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2025/03/19 10:05:17

Quantum Internet

It is expected that quantum Internet can become a separate offshoot of ordinary Internet. Since the 2010s, research groups around the world have been developing chips that will allow a regular computer to connect to a quantum network, but at the initial stage of technology development, it will be possible to enter it only for certain tasks. For example, in order to send a message using quantum cryptography (when intercepting a quantum key, the message will be instantly destroyed). Quantum internet can also be useful for potential quantum computing circuits.


Main article: Quantum computers and quantum communication


Launch of quantum communication over a conventional 104 km fiber

For the first time, Chinese scientists have provided stable quantum communication over conventional fiber over a distance of 104 km. The experiment was conducted by the Beijing Academy of Quantum Informatics, setting a record for the duration of data transmission - 168 hours without interruption. This became known at the end of February 2025.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the research project was carried out in conjunction with Tsinghua University and North China University of Technology. The scientific team was able to transmit data on a conventional 104.8 km fiber link at 2.38 kbps, marking the transition of quantum direct communication from the theoretical field to the practical plane.

For the first time, quantum communication was launched over a conventional 104 km fiber

The concept of direct quantum communication was originally developed by a team led by Professor Long Guilou of Tsinghua University. The main advantages of this technology include the ability to detect unauthorized interference, prevent it, compatibility with existing communication networks, simplified management and hidden information transfer.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the main obstacle to the practical application of the technology was the use of quantum states with extremely low energy and high sensitivity to interference in channels with a noticeable noise level and significant losses. In previous experiments, quantum states were transmitted back and forth for reconciliation, however, bidirectional communication protocols did not provide sufficient fidelity and performance.

Professor Long Guiloux noted that in 2022, his team set a world record of 100 km for quantum direct communication, but then the speed was only 0.5 bit/s, which allowed only very short messages to be transmitted.[1]

Approval of national standards of the quantum Internet of Things

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) has approved national standards for the quantum Internet of Things to ensure the security of data transmission in the state communications and banking sector. This was announced in early February 2025 by representatives of the NTI Project Support Fund.

Russian Railways, the technical committee 194 "Cyber-Physical Systems" and the research center "National Center for Quantum Internet" based on ITMO participated in the development of technical standards.

Rosstandart approved national standards for the quantum Internet of Things

The Competence Center of the National Technology Initiative at Skoltech has developed requirements for the architecture and connection interfaces of a typical software and hardware key distribution complex. This will expand the use of quantum technologies among technology companies.

Nikita Utkin, Deputy Director of ANO Platform NTI, Chairman of TC 194 "Cyber ​ ​ Physical Systems," notes that the new standards open the way to the widespread practical implementation of quantum technologies and data protection in various fields of activity.

Applications include banking, telecommunications, transportation, industrial internet of things, and consumer smart systems. Industry testing of complexes that meet the new standards will last until the beginning of 2027.

The approval of standards contributes to the practical application of quantum technologies in the economy and increases confidence in their safety. Promising complexes developed in accordance with the new standards will ensure the availability of secure systems for consumers.

Standards define the requirements for key distribution in a quantum distribution network, which is a key element for data transmission security. This is especially important for the protection of information in government agencies and the commercial sector.[2]


Development of solid-state qubits for hybrid quantum networks

A group of scientists from Moscow State University, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and the Paris University of Science and Literature have developed a new device for creating hybrid quantum networks. The publication of the study results in the journal Advanced Quantum Technologies was announced on October 24, 2024.

According to Scientific Russia, the development combines the advantages of solid-state qubits (artificial atoms) and photons for transmitting information in quantum networks. The project was implemented by a scientific group led by researchers from the D.V. Skobeltsyn Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University.

Quantum Internet has become closer: B Russia has developed solid-state qubits for hybrid quantum networks

Igor Solovyov, a leading researcher at the Microelectronics Department of NIIAF Moscow State University, said that one of the features of the proposed system is the ability to convert a non-classical field from one frequency to a field with another frequency, which allows adapting signals for transmission between different types of quantum devices.

The researchers proposed using superconducting qubits based on Josephson transitions capable of interacting with electromagnetic fields in micro-cavities. The high sensitivity of superconducting atoms to external fields is used to create a quantum controller.

The new approach to the design of hybrid quantum networks is based on the development of a device that transforms quantum information between solid-state and photon qubits. This makes it possible to create scalable quantum systems with information transfer between chips through non-classical electromagnetic fields.

