, as well as centers for monitoring the quantum network, will be built. The volume of products sold by technological companies, according to Dmitry Chernyshenko, should amount to at least 30 billion rubles. By mid-July 2023, a pilot section of the trunk quantum network has already been created Moscow - St. Petersburg and the Moscow segment -, the Nizhny Novgorod deputy head of government noted, adding that segments with a total length of more than 1,400 km will be implemented by the end of 2023.

Speaking about the impact of quantum technologies on digital transformation, the Deputy Prime Minister noted that quantum computing gives impetus to digital development, since it provides faster data processing speed compared to conventional computers. At the same time, quantum solutions set completely new requirements for information security.[10]

Cloud provider opens quantum lab

On July 13, 2023, announced the discovery of quantum computing, which aims to combine existing and future quantum computing solutions in a cloud infrastructure. The research will be carried out in close cooperation with leading Russian laboratories on quantum technologies, the press service of the Russian cloud service provider said. Read more here.

For the first time in Russia, a source of photons was created for quantum computers

Scientists from the A.F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology (FTI) RAS have developed a semiconductor device for the controlled emission of single photons. Similar devices can be made in just a few laboratories in the world. Such photons can act as units of information - qubits. This was Ministry of Education and Science reported on July 5, 2023. More. here

Russia successfully launched a satellite to create quantum-secure satellite communications systems

On June 27, 2023, Russia successfully launched a satellite to create quantum-secure satellite communications systems. We are talking about the development of NUST "MISIS" and the quantum startup QSpace Technologies. Read more here.

Russian scientists have created a mathematical model to improve the quality of satellite quantum communications

Scientists from MIPT, MISIS University and the Russian Quantum Center have obtained a mathematical model to quickly assess the effectiveness of satellite-quant communication. This was reported to TAdviser on May 2, 2023 by representatives of MISIS University. According to the researchers, calculations based on the proposed model for the distribution of keys from the Mo-Tzu satellite to the ground station created in Russia will simplify and speed up the practical modeling of the quantum communication channel. Read more here.

Russian scientists have increased the performance of quantum processors using kudits

Scientists at NUST MISIS and the Russian Quantum Center have proposed an approach to the implementation of quantum algorithms using additional levels of the quantum system, which made it possible to increase by an order of magnitude the final quality of execution of quantum algorithms. This was announced on April 7, 2023 to TAdviser by representatives of NUST MISIS.

According to scientists, the main way to improve the performance of quantum processors is to increase the number of their qubits - the smallest unit of information in. quantum computer However, ions or atoms, which often act in roles, qubits have more than two levels and can work not only as qubits, but also as kudits, which are an extended version of the qubit and can be in three (cutrites), four (puppets), five (puppets), and more states. Additional states allow denser coding data in physical media, which in turn makes it possible to implement increasingly complex and complex quantum algorithms. Thus, the quantum power increases, and operations processor can be carried out much faster, the researchers explained. More. here

For the first time in Russia, access to a domestic quantum computer through the cloud is open

For the first time in Russia, public access to the domestic quantum computer through the cloud is open. This project was implemented by a team of physicists from the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) and FIAN named after P.N. Lebedev RAS. The RCC told about this in early April 2023. Read more here.

Russian scientists have increased the resistance of superconducting quantum processors to errors

Scientists from the Russian Quantum Center have developed an approach that allows you to implement error correction codes on quantum processors that do not have high computing power. The results will help physicists reduce noise exposure and approach practical problems on systems with relatively few qubits. The center announced this on March 30, 2023. Read more here.

New types of optical fibers have been developed in Russia, opening up great opportunities for quantum communication

The Schwabe holding and scientists from the Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PGUTI) announced the development of new classes of optical fibers. Materials that provide a reliable connection when creating telecommunications networks are used in the development of high-tech optical devices, the press service of Rostec (Schwabe is part of this state corporation) said in March 2023. Read more here.

An algorithm for continuous monitoring of the characteristics of a quantum processor has been developed

In Russia, an algorithm has been developed for continuous monitoring of the characteristics of a quantum processor. The corresponding results of the study, supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF), were published in the journal Physical Review Applied in February 2023.

Scientists from the Russian Quantum Center (Moscow) and MISIS University (Moscow) have developed a new algorithm for monitoring the characteristics of the basic elements of a quantum processor, which allows obtaining fairly accurate estimates of their behavior based on the analysis of information obtained after the launch of user chains. The algorithm was tested both for artificially generated data obtained from a quantum emulator and for experimental data collected from a publicly available cloud quantum processor.

An algorithm for monitoring the characteristics of the quantum process was developed

The main feature of the developed system compared to other benchmarking methods is that it does not borrow additional computational time from the quantum processor: all state estimates of quantum processors are made on the basis of quantum chains launched by users. Using the proposed method will significantly reduce the resources required for their benchmarking and calibration. The monitoring system maximizes the already available data from the implemented quantum algorithms without the need to run additional procedures.

{{quote 'We tested the developed system using artificially created and experimental data obtained by running circuits on a 5-qubit superconducting quantum processor, which is available through the cloud. In the case of real data from the processor, we saw that the monitoring results are quite well consistent with the results obtained from a specially launched calibration, "said Evgeny Kiktenko, head of the project supported by a grant from the Russian Scientific Research Institute, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Quantum Information Technologies Group of the RCC[11]

Russian scientists have proposed an algorithm for accurately calculating the dynamics of quantum systems

Researchers at the Center for Quantum Metamaterials MIEM HSE together with colleagues Germany Great Britain from and proposed algorithm automatic compression of arbitrary media (- ACE Automated Compression of Arbitrary Environments). As TAdviser the HSE reported on February 9, 2023, the method provides qualitatively new possibilities for accurate calculations to study the dynamics of quantum systems. According to scientists, the algorithm will help in the design of new quantum computers communication systems. More. here

ITMO has proposed a protocol for generating confusing states that will help create next-generation chips

Scientists ITMO proposed a universal method for generating quantum correlations and entangled states. It allows you to dynamically influence the parameters of the system and set the desired characteristics of photons, for example, grouping phenomena or anti-grouping. The study opens up possibilities for encoding entangled states in superconducting qubits and processing quantum information in next-generation optical chips. This was announced on January 11, 2023 by representatives of ITMO.

As reported, for devices based on superconducting qubits, for example, next-generation chips or quantum computers, it is important to create entangled Bell states. These states ― the foundation for any processing of quantum information, quantum computing and the development of ultrafast processors. Modern systems allow you to create installations for generating sources of several photons, but their parameters are determined immediately during the production of the design, that is, it is impossible to control the characteristics of the system. This limits research and technical capabilities.

Scientists of the New Physics and Technology Institute ITMO have found a solution to this problem. They proposed a theoretical protocol for dynamically generating stable quantum correlations and entangled Bell states in frequency comb radiation from an array of superconducting qubits. The method is universal, takes into account the temporal evolution of qubits, and can be used to control photon correlations in dynamically modulated quantum systems.

ITMO has proposed a protocol for generating confusing states that will help create next-generation chips
Our protocol adds a kind of "toggle switch" to the system, with which you can switch ― modes from grouping photons (when particles are emitted in groups) to anti-grouping, when each particle emits independently. This allows you to achieve the desired system or installation parameters. We also proposed a simple, but very effective way to generate a frequency comb of the system (a simple two-level quantum system): we take two qubits, put them into the system and "shake" their levels (with a slight phase lag). As a result, we got a chess diagram of the effects of grouping and anti-grouping, protected by the symmetry of the system, and the ability to dynamically generate multiphoton entangled states with a certain accuracy, simply finding the desired law of "shaking."

explained Denis Ilyin, study author, master's student of the New Physics Department of ITMO

The researchers conducted analytical calculations of correlation functions at small shaking amplitudes and calculated entropy of entropy of photon states depending on the parameters of the "shaking" system, confirmed the corresponding conclusions by numerical calculations, expanding the applicability of the method to a range of large amplitudes.

Scientists have shown that mutual correlations between signals in the waveguide can be controlled, and also proposed an effective way to control. The results of the study suggest the ability to control signal correlations during single-channel transmission of quantum optical information. This opens up additional possibilities for future protocols for processing quantum information of next-generation devices (for example, computing devices).

