Reksoft Rexoft
Since 1991
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
125047, Butyrsky val, 10, BC "Belaya Ploshchad," 11th floor
Top managers:
Egorov Alexander Gennadievich
Desert Spark - 25%
Interros - 15%
Filin Investment - 9,22%
Kvadra++ LLC - 40.24% of Nekstep LLC - 10.54%
from September 6, 2024
Assets | Owners |
+ Reksoft (Rexoft) |
Reksoft is a Russian developer of digital solutions with significant experience in creating digital projects for such industries as banks and finance, the public sector, retail, transport, logistics, IT, telecom, media, and hospitality.
Since 1991, Reksoft have been provide its clients with a full range of services in the field of digital business transformation, creation and development of information systems and software. Among Reksoft 's clients are the largest Russian and international companies, such as VTB, Gazpromneft, S7, Pulkovo, O'KEY, NP GLONASS, Russian Post and others. Reksoft offices are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Stockholm. The production processes of "Reksoft" are certified according to the international standard ISO 9000:2015. Since 2010, Reksoft has been one of the TOP-100 best outsourcing companies in the world, formed by the international association of outsourcing professionals (IAOP) - Global Outsourcing 100.
Areas of activity
- Building and optimizing storage and analytical reporting systems
- Organization of Application Development and Testing (ALM) Processes
- Legacy Systems Analysis, Refactoring, Migration
- Complex IE development projects from design to turnkey delivery
- Development of custom software of high complexity
- Create and manage dedicated software development centers
- Software support at any point in the lifecycle
- Experience with different enterprise platforms
- Integration Platforms and Solutions (SOA, ESB, ETL)
- Implementation of high-load systems, work with large amounts of data
- Functional, integration, load testing
- Automated testing
Branch network
As of 2020, the company's offices employed more than 400 people.
Other offices
- Reksoft Skandinavia - Stockholm (Sweden)
- R&D Center - Saint Petersburg (Russia)
- Development Center - Voronezh (Russia)
- Development Center - Rostov-on-Don (Russia)
The Reksoft Development Center in Voronezh was opened at the end of 2008. The choice of a new location for the office was due to the presence in Voronezh of a pool of highly qualified IT specialists, the training of which is provided by more than a dozen technical institutes in Voronezh. Currently, about thirty people work at the Reksoft development center in Voronezh. It is planned that in the near future a number of projects for the Russian market will be launched there and a new recruitment will be launched.
The head office of Reksoft is located in the largest country in Eastern Europe, which helps to attract the energetic, young and at the same time experienced labor of St. Petersburg to supply high-quality software development and maintenance at a much lower cost.
Performance indicators
2023: Revenue growth more than 2 times to RUB 3.35 bn
The revenue of Reksoft, a Russian multidisciplinary technology group, grew more than 2 times in 2023 compared to the previous period and amounted to 3.35 billion rubles according to IFRS standards. This was reported to TAdviser on March 27, 2024 by representatives of Reksoft. Simultaneously with the increase in revenue, the growth of the group's personnel continued. Thus, the staff grew more than 3 times and at the end of 2023 amounted to 1,500 qualified employees.
The key event of 2023 in expanding the group's expertise was the acquisition of 100% of RNT Group, a subsidiary of EPAM Systems Inc. in Russia.
The main drivers of the group's business growth in 2023 were strategic and transformational consulting, custom software development, as well as key industrial areas, including industry, finance, airports and logistics.
According to Reksoft, the twofold growth of the consulting services business is due to the demand for projects for business transformation, changing operating models, technological consulting in the field of import substitution for companies from the mining and processing industries and the FMCG sphere. A special feature of the consulting offer from the Reksoft group is the presence of a strong functional business and technological expertise, as well as close interaction with the divisions of business applications and custom development, which makes it possible to develop applied fast-paying solutions for customers. Reksoft Consulting are responsible for management and digital consulting in the group.
In turn, the volume of the industrial sector in the business of the Reksoft group increased 8 times and amounted to 40% of total revenue. This dynamics is due to the creation in 2022 of a powerful industrial team, which was formed from employees of the Russian divisions of Schneider Electric, Siemens, Yokogawa Electric, Aveva and key developers of domestic solutions for mining enterprises, as well as the departed industry vendors Hexagon, Modular Mining and Wenco. In 2023, the mining solutions and oil and gas departments formed a portfolio of their own products most in demand in the current market conditions. For the mining industry, the company offered dispatching systems for open and underground mining operations, tools for operational planning, as well as video analytics for monitoring the grain size distribution of ore on a conveyor belt, digital twins, a predictive engine diagnostics system, a system for controlling the blind spots of machinery, etc. In the oil and gas industry - automated process control systems (APCS), concept development and implementation of advanced man-machine interfaces (HMI) and Alarm Management systems, solutions for process control optimization (PMS) and other products.
At the same time, a significant share of revenue was received from working with clients from the financial sector and amounted to 21% of the total. In 2023, the main vector of cooperation with banks, the investment block and insurance companies was aimed at import substitution of Western software, IT consulting, and the development of digital platforms and solutions.
Also in 2023, Reksoft completed several significant automation projects at major airports in Russia. This direction brought the company about 10% of total revenue.
According to the general director of Reksoft Alexander Egorov, on the basis of Reksoft it was possible to build a player of a new type for the Russian market, which combines strategic and business consulting with technological expertise. This allows the company to carry out high-quality, architecturally integral design of various turnkey information systems, as well as to carry out comprehensive management of portfolios of such projects.
"Last year we saw the first results of our new strategy. The much-needed "ecosystem," which only very large companies could previously afford, has become available to almost any customer who realizes the value of this approach. Hence - the success of a number of complex projects last year, which the team is rightfully proud of. For 2024, we have no less ambitious growth goals - the market has adopted our approach, "added Alexander Egorov. |
Creation of the Competence Center in the agro-industrial complex
Reksoft Consulting, a division of the multidisciplinary technology group Reksoft, on March 10, 2025 announced the creation of the Competence Center in. Rexoft AGRARIAN AND INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Consulting, the managing director in charge of this area, has been appointed, Dmitry Krasnov who has previously led since Federal Center "Agroexport" Ministry of Agriculture Russia its creation in 2019.
The Competence Center in the agrarian and industrial complex Reksoft Consulting includes leading experts and analysts of the agricultural market who have experience in the largest agricultural holdings, development institutions, international and Russian consulting companies. Andrei Kucherov, who previously held the post of deputy head of the Federal Center "Agroexport," became the director of the Center for Competence in the Agro-Industrial Complex.
The activities of the Competence Center in the agrarian and industrial complex Reksoft Consulting will focus on the development of both strategic and operational solutions for companies operating in the agro-industrial complex and related industries. The key areas of consulting will be the development of new business areas, solving the problems of promising technological and innovative development, the development of solutions in the field of digital transformation and industrial automation.
Agro-Industrial Complex Center experts will provide consulting services on entering new markets, developing foreign infrastructure and forming a comprehensive marketing strategy; will assist the clients of the Center in the implementation of government initiatives and provide expert support in the formation of strategic projects and development programs. In addition, the Centre agrarian and industrial complex Reksoft Consulting will work in the interests of companies from other industries: financial, logistics, service organizations for which agro-industrial complex enterprises are potential customers.