The research group includes specialists from various scientific centers: Olga Tikhonova and Igor Solovyov from NIIAF Moscow State University, Roman Zakharov and Nikolai Klenov from the Physics Department of Moscow State University, Vladimir Antonov from Skoltech and Dmitry Yakovlev from the Paris University of Science and Literature. The results of their work are presented on the cover of the October issue of Advanced Quantum Technologies magazine.[3]

2023: First quantum energy teleportation performed

In mid-January 2023, the possibility of teleportation of energy was first experimentally shown. The results of this study could have a significant impact on the future of the quantum Internet.

In the 2000s, Japanese physicist Masahiro Hotta of Tohoku University suggested that teleportation could be used not only to exchange information, but also to transfer energy. Over the past time, a theoretical basis for quantum teleportation of energy has been developed. Now the first experiment has been carried out.

Shown the possibility of teleportation of quantum energy

Classical quantum teleportation involves transferring a quantum state to a distance using a tangled pair disconnected in space and a regular communication channel. The state of the particle is destroyed at the point of departure during measurement and recreated at the point of reception. Quantum teleportation, in its standard sense, does not transmit energy or matter over a distance. However, now researcher Kazuki Ikeda from the University of New York at Stoney Brook says that for the first time he managed to teleport energy using a regular quantum computer.

A key idea of quantum energy teleportation is that the energy of any quantum system constantly fluctuates. It is these natural energy fluctuations that can be used at the quantum level.

We report the first implementation and observation of quantum energy teleportation on real quantum equipment, "says Ikeda.

Masahiro Hotta initially showed that measuring the state of a part of a quantum system inevitably introduces energy into that system. In the quantum world, energy can then be extracted from another part of the system without its actual movement through space. The bottom line is that no energy is acquired or lost - it is simply transferred. It is said that an IBM quantum computer was used during the experiment. The results are consistent with Masahiro Hotta's theory.[4]


British physicists have developed a prototype of the affordable quantum Internet

An international team of researchers is one step closer to creating an affordable quantum internet. This became known on September 3, 2020. Unlike the regular "World Wide Web," this technology is safe and protected from cyber attacks. The work is published in the journal Science Advances.

Bristol University's "multiplexing" system separates light particles that transmit information to multiple internet users from a single central source. Researchers have demonstrated technology using strange effects of quantum entanglement on optical fibers at different locations in Bristol.

The team of scientists was able to create a quantum network at a long distance without trusted nodes. Information on it was distributed among eight users. This method significantly reduced the number of communication channels used. Curiously, users can connect only one channel, but each of them can transmit information to everyone.

The method proposed by the scientists is based on simple dipartite entanglement between frequency modes of the signal. This approach makes it possible to quadratically reduce the number of communication channels used, which is very important for the scalability of quantum communication. Moreover, while users connect only one channel, each can transmit secret information to everyone, that is, the topology of logical communication, despite a simple physical implementation, is a complete graph[5].

Japan begins work on the creation of a global quantum crypto network

Japan began work on a global quantum key distribution service. The project plans to build a network of more than 100 quantum cryptographic devices and 10,000 users worldwide by 2024. This became known on July 29, 2020.

Four technologies will also be developed:

  • Quantum Communications Link Technology, which implements high-speed, backbone, highly available connection in quantum cryptographic communication networks;
  • Trusted Node Technology, which provides reliability and protection against hacking of cryptographic key management systems, as well as increasing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of quantum cryptographic communications;
  • Quantum Relay Technology, which extends distances and protects cryptographic key relays on the ground;
  • Technology for building and operating global networks that controls and controls global and large-scale quantum cryptographic communication networks.

Quantum encryption sees keys encrypted in the quantum state of a particle, often a tangled photon. Because in quantum mechanics, measuring the quantum state causes it to change, it is possible to know if someone was trying to see the quantum key. This will allow you to identify compromised keys and take appropriate measures.

While the basics of quantum encryption are well understood, and even demonstrations have been made of quantum key distribution between Earth and space, key sharing and distribution is still rare.

Companies Toshiba NEC and, as well as several Japanese universities, are working on a global quantum key distribution service. The government Japan allocated $13.3 million for the implementation of the project in the first year.