The authors will develop the study, their plans ― experimental confirmation of the hypothesis, as well as a change in the parameters of the system under study (scientists want to introduce mechanical degrees of freedom into it).

The work is supported by grants, RSF as well as Ministry of Education and Science RUSSIAN FEDERATION the Priority 2030 program.


The number of applications for patents in the field of quantum technologies in Russia decreased for the first time since 2019

In 2022 Russia , 16 applications for inventions in the field of quantum technologies (quantum communications, sensors and computing) were filed against 28 in 2021. The decrease in the number of such requests for patents occurred for the first time since 2019. This is evidenced by the data of the analytical company Dsight and the investment fund "," Rising which were published in mid-June 2023.

As Kommersant writes with reference to this study, in 2022 most of the relevant applications for patents - 12 pieces - were filed in the field of quantum communications. The leader among the organizations that submitted relevant applications in Russia was the representative office of the Japanese Canon. The second place is taken by ITMO University, in third place is the Russian KuRate (QRate), which is engaged in the introduction of quantum communications into the infrastructure of Russian companies.

In 2022, 16 applications for inventions in the field of quantum technologies were submitted in Russia

The number of Russian applications for inventions is falling due to problems with imported equipment, as well as increased political tension and increased secrecy, experts interviewed by the publication say.

In the current situation, public dissemination of information may result in sanctions restrictions for companies and universities, "explained Sergei Kulik, scientific director of the Center for Competence of NTI" Quantum Technologies "at Moscow State University.

As noted in MISiS, by mid-June 2023, cooperation in the field of quantum technologies with Western countries remains, "if the partners do not impose restrictions on scientific interaction." Recently, cooperation within the BRICS has intensified, especially with scientific groups in China and India, the university added.

Before the start of a military special operation in Ukraine, Russia occupied one of the leading positions in the world in terms of the number of developments in the field of quantum, but by the end of 2022, about 62% of patent applications were in the United States and China.[12]

Approved professional standard for specialists in quantum technologies in Russia

On December 5, 2022, it became known about the approval in Russia of a new professional standard - for specialists in the field of quantum technologies.

{{quote Russia 'A new "quantum" profession will officially appear in. For specialists in the field of quantum communications, a professional standard has been approved for the first time! RUSSIAN RAILWAY together with the ANO "Center for Digital Transformation Support" developed the first professional standard "Specialist in the installation and technical operation of quantum networks." It is approved Ministry of Labor of Russia and registered, Ministry of Justice of Russia will enter into force on March 1, 2023, - said in a statement on the Russian Telegram Railways channel. }}

Professional standard for specialists in quantum technologies approved in Russia

It is noted that in the development process they took into account the current requirements of employers and their vision of the prospects for the development of the field of quantum communications.

{{quote 'In a few years, experts expect a real technological breakthrough in the field of quantum technologies. The emergence of new devices will completely change our lives, as computers, the Internet, mobile phones have already done before, "Russian Railways said. }} It is assumed that the presence of a professional standard will help young people more effectively plan their training and future career growth, and for existing specialists to choose additional educational programs for advanced training.

Earlier, the Government of the Russian Federation in determined the Russian Railways holding responsible for the development of quantum communications. The company has created a department of quantum communications and a managing committee for the implementation of the roadmap. It provides for the implementation until 2024 of more than 120 measures and projects aimed, in particular, at the development of technologies for fiber-optic, atmospheric and satellite quantum communications, the creation of commercial quantum communication networks and relevant special equipment, the development of subscriber devices, the development of the quantum Internet of Things, as well as measures to form the market and ecosystem of domestic education, science and industry.[13]

Operating quantum processor demonstrated for the first time in Russia

A team of scientists from MIPT and NUST MISIS created a four-qubit quantum processor and demonstrated the accuracy of two-qubit CZ operations on it by more than 97%. Representatives of NUST MISISiS reported this to TAdviser on November 16, 2022. Read more here.

Creation by scientists of an algorithm capable of predicting the behavior of quantum systems

On November 1, 2022, it became known that a group of scientists from the Russian Quantum Center, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MISIS University and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, together with colleagues, developed an algorithm capable of predicting the behavior of quantum systems subject to their interaction with the external environment. The predictive approach is entirely based on the analysis of available data, which is comparable to predictive analytics based on "big data," often used by technology companies. The results of numerical experiments are described in the scientific journal Physical Review Research. Read more here.

A physical effect has been discovered that can form the basis of quantum devices

Scientists from NUST MISIS and MIPT discovered the physical effect of resonant oscillations of superconducting critical current in a Josephson device based on a nanocrystal of a topological insulator created by a scientific team. This was announced on October 31, 2022 by DNA Communications. Read more here.

US bans export and sale of quantum computing services to Russia

On September 15, 2022, the US Treasury Department announced new sanctions on the Russian technology sector. This time, the package included a ban on the provision of services in the field of quantum computing. The restrictions will take effect on October 15, 2022.

The Treasury Department is taking additional actions to deny Russia access to key services from US companies. Today, the agency makes a determination prohibiting the export, re-export, sale or supply, directly or indirectly, from the United States or an American person, wherever it is, of quantum computing services to any person located in the Russian Federation, the agency said in a statement.

US Treasury announced the introduction of new sanctions against Russia

The sanctions included LLC "International Center for Quantum Optics and Quantum Technologies" (ICCT,) Russian Quantum Center and SP "" Quantum technologies("SP Quantum," structure Rosatom""), which are engaged in quantum computing projects.

These sanctions did not come as a surprise. They are in line with the previously announced restrictions on other high-tech industries, including micro- and nanoelectronics. They will not have a significant impact on the implementation of road maps for the development of quantum computing, "said TASS Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences" Quantum Technologies, "Academician Gennady Krasnikov.

According to him, this issue was previously discussed and worked out in the Government of the Russian Federation. All tasks set until 2024 will be completed, Krasnikov added.

Gennady Krasnikov believes that the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and higher educational institutions should work as a single mechanism in the field of import substitution and the achievement of technological sovereignty, which the President of the country has repeatedly spoken about.[14]

The government allocates 100 billion rubles for the development of quantum technologies

The Russian government allocates 100 billion rubles for the development of quantum technologies. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko announced this on September 14, 2022 at a meeting on the development of quantum technologies in Russia at the coordination center under the government of the Russian Federation.

{{quote 'It is important to ensure the possibility of interested organizations joining agreements (on the development of quantum technologies with scientific institutes and state corporations - approx. TASS) in an open format... Let me remind you that the implementation of the agreements is financed, among other things, at the expense of the state. This is the volume established by the road maps, - said Chernyshenko (quoted by TASS). }}

The government allocates 100 billion rubles for the development of quantum technologies

According to him, 100 billion rubles allocated for the development of quantum developments are designed for a period until 2025. This is a significant investment, which emphasizes the importance for the country of these developments. The main condition is that the organizations that have concluded these agreements must provide co-financing to no less than the state, said the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

He also added that by the end of 2022, Russia will be able to create a 16 qubit quantum processor. 100-qubit computers will be able to develop by 2025.

The development of quantum technologies will reduce the development time by an order of magnitude in many areas of applied research, including in medicine, the creation of new materials, forecasting weather events, Chernyshenko said.

According to Interfax, on behalf of the president, the government must update the key indicators and road maps of the implementation of agreements concluded with state corporations and state-owned companies on the development of end-to-end technologies by November 1, ensuring the possibility of interested organizations joining agreements in an open [15]

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has created a working group for the use of quantum technologies

In August 2022, it became known about the creation under the auspices of the Department of Information Systems of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of a working group that will study the possibilities of using quantum technologies in the interests of the defense department. The working group will include representatives of specialized universities, including MTUSI, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and NUST MISIS. Read more here.

Russian scientists have created a library of algorithms for the development of quantum applications

Russian scientists have developed a set of algorithms that allow you to quickly develop quantum applications and various computing systems to solve complex problems, including cipher hacks. On July 28, 2022, TAdviser was reported to NUST MISIS. Read more here.

Appointment of Dmitry Chernyshenko as curator of developments in the field of artificial intelligence and quantum computing

At the end of July 2022, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin distributed among the Deputy Prime Ministers during an operational meeting the supervision over the development of various high-tech areas. Dmitry Chernyshenko has been appointed curator of such high-tech areas as artificial intelligence, quantum computing and communication Internet solutions. Read more here.

MTUSI employees simultaneously implemented several quantum communication channels through a multi-center fiber

MTUSI employees have found use for multi-heart fiber in quantum communication. MTUSI announced this on July 13, 2022. Read more here.

Quantum computing engineers begin to be trained in Russia

As it became known at the end of June 2022, in the coming academic year National Research Nuclear University NRNU MEPhI it will launch the first Russia in the educational program on quantum technologies. It was developed by the Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies (LaPlaza Institute) MEPhI with the support JV "Kvant" and scientific support Russian Quantum Center and MIAN named after. V.A. Steklova More. here

A node of the Russian quantum network for the Internet of the future has been created

NUST "MISIS" conducted a demonstration of the work of the node of the domestic quantum network, developed by scientists of the Center for NTI "Quantum Communications." The node shown will become the basis for creating demonstration quantum computers and prototyping quantum Internet devices. On June 9, 2022, TAdviser was reported to NUST MISIS. Read more here.

Russian scientists have patented the architecture of a quantum processor based on kudits

A group of scientists from the Russian Quantum Center received a patent for the physical implementation of a quantum computer based on kudits - quantum systems that can simultaneously be in more than two states. The document applies to the territory of the Russian Federation until the end of 2040. The researchers also plan to apply for international registration soon.

Quantum computing devices use such phenomena of quantum physics as entanglement and superposition, which allows quantum bits (qubits) to be in two states - both 0 and 1 - at the same time, thereby solving problems that are inaccessible to classical computers and supercomputers. However, in physics, there are also extended versions of qubits - kudits that can take more than two states: 0, 1, 2, and others.

Research in the use of kudits for quantum computing has been conducted by a group of scientists from the Russian Quantum Center for the past few years. Obtaining a patent will allow the team in the future to confirm the importance of domestic developments at the world level and consolidate the exclusive right to the architecture of the created processor. Its feature lies in a combination of two approaches to increasing the power of a quantum computer.

The first approach involves replacing qubits with an equivalent number of kudits, the second involves using additional levels of kudits instead of individual auxiliary qubits (ancillas) to perform intermediate calculations. The patent protects the optimal method of combining approaches proposed by scientists.

In the world, only four teams are working on the development of curly quantum processors. The American Riggeti Computing uses kudits on superconductors, scientists from Peking University - on photons, Austrian startup AQT and researchers from the Russian Quantum Center - on ions. Russia In the work on the creation of a curdy quantum computer on ions, it is being implemented within the framework of the project of the Leading Research Center (FACE) with the support of the Russian venture capital company.

"Using qubits for quantum computing implies some idealization. Kudits are a more natural choice. As our research has shown, when implementing quantum algorithms, kudits significantly save the resources of quantum processors, which is especially important for the current generation of devices, "said Alexey Fedorov, co-author of the patent, head of the Quantum Information Technologies scientific group at the Russian Quantum Center.

Russian scientists have developed a method for creating quantum entanglement

On May 4, 2022, NUST MISIS reported that its scientists had developed a method for forming a connection between multi-level quantum bits, allowing for a stable exchange of information between them. The technology could form the basis for the production of commercial quantum computers. The study was published in the journal Physical Review B.


Quantum computer is a device storing that processes information within a group of quantum systems, each of which is usually two-level and is called a "quantum bit" or "(English" qubit qubit "- quantum bit). However, in addition to qubits, there are also more complex units of quantum memory, the so-called cutrites and cookwarts, consisting of three and four levels, respectively. In theory, the use of such information storage and processing units will make it possible to create more efficient and compact quantum ones, processors but creating a stable connection between them presents a number of difficulties. In 2021 the Russian , scientists demonstrated an ion quantum processor based on cookwarts.

A group of physicists led by Alexei Fedorov, a researcher at NUST MISIS and the head of the scientific group of the RCC, has developed a method that allows forming connections (the so-called quantum entanglement) between arbitrary three-level qubits. The work was supported by the program of the Research Center for Quantum Computing.

The approach proposed by Russian scientists is based on a method previously used by their colleagues from the United States to create so-called time crystals - a structure of 20 qubits, the states of which they controlled using microwave radiation. At the same time, qubits are located relative to each other in such a way that their backs constantly interact, and external action ensures the duration of this interaction. An important feature of such a system before analogues is that the force of interaction of qubits with the external field and with each other can be easily adjusted.

Russian scientists in their work have demonstrated that similar chains of interactions between quantum objects and specially arranged pulses of electromagnetic radiation can be used to form connections between pairs of arbitrary cutrites that are far from each other.

At the same time, the effectiveness of the proposed method of creating quantum entanglement between cutrites, according to scientists, can be tested using existing analog computers.

"We have developed that protocol allows you to bind individual cutrites in one-dimensional chains of similar objects. We expect that its work can be tested using existing analog quantum computers based on, for example, neutral atoms or ions. This approach of forming quantum entanglement is interesting from the point sight of creating unusual quantum phases of matter, as well as as a necessary element for quantum computing, "-

explains Alexey Fedorov.

According to the authors of the work, confirmation of the effectiveness of the protocol they created will allow using such structures to create commercial quantum computers based on multi-level qubits.

Russian scientists have proposed an up-to-date approach to scaling quantum computers

On April 6, 2022, Russian Quantum Center"" reported that a group of its scientists demonstrated the possibility of scaling quantum, computers not increasing the number of quantum carriers, but information using their additional levels. The results of the experiment, supported by Russian scientific the foundation, are published in the international journal in physics, Physical Review A.

The main feature of quantum computing is the ability to solve certain classes of problems orders of magnitude faster. If the classical bit is in state 0 or 1, then the quantum bit (qubit) is able to receive both states at once: both 0 and 1. This property, along with quantum entanglement, allows quantum computing devices to increase power exponentially as the number of qubits increases.

However, the main barrier to the efficient application of the technology remains the insufficient number of qubits associated with the complexity of controlling a plurality of independent particles. So, to solve optimization problems, thousands of qubits are needed, to analyze the structure of the nitrogenase cofactor - 4 million qubits, and for breaking cryptographic algorithm RSA - about 20 million qubits.

In the course of the study, scientists proposed an optimal scheme for the implementation of one of the key operations used in almost all quantum algorithms - the Toffoli gate. However, instead of qubits, physics used a variety of multi-level quantum systems (kudits) - cutrites. Unlike qubits, cutrites can be in 3 states at the same time, which increases the performance of calculations and the quality of quantum operations. The circuit was demonstrated on a superconducting quantum computer. The results obtained will significantly speed up the introduction of quantum computing into the industrial environment.

"Implementing qubits using real physical systems involves a certain idealization - the number of levels in atoms, ions, superconducting chains and other systems is usually more than two. The idea of ​ ​ kudit quantum processors is to use additional layers of physical systems to increase the quality of implementation of quantum operations and "denser" coding of quantum information. To demonstrate the scheme, a superconducting quantum computer was chosen. In Russia, within the framework of the project of the Leading Research Center (FACE), work is underway to create a curly quantum computer based on ions, "-

reported by Alexey Fedorov, author of the study, head of the scientific group "Quantum Information Technologies" at the "Russian Quantum Center."


The launch of the "University Quantum Network" took place at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

On December 16, 2021, InfoTeCS announced that the University Quantum Network (UKS), a project to build a quantum secure communication system, was solemnly launched at Lomonosov Moscow State University.

According to the company, UKS is the first communication network in Russia, built on the basis of a quantum cryptographic system for generating and distributing keys ViPNet QSS, a joint development of InfoTeCS and the NTI Competence Center - Center for Quantum Technologies of the Physics Department of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Read more here.

Russia has created a technology for deploying a budget quantum network

Scientists at the Center for NTI "Quantum Communications" NUST MISIS, MIPT and RCC have developed a quantum network architecture that can reduce the cost of its deployment and maintenance by 28% by using optical switches and reducing the number of quantum key distribution devices. The results of the work are published in the scientific journal Optics Express. This was announced to MISiS by TAdviser on October 21, 2021. Read more here.

Launch of ecosystem intercollegiate quantum network in Russia

On October 14, 2021, it became known that the first ecosystem intercollegiate quantum network was launched in Russia.

The project to create an open quantum network is being implemented by members of the consortium of the Competence Center of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) "Quantum Communications," created on the basis of NUST "MISIS": MTUSI, LLC "KuRait," LLC "Security Code."

The intercollegiate quantum network consists of five nodes located in the housings of NUST "MISIS" and MTUSI, it has an open architecture and scales as participants appear. Universities, scientific organizations, industrial partners, government agencies and student startups get access to the network. On the basis of the network, they can develop software applications in the field of information security using quantum keys.

The configuration of the quantum secure communication channel corresponds to that adopted in industrial networks. On the fiber between trusted nodes, a 30 kbit/s quantum key distribution (KPC) method is implemented, which allows you to connect more than 10 high-speed encryptors at the same time.

The developers have demonstrated that it is possible to remotely control a robot manipulator via an optical communication channel protected from attacks using quantum key distribution technology for October 2021. In the future, this will allow transferring, for example, design solutions and technical documentation between geographically remote production sites and concern offices around the world.

The consortium of the NTI Center plans to attract participants who can connect to the network from October 14. Together they will be able to finalize the architecture of the quantum network to a "ring," which will give other opportunities for its development. The advantage of this topology is that when the fiber breaks, the network connectivity is not lost and the data is sent over the backup channel. In addition, on the basis of the "rings" you can build a more complex urban network in architecture, when one node works for many consumers - banking and financial organizations, telecom operators, business representatives in the field of the fuel and energy complex, transport, technologies.

It is important to note that remote access to the quantum network will be free for representatives of the state, and for the corporate sector, and even for private business. We want everyone to be able to test software solutions using quantum keys. In the future, other organizations within 100 km will be able to connect optically to the network between NUST MISIS and MTUSI. The key transfer rate will depend on the quality and novelty of the fiber. As of October 2021, we are talking about about 30 kbps, "said Pavel Vorobyov, executive director of QRate.

The peculiarity of the first ecosystem quantum network lies in the implementation of an open approach and the creation of practical benefits for each participant. Thus, any developer of software solutions in the field of information transfer and storage protection will be able to use this infrastructure and debug their program code. Or create an application, for example, for the Internet of Things based on quantum keys and here demonstrate it to potential customers. As a result, customers invest in useful software, and this, as a result, will accelerate the development of the quantum communications market, - commented Yuri Kurochkin, director of the Competence Center of the NTI Quantum Communications NUST MISIS.

In 2018, the Center of NTI "Quantum Communications" was opened on the basis of the university, which was headed by a Ph.D. Yu. V. Kurochkin. The center is engaged in scientific research, training specialists in the field of quantum communications. In 2021, scientists of the Center, together with colleagues from MTUSI, KuWright and Security Code, launched the first open access quantum network in Russia, which will become part of a project to create software solutions for protecting information, - said the rector of NUST MISIS Alevtina Chernikova.

It is very important for us, as an industry university, that Russian scientists get the opportunity to conduct their research in the field of quantum communications on a real optical network. For telecom operators and manufacturers of telecommunications equipment with elements of quantum technologies, it becomes possible to test their equipment on a real network, and not only in laboratory conditions, - said the rector of MTUSI Sergey Erokhin.

Only the synergy of information security specialists, scientists and attention from the state will be able to realize the potential of quantum communications. We are glad to take the first step in this direction by implementing the project of an intercollegiate communication channel with quantum encryption, "said Andrey Golov, General Director of Security Code LLC.

Quantum network launched in Moscow

On August 9, 2021, the launch of the Moskvantova network was announced. They connect the universities of MTUSI and NUST "MISIS." The project was implemented by members of the consortium of the Competence Center of NTI "Quantum Communications" NUST "MISIS": MTUSI, LLC "KuRait" and LLC "Security Code." Read more here.

"National Quantum Laboratory" in 6 months created a prototype of a quantum computer

At the end of April 2021, the National Quantum Laboratory consortium (created under the auspices of Rosatom with the participation of the HSE, MISIS, MIPT and other organizations) announced the creation of a prototype of a quantum computer. A platform of 20 ions was assembled. The creation of a full-fledged quantum ion processor is expected by the end of 2024. Read more here.

Launch of two quantum cloud platforms for business and developers in the Russian Federation

April 27, 2021 Moscow State University. Lomonosov and the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) announced the launch of two quantum cloud platforms, which are intended for use by developers and companies for commercial purposes. Read more here.

Creating a single digital platform for quantum technologies

On April 26, 2021, it became known about the creation of a single digital platform for quantum technologies in Russia. It is intended for the exchange of developers experience and developments, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko at a meeting with representatives of the state corporation Rosatom, headed by Director General Alexei Likhachev and the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation.

Chernyshenko noted that the financing of the roadmap "Quantum Computing" within the framework of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "Digital Economy" until 2024 is planned in the amount of more than 23 billion rubles (including budget and extrabudgetary funds).

Russia is developing a single digital platform for quantum technologies

Maxim Parshin, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development of head of the Digital Technologies project, whose words are also quoted in the message of the deputy prime minister's office, noted that Russia has entered the circle of countries that systematically develop quantum technologies. He explained that Quantum Computing is the first of the approved roadmaps of the federal Digital Technologies project. Within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy," 3.7 billion rubles were allocated for its implementation in 2020, extrabudgetary funding from Rosatom amounted to 2 billion rubles.

The Chernyshenko apparatus reported that the activities of the roadmap for development quantum computing in 2020 were fully implemented. By the end of April 2021, 1-2 systems were created qubit , which are the necessary basis for further scaling, with this work going on simultaneously in several directions - over superconductors, neutral atoms, ions and photons. Ten projects for the development of a quantum computer have passed international expertise from 14 leading scientists,,, USA,, Germany,, and France Denmark. Netherlands Switzerland Singapore Spain Israel [16]

Transtelecom built a quantum network Moscow - Petersburg

Transtelecom"" built a quantum network Moscow -. St. Petersburg This became known on April 19, 2021 from the words of the deputy general director of Transtelecom (a subsidiary). RUSSIAN RAILWAY Alexey Nozdrin More. here

Completion of the construction of a quantum communication line between Moscow and St. Petersburg

On April 19, 2021, Transtelecom announced the completion of the construction of a quantum communication line between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The telecom operator has only to carry out commissioning work, said Alexey Nozdrin, deputy general director of the company. Read more here.

MIPT has created a quantum integrated circuit based on five superconducting qubits

In the laboratory of artificial quantum systems MIPT created a quantum integrated circuit based on five superconducting qubits. MIPT announced this on March 31, 2021. It is an important step towards the creation of full-scale universal quantum processors and simulators. This fully controllable multi-quilt quantum circuit can be considered a prototype of a quantum processor. Read more here.

Scientists at NUST MISIS, RCC and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have developed a quantum sensor

Scientists at NUST MISIS, the Russian Quantum Center and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have developed a quantum sensor that allows detecting defects in the operation of quantum systems. The development could be a step towards creating a full-fledged quantum computer. NUST MISIS announced this on March 3, 2021. Read more here.


Mishustin approved the rules for obtaining subsidies for the development of quantum processors

In November 2020, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved the rules for obtaining subsidies for the development of quantum processors. The corresponding decree, signed by the head of the Cabinet, is called "On the approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget for the development of prototypes of quantum processors in accordance with the activities of the Quantum Computing roadmap."

The document published on the official portal of legal information, among other things, lists the following requirements for applicants for subsidies:

  • the legal entity must have net assets in the amount of at least 100 billion rubles;
  • have its own infrastructure for the implementation of high-tech projects;
  • have a staff of specialists with experience in the implementation of high-tech projects for at least five years;
  • have experience in implementing international high-tech projects, the cost of which exceeds 1 billion rubles.

Mikhail Mishustin approved the rules for obtaining subsidies for the development of quantum processors

The amount of the subsidy is defined as the amount of costs within the interest restrictions established for 2020-2024, in particular:

  • for the remuneration of employees directly engaged in the implementation of the activities of the roadmap, as well as the cost of insurance premiums (not exceeding 0% of 2020, 5% in 2021, 5% in 2022, 5% in 2023, 5% in 2024);
  • capital investments, including expenses for the purchase of equipment, software, components and tools, expenses for the payment of works (services) of third-party counterparties for R&D (not exceeding 100% in 2020, 100% in 2021, 95% in 2022, 95% in 2023, 95% in 2024);
  • current costs (not exceeding 0% in 2020, 5% in 2021, 5% in 2022, 5% in 2023, 5% in 2024), including, among other things: equipment maintenance, purchase of components, raw materials, internship, organization of conferences, support startups, laboratories and teams - developers of quantum computing.

Recipients of subsidies are selected by Rosatom based on the results of competitive selection.[17]"

Rostec, Rosatom and Russian Railways will receive money from the state budget for 5G and quantum technologies instead of development institutions

In early November 2020, it became known that Rostec, Rosatom and Russian Railways will receive money from the state budget for 5G networks and quantum technologies instead of development institutions. This is stated in the new version of the passport of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "Digital Economy" of the Russian Federation. Read more here.

Rostec joined the BRICS project to create an intercontinental quantum communication channel

Holding Schwabe"" State Corporation Rostec has joined the research project BRICS on quantum communications. Rostec announced this on October 29, 2020.

It is planned to create an intercontinental satellite channel of quantum communication using elements of macro- and fiber optics, which will cover a distance of more than 10 thousand km.

Work on the creation of experimental components of equipment and infrastructure for hybrid channels of quantum communications based on fiber-optic and satellite communication technology is being carried out by an international scientific consortium, which includes experts from South Africa, India, China and Russia. The project is being implemented within the framework of an international BRICS grant with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. From the holding "Shvabe" JSC "Scientific and Production Association State Optical Institute named after S. I. Vavilov" (JSC "NPO GOI named after S. I. Vavilov") participates in it.

This is really a special research work that brought together the leading scientists of the four countries. South Africa is the lead contractor of the project, China is responsible for the direction of satellite quantum communications, India is responsible for modeling fiber-optic communications. Our specialists as part of the Russian scientific group are developing an innovative optical fiber. The result of this large-scale cooperation will be an intercontinental channel of quantum communications, which will connect the participating universities of the project in South Africa and China - the distance between universities exceeds 10 thousand km. This will be the first such experience in the world, "said Viktor Kladov, director of international cooperation and regional policy at Rostec.

The research work "Satellite and fiber-optic communication of quantum communications," co-executed by the NGO GOI named after S. I. Vavilova, is designed for three years.

{{quote 'For this project, fiber-optic elements are specially developed, including for the formation and translation of optical vortices in the application of quantum communications. The future development of science and technology in general and the optical and electronic industry in particular depends on the success of this work. Interethnic cooperation will significantly strengthen the professional connection between Russian and foreign scientists, - added Sergei Popov, Deputy General Director of Shvabe for R&D, Head of the Priority Technological Direction for Optoelectronics and Photonics Technologies. }}

The lead contractor of the project from the Russian side is FSBEI HE "Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics." In addition to the Rostec structure, the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev also entered the research group .

The Legal Commission for Digital Development approved the roadmap of Russian Railways for quantum communications

The Government Commission on Digital Development, the use of information technologies to improve the quality of life and business conditions approved the road map of Russian Railways for the development of quantum communications. The railway carrier announced this on September 4, 2020. Read more here.

A quantum computer with cloud access is being created in Russia

On August 24, 2020, it became known about the implementation in Russia of two programs for creating a quantum computer with cloud access and sensor trusted systems. The projects were discussed at the Digital Economy ANO site  as part of the consideration of new leading research centers (PERSONS). Read more here.

RVC provided 300 million rubles for the development of quantum Internet in Russia

At the end of April 2020, it became known that RVC provided ITMO University with a grant in the amount of 300 million rubles for the development of a platform for quantum Internet. We are talking about a hardware and software solution called "Quantum Communication Platform of the Digital Economy," which is developing with the support of Russian Railways. It is planned to launch a pilot zone on the infrastructure of Russian Railways for the implementation of the platform in 2021. Read more here.

Russian scientists have developed a platform for nanoelectronics and quantum processors

On March 26, 2020, FEFU told TAdviser that scientists from the University's School of Natural Sciences (SHEN FEFU), together with colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have developed a cruciform microstructure of platinum, cobalt and magnesium oxide that can work in ternary logic mode ("yes" - "no" - "I don't know"). On its basis, it will be possible to build miniature electronics and spintronics devices, quantum processors operating with cutrites (three states, unlike qubits) and neuromorphic systems that mimic the functionality of the human brain. Read more here.

The new head of IBM doubted the possibility of Russia to create a quantum computer

On February 20, Arvind Krishna, who will head IBM from April 6, expressed doubt about Russia's ability to create its own quantum computer. According to him, IBM is a decade ahead of everyone in the world in terms of the development of such technologies.

I have great respect for Russia. When I was in graduate school, I read a lot of textbooks and materials that were written by Russian mathematicians and physicists. But how much can it be used? Whether a quantum computer can be created at an affordable price is a big question, "he said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

IBM doubts the possibility "Rosatom"create a quantum computer

The future head of IBM recalled that Russia announced plans to invest several billion dollars in the creation of quantum computers. The United States, Britain and Canada did the same, China has a $10 billion program.

Each country has announced its own quantum computer programs... I think this does not mean that they have the opportunity to do this, - said a top manager at IBM.

In his opinion, for significant progress in the field of quantum technologies, innovations in the field of modern experimental materials science and corresponding scientific competencies are needed.

Among IBM's main competitors in the development of quantum technologies, Krishna  included Google, Honeywell and Chinese companies that have already tested quantum communications.

At the same time, he did not rule out the possibility of IBM's cooperation with Russia on quantum technologies and made a reservation that the creation of partnerships depends on the geopolitical situation.

I think anything is possible, but I stay away from geopolitics. Science, unfortunately, depends on geopolitics and export controls. As a corporation, we want to work with anyone if technology is used for good, not the military, "he said.

RIA Novosti notes that by February 2020, IBM created quantum systems with 53 qubits, and in the assets of Russian scientists - development on two qubits.[18]

Russian scientists taught artificial intelligence to "see" quantum advantages

Russian scientists from MIPT, FTIAN and ITMO have created a neural network that has learned to predict the behavior of a quantum system by "looking" at the scheme of this system. This was announced on January 16, 2020 by MIPT to TAdviser. Such a neural network independently finds those solutions that are well suited for demonstrating quantum advantages. This will help researchers develop efficient quantum computers. Read more here.


Development by Rosatom of a quantum computer for 24 billion rubles

In early November 2019, it became known about the beginning of Rosatom's development of a quantum computer. Its creation will cost 24 billion rubles, of which 13.3 billion rubles are budget funds, Ekaterina Solntseva, director for digitalization of the state corporation, told Vedomosti . Read more here.

A prototype of a quantum computer was launched at NUST MISIS

On October 2, 2019, it became known that the first quantum computer prototype in Russia was launched at NUST MISIS. The two-qubit device executed the given algorithm, exceeding the previously known accuracy limit by 3%. Superconducting materials were taken as the basis for qubits. Read more here.

The budget for the development of quantum technologies in Russia was estimated at 44 billion rubles

On May 23, 2019, it became known about the plan for the development of quantum technologies, which was developed by the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) and NUST MISIS together with experts. According to this plan, by 2024 Russia should reduce the lag in the quantum domain, and this will require 43.85 billion rubles.

Almost half of this amount (21.41 billion rubles) is needed for grants for projects for the development and use of technologies, 6.8 billion rubles for implementation projects, 5.4 billion rubles for supporting research centers, 4.42 billion rubles for supporting leading companies, according to the presentation of the plan, which was at the disposal of the newspaper "Kommersant."

43 billion rubles were proposed to be spent on the development of quantum technologies in Russia

It states that by 2024 Russia will become a significant player in the quantum technology market. So, in some areas it will be possible not only to reduce the backlog, but also to "reach the world level," for example, taking 8% of the global quantum communications market.

Experts propose to create a separate structure for the development of technologies. Its founders can be, " ANO "Digital Economy"," Russian venture capital firmRostec"," "," "," RosatomRostelecom and Gazprombank" Sberbank Skolkovo." Among the possible participants in the projects as performers and customers are Yandex Group cellular operators.

Rostelecom will engage in quantum communications, sees commercial potential in this technology and has already begun "a large-scale series of testing of solutions from Russian vendors providing quantum encryption," the company told Kommersant and noted that the start of commercial use of the technology depends on the certification of equipment and solutions, this is a slow process.

Infotex told the publication that they are ready to participate in the development and pilot implementation of quantum key distribution systems and cryptographic information protection tools based on them.[19]

Roadmap for the development of quantum information processing technologies approved

In March 2019, the Advanced Research Fund hosted a meeting of the interdepartmental working group on quantum information processing technologies under the Council on the priority direction of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation "Transition to advanced digital, intelligent production technologies, robotic systems, new materials and methods of design, creation of systems for processing large amounts of data, machine learning and artificial intelligence."

The meeting was attended by representatives of federal executive bodies, state corporations, and scientific organizations. The meeting participants approved the draft roadmap for the development of quantum information processing technologies in the Russian Federation. The document was developed with the aim of obtaining in the medium and long term practically significant scientific and technical results of the world and leading level in the fields of quantum computing, quantum modeling, quantum communications and quantum cryptography.

According to Maxim Vakshtein, head of information research at the Advanced Research Fund, the mutual linking of the planned and already performed work within the framework of a single roadmap will ensure an increase in the efficiency of the research carried out by coordinating the work carried out by individual domestic scientific teams, consolidating the resources of the main state customers and standardizing the requirements for quantum information processing technologies. Also, the roadmap will contribute to the formation of a favorable environment for the development of the professional community and systemic training of personnel.

Among the key projects being implemented in Russia today in the field of quantum information processing technologies is a joint project of the Advanced Research Fund and Lomonosov Moscow State University to create demonstrators of 50-qubit quantum computers based on neutral atoms and integrated optical circuits. The project started in October 2018, at the moment, on the basis of the laboratory of quantum optical technologies of the Physics Department of Moscow State University, the first control experiment was successfully carried out to create traps for arrays of neutral cold atoms. The project to create a quantum computer is designed for a period until 2021[20] has been[21].

MSU's successful experiment to create traps for arrays of neutral cold atoms

On January 18, 2019, it became known that the Lomonosov Moscow State University successfully carried out an experiment to create traps for arrays of neutral cold atoms. The experiment is part of the work to create a 50-qubit quantum computer.

Earlier, a project was launched at Moscow State University to create demonstrators for 50-qubit quantum computers. Neutral atoms and integrated optical circuits will serve as the basis for them. The project is designed for a period until 2021.

A control experiment on the creation of traps for arrays of neutral cold atoms was carried out on the basis of the laboratory of quantum optical technologies of the Physics Department of Moscow State University. In a future quantum computer, atoms in a state of chaotic motion will be fixed in these traps. In quantum computers, such atoms are carriers of information.

As you know, quantum computers, unlike classical computers, operate not with bits, but with qubits, which can be not only in states "1" and "0," but also their superposition. When developing quantum computing devices, scientists try to introduce qubits into a state of quantum entanglement. The essence of the phenomenon is that changing one qubit always affects the state of its associated neighbors. Thanks to this, quantum computers are potentially able to demonstrate high performance in computing.

An important milestone for quantum technologies is the achievement of the so-called quantum supremacy - the ability to produce calculations faster than classical systems. The main problem of quantum technologies at the current stage of development is the emergence in the process of operation of a large number of errors in need of correction[22] in the[23].


Development of a set of standards in the field of quantum communications, AI and smart city

On December 6, 2018, the Cyber ​ ​ Physical Systems Technical Committee based on RVC, together with the SeifNet Regional Engineering Center, began developing a set of standards for the markets of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) and the digital economy. By March 2019, it is planned to develop documents of technical standardization in the field of quantum communications, artificial intelligence and the "smart city," the RVC said. Read more here.

Agreement on the creation of a 50-qubit quantum computer

On February 15, 2018, Vnesheconombank, VEB-Innovations, the Advanced Research Fund, Lomonosov Moscow State University and ANO Digital Economy signed an agreement on the implementation of a comprehensive scientific and technical project to create in Russia a multi-bit (at least fifty qubits) optical quantum simulator based on photon chips and neutral atoms.

The main areas of cooperation under the agreement will be to ensure resource support for the implementation of the project, coordinate scientific and technical tasks and promote the implementation of the results created. In addition, within the framework of the project, the development of the necessary research and technological infrastructure will be ensured, as well as consultations, working meetings and other events for setting and fulfilling applied tasks in the field of quantum technologies.

According to modern ideas, the creation of a 50 qubit quantum computer will achieve quantum superiority: this means that such a computer will demonstrate computing power that cannot be achieved using the most modern computers operating with bits.

Experiments with quantum computers are already being carried out, but their computational abilities are still inferior to the capabilities of our usual computer technology, "said Andrei Grigoriev, General Director of the Advanced Research Fund. - To achieve breakthrough results, it is necessary to develop all existing technologies for the physical implementation of quantum computers. There are several scientific groups in Russia that have a strong scientific and technical reserve and experience in implementing practical projects in the field of quantum technologies. Combining their efforts with the capabilities of development institutions and state funds will make it possible to obtain applied results in the near future.

According to Kirill Bulatov, CEO of VEB Innovations, the agreement will create scientific collaborations and formats of interaction between Russian organizations working in the field of quantum technologies.

The signed agreement to create a quantum computer will be the challenge that will give impetus to unite the strongest participants in the field of quantum technologies. The documented foundations of cooperation will allow us to concentrate the best minds and forces of various scientific institutions and companies for Russia's technological breakthrough into the digital economy, "said Evgeny Kovnir, General Director of the Digital Economy ANO.


Quantum phone ViPNet presented in Russia

On December 13, 2017, InfoTeCS announced the introduction of the ViPNet Quantum Phone, a system that demonstrates the integration of quantum key distribution equipment.

Presentation of the "ViPNet Quantum Phone," (2017)

The product was developed in the laboratory of quantum optical technologies of the Physics Department of Moscow State University, and VPN ViPNet (using the example of two products - ViPNet Client and ViPNet Connector). The ViPNet quantum phone allows you to connect workstations to installed ViPNet software and encrypt traffic between them using quantum key distribution. Quantum key distribution allows you to ensure a high level of security when transmitting data over untrusted (public) communication channels, helps to eliminate the threat of calculating security keys on quantum computers.

Scientists from Russia and the United States have created a 51-qubit quantum computer

In July 2017, it became known that a group of scientists from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, led by Mikhail Lukin, a professor of physics from Harvard and co-founder of the Russian Quantum Center, created and tested a programmable quantum computer based on 51 qubits, thus becoming the leader among participants in the "quantum race."

According to Mikhail Lukin, he and his colleagues used qubits based on "cold atoms" that were held by optical "tweezers" - specially organized laser beams. Most modern quantum computers rely on the use of superconducting qubits based on Josephson contacts.
A group of American scientists led by a Russian physicist has created a 51-qubit quantum computer. Photo:

Lukin and his colleagues managed to solve with the help of their quantum computer the problem of modeling the behavior of quantum systems from many particles, which was practically unsolvable with the help of classical computers. Moreover, as a result, they were able to predict several previously unknown effects, which were then tested using conventional computers. As a result, scientists managed to find a way to approximate calculations that helped to get a similar result on a classical computer.

In the near future, scientists intend to continue experiments with a quantum computer, perhaps they will try to use this system to test quantum optimization algorithms that allow them to surpass existing computers.

"Quantum phone" tested in Kazan

Employees of the Kazan Aviation Institute (KAI) and St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) presented a four-node quantum network in Kazan at the beginning of 2017 and tested it, in particular, using it as a phone that cannot be listened to. Kazan [24]

Such networks began to appear in Russia in 2014: the first projects were carried out by the capital's universities. Pilot tests of the Kazan network were carried out in August 2016. Now scientists have finalized the network, and it is fully functional. Two nodes are located in KAI, two more - on the banks of the Kazanka River. As part of the tests, files and various commands were transmitted over the network channels, then the network was used as a telephone for testing audio communication.

According to the director of the Kazan Quantum Center Sergei Moiseev, KAI scientists have been studying quantum memory for 15 years, and their colleagues from ITMO are interested in their development to create a network of communications at long distances. Now scientists are planning to improve the speed and range of quantum channels, as well as look for new practical applications of the technology.


In the Moscow region, quantum communication was experienced between two cities

On October 5, 2016, the press service of the Advanced Research Fund announced tests of a quantum communication system between two cities of the Moscow Region. Project participants: Moscow State University, Rostelecom and the Advanced Research Fund.

Three-week tests of the automatic system of quantum distribution of cryptographic keys based on standard communication lines of PJSC ROSTELECOM were carried out in the Moscow region: messages encrypted through quantum technologies were exchanged between cities. Quantum communication worked between Noginsk and Pavlovsky Posad on a 32 km long fiber optic line.

The main purpose of the tests is to demonstrate the capabilities of the long-term and stable operation of the quantum distribution system of cryptographic keys based on the standard infrastructure. Tests showed the stability of the system on the fiber optic lines of PJSC Rostelecom between the cities of the Moscow region, Noginsk and Pavlovsky Posad, in automatic mode.

The tests carried out are of fundamental importance for the development of the entire industry of quantum technologies. During the tests, the "three whales" of the modern quantum connection were demonstrated. First, symmetric cryptographic keys were distributed in accordance with GOST. Key distribution took place in quantum network mode, when identical keys were generated from pairs of subscribers at their request. Secondly, quantum communication was carried out between two specific settlements - cities of the Moscow region. Thirdly, the system operates in a fully automatic mode, without the participation of the operator.

Sergei Kulik, Head of the Laboratory of Quantum Optical Technologies, Moscow State University, Professor, Member of the Test Commission

The operator's participation was required at the first start of the system and setting its main parameters, depending, for example, on the distance between subscriber stations. All values of the system operation parameters are tested and supported automatically: the system adjusts them depending on fluctuations in the indicators of the fiber optic line. During the tests, a client-server version of the system was used, which allows it to achieve long-term and stable operation and minimize the cost of the client node.

The keys were distributed between the central server and several client nodes: successively received at various nodes, the keys were specially synchronized, which allowed subscribers to directly exchange messages encrypted in accordance with the Russian national standard. The system provides cryptographic properties that meet the requirements of GOST 28147-89.

The system, which includes a server station with the ability to switch between 32 client nodes, uses the original domestic data transfer protocol. Its cryptographic resistance allows you to generate keys suitable for use in modern and promising hardware and software tools for cryptographic protection of limited access information.

Andrey Korolkov, Deputy Head of the Department of the FSB Center of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Cryptography of the Russian Federation, Member of the Test Commission

Demonstration of the long-term operation of the network version of the quantum key distribution system, operating on the infrastructure of standard fiber-optic communication lines and meeting all the requirements for cryptographic resistance, shows that the conditions for the introduction of this technology have been created in Russia.

Muslim Mezhlumov, Chief Architect for Security Strategy for Network and Cloud Solutions of PJSC Rostelecom, Member of the Testing Commission

Pilot quantum data network in Tatarstan

On August 8, 2016, scientists in Tatarstan launched a pilot project for a multi-node quantum data transmission network. This is the first project in Russia. According to the creators, a network with increased data protection will unite the cities of the republic, primarily public sector enterprises, financial and scientific structures.

The authors of the project are scientists from the quantum center of the Kazan National Research Technical University (KNITU-KAI) and the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO)[25]

The platform for the network was the equipment of the telecom operator PJSC Tattelecom. Quantum cryptography differs from conventional data protection by using physical methods instead of mathematical ones. The hacking attempt changes the parameters of electrons or photons, which makes it possible to detect unauthorized access.

The quantum network will combine four nodes 30-40 km apart. The first section of the network was launched in Kazan, it connected the two buildings of the university.

The pilot segment achieved a rate of generation of sieved quantum sequences of 117 kbit/s on a 2.5 km line - an order of magnitude faster than in European network projects in the field of quantum communication. Experiments have successfully demonstrated the transmission of quantum bits in an optical channel with losses of 20 dB, which is equivalent to a distance of 100 km.

Previously, only quantum communication lines operating on the point-to-point principle were created in Russia. For example, university buildings in St. Petersburg and bank offices in Moscow were connected with a fiber optic cable. In the case of bank offices, the total line length is 30.6 km, and the key transfer error rate did not exceed 5%.

We want to build a network between Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny. Now we are working on the equipment itself, for example, to speed up data transmission. The distance for quantum transmission is about 100 km. And then the new nodes "lengthen" the network.

Sergey Moiseev, Director of the Kazan Quantum Center KNITU-KAI

The launch of pilot sites connecting universities will lead to explosive growth of technologies and the formation of new markets, on the basis of which the domestic communication infrastructure of the new generation will grow.

Arthur Gleim, Head of the Laboratory of Quantum Informatics of the International Institute of Photonics and Optoinformatics ITMO and the Laboratory of Practical Quantum Cryptography of the Kazan Quantum Center

Russia has found a way to "compress" several elements of a quantum computer into one

Physicists from MIPT and the Russian Quantum Center have developed a method that will simplify the task of creating a universal quantum computer - they have found a way to use multi-level quantum systems (kudits) for this, each of which is able to work as several "ordinary" quantum elements, qubits. Professor Vladimir Manko, Scientific Director of the Laboratory of Quantum Information MIPT and employee of the FIAN, employee of the Russian Quantum Center Alexey Fedorov and his colleague Evgeny Kiktenko published the results of their research on multi-level quantum systems in a series of articles in the journals Physical Review A, Physics Letters A, as well as Quantum Measurements and Quantum [26]

"In our work, we have shown that correlations similar to those used for quantum information technology in composite quantum systems also take place in non-composite systems, which we assume sometimes turn out to be easier to work with. In particular, in the latest work, we proposed a way to use the entanglement between the internal degrees of freedom of a single eight-level system to implement the quantum teleportation protocol, previously experimentally implemented for a system of three two-level systems, "says Vladimir Manko.

Quantum computers, which promise to lead to a revolution in computer technology in the future, are supposed to be built from elementary computational elements, quantum bits - qubits. While elements of classical computers (bits) can only be in two states (logical zero, and logical one), qubits are created on the basis of quantum objects, which can be in a coherent superposition of two states, which means they can encode intermediate states between logical zero and one.

Многоуровневый кудит - кукварт

When measuring a qubit, we get either zero or one with a certain probability (determined by the laws of quantum mechanics). The operation of a quantum computer is based on the fact that the initial condition of some problem is written in the initial state of the qubit system, then these qubits enter into a special interaction (determined by a specific problem), and finally, the user reads the answer to the problem, measuring the final states of quantum bits.

Quantum computers will be able to solve some problems that are now absolutely inaccessible even to the most powerful classical supercomputers. For example, to "hack" the RSA cryptographic algorithm, based on the search for decomposition into prime factors of large numbers, an ordinary computer will take a time comparable to the lifetime of the Universe, and a quantum computer can solve it in minutes. However, there is a serious obstacle in the way of quantum revolution - the instability of quantum states.

Quantum objects that are used to create qubits - ions, electrons, Josephson contacts - can retain a certain quantum state for a very short time. But for calculations, it is necessary that the qubits not only preserve the state, but also interact with each other. Physicists around the world are trying to extend the lifespan of qubits.

Previously, superconducting qubits "survived" nanoseconds, and now they manage to keep them from decoherence for milliseconds - already close to the time that is necessary for calculations. But in the case of a system of tens and hundreds of qubits, the task becomes fundamentally more difficult. Manko, Fedorov and Kiktenko began to solve the problem "from the other end" - not to try to maintain the stability of a large qubit system, but to reduce the size of the system necessary for computing. They explore the possibilities of using for calculations not qubits, but kudits - quantum objects in which the number of possible states (levels) is greater than two (their number is denoted by the letter D). There are three-state cutrits, four-state cuckoos, etc. Algorithms in which the use of kudits can demonstrate advantages over the use of qubits are now being actively studied.

"A kudit with three to four levels can already work as a system of two" ordinary "qubits, and eight levels is enough to simulate a three-qubit system. At first, we perceived this equivalence as mathematical, which allows us to obtain new entropy relations. For example, we obtained the amount of mutual information (correlation measures) between virtual qubits allocated in the state space of a single four-level system, "says Fedorov.

He and his colleagues showed that on a single five-level kudit implemented using an artificial atom, full-fledged quantum computing can already be carried out, in particular, the Deutsch algorithm can be run. This algorithm is designed to check the values ​ ​ of a large number of binary variables. It can be called the "defective coin search algorithm": imagine you have plenty of coins, some of them defective - they have the image on the obverse and reverse matching. To find coins like this in a "classic way," you need to look at each side. Deutsch's algorithm assumes that you "confuse" the obverse and reverse of the coin, and after that you can only see the defective coin once by looking at it.

The very idea of ​ ​ using multi-level systems to emulate multi-cube processors was proposed earlier in the works of Russian physicists from the Kazan Institute of Physics and Technology. So, for example, to implement the two-cube Deutsch algorithm, it was proposed to use the 3/2 nuclear spin, which has four different states. However, the experimental progress of recent years in creating kudits on superconducting circuits demonstrates a number of their advantages. In superconducting circuits, however, five levels are already required: the last level performs an auxiliary role to implement the full set of all possible quantum operations.

"We get a significant gain, since multilevel kudits in certain physical implementations are easier to control than a system of the corresponding number of qubits, which means we are one step closer to creating a full-fledged quantum computer. Multilevel elements provide advantages in other quantum technologies, for example, in quantum cryptography, "says Fedorov.

A project to create a universal quantum computer has been approved in Russia

On April 28, 2016, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation held a meeting on the organization in 2016 of a joint scientific and technical project "Creation of information processing technology based on superconducting qubits"[27].

This project will be a pilot in solving the ultimate goal - the creation of a quantum computer. It is designed for three and a half years, the total amount of funding will be more than 750 million. rubles More than 210 million rubles will be used to Ministry of Education and Science Russia create the infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the project in subordinate implementing universities (,,). NUST "MISIS" Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) Advanced Research Foundation will allocate about 340 million rubles for scientific research within the framework of the project. Co-financing of the project by State the atomic energy corporation "" (Rosatom consumer of the results) will amount to more than 200 million rubles. and will be used to equip the laboratory of VNIIA named after N.L. Dukhova (parent organization of the project).

The meeting ended with the signing of a tripartite agreement on the creation and support of joint laboratories. On the part of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, it was signed by Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Alexander Povalko, Rosatom State Corporation - Deputy Director of the Directorate for Nuclear Weapons Complex Oleg Shubin, Advanced Research Fund - General Director Andrei Grigoriev.

By April 2016, the following scientific base was formed by the project participants:

  • The Laboratory of Superconducting Metamaterials under the guidance of Prof. A.V. Ustinova (as part of the implementation of work on megagrants (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 9, 2010 No. 220);
  • MIPT has created a Laboratory of artificial quantum systems under the guidance of prof. O.V. Astafyeva (within the framework of Project 5-100 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2013 No. 211);
  • Collective Use Center (within the framework of the federal target program "Development of Nanoindustry Infrastructure in the Russian Federation");
  • in the IFTT RAS laboratory of the Russian Quantum Center (RCC) IFTT RAS (group prof. V.V. Ryazanova); * laboratory at NSTU (group prof. E.V. Ilyicheva);
  • The head technological center was created on the initiative of VNIIA named after N.L. Dukhov together with MSTU named after N.E. Bauman.

The head technological center will be engaged in the manufacture of multi-kill systems. Other participants in the consortium, which is a complete technological chain for the manufacture of superconducting quantum systems - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Russian Quantum Center (RCC, Russian Quantum Center, RQC), IFTT RAS, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) - are entrusted with solving the problems of producing superconducting cubits, measuring the parameters of quantum systems in open lines, developing quantum algorithms.

The project is aimed at forming a promising scientific, technical and technological groundwork for the creation of quantum computers, intended, among other things, for modeling the properties of various materials.

The project cooperates almost all scientific organizations and universities that are engaged in quantum computing and technology. They are tasked with the development of technologies for the manufacture of various superconducting qubits, the development of methods, techniques and technologies for initialization, control and reading of qubits.

'head of the laboratory of the All-Russian Research Institute of Automation named after N.L. Dukhova Valery Ryazanov

2013: Qubit condition measured in Russia

In June 2013, it became known that specialists from the university laboratory MISIS, in cooperation with the Russian Quantum Center (RCC), were the first in Russia to measure the state of the qubit. A team of researchers led by a member of the scientific council of the RCC, Professor Alexei Ustinov, conducted an experiment to measure the state of a superconducting qubit. Scientists managed to observe the periodically changing qubit signal, as well as measure its resonant frequency.

Superconducting qubits are rings of a superconductor with a diameter of several microns. In some places of the rings there are nanometer-sized breaks - they are called Josephson transitions. The superconducting rings are cooled to a very low temperature with a mixture of liquid helium-3 and helium-4 and placed in an ultra-fine-tuned weak magnetic field. As a result, they acquire quantum properties similar to those of atomic spins.

Russian scientists were able to create an experimental chip with 7 superconducting qubits placed in microwave resonators. Interaction with the superconducting qubit affects the microwave spectrum, which makes it possible to judge the current state of the qubit without disturbing this state, that is, to bypass the problem of decoherence. The most stable of the 7 qubits was measured in MISiS.

In the current successful experiment, RCC and MISiS specialists demonstrated the ability to read the state of an individual superconducting qubit in a symmetrical superposition of 0 and 1. In the near future, the next stage: bringing the superconducting qubit to an arbitrarily selected desired state. This will require a new pulse technique, which will be installed in the new laboratory of the RCC.


  1. The creation of Russian microlasers on quantum dots will accelerate the development of AI
  2. List of instructions following the plenary meeting of the congress and meeting with members of the board bureau of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs"
  3. Rosatom proposed to transform public administration using quantum technologies
  4. Two new standards in the field of quantum communications approved in Russia
  5. Physicists have learned to control the temporal form of optical pulses
  6. Rostec decided to terminate the agreement with the authorities on quantum sensors
  7. List of instructions following the meeting with scientists and the plenary session of the Forum for Future Technologies
  8. LETI found a way to protect computers from quantum cyber attacks
  9. Quantization of benefits
  10. Dmitry Chernyshenko: The state is the main customer for scientific research on quantum technologies
  12. Patents receive quanta
  13. A new "quantum" profession has appeared in Russia, Russian Railways reported
  14. Treasury Targets Additional Facilitators of Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine
  15. format. https :// The government allocates 100 billion rubles for quantum technology
  16. The government will create a single digital platform on quantum technologies
  17. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 18.11.2020 No. 1875 "On Approval of the Rules for the Provision of Subsidies from the Federal Budget for the Development of Prototypes of Quantum Processors in Accordance with the Measures of the Roadmap" Quantum Computing
  18. IBM doubts Rosatom's ability to create a quantum computer
  19. Quantum detectors
  20. [ The roadmap for the development of quantum information processing technologies
  21. approved]
  22. [ Russia has made a breakthrough
  23. creation of a 50-qubit quantum computer]
  24. tested a "quantum phone."
  25. "Quantum Internet" has been launched in Russia.
  26. Metrology Links: E.O. Kiktenko, A.K. Fedorov, O.V. Man’ko, and V.I. Man’ko. Multilevel superconducting circuits as two-qubit systems: Operations, state preparation, and entropic inequalities // Physical Review A 91, 042312 (2015), arXiv:1411.0157. E.O. Kiktenko, A.K. Fedorov, A.A. Strakhov, and V.I. Man’ko. Single qudit realization of the Deutsch algorithm using superconducting many-level quantum circuits // Physics Letters A 379, 1409–1413 (2015), arXiv:1503.01583. E.O. Kiktenko, A.K. Fedorov, and V.I. Man’ko. Teleportation in an indivisible quantum system // Quantum Measurements and Quantum Metrology 3, 13–19 (2016), arXiv:1512.05168..
  27. of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Rosatom and the Advanced Research Fund signed a tripartite agreement on the creation and support of joint laboratories for the development and practical use of quantum computing technologies