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VIST Group



Zyfra - 100%
Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees
2017 year



+ VIST Group
+ Government of the Russian Federation

VIST Group is an international company in the field of development and implementation information technology for mining industry and. metallurgy For 30 years, VIST Group has been providing automation services to large mining enterprises in Russia and the CIS, as well as working with mining companies in Africa Asia and the Middle East. The divisions, branches and partners of VIST Group are located in,,,, Russia To Ukraine Kazakhstan Belarus Morocco and other regions of the world with developed mining. In total, VIST Group has already implemented more than 70 projects around the world among companies mining gold, coal, phosphates, non-ferrous metals, iron ore and other solid minerals. minerals


The key task of the VIST Group is the introduction of complex innovative solutions for the creation of a digital mining enterprise. Such solutions primarily include dispatching systems for mining and transport equipment for open and underground mining operations; TRU control systems based on high-precision navigation; industrial railway transport management systems; industrial safety management systems of the enterprise; optimization of production processes based on big data analysis and predictive analytics, etc.

One of the company's innovative developments - Intellectual Quarry - is a project to create a system of automated and robotic extraction of solid minerals in open pit mining, which will dramatically increase the performance and safety of mining operations by removing a person from hazardous areas and managing equipment in optimal modes. The system has already passed successful tests at landfills in Russia, Belarus and Morocco. To develop robotic systems within the framework of the Intellectual Quarry project, a subsidiary of VIST Group - VIST Robotics, which is a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, was created.

To implement its strategic innovation programs, VIST Group develops cooperation with world manufacturers of quarrying equipment and mining transport equipment (BelAZ, CHETRA, KAMAZ, VOLVO, etc.), as well as technological systems and software systems for the mining industry and metallurgy. In addition, the company is a partner of many educational institutions, research centers and non-profit organizations to develop innovative technologies for the mining industry around the world.

VIST Robotics

VIST Robotics is engaged in the creation and development of the project Intellectual Quarry"" - the first Russia in the CIS technology for mining useful in minerals open pit mining, which does not require the presence of people. The company also creates transportation management systems at industrial facilities using unmanned vehicles. VIST Robotics, a 100% subsidiary of VIST Group, with a focus on R&D in the field of artificial intelligence and autonomous technology. Resident. Skolkovo IT cluster



Completion of transaction with "Zyfra "

The Zyfra Group of Companies Russian , an expert in the field, digitalization of industry completed the acquisition of a 100% stake in the developer ON for mining industry Vist Group. Representatives of "Figures" reported this on October 28, 2022. TAdviser

In particular, "Zyfra" bought the remaining 20% from the three co-owners of "Vist Group." Under the terms of the final stage of the transaction, the founders of Vist Group receive 10.23% in the Zyfra Group of Companies and will continue to work in the company. It is expected that the completion of the transaction will strengthen the vertical management model of the Digital Group of Zyfra and simplify the procedure for making decisions on operational issues.

According to Sergey Emelchenkov, General Director of Zyfra Group, the vertical integration of Vist Group solutions with products on the ZIIoT platform from Zyfra allowed customers to achieve maximum cost optimization in all areas of the production process - from face to production of finished products.

The combination of high-tech products of the two companies made it possible to fully automate the management of the mining and transport complex, ensure traceability of all processes in production, and the use of the ZIIoT platform simplified the launch of its own vertical IT applications that solve the tasks of a particular enterprise. Now we are entering a new stage in the development of Zyfra Group of Companies, aimed at building a reliable partner and further growth in the interests of all our shareholders, "Sergey Emelchenkov commented on the event.

"We are pleased to announce the completion of the transaction. We continue to work together to develop the technology and practice of applying digital solutions to optimize mining. Each of the co-founders of Vista Group will continue to participate in the Group's business, maintain and develop the scientific and technical potential of the company, for this purpose scientific and technical councils will be gathered at Zyfra on a regular basis, "said Dmitry Vladimirov, co-founder, deputy general director of Vista Group.

According to him, special attention in the work of companies will be paid to cooperation with universities, the development of human capital.

In general, the closure of the transaction on the acquisition of 100% of Vist Group marked the completion of the stage of formation on the market as the main Russian developer of digital solutions for the mining industry for Zyfra Group. Thus, according to Vist Group, 90% of mining companies in Russia and the CIS use the company's flagship product to manage the mining and transport complex of the ACS State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Quarry."

The acquisition of Vist Group assets began in 2018 and took place in several stages. The joint fruitful work of the two teams made it possible to replenish the portfolio of proposals of the Group of Companies "Digital" for mining companies with products for enrichment plants and programs based on artificial intelligence, projects in the field of geometallurgy for ore quality control, as well as solutions in the field of industrial safety. During this period, the Zyfra Robotics division, which creates technologies for autonomous mountain transport, was also further developed.

As of October 2022, the mining sector of Zyfra Group continues to increase its presence in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Litigation with Zyfra due to non-compliance with the terms of the merger of companies

Three co-owners of the industrial software developer "VIST Group," Dmitry Vladimirov, Alexander Morozov and Alexey Klebanov sued the company "Figure." The lawsuit refers to the amount of 149.5 million rubles, Vedomosti writes on August 10, 2022, referring to the file of arbitration cases. Read more here.