The source recalled that on July 23, 2020, a quantum Internet project was presented at the University of Chicago. According to the plan, in about a year, scientists must create a quantum communication channel between the University of Chicago laboratory and the Fermi National Laboratory in Batavia (Chicago, USA).

Quantum key distribution is a key transfer method involving the use of quantum phenomena to ensure secure communication. This method allows two parties connected over an open communication channel to create a common random key known only to them and use it to encrypt and decrypt messages[6].

The start of the development of quantum Internet in the United States

At the end of July 2020 U.S. Department of Energy , he presented a national development strategy that quantum Internet cannot be hacked. The authorities collaborate with universities and industry researchers and promise to create a solution within ten years. More. here

RVC provided 300 million rubles for the development of a platform for quantum Internet in Russia

At the end of April 2020, it became known that RVC provided ITMO University with a grant in the amount of 300 million rubles for the development of a platform for quantum Internet. We are talking about a hardware and software solution called "Quantum Communication Platform of the Digital Economy," which is developing with the support of Russian Railways. It is planned to launch a pilot zone on the infrastructure of Russian Railways for the implementation of the platform in 2021. Read more here.

2019: First-ever quantum internet protocol developed

In August 2019, it became known that Dutch scientists have developed the world's first protocol for the so-called quantum Internet, which works without interference and is as secure as possible from hacking. The idea belongs to the specialists of the QuTech research center[7] in history has[8].

The protocol, working at the channel layer, was developed by a group of scientists led by Professor Stephanie Wehner. They also worked out the general concept of quantum networks, which in the future, in their opinion, can replace the traditional Internet and local networks.

The idea of ​ ​ QuTech specialists is based on the principle of very fast processing of qubits, since they cannot be in memory for a long time. This will provide a high speed of information transfer, and the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, another basis of the protocol, will make it possible to protect the transmitted data as much as possible.

The phenomenon of quantum entanglement implies the interdependence of two or more objects, in this case qubits, and their inextricable connection with each other. An attempt to intercept data will result in a change in the quantum state of one or more qubits and, as a result, a loss of transmitted information. In other words, the information can be obtained exclusively by the target device - unauthorized access to it is excluded.

Stefania Weiner kept technical details about the work of the first protocol of the quantum network secret. She only clarified that the physical infrastructure of a regular Internet will be quite suitable for the operation of the quantum Internet.

2017: Scientists from Australia develop erbium ion-doped crystal for quantum internet

As it became known on September 12, 2017, a group of researchers from the Australian National University (ANU) has developed an erbium ion-doped crystal, which is supposed to be the optimal material for building a global telecommunications network. According to the researchers, a crystal with "strange quantum properties" can be used, among other things, to create a network of the next generation - the quantum Internet. The erbium crystal experiment was led by ANU Associate Professor Matthew Sellars, writes ZDNet.

According to him, the researchers managed to significantly improve the vital component for the practical application of the quantum Internet - the storage time of quantum memory. Theoretically, the unit of information of quantum computers (qubit) can be stored using photons that alter the energy levels of atoms. States "0" and "1" are provided with low and high energy levels, but it is quite difficult to read such information - atoms can simply disperse or "re-emit" a photon containing a qubit in a random direction.[9]


Australian researchers have proposed a different way to store the quantum state. It is based on erbium - an ion of a rare earth element, the quantum properties of which allow it to transmit-receive data through waves of 1550 nm. The same waves are used in modern fiber optic systems. During the experiment, it was found that the use of erbium in the transmission of quantum states eliminates the need for a transformation process, moreover, their transmission is feasible in existing telecommunication networks. The researchers were able to prove that erbium ions in a crystal can store quantum information for a second - 10 thousand times longer than already known storage methodologies allow. However, scientists have yet to "disperse" the ions of the rare earth element to ensure the circulation of quantum information throughout the global network.


As noted by Dr. Rose Achlefeldt, a fellow at the ANU Center for Quantum Computing and Communication Technologies, quantum memory with a life span of 1 second will allow information to be buffered and synchronized, which is necessary for quantum communication over long distances. The technology can also work as a quantum light source or be used for optical communication between solid-state quantum computing devices connected to the quantum Internet.

According to ANU researchers, the developed crystal is compatible with existing fiber optics and with superconducting qubits developed by Google and IBM, while it will be able to work with many types of quantum computers, including CQC2T.