The agro-industrial complex is one of the drivers of the Russian economy. Agriculture is less subject to sanctions restrictions than other industries, which supports its attractiveness to investors and foreign partners. The agro-industrial complex is actively growing up, the process of enlargement is underway, agricultural holdings are overgrown with new areas of activity that require professional management, strategic planning and the introduction of technologies. The need for consulting in the agricultural sector will grow, covering areas such as automation and digital adoption, AI, supply chain management, development of export strategies, etc. We are pleased to welcome Dmitry Krasnov and his team to Reksoft Consulting, who have many years of experience and serious expertise in all areas of consulting in the field of agro-industrial complex, said Andrey Skorochkin, CEO of Reksoft Consulting.
In recent years, the Russian agricultural market has been actively developing in most key areas: grain, fat and fat, meat and dairy production, confectionery, pasta and much more. Over 10 years, Russia has increased exports of agricultural products by 2.6 times, and the growth in agricultural production amounted to 33.2%. However, further growth in production and exports may face serious challenges and restrictions related to the rise in the cost of production and an increase in cost, a decrease in investment activity and competitiveness in a number of areas. Now it is more important than ever to stimulate the further development of the sector, to improve the quality of management and operational efficiency, to use the entire modern technological arsenal to ensure sustainable development. I am excited to join the Reksoft Consulting team. We strive to ensure that our customers not only achieve the already indicated goals, but also form long-term competitive advantages. I am sure that the integration of Reksoft expertise and a deep understanding of the specifics of the agro-industrial complex will allow us to offer the market and individual companies effective solutions, noted Dmitry Krasnov, Managing Director of Reksoft Consulting.
Reksoft bought the IT company Amara Lab
In December 2024, the Reksoft technology group completed the acquisition of a 100% system integrator Amara Lab. The company did not disclose the financial terms of the agreement. The deal was announced on January 16, 2025. Read more here.
Creation of Insurance Department
Reksoft on January 14, 2025 announced the creation of the department Insurance"." The division headed, Nikita Evseenko previously responsible for the development of the insurance direction in - RNT Group the copyright holder in. EPAM Russia
During the merger of Reksoft and RNT Group, the direction of work with insurance companies was included in the department of custom development. However, the results of 2024 showed that the digitalization of the insurance business goes beyond only the creation of software and has its own pronounced specifics. Insurance companies require partners in a wide range of tasks. Within the framework of the current turnkey strategy, the Reksoft provides customer support along the entire path of digital business transformation, from defining the strategy and forming the target structure of the company to the implementation, implementation and maintenance of specific software. In 2024, the volume of requests for Reksoft in the insurance direction increased 2 times, the number of specialists in insurance practice doubled. Since January 2025, insurance has become a separate department of Reksoft, whose work will focus on developing solutions and tools that will help insurance companies increase market share, occupy new niches before competitors and reduce the cost of doing business.
Information technology is one of the key factors in the development of insurance companies. According to a study conducted in September 2024 by Expert RA and Reksoft, the costs of the insurance industry companies on IT amount to 230 billion rubles a year. The largest players in the insurance market lay an average of 5-10% of the volume of insurance premiums on the IT budget.
IT companies that historically specialize in insurance and have deep industry expertise are rare in the Russian market. Our team has been working in the field of digitalization in the international and Russian insurance market for more than 20 years. During this time, more than 150 projects were implemented. We see a request for deep digitalization of this segment and are confident that our expert team led by Nikita Evseenko is ready to provide customers with a comprehensive service from consulting business processes and to IT strategy their full implementation and further support, said Alexander Egorov, CEO of Reksoft.
The insurance market in Russia has great potential for growth both according to forecasts of Russian experts and in comparison with the share of insurance in the GDP of developed countries. The need for import substitution further pushed insurance companies to revise their business models and the need for digital transformation, often with a complete redesign of existing client paths, internal operational processes and organizational structure. At the same time , it is important for companies seeking leadership in the insurance market not only to digitize channels and automate processes, but to increase the value of insurance itself for the end consumer. Therefore, we focus not on the classic implementation of technologies, but on creating "smart" innovations. We consider the transformation comprehensively, based on the current level of organizational maturity of the company, its strategic goals and prospects, opportunities and existing needs. Only then do we move on to ways to achieve goals and solve specific application problems, noted Nikita Evseenko, Director of the Insurance Department Reksoft.
TAdviser interview with Alexander Semenov, Director of the Transport and Logistics Department
Alexander Semenov, Director of the Transport and Logistics Department of Reksoft, answered TAdviser questions in December 2024 about trends in the automation of the work of Russian airports, as well as about implemented projects in this industry. Read more here.
Creation of the venture capital company Reksoft Ventures
Reksoft, one of the largest Russian developers of digital solutions, announced the creation of a subsidiary of Reksoft Ventures LLC. The new structure, registered on November 1, 2024, is aimed at supporting and developing the group's innovative projects. Vitaly Balanda, Investment and Product Director of Reksoft, has been appointed General Director of Reksoft Ventures, who will combine both positions. Read more here.
Filin Investment became a co-owner of the Reksoft IT group
On October 1, 2024, it became known that the Filin Investment investment company became a co-owner of the Reksoft technology group, acquiring a 9.22% stake in it. Previously, this asset belonged to entrepreneur Mikhail Kosilov. There is no information on the value of the transaction as of the specified date.
According to the Kommersant newspaper, Kosilov has been listed among the shareholders of the Reksoft group since 2022, when his share was 15.37%. Later, his participation was reduced to 12.3%, then to 9.22%, and after concluding a deal with Filin Investment, the businessman completely withdrew from Reksoft 's capital. At the same time, Kosilov owns 15% in Mobile Inform Group, the developer of secure mobile devices for the industrial sector. In addition, the entrepreneur holds the post of chief executive officer of Tech Bridge, an IT distributor that works in Central Asia, the South Caucasus, and the Middle East.
After the transaction, the ownership structure of Reksoft Group LLC is as follows: 40.2% belong to Quadra++ LLC, 25% to OmanDesert Spark SPC, 15% to Interros Capital LLC, 10.5% to Nekstep LLC and 9.22% to Filin Investment LLC. The founder of the analytical company Dsight Arseny Dabbach emphasizes that Reksoft has great potential for growth against the background of the departure of foreign suppliers and the need for import substitution and integration of software in various sectors of the economy. Dabbach estimates the cost of the entire group as a whole at about 10 billion rubles.
According to experts, the transaction confirms the trend towards the consolidation of the IT market in Russia. The founder of the developer of the domestic software "MyOffice" Dmitry Komissarov believes that Kosilov can send the proceeds to a new project[1]
Opening an office in Izhevsk
The multidisciplinary technological group Reksoft on July 4, 2024 announced the opening of an office in Izhevsk. The staff of the local division exceeds 70 highly qualified employees from all areas of software development: backend and frontend specialists, DevOps engineers, business and system analysts, testers, data specialists, etc.
More than 75% of the employees of the local unit are graduates of the Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov, as well as Udmurt State University. In the future, the company plans to develop cooperation with key universities in the region.
The space is designed to create more comfortable conditions for employees of the Reksoft group working in the city. The opening of the site will provide pluses of a hybrid work format, giving employees the opportunity to comfortably combine remote work with office activities. The move highlights the desire of "Reksoft" to take care of the convenience and professional development of staff.
We are pleased to announce the opening of a new group office in the capital of Udmurtia, which will become the ninth platform for our team. Reksoft employees are our key priority, we are committed to providing them with the best possible working and development conditions. To do this, we are ready for different formats of work and in this matter we follow the wishes of the majority of employees in a specific location, - said Svetlana Sansevich, administrative director of the Reksoft group. - The initiative about the need for its platform in the city for joint work came from the team. More than 35% of colleagues expressed a desire to work on an ongoing basis from the office, the rest prefer a hybrid format with periodic visits to the office. The management of Reksoft gladly supported colleagues by opening a comfortable office. |
Office "Reksoft" will be located at: Izhevsk, st. 30 Years of Victory, 2, DC "Akadem Park," 3rd floor, office 302.
Oman-based company Desert Spark owns 25% of Reksoft group
The company from OmanDesert Spark SPC became the owner of 25% of the Reksoft group. This deal was announced on April 18, 2024.
According to the press service of Reksoft, Desert Spark is owned by businessman Alexander Vinogradov, who develops technology business in Russia and the Middle East and Africa. According to Interfax, the entrepreneur began his career in a fintech startup, later founded a consulting and innovation management company, and now focuses on technological projects. How much Vinogradov cost to buy a stake in Reksoft not reported.
The press service of "Reksoft" reported that the main shareholder of the group remains its founder and general director Alexander Egorov, who controls more than 50% of the group's business with management. With the advent of a new investor in the person of Desert Spark, the shares of Interros Capital and Mikhail Kosilov changed, amounting to 15% and 9.22%, respectively.
According to Alexander Egorov, the deal with Desert Spark was concluded within the framework of Reksoft of 's plans to expand its presence in the Russian and international markets.
The press service of Interros, commenting on the emergence of a new shareholder at Reksoft, told the news agency the following:
The prerogative of managing the company remains with Alexander Egorov, and we are satisfied with the proposed changes in the composition of shareholders. |
The main drivers of business growth "Reksoft" in the group are called strategic and transformational consulting in key industrial sectors, such as industry, finance transport and logistics, the introduction of their own and vendor software solutions "turnkey," as well as custom development, ON noted in the company.
Reksoft Group continues its growth. In 2023, we more than doubled both in terms of revenue and team, - said Egorov, commenting on the deal with Desert Spark.[2] |
In general, as of April 2024, the owners of Reksoft were:
Creation of the practice of "State and social initiatives"
Reksoft Consulting, a division of the multidisciplinary technology group Reksoft, responsible for transformational and strategic consulting, on April 11, 2024 announced the creation of the practice of State and Social Initiatives. This unit will be headed by Nikolai Lantsev.
The work of the practice of "State and Social Initiatives" will focus on the provision of consulting services to the authorities and development institutions to improve the standard of living and develop the business environment. The practice, including will be engaged in consulting in the field of creative industries, urban planning, export strategies, as well as the creation of ratings and indices of cities and regions.
This practice complements the existing structure of Reksoft Consulting expertise, including strategic and transformational consulting, consulting in the field of sales, marketing and client experience, supply chain management and supply chain management, as well as organizational design and personnel management.
The creation of the practice of "State and Social Initiatives" was a logical step in the development of "Reksoft Consulting" and a conscious response to the increasing need of state structures for the development and implementation of national strategic initiatives. For April 2024, we are seeing a significant number of transformational projects and programs aimed at developing the economy, and the perfect moment has come to join them. The opening of the practice is designed to deepen our integration into infrastructure projects and strengthen market position. We are pleased to welcome Nikolai Lantsev, who will head the department for working with state and social initiatives and help the Reksoft group and further implement the planned strategy, said Andrey Skorochkin, CEO of Reksoft Consulting.
I am glad to join the team of specialists "Reksoft Consulting." Our joint efforts will be aimed at conducting large-scale initiatives that are so necessary for the development of the economy. We strive to bring to life through innovative approaches and technologies the tasks that will have a real impact on the economic prosperity and social well-being of our country, strengthening its infrastructure framework and improving the quality of life, noted Nikolai Lantsev, director of the practice of "State and Social Initiatives" of the company "Reksoft Consulting."
Create a Business Application Department
Reksoft on March 5, 2024 announced the creation of a department of business applications. The unit will be headed by Evgeny Zavyalov, who, before joining the Reksoft group, headed the department for the implementation of business applications of the CROC.
The division complements the existing set of competence centers of the Reksoft group: strategic consulting for digital transformation, industrial areas (, and industry production processing,,, and finance) and retail logistics transport technological expertise (, big data platform solutions, custom development). Now the comprehensive proposal "Reksoft" also presents the direction of business applications, i.e. ready-made software solutions for enterprise management (,,,,). 1C ERP CPM CRM SCM BI
Large corporate customers are increasingly exploring the possibility of replacing current enterprise management systems. The usual approach, when all the functionality could be purchased from one vendor, in most cases does not work, there is no time and expertise for large-scale custom development either. The way out is to use several ready-made Russian solutions at once. Embedding new systems in the existing application landscape requires refinement of key business processes and careful work at the architecture level. The Reksoft Group helps its customers design the entire transition process through our business consulting division, taking into account the best practices and experience of similar projects. The improvement of the missing elements of the landscape, as well as the implementation of the necessary modules, takes place within a single process, with centralized project management. This significantly reduces the risks of destabilization of applied information systems. To implement this strategy in terms of business applications for enterprises, we invited Evgeny Zavyalov, said Alexander Egorov, CEO of Reksoft.
Our customers see value not in automation as such, but in the improvements that the business receives as a result of the project. We are already conducting several large migrations from SAP to 1C and are growing intensively. In this regard, as always, I will be glad to cooperate with new vendors and talented teams of professionals. Our focus is on large-scale, complex projects to transform the business systems of our customers, which we are able to supply on time and within the budget, noted Evgeny Zavyalov, Director of the Business Applications Department of the Reksoft Group.
Connection to the inter-industry WG of the APCS
Reksoft experts joined the inter-industry working group on the development of an open automated process control system (WG OAPCS). The company announced this on February 2, 2024. The RG was created on the initiative of the Industrial Competence Centers (ICC) "Metallurgy" and "Chemistry," ANO "Digital Economy," as well as the Association "Industrial Innovations" with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
The purpose of the working group and its participants is to ensure import substitution technological independence the Russian industries in the field, APCS as well as support the domestic market for solutions related to the automation of process control systems. To do this, it is necessary to create suitable conditions and prerequisites for the development and implementation Russia in open solutions and platforms that are independent of specific equipment suppliers and software.
Within the framework of the OAPCS WG, experts from participating companies and regulators will discuss standards and prospects for the development of such areas as programmable logistic controllers, development and execution environments, universal industrial and field transfer protocols, data and roadmaps state for supporting directions.
Industrial automation and, in particular, projects on APCS and MES-systems (Manufacturing Execution System) are priority areas of Reksoft development. During 2022 and 2023, engineering teams from Schneider Electric, Siemens, Yokogawa Electric, Aveva, VIST Group and others joined the Reksoft of group. The combined team "Reksoft" has expertise in the subject area of the intersectoral working group. Also, the work will be useful for the complex competencies of "Reksoft" in the field of introducing industrial software from consulting business processes to working with AI and ML technologies, according to the company.
The focus of the OAPCS RG is on various topics on the development of unified domestic APCS standards, which are important for the entire Russian market, as they will contribute to the compatibility of solutions of Russian vendors. APCS and MES systems are a complex set of hardware and software solutions. The Reksoft team has competencies in both directions, and current projects for large industrial structures in the mining, oil production, oil refining and chemical industries will allow you to share with colleagues trends and features from different areas of industry. said Denis Frolagin, head of production consulting at Reksoft Consulting.
TAdviser interview with department director Olga Makova
A year ago, Reksoft announced the entry into the market IT of solutions for the digitalization of industrial enterprises. Today, the group is ready to offer the market several unique solutions, expertise in the implementation of complex projects, as well as a strategic approach to effective digital transformation of enterprises with various levels of digital maturity. TAdviser In January 2024, the Olga Makova director of the department oil gas and Reksoft told about what helps the group to develop its business so quickly in a new and difficult market. Read more here [1]
Passing the QMS recertification audit of the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of the standard ISO-9001-2015
Reksoft on December 18, 2023 announced the successful completion of the QMS recertification audit of the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of the ISO-9001-2015 standard (GOST R) (ISO 9001:2015) in new areas of the company's activity. The updated certificate is valid until mid-December 2026.
Based on the results of the audit, Reksoft confirmed the compliance of the company's business processes with ISO standards in the field of development, production, integration, supply, implementation, maintenance and support of computer systems, products and solutions, as well as installation and commissioning of electrical equipment and automated systems and the development and production of means of protecting confidential information.
The expansion of certification areas is directly related to the expansion of the business areas of the Reksoft Group. First of all, this is an increase in expertise and projects in the field of industrial automation for the mining industry, fuel and energy complex enterprises and the petrochemical processing industry. We also focus on our own solutions, seriously invest in the creation and development of our own product developments and accelerators. This allows us to provide our customers with the solution of their tasks on the basis of domestic software much faster, said Evgeny Mineev, executive director of the Reksoft group.
Launch of Alarm Management Systems for Industrial Plants
On December 13, 2023, Reksoft announced the launch of a direction for working with Alarm Management class systems for industrial enterprises. It was based on a deep examination of the department oil gas and Reksoft team in the field of development and implementation of human-machine interfaces (HMI), as well as a high level of knowledge of Russian standards governing safety standards at enterprises. The list of services provided within the framework of the new direction is based on the combination of this knowledge with the experience of implementing projects APCS and MES systems at large industrial enterprises. This proposal is addressed primarily to enterprises, petrochemical and ENERGY INDUSTRY chemical oil processing industries. It will also be relevant for all enterprises and facilities related to. critical information infrastructure (CII)
Digitalization of enterprises continues to gain momentum. Automation systems are getting deeper into production processes, which is due to the desire of companies to make their production as digital and autonomous as possible and thereby reduce the risks associated with a shortage of qualified personnel. But the downside of digitalization is the need to monitor constantly complicated systems. Dashboards, mnemonic diagrams and navigation through them are complicated, filled with additional information, require increased attention of operators. The level of requirements for the qualification of specialists is also growing. As a result of a significant complication of screen forms, the operator is often unable to see the "overall picture" of the controlled process.
According to statistics, the operator's attention when observing the screen begins to decline 15 minutes after the start of the shift. In addition, in the event of an emergency, screen forms usually give an "avalanche" of alarms for different types of systems and equipment. In this mode, it is difficult for employees to quickly identify the real source of the problem, which leads to disorientation of personnel and an increase in the time required to normalize the process.
We have a good understanding of the problem our customers have. Their task is to reduce the burden on personnel as much as possible, while maintaining the necessary level of control over processes and expensive equipment. It is on solving this problem that our direction of Alarm Management is focused. The service will allow enterprises to approach the elimination of this problem at a different quality level by increasing the safety and controllability of production by introducing systems for monitoring and suppressing repeated alarms, as well as reformatting the human-machine interfaces with which operators work, - Olga Makova, Director of the Oil and Gas Department of the Reksoft Group, commented on the essence of the proposal. |
The approach of the Reksoft team is based on a deep understanding of the HMI concept, combined with knowledge of the industrial characteristics of the organization of industrial production. The principles of the HMI concept, supported by the norms of GOST R IEC 62682-2019 "Alarm systems for the manufacturing industry" and ISA 101 "Human interface standards," computer allow the implementation of projects to reduce information load on operators (complex adaptation of mnemonic diagrams) and minimizing the number of alarms (creation of a forecast model of the alarm system). The screen forms for operators updated within the framework of the Reksoft approach are divided into 4 levels of the hierarchy and allow you to delve into monitoring processes with a complicated step of detail.
According to the experience of Reksoft specialists, as a result of implementation, the volume of alarms can be reduced to 25-40%. The number of remote operators will also be reduced by 1.5-2 times, which will lead to the possibility of transferring employees to more important positions for the enterprise. The system also allows you to enter and monitor individual key performance indicators (KPIs) of operators, which increases personal responsibility for process management. In addition, alarm monitoring systems provide the basis for further work on the optimization of alarm volume.
The service includes several stages of the project:
- Survey: analysis of existing systems (ASUTP, SUUTP/ARS, MPA, CPC), understanding and assessment of bottlenecks.
- Concept: development of personalized concepts of the man-machine interface, approaches to reduce the number of alarms, calculations of achievable effects and methods of project implementation, formation of a team on the customer's side.
- Development: design of alarm suppression systems, development of high-performance mnemonic diagrams, modernization of existing operator mnemonic diagrams, design of necessary changes in PCS and other systems, design of Alarm Management systems.
- Implementation: supply and installation of equipment, configuration and modernization of existing and new systems, pilot operation, training of users and customer specialists.
- Support: support the customer after the implementation of all concepts and systems in order to achieve the stated goals, as well as further development of the system taking into account the changing business processes of the enterprise.
Launch Strategic Consulting Practice for Financial Services
Reksoft Consulting, a transformation and strategic consulting division of the Reksoft group, on November 1, 2023announcedd the creation of a practice for providing consulting services in the field of strategic development and improving operational efficiency to companies in the financial sector.
The practice was headed by Alexander Kalyakin.
In Reksoft Consulting, Alexander Kalyakin is responsible for managing and developing the practice of providing consulting services in the field of strategic development and improving operational efficiency to banks, insurance, leasing, factoring companies, stock exchanges, NPFs and other participants in the financial sector.
The creation of the practice will allow Reksoft to provide financial institutions with a full range of services: from strategic consulting to change management, including the development and implementation of technology solutions selected by customers.
In the last year, the Reksoft group has been actively expanding, including due to M&A-activities. In the summer of 2023, the group acquired the RNT Group copyright holder of EPAM Systems LLC, a subsidiary of EPAM Systems Inc. in. Russia As a result of the merger, the structure has a serious client base and portfolio of projects in the financial sector. This category of customers is one of the most pumped in the field of business digitalization. They do not need classic solutions, they are waiting for new ideas, a strategic vision for their further transformation. One of the goals of the direction headed by Alexander is to offer companies in the financial sector a strategic vision of their development and effective approaches to working with the challenges that the industry will face in the coming years, - commented, Andrey Skorochkin CEO of Reksoft Consulting. |
Creating a center of expertise in the financial sector is an ambitious and non-trivial task. I am confident that many years of professional experience of my team, combined with the competencies of the Reksoft group in the field of digital transformation, will provide our clients with sustainable strategic and technological leadership in the market, - said Alexander Kalyakin, director of practice for working with companies in the financial sector of Reksoft Consulting. |
Purchase of Russian EPAM assets
Reksoft bought Epam's Russian business. The deal took place on August 2, 2023, Interfax reports, citing data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL). Read more here.
Inclusion in the APKIT Industrial Solutions Board
On May 30, 2023, Reksoft announced that its representatives had joined the Council for the Development of Digital Technologies for Industry at the Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises (APKIT).
The Council will focus on the integrated development of the market for Russian industrial technologies and their early adaptation for use in domestic production. The work will be carried out in several key areas.
The Council's work plan by the end of 2023 included development IT-industries and stimulating demand for, Russian software building relationships between market participants and customers, information security and development, critical infrastructure (CII) working with government initiatives in the field of industrial development, ON interaction with industrial centers of competence (ICC), specialized ministries and other associations.
Participation in TAdviser Summit
Reksoft (Reksoft), one of the leading Russian developers of digital solutions, and the ART-BANK Group of Companies, an international supplier of banking software systems, will take part in the TAdviser Summit 2023 conference, which will be held May 30 in Moscow. Read more here.
Joining the Oil and Gas Cluster Association
The Reksoft Group of Companies, one of the leading Russian developers of digital solutions, announced on May 2, 2023 that it had joined the Oil and Gas Cluster Association.
"Joining the Oil and Gas Cluster is dictated by the possibility of direct communication with subsoil users, access to their technological challenges and the possibility of operational work with them. Participation in the Association allows you to get first-hand an industry section of the needs of our customers from the fuel and energy complex industry, "said Evgeny Mineev, executive director of the Reksoft group of companies, about the purpose of the partnership. |
Expanding Python practice for the benefit of the Mining Solutions Department
On January 24, 2023, Reksoft announced the expansion of Python's practice. First of all, the technology team is strengthening to work on the creation of IT solutions for the mining industry.
In August 2022, the Mining Solutions Department was established in the Reksoft Group. It included key employees who stood at the origins of VIST Group. The department has formed a "roadmap" for the development of the direction, which includes a number of services and products in demand by large mining holdings. We are faced with the tasks of creating comprehensive automated control systems for the mining transport complex (ACS GTC), including industrial safety systems, dispatching, production analytics, quality management, etc. It is for this pool of work that we are expanding Python's technological practice, "said Dmitry Karamyshev, director of the mining solutions department at Reksoft. |
We help our clients to improve the efficiency of mine dump trucks, excavators and other equipment. We are engaged in planning and optimization of mining operations, diagnostics of equipment. We produce onboard equipment with screens for drivers, write software for it, connect sensors, collect and process data, build predictive models, use solvers, visualize in web and mobile applications. The reference stack for most of our solutions is Python. The company has already formed a pool of projects for key customers, for which we invite developers who are ready to work at the tip of technologies for the mining industry, said Konstantin Belykh, technical director of the mining solutions department of Reksoft. |
The "Reksoft" has formed the backbone of Python practice, but the scale of the tasks requires a significant expansion of the command. We are waiting for colleagues who are ready to work in both product and service projects. Interact with customers and immerse yourself in cross-projects with other verticals. We propose to join the work in a close-knit team with interesting projects and career opportunities, - commented Nikolai Sokornov, Director of the Software Development Department of Reksoft. |
Revenue growth by 15.8% to RUB 1,735 million
At the end of 2022, the revenue of Reksoft increased by 15.8% to 1,735 million rubles. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 168 lines (68 lines of the list of applicants for inclusion in the number of the largest IT companies in Russia).
Creation of the Center for the Development of APCS Technologies and Production Digitalization
On December 5, 2022, the Reksoft Group announced the creation of the Center for the Development of APCS Technologies and Digitalization of Production (CST PCS and Digitalization of Production). It will become part of Reksoft Consulting, a division of the Reksoft group responsible for transformational and strategic consulting. The center will be formed on the basis of specialists from companies such as Schneider Electric, Siemens, Aveva, etc.
The division will focus its efforts on the digitalization of industrial enterprises. The emphasis will be on creating solutions in the field of production optimization, situational awareness of operators, solutions for production control centers:
- MR by condition, predictive diagnostics and reliability calculation systems;
- Optimization systems for the main production and offsite processes (UIO);
- Decision support and visualization systems; KPI
- Digital services.
}} First of all, the products and services of the Center are addressed to enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical, fuel and energy complex, mining and metallurgical industries.
It is no coincidence that the Center for the Development of APCS Technologies and Digitalization of Production became part of Reksoft Consulting, a division responsible for transformational and strategic consulting in the Reksoft Group. The projects of this division are addressed primarily to the largest domestic industrial enterprises, where primary automation has already taken place or is in a high degree of readiness. Our proposal for them will be based on business tasks for digital transformation with a mandatory consulting unit for the current needs of the enterprise, and go lower to optimizing business processes and production, - commented on the role of the center in the structure of the business unit Andrei Skorochkin, General Director of Reksoft Consulting. |
The Center's team has extensive practical experience in creating and implementing the indicated solutions in the petrochemical, metallurgical and mining industries. Our task is to repeat this experience in a situation where domestic enterprises found themselves without the support of their usual vendors, - Denis Frolagin, director of the Center for the Development of APCS Technologies and Digitalization of Reksoft Consulting Production, spoke about the tasks. |
The areas of digitalization we have chosen are aimed at significantly increasing the production efficiency of industrial enterprises. Our team is deeply immersed in the specifics of industry industries. In each of the projects, we are ready to show the customer the expected payback and increase margins. At the same time, we are focused on joint work both on servicing the existing complex software of enterprises, and the creation of its domestic analogues in conjunction with custom development, which Reksoft traditionally specializes in, - said Olga Makova, operational director of the Center for the Development of PCS Technologies and Digitalization of Production "Reksoft Consulting." |
Creating Mining Solutions Practices
On August 16, 2022, Reksoft announced the creation of mining a solution practice. It will be headed. Dmitry Karamyshev Before joining the Reksoft team for three years, Dmitry headed and was one of the co-founders of PSI-Mining, and before that he worked for more than 15 years at GK JSC, VIST GroupZyfra where he managed the mining vertical of management. to projects
Dmitry Karamyshev's duties will include the development of the Reksoft business in the mining industries, as well as the tasks of creating complex solutions in the field of automated control systems for the mining transport complex (ACS GTC), including industrial safety systems, dispatching systems, production analytics, quality management, etc.
In the current circumstances and the trend towards import independence, the country's mining enterprises are in serious need of comprehensive service from professional IT teams specializing in industry topics. It is such a team that we will build in the contour of the Reksoft Group, capable of carrying out a full cycle of implementation, changes in business processes and maintenance of IT systems, - said Dmitry Karamyshev, Director of the Mining Solutions Department of Reksoft. |
The mining industry is a huge global market and one of the main sectors of the Russian economy. According to an enlarged assessment of experts, the global IT technology market in the mining industry annually amounts to 150 billion, rubles, of which about 15 billion rubles. fall on enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries with an annual growth rate of 15%. As of August 2022, the Reksoft structure includes business units of transformational and product consulting, a comprehensive division of its own development, and now an industry expertise on the mining industry has been added to it. The integrated team of the Reksoft Group is able to close any needs of the CPC enterprises, - commented Alexander Egorov, General Director and Founder of Reksoft. |
Joining the strategic consulting team of the former "daughter" Accenture in Russia
Reksoft the Russian , one of the developers of digital solutions, announced on July 27, 2022 that it had TAdviser joined the Strategic Team Group. consulting of the Russian division Accenture
As part of the Group, the consulting team will be separated into a separate business unit, which will be headed by Andrei Skorochkin. Previously, he was the managing director, head of the Strategy Department in Russia and Kazakhstan of Accenture. The team has experience transforming businesses across the value chain from strategy development and operational model to change implementation, has broad competencies in technology and innovative consulting, building data management systems and advanced analytics.
"After the announcement of the partnership with Interros, Reksoft Group announced plans to scale the business and consolidate professional teams on its basis. The first significant step in this direction for us was an agreement with the strategic consulting team of the Russian division of Accenture, which will develop the transformation and strategic consulting direction in the structure of Reksoft Group. We are also working to join other examinations and teams, "commented Alexander Egorov, General Director of Reksoft. |
It is expected that the emergence of a new division, combined with the existing expertise of Reksoft, will bring a significant synergy effect from joint work on comprehensive transformation projects, requiring both expertise in the field of business and technological consulting, development, and implementation of digital solutions.
According to Interros CEO Sergei Batekhin, Interros as an investor is interested in the further development of Reksoft and its transformation into a structure capable of meeting the growing demand for transformation and import substitution of critical business processes in key areas of the Russian economy.
"The inclusion of employees of a global company in the field of strategic consulting in its team fully meets Reksoft ambitions to become a national leader in digital consulting and comprehensive business transformation," added Sergey Batekhin. |
As explained by Andrey Skorochkin, the leader of the transformation consulting area of Reksoft Group, the main task of his team in Reksoft Group is to develop competencies in transformation consulting, digital transformation, attracting new clients through the formation of a comprehensive offer addressing current and promising business challenges at the intersection of business processes and technologies.
"The role of transformational consulting is a business architect, a trusted partner for top managers of companies in the process of designing and implementing changes, launching new business areas," he added. |
Interros acquires a 40% stake in Reksoft from Alexander Egorov
The group Interros"" and the company "Reksoft," an independent Russian developer of digital solutions, on April 21, 2022 announced TAdviser the conclusion of a partnership agreement with the aim of forming a leading independent player in the digital market, consulting Russia developing software and implementing digital business transformation projects. As part of this partnership, Interros acquires a 40 percent stake in the technology company. The founder and co-owner of Reksoft Alexander Egorov will be a managing partner who, together with the company's management, controls more than 50% of its business.
In January 2022, Egorov and the team became 100% owners of Reksoft, buying control from T1 (details below).
As noted by Interros General Director Sergei Batekhin, the entry into the capital of the domestic developer IT is a continuation of Interros "strategy for the development of digital and high-tech business.
"The extensive experience and competencies of the Reksoft team in the field of software development digital business transformation, as well as import substitution critical business systems for financial the sector,,, - and industries power engineering specialists transportlogistic other industries are more in demand than ever in the market. We expect that the result of our partnership will be the emergence of a company leading the domestic digital consulting market, "said Sergei Batekhin. |
According to Alexander Yegorov, CEO of Reksoft, partnership with a Russian investment group with 30 years of business experience and large-scale projects in various sectors of the economy gives the company the opportunity to become a center of consolidation in the rapidly changing IT market and multiply scale business, including by combining professional IT teams.
"The Reksoft team is actively working to create a large independent, private player - a leader in the Russian market, capable of providing a full cycle of IT services from the development of digital strategies to their implementation in existing platforms and solutions. We are glad that our views on the timeliness of creating a new type of Russian digital consultant fully coincided with the vision of colleagues from Interros, "said Alexander Egorov. |
Joining Reksoft experts to the service
On April 18, 2022, Reksoft announced that its experts had joined the consulting service Skolkovo"," Digital Sovereignty Support Center ( created to ensure uninterrupted IT processes and. import substitution More. here
Statement of readiness to accept the development team
On April 13, 2022, Reksoft released a statement inviting development teams interested in "continuing to work together in the commercial market as part of an independent IT company" to the dialogue.
Today, there are a number of factors on the market that affect existing development teams, noted in the "Reksoft." Leaving the market of large IT companies focused on Western customers often calls into question the continued existence of a well-coordinated, established team: the impossibility of relocating part of the team for personal reasons or the need to return back to the Russian Federation after a quick relocation in the early days of the crisis, the inability to conduct transactions with Western customers using familiar tools.
There are also technological reasons that disrupt the usual rhythm of the teams. For example, the inability to use foreign infrastructure for projects. Freelance work is also difficult due to the refusal of the largest international IT freelance exchanges to make payments to Russian developers.
Reksoft, as an independent market player with 30 years of experience in the formation of professional development teams, understands the new challenges faced by teams of specialists who have become accustomed to working together for years. We invite such teams to discuss options for mutually beneficial cooperation, and are ready to provide the necessary infrastructure and other support measures to stabilize and preserve teams. "Reksoft" has experience in "landing" such teams on the company's process and technological infrastructure with the preservation of value and high efficiency for both Russian and foreign customers, "- commented on the initiative Evgeny Mineev, executive director of the company" Reksoft " |
In the arsenal of the company there are several possible options for cooperation: from assistance in organizational aspects (infrastructure, ensuring financial interaction with the customer) to full onboarding with the preservation of existing teams.
To begin the dialogue, Rexoft invited team leaders to contact the company by mail or by telegram @ hr_reksoft. All necessary decisions can be made promptly, added to Reksoft.
Creating a Reksoft.Labs Bs
The Reksoft group, one of the Russian developers of digital solutions, announced to TAdviser on February 1, 2022 the creation of Reksoft.Labs Bs (LLC). As specified in the company, all technological and product developments of Reksoft will be transferred to this structural unit. Read more here.
Closing the transaction to buy a controlling stake in Reksoft Group from T1
On January 17, 2022, the T1 Group and Reksoft (Reksoft) informed TAdviser about the closure of the transaction to sell the controlling stake owned by T1 (the size of which, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, was 82.43%) to Reksoft Group LLC. The package was owned by the Reksoft management team under the leadership of the founder and CEO of the company, Alexander Egorov. The exact list of owners and the amount of the transaction were not publicly disclosed.
At the same time, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Alexander Egorov was announced by the director of Reksoft LLC, which was registered in St. Petersburg on May 30, 1991. The sole founder of this structure is Reksoft Group LLC, registered on November 22, 2016 in St. Petersburg with General Director Denis Kamordzhanov.
Until recently, the last of these organizations belonged to T1 by 82.4%, and Nekstep LLC by 17.6%, whose sole owner is Egorov.
On January 13, 2022, the share of T1 in Rexoft Group LLC migrated to Quadra++ LLC. This structure was registered in Moscow on October 2, 2013. Since June 8, 2018, Egorov has also been its sole founder.
Thus, through intermediate companies, Egorov has now become the 100% owner of Reksoft Group LLC.
As specified, T1 and Reksoft companies intend to continue cooperation in the implementation of joint projects as independent partners.
software Companies are responsible for the development of T1 in the Group "Innotech" and. T1 Consulting
As an independent player, Reksoft plans to expand its presence in the Russian and foreign markets.
As of August 3, 2022, Quadra++ LLC owns 53.65% of the Reksoft group, Nekststep LLC - 14.06%.
Revenue growth by 17.9% to 1,498 million rubles
At the end of 2021, Reksoft Group revenue amounted to 1,498 million rubles, an increase of 17.9% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 179th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.
To be included in the T1 group
The group, T1 one of the representatives, Russian IT services market on April 21, 2021 announced the merger of the Group companies "" Technoserv under a single brand "T1." ON Reksoft is responsible for the development of the application in the group. More. here
As of April 2021, the T1 group owned 82.43% of the Reksoft group company.
Expanding Logistics Automation Practice
The company "Reksoft" (Reksoft) on March 30, 2021 announced the expansion of the practice of automation of logistics.
The Company is activating its activities in the market of automation of logistics, fulfillment centers, large warehouses, distribution centers. As specified in Reksoft, the expansion of practice is associated with the explosive growth of the e-commerce market and with the trend of prompt delivery of a wide range of goods to all regions of the country.
According to a Data Insight study, the number of orders in online stores and marketplaces in 2020 increased by 78% and reached 830 million units. In monetary terms, an increase of 47% was recorded, to 2.5 trillion rubles. In 2020, the share of online trading amounted to 9% of all Russian retail. It is expected that the online trading market in Russia will grow in the following years: in 2021 - by 34%, in 2022 - by 32%, in 2023 - by 30% and in 2024 - by 28%. And by 2024, e-commerce will take 19% of total retail sales.
One of the trends in the e-commerce market is the prompt delivery of orders to the door or within walking distance for customers. In this regard, enterprises engaged in the field of federal retail and delivery have several tasks:
- 1. Efficient logistics of delivering goods around the country and, therefore, creating a balanced supply chain.
- 2. Creation of a serious regional infrastructure for sorting and redistribution of goods, bringing delivery closer to customers.
- 3. Create a network of fulfillment centers that perform the "last mile" function of delivering goods to specific customers.
In this regard, federal networks are in need of automation and implementation of a number of IT solutions, such as warehouse management system, order management system, automated complexes for transportation, storage, sorting and picking of orders. It is also important to create digital twins to optimize costs and risks when introducing complex and expensive technological complexes in ready-made or under construction premises.
Rexoft has been involved in logistics automation since 2016. During this time, we have completed a number of transformation projects for large retailers, transport hubs, airports, logistics and sorting centers. In the context of the explosive growth of the e-commerce market, this experience is especially in demand in projects to launch or optimize warehouse and distribution centers and their further functioning at all stages of the process of delivering goods to buyers' doors. The competencies of Reksoft allow us to provide a full range of creation of all elements of the automation of the logistics process - from concept development and design to delivery and commissioning of systems and equipment, and then technical support of the created complexes, "commented its head Alexander Semenov, Deputy Director for New Markets of Reksoft. |
Digital Twins: A Practical Approach
In March 2021, Alexander Semenov, Deputy Director for New Markets at Reksoft, spoke about the possibilities of using digital twins. Read more here.
Entering the ranking of the world's leading outsourcers
On March 3, 2021, Reksoft announced its entry into the top 100 best outsourcing companies in the world, formed by the international association of outsourcing professionals (IAOP).
Establishment of Digital Consulting Practice Unit led by Vitali Balanda
On February 10, 2021, Reksoft announced the creation of a division - the practice of digital consulting. It will be headed by Vitaly Balanda, Director of Innovation at Reksoft.
The division is being created as part of the company's development as a provider of technology consulting in the field of digital platforms. Business Consulting, Enterprise Architecture and Large () practices are combined in the direction. data Big Data
Almost all Reksoft projects are somehow connected with the creation of digital products and services for our customers. They provide tangible business advantages to strengthen the position of our customers in their industries. Digital consulting is the initial mandatory elements in the life cycle of the development and implementation of such platforms and solutions, - commented on the creation of the division Alexander Egorov, General Director of Reksoft. |
Reksoft specializes in implementing conceptual business strategies from leading consultants and translating them into specific programs for changing user experience, teams and processes, as well as the technology stack. The task of our entrusted division is to jointly design the target architecture, technology stacks and agile infrastructure for the implementation of changes with customers, "said Vitaly Balanda, head of digital consulting at Reksoft. |
Revenue - 1,271 million rubles
At the end of 2020, the revenue of the Reksoft Group of Companies amounted to 1,271 million rubles.
Cooperation with DSTU in the field of vocational education
On November 25, 2020, Reksoft, one of the Russian developers of digital solutions, announced that it had become a partner in the field of vocational education with Don State Technical University (DSTU). Read more here.
TAdviser interview with executive director Yevgeny Mineev
In October 2020, Evgeny Mineev, executive director of Reksoft, told TAdviser about how new formats of business partnerships are being built. Read more here.
FSTEC perpetual licenses for the development of means of protection and technical protection of confidential information
On September 14, 2020, Reksoft, a Russian software developer, announced that it had received perpetual licenses from FSTEC for "Activities for the Development and Production of Confidential Information Protection Tools" and "Activities for the Technical Protection of Confidential Information."
In 2018, the company became the owner of a license of the FSB of Russia for the development of funds and the performance of work in the field of cryptographic information protection. And in 2020, the certificate of conformity of the quality management system "Reksoft" GOST R (ISO 9001-2015) was expanded to the field of development and production of means of protecting confidential information.
"Since 2010, Reksoft has been actively involved in the informatization of government departments and large corporations. The protection of information in their key systems is an important block in the activities of our customers. With the receipt of FSTEC licenses, we have expanded our set of licenses confirming the status of Reksoft as a provider of comprehensive services under state and commercial contracts in the development of information protection tools, "commented Evgeny Mineev, executive director of Reksoft. |
The complex of licenses ensures that systems and services are developed and provided by Reksoft in accordance state with standards and meet the requirements information security data for and processes.
Joining the international consortium The Open Group
On August 18, 2020, Reksoft announced its accession to the global non-profit consortium The Open Group, developing standards such as IT4IT, TOGAF ArchiMate and DPBoK. According to the company, Reksoft became the first professional member of the Russian IT community in an international organization.
As of August 2020, The Open Group unites more than 750 organizations. These are companies and corporations that connect their future with the end-to-end application of digital technologies in business, system and solution providers, integrators, large scientists and consultants from various industries. The organization's mission is to help its members achieve business goals through open vendor-independent technology standards developed by the consortium.
Reksoft has joined the IT4IT Forum, which is developing the IT4IT reference architecture standard from The Open Group. The IT4IT methodology considers the IT structure not only as a service division of companies, but also as a business unit that creates, along with other divisions, direct added business value.
IT4IT does not abolish existing standards and codes of best practices (ITIL, TOGAF, PMBoK, etc.), but rather acts as an "add-on" that allows them to be connected together. Thus, the IT4IT standard describes the reference architecture of IT management, regardless of the industry, the chosen vendor and technologies.
"Many of our customers are working to create a manufacturing process in IT. From our own experience, we have made sure that almost any customer's task has been solved in one way or another before - either for a client from another industry, or the solution is a creative reworking of the accumulated industry experience. Having got acquainted with the methodology of The Open Group, we realized that we have long been applying the main elements of the IT4IT standard in Reksoft projects. Joining the consortium will only strengthen our knowledge and potential by providing access to the best generally recognized world practices from different industries, "commented Alexander Egorov, CEO of Reksoft, joining the consortium. |
2019: Launch of the Software Development Center in Rostov-on-Don
On July 25, 2019, Reksoft announced the expansion of the regional network and the launch of the Software Development Center in Rostov-on-Don. Prior to that, Reksoft had four points of presence: a head office in St. Petersburg, additional in Moscow and Stockholm, as well as a software development center in Voronezh.
The Rostov office is located in a modern business center in the historical district of the city. Ergonomic workplaces equipped with high-performance workstations are organized for employees.
Last year was a success for our company. We are up 26%. To further develop our business, we have opened a Software Development Center in Rostov-on-Don. This city is important for the further development of the company's business, since it is not only a million-plus city, one of the 10 largest cities in Russia and the administrative center of the Southern Federal District, but also, above all, the center of high business activity in the south of the country, - commented on the event Evgeny Mineev, executive director of the company "Reksoft." |
In connection with the opening of a representative office in Rostov-on-Don, Reksoft is actively search for employees in Java practice, Front-end and the testing department.
Due to the optimization of the business in 2018, interaction with all international customers was transferred to the branch in Stockholm.
Since 2008, Reksoft has been part of the Technoserv group. According to 2016 information, Reksoft is a partner of Adobe, BMC, EMC, IBM, Microsoft, LifeRay, Oracle, Syncsort. The company's offices in Russia and abroad employ more than 380 specialists.
The most significant projects of "Reksoft" in 2015 were:
- Development and launch of a solution for the O'KEY online store.;
- Creation of the eControl service for subscribers of the Azerbaijani mobile operator (Azerfon Nar brand);
- Project on development and technical support of information system "Unified Knowledge Base" for telecom operator Rostelecom"";
- Creation of an integrated platform "BFlux" for the production of scientific literature in the German publishing house Springer Nature;
- Implementation of the "System 112" based on the SPO "NP Helios-112" (own development of the Technoserv Group of Companies) in the pilot zone of the Republic of Mordovia;
- Implementation of the Corporate Sales Management system, which allows improving the efficiency of corporate sales management processes at BMW Rusland Trading LLC;
- A solution to optimize the operational efficiency of the structural divisions of Home Credit Bank;
- The first stage of the Herbarium project, which provides for the creation of a portal for developers and consumers of engineering software (CAD);
- Creation of a visual warning system for the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "IC OKSION" - development of a managing special software for the all-Russian system for informing and alerting the population in places of mass stay of people.
Reksoft was included in the list of "Rising Stars" of the rating "100 best outsourcing companies in the world" in 2014 ("The 2014 Global Outsourcing 100"), compiled annually by the International Industry Outsourcing Association (IAOP) in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014. In 2006, "Reksoft" was among the top thirty ranking of leading offshore service providers (The Top Offshore Providers List), compiled by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) in conjunction with Fortune magazine.
The quality system of the company Reksoft certified according to ISO 9001:2008 and CMMI standards (level 5), which confirms the compliance of the quality of its work with the world standards for software development and implementation :
- ISO 9001:2008 certification since 2000
- Development processes based on ISO 12207 and Agile methodology (SCRUM)
- PMBoK PMI-based project management system
- CMMI for Development v.1.3 Maturity Level 5:
- for all divisions of the company;
- evaluation was carried out by IAL Software Engineering, S.A.
The Company has obtained licenses FSB that are obligatory to carry out activities related to cryptographic protection of information:
- FSB license for maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means;
- FSB license for the distribution of encryption (cryptographic) means;
- FSB license to provide information encryption services;
- FSB license for the development and production of encryption (cryptographic) means.
The company also has the following licenses of FSTEC of Russia:
- FSTEC license for technical protection of confidential information;
- FSTEC License for the Development and Production of Confidential Information Protection Tools
In FY2014, projects for financial and government agencies remained the main growth drivers in the turnover of Reksoft. From the point of view of the distribution of business shares from foreign and Russian customers, it is necessary to note more than 10% increase in orders from foreign customers.
2014 - Reksoft entered the Global Outsourcing 100 rating - rating of the International outsourcing Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP).
In fiscal year 2013, the main growth drivers in the turnover of Reksoft were projects for banks (35%) and government agencies (31%). The distribution of the shares of foreign and Russian and customers remained unchanged: 66% of the turnover is the Russian market.
2013 - Reksoft completed work on the project of developing the Territory ASW system for the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service.
- For the eighth year in a row, Reksoft has been included in the Global Services 100 (GS 100) list of 100 leading IT companies in the world.
In September 2013, Reksoft confirmed compliance with the 5th, highest maturity level Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). The certification was carried out by the independent organization IAL Software Engineering, S.A., partner of the CMMI Institute. Reksoft became the first company in Russia and the CIS to be certified for the fifth level of maturity in accordance with the updated CMMI-DEV v1.3 model. This level means that Reksoft is constantly improving its management system and applying the most efficient software development processes. All business departments of the Reksoft were independently evaluated: financial, telecommunications, public sector and intersectoral projects.
The revenue of the Technoserv Group of Companies in the fiscal year 2012 amounted to more than 43 billion rubles, an increase of 6.9% compared to the previous period. The main business area of the Group is still system integration (Technoserv), which generates 93% of total revenue, followed by consulting services (Technoserv Consulting) - 5% and software development (Reksoft) - 2%.
According to the IT ratings of RIA Novosti, RA Expert, Kommersant-Money and CNews Analytics, the Technoserv Group of Companies is one of the TOR-5 largest Russian companies in the field of information and communication technologies in 2012 and occupies about 4% of the Russian IT market.
In fiscal 2011, the number of new customers of Reksoft increased by 25% compared to the previous year. According to the results of the 2011 financial year, the share of foreign clients of Reksoft amounted to 57% and 43% - Russian. The most significant and interesting contracts for Reksoft in 2011 were:
- creation of a unified software of the regional-territorial level for the Federal Migration Service of Russia, allowing employees of the department from all regions of the country to provide public services using a single information system that automates the processes of providing public services;
- a project to create a system for providing public services to the Federal Migration Service of Russia in electronic form, which received the prize "Best Interactive Federal Service" at the competition "Best 10 Projects for the Public Sector," which is supported by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia;
- a project to integrate applications and migrate data from existing systems for Springer Science + Business Media, one of the world's largest publishing companies specializing in scientific, technical and medical literature;
- development of a planning system module for StoraEnso - one of the largest logging and processing companies in Scandinavia.
Reksoft has a higher share of services (55%) in total revenue compared to custom development (45%). The company's development center's revenue grew by 27% in 2010[3].
- 2010 - Reksoft passed the Level 5 CMMI certification.
- Reksoft begins work with the public sector on a project for the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation.
In September 2010, due to a change in the business structure of the companies Technoserv Consulting"" and Reksoft"," which is associated with a focus on specialized types of activities, the practice of hotel systems was separated into a separate company - LLC Edelink"."
- 1991 - foundation of the company
- 1992 - First long-term contract, Ascom (ongoing)
- 1996 - development of the Barsum billing system
- 1998 - launch of the Ozon online store
- 1999 - development and launch on the market of the Assist payment system and the management system for Edelweiss hotels
- 2003 - the beginning of active work in the Russian market, the opening of an office in Moscow;
- 2005 - the first external investment in the history of the company (Martinson Trigon Group). In the next three years, Reksoft triples the turnover;
- 2008 - Reksoft is part of the Technoserv group of companies. Opening of a development center in Voronezh;
- 2009 - the separation of consulting practices of Reksoft and Technoserv led to the formation of Technoserv Consulting, Edelink and Naviserv
- In August 2009, Infor acquired SoftBrands, a supplier of management systems for hotels and tourist complexes Edelweiss/Medallion. In this regard, Infor faced the need to choose a developer who can regularly support and update the system so that it meets all the requirements of a rapidly changing market. Infor opted for Reksoft as the latter has significant experience in developing tourism solutions and also has a long successful track record with SoftBrands.
- In 2009, Reksoft consulting practice was transferred to Technoserv Consulting.