2019: Agreement with BelAZ and Zyfra to robotize the mining industry

On July 10, 2019, it became known that the Belarusian Automobile Plant, one of the manufacturers of quarry equipment, the company "Zyfra," specializing in the digitalization of industry, and the developer of the technology of deserted mining of solid minerals "VIST Group," entered into a strategic partnership agreement. The parties agreed to jointly develop robotization technologies for the mining industry, as well as create a research center for innovations in the field of artificial intelligence and autonomous transport on the basis of the plant. Read more here.


"Figure" bought "VIST Group" for 2 billion rubles

On November 16, 2018, it became known about the sale of VIST Group to Zyfra, which belongs to Renova, businessman Viktor Vekselberg. The newspaper "Vedomosti" writes about this with reference to the representative of "Figures" and Director of Strategy "VIST Group" Alexei Vladimirov.

The deal will be held in three stages, it is planned to close by the end of 2020. "Figure" will pay 2 billion rubles for 100% of "Zyfra Group." Other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

IT - "daughter" "Renova" bought for $2 billion the developer of industrial software "VIST group"

According to VIST Group's own data, 24% of the industrial software developer by mid-November 2018 belongs to three individuals, another 8% to their joint company and 10% to two venture capital funds managed by I2BF Global Ventures and VTB Capital Asset Management. One of them is the Russian-Kazakh Nanotechnology Fund (in which Rusnano also participates ). The funds will sell their stake in the company during the transaction, I2BF partner Ilya Golubovich and a representative of Rusnano confirmed to the publication. According to the latter, the set goals for the return on investment have been achieved.

Thanks to the funds received from "Figures," the company "VIST Group" hopes to double the revenue, which in 2017 was measured by 1.2 billion rubles. In addition, by 2020 it is planned to increase the share of foreign revenue from 20% to 30%. The implementation of these tasks should be facilitated by projects in Vietnam, India, Latin America, where production is growing, but the level of digitalization is low, the representative of Figures expects. Competition in the markets of the USA, Canada, Australia is higher, explains the choice of Vladimirov.

According to Alexei Solovyov, managing partner of the iTech Capital fund, in the Russian venture capital market, only 20% of investments go to technologies for the real sector, and the successful sale of a share in such a project is only an isolated case.[1]

Working with SAP to Improve Industrial Efficiency

On July 9, 2018, SAP CIS and VIST Group announced the signing of a memorandum on joint research on the effectiveness of digitalization of enterprises and adaptation of existing solutions to improve efficiency in the mining and metallurgical industries. The document was signed by the general director of SAP CISNatalia Parmenova and the general director of VIST Group Dmitry Vladimirov. The commonality of understanding of machine learning technologies and the Internet of Things, as well as a significant base of common customers, contribute to the mutual promotion of software and technology solutions of both companies.

For the mining industry, the companies plan to develop the following scenario plans: reducing fuel consumption through predictive analytics and optimizing the operating modes of the equipment; increasing the availability of large tires due to the use of forecast analytics, analysis of the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations; predicting the risk of accidents and operator fatigue.

The following scenario plans are planned to be developed and detailed in the processing plant: optimization of ore processing processes based on forecast analytics; forecasting of quality parameters of products, optimization of factory production modes.

It is planned to use the Intelligent Mining Enterprise Research Center (REC), previously created by VIST Group and SAP CIS on the basis of NUST MISIS, as a platform for joint work. The site is a training school for the digital transformation of enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex, noted in SAP CIS and VIST Group.

2017:400 million rubles for the development of robotic equipment for the mining industry

VIST Group and a subsidiary of VIST Mining Technologies, a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, signed an investment agreement with an international venture capital fund managed by I2BF Global Ventures and VTB Capital Asset Management. The funds will be used to finance R&D developments to create robotic equipment for mining, as part of the Intellectual Quarry project, as well as to increase the international expansion of the company.

VIST Group technologies and solutions for the mining industry are aimed at reducing operating costs for enterprises and increasing production efficiency. The company focuses on the robotization of mining processes and autonomous equipment, the introduction of which will not only increase labor productivity, but also increase the safety of open pit mining, which is a global trend in mining. The appearance of the first robotic mine dump trucks is planned at the end of 2017.

The competitiveness of the technological solutions of VIST Group has been proved by a strategic partnership with the largest coal producer in Russia - SUEK, as well as the introduction of the company's systems at all quarries of the world's leading producer of phosphate fertilizers, the Moroccan OCP Group. Strengthening positions in international markets is a strategic priority for the company, one of the significant markets for this development is Kazakhstan. A number of mining and metallurgical enterprises of the country have long been clients of the VIST Group. The attracted investments will be used, among other things, for localization and adaptation of solutions for the Kazakh market.

Dmitry Vladimirov, General Director of JSC "VIST Group" "Investments in the development of deserted technologies today is the main trend in the mining industry around the world. Leading global manufacturers of raw materials and equipment such as Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and Komatsu are investing billions of dollars in the creation and application of robotic solutions. I am sure that the Fund's resource will accelerate the emergence of autonomous equipment at Russian enterprises and we will be able to create world-class technologies. Using the investments we attract, we also expect to strengthen our company's presence in international markets: these are North and South Africa, Indonesia, India, Latin America and offer potential customers reliable and innovative solutions to improve the production process. "


In 2015, the company was awarded the Exporter of the Year award, established by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